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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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Hello hello,

I have something I want to say in the thread, where everyone can hear me:

All three factions- both mafia teams and the town- have spent the past several cycles absolutely freaking out to me in their PMs. Most of you seem to be convinced that your team, whichever team that happens to be, is underpowered, outnumbered, disadvantaged, oppressed and persecuted.

Well I have one thing to say: you're not!

Right now, it is the consensus of myself and the dead chat that the game has come down to the wire, and every side has an equal chance at winning right now.

So please, all of you, stop panicking in your PMs. Because the other sides are doing the exact same thing, which means you shouldn't be panicking in the first place.
Oh wow, thanks a lot!
Also i reached this post with my catch up
Ekko and Prof's reaction to Prof almost dying seems like they have something to hide. The booby traps peoples might all be purple mafia.

Dear Townies,

Red mafia would like a truce. We are dead and dying. 'Cause there is a greater than likely shot that Purple "Academy" has already won the game. You can play it smart and join us and try to have a shot at winning. Or you will probably just get the loss you deserve. But in my mind @Shrike deserved better. Yes, he wanted to kill me and rightly so. The game 1 town that lynched the other reds deserved better. But Boy!!! I did not target any birds!!!!

I am rolecrushed until the end of Night 3. So make purple have to yeet me tonight. Or sure one of you can yeet me tonight if you want to. Or if you have a day kill, you can shoot me now and just try to lynch the bobby trapped peoples that have a greater than likely shot of being purple mafia. No, I don't actually want to die, but simultaneously, I don't want to have to deal with the underwhelming town that won't bloody listen that purple probably still has way more numbers then you are thinking and has the kp to dunk us.

But all and all can we make purple have to fight for it more? Or if we come together, maybe town can win instead? Unless we are totally wrong about people and numbers, Purple surely has it in the bag.

Get DrProffesor83 and Ekko to claim their roles or especially look into DrProfessor83. Kira, Prof and Ekko all looked worried. More of purple might have been worried too.

1. @Admiral Fujitora
2. @Alibaba Saluja
3. @Alwaysmind
4. @Badalight
5. @Draekke
6. @DrProfessor83
7. @Ekkologix
8. @Hero
9. @Hidden
10. @Iwandesu
11. @John Wayne
12. @Juan
13. @Karma
14. @Kira Yagami
15. @Legend
16. @Lind
17. @Lord Melkor
18. @Mich
19. @nfcnorth
20. @Owner Of A Lonely Heart
21. @Santí
22. @Saturday
23. @SoulKiller
24. @Traveling Swordsman

If you think I'm joking about all this

This memo is signed by the Red Mafia Godfather.

Owner looks like she's dying anyway otherwise she wouldn't post this
Michelle, we need to focus here. We eliminate the known Scum, not gamble at what we think might be Scum. Owner is known Scum, she needs to go.
John is known scum as well.
The fact he didn't post a handwriten letter doesn't mean he is town, just read his posts.
Let the vig kill her and lynch him today
He will not be in the lynch pool from now on until endgame and he will laugh in our face
Michelle, we need to focus here. We eliminate the known Scum, not gamble at what we think might be Scum. Owner is known Scum, she needs to go.
Between our 4 Didi voters last dayphase, 1 flipped red and another is openly declaring themselves Red.

I'm not inclined to believe more than one person on that wagon was town. Between Karma & Michelle, who do you got?

Let's look at the semi town reads that are still alive in this game... and look there's also an "unknown and a but I don't trust him" hmm

Just think for a moment, who may have you read as town for a long while, but somehow they are still alive...and they probably survived some kills...hmmm

🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔

:kittyhop don't mind me, I'm just here as a friend to offer my couch so that you can vent the woes of this bloody game

I respect the effort here. But you're done, Owner.
John is known scum as well.
The fact he didn't post a handwriten letter doesn't mean he is town, just read his posts.
Let the vig kill her and lynch him today
He will not be in the lynch pool from now on until endgame and he will laugh in our face
If we could rely on the Vig to kill her, they would have done so last night.
Between our 4 Didi voters last dayphase, 1 flipped red and another is openly declaring themselves Red.

I'm not inclined to believe more than one person on that wagon was town. Between Karma & Michelle, who do you got?
I was hoping Owner was the last red, actually. Owner will be the last Game 1 we lynch until we see several more purple flips, at least. I just about lean town on Michelle, but I think Karma is town too. By virtue of being less town read, maybe Michelle? Not an immediate focus, anyway.
Lynch Owner, we kill JW tomorrow.
The guy who straight up has been in the lynchpool once will be in it tomorrow right right.
I haven't got a plan to take out John Wayne tomorrow. But Scum won't be able to survive from nothing. Let's take out what we know is Scum and then focus on Purple from there.
Great and all but why would purple just let you do your plan? Stop underestmating them

Michelle, we need to focus here. We eliminate the known Scum, not gamble at what we think might be Scum. Owner is known Scum, she needs to go.
For the love of god please please please stop tunneling down a path that is promoting no thought. Is town just carrot on sticking at this point? Your complaint of lack of knoweledge on purple does not in any shape or form get answered by lynching owner
Maybe the number of lifes a GF has is big enough, idk
But she is not as strong anymore
The point is we have no knowledge of a Vig we can rely on.
The guy who straight up has been in the lynchpool once will be in it tomorrow right right.
Shizune will not allow him to be unlynchable via the rules.
Great and all but why would purple just let you do your plan? Stop underestmating them
How would they stop us from focusing on Game 2 people?
For the love of god please please please stop tunneling down a path that is promoting no thought. Is town just carrot on sticking at this point? Your complaint of lack of knoweledge on purple does not in any shape or
What are you even talking about here? I'm focusing on taking out known Scum over taking out other Scum, if we can eliminate a faction we can focus more easily on another one. Owner will be the 8th Red Scum to die, afterwards NFC we can focus exclusively on Game 2 until we see 8 dead Purple. Is that not reasonable?
*walks right through the ghost* I understand your sentiment, but the mod said it. The game is still afoot.
I was hoping Owner was the last red, actually. Owner will be the last Game 1 we lynch until we see several more purple flips, at least. I just about lean town on Michelle, but I think Karma is town too. By virtue of being less town read, maybe Michelle? Not an immediate focus, anyway.
Smh Ratchet

Let's take everyone and think at them if/when you have time.

You know how the wagon on Didi went each day? Who wanted Didi dead and who saved him?
The point is we have no knowledge of a Vig we can rely on.

Shizune will not allow him to be unlynchable via the rules.

How would they stop us from focusing on Game 2 people?

What are you even talking about here? I'm focusing on taking out known Scum over taking out other Scum, if we can eliminate a faction we can focus more easily on another one. Owner will be the 8th Red Scum to die, afterwards NFC we can focus exclusively on Game 2 until we see 8 dead Purple. Is that not reasonable?


First time you are expressing it. Is it better than what people put out before you yes. But Why put off tomorrow what you can do today. This strategy also depends on purple not absolutely destroying people in the night. Where is the game 2 focus now? Its non existent as people continuously avoid talking about game 2 now like its the plague. And done by people who benefit most from this approach. Do you not see why the promoting deal with John Wayne tommorow logic is killing everything about game 2 in here being discussed?
First time you are expressing it. Is it better than what people put out before you yes. But Why put off tomorrow what you can do today. This strategy also depends on purple not absolutely destroying people in the night. Where is the game 2 focus now? Its non existent as people continuously avoid talking about game 2 now like its the plague. And done by people who benefit most from this approach. Do you not see why the promoting deal with John Wayne tommorow logic is killing everything about game 2 in here being discussed?
Who said Game 2 can't be discussed?

Alright, rng was on our side and didi is gone, good. We crippled purple and lynched a filthy scum. Although was kinda surprised with jojo flip. Knew his answers were too good for my liking. Nice job buddy, you played well. Now I skimmed through the pages and this is hilarious. Red are legit panicking right now, this nfc dude outed himself pretty much. I find it odd how they are try harding a push on JW. I don't think they expected Owner to be placed in the lynching pool and now that she is, they trying real hard to keep the girl alive. Pinging me real bad tbh. Her role must be super powerful if they trying this hard to switch wagon to JW. Literally one player outed himself for the cause to push JW and try and protect Owner. I am not comfortable keeping Owner alive tbh and she is confirmed scum, she is def the way to go.

Vote Lynch: Owner Of A Lonely Heart
If people been paying attention to the game, they would know that it's literally impossible for me to be scum.
Actually quite the opposite. Your certainty on Didi not being town is easy to reconcile with being Purple Mafia and having TMI. Didi was essentially Pro Town, so you trying to claim it as a win is also pretty telling. I think you're probably Scum.
If not SoulKiller, then probably Bada is our other scum.
I actually town leaning Bada after Didi flip or he is an indie. Only way I see bada being scum here is if he lied about shooting didi to claim town credit after didi flip. Because why would purple shoot their own people? makes no sense.

@Ratchet do you think bada would lie about such thing? I am not familiar with the dude history.
I actually town leaning Bada after Didi flip or he is an indie. Only way I see bada being scum here is if he lied about shooting didi to claim town credit after didi flip. Because why would purple shoot their own people? makes no sense.
Didi wasn't purple tho, he was an anti-purple Indi.
Actually quite the opposite. Your certainty on Didi not being town is easy to reconcile with being Purple Mafia and having TMI. Didi was essentially Pro Town, so you trying to claim it as a win is also pretty telling. I think you're probably Scum.
I was confident he is scum from his play, has nothing to do with TMI. If you pay attention to his role he did purple factional kill. It was blow to both sides. So, yes it is a win in my book. Sorry to break it to you, but you are wrong.
kira yagami n1
santi & hammer n2
john wayne n3
badalight n4
soulkiller and lord melkor last night

all innocent (in blue)

Looking back Didi posts, it seems these results were legit. With JW being GF most likely. Unless there are any weird shenanigan going on. I know I am town, so the rest if nothing tampered with them should be good. Unless ofc we go down the rabbit hole that there is multiple GF's in purple team, and oh I would not be surprised if we have indie in this bunch, probably bada if I had to choose one.
Ok firstly I’m posting on my phone and this is a wall post, so my apologies for not making it nicer

With me being targeted with the delayed Superkill, that if left unaided will kill me, I want to ensure all of my info is out now. I’m not going to beg for a protect or for people to visit me and eat a kill themselves, but if you can do so freely, I’ll accept it.

Unfortunately I don’t have my notebook with all my notes at the moment (also why I’m phone posting!!), so I may not be able to give you fully accurate info, but when I get home tomorrow, if I’m still alive, I’ll update everything on a phase by phase basis.

I am town, i am Google Translate, and the summary of my role:

durability 3

Ability - Bathroom in Spanish? - I can target a player each day, if they accept my services then they choose an ability, and it is reversed temporarily (a kill would be a protect, etc).
Ability - One Shot - Netizens of the World - I can upgrade the player’s ability as well as reverse its effects, i learn of said reversed upgraded ability (just a general description), and I gain a limited use ability based around that ability. Recharge at merge
Ability - Machine Learning - at night i target a player and perceive what language their role speaks. If I find a new language, I gain a limited use ability based on that language. They are also marked with a “big data” mark, which is used in the next abikity.
Ability - Datamining - I can choose a player marked with “big data” and learn who they visited the previous two nights.
Ability - One Shot - Relational Algebra - I can use Datamining on two people that night. Recharges at merge.

So far I have learned a new language each night, aside from night 1 of merge as I targeted hammer and roleblocked myself lol - so I’ve earned a number of limited use abilities this far. Also AndrewGreve accepted my services Day1, asking with the One shot to upgrade said ability and also learned a new ability there lol.

One Shots gained:
-A mark on target player - if they lose a life they lose two instead, and I gain one (thanks to AndrewGreve for accepting my help for this one - Netizens + Bathroom?)
-Kill, if it doesn’t kill the player, they bleed (from learning Japanese, thanks to targeting TS - tho it may have bounced since it seems he has a redirect defense of some sorts)
-A two-shot roleblock or roleblock protect (from learning Draconic, when I targeted Alwaysmind)
-A “pick a standard mafia ability” choose my own adventure ability that I chose to use as an alignment scan (from learning that Laix knew “all” languages)
-A “choose from roleblock, protect, track, which I chose to protect (from learning that Cooler knew whatever language his host knew, which was a big clue as to his role or The Thing I think lol)
-A one shot That allows me to have the host post a “new constitution” for the game (don’t ask me what that means exactly, I don’t know), but what I’ve been told is that any player who signs the constitution, which Nitty will ask you to do if you’d like, then your vote power becomes 1, and you can’t use vote tampering or lynch tampering ability. (Learned from Alibaba speaking English)
-Awaiting my next one shot from learning that Santi’s role speaks Elder Speech -appreciate the easy choice there when you were revealed lol.

My role started small, but got quite big really.

Everyone should be aware by now that nfc is a MF tank of a role that hasn’t lost a life since early in the game. On the night that everything got RNGd in group 1, my abilities bounced off my target TAC, hit TS and bounced off him, then landed on nfc. I was informed that my one shot kill did not succeed, and he was bleeding. I also placed a mark on him via the same RNG double bounce that would let me know if he were to lose a life. This was my first two one shots gained, above. And he hasn’t lost a life yet. I haven’t gained one from him losing one. Could use that right about now lol. Double RNG bounce to a MFing tank. My luck lol.

I have targeted literally all of my living “big data” marks on different nights, and so far none have turned up any results - until last night’s target.

@Alwaysmind - why did you visit Ishmael the night before the merge? And what did you target yourself (and others) with on night 1 of the merge? I think I know your role thanks to your language, and I believe it would make sense as a Miller, which is why I’ve been with you on that from the get go.

I used my protect one shot I gained on shrike the night he died originally - guess it wasn’t enough.

I used my two shot role block/role block protects I gained on Shrike - role block protect the night prior to him dying, and a roleblock on TAC

Finally I used my one shot alignment scan I gained to scan SoulKiller last night. Originally I got back that the scan was delayed. Then a number of hours into the phase I got the results “early” that he’s innocent. Not sure how I feel about that, and kinda think maybe SoulKiller gets to see who scans him and react prior to us getting the results? Grain of salt on this ability to be honest.

Oh I also forgot to mention I lost a life the night before merge. So I have two lives left. So the SK will definitely kill me lol.

So if I survive tonight, I’m going to use my one shot “constitution” ability so that tomorrow we can sign it or not. I’m going to leave it up to the town to decide what to do there. Use it for scum hunting? However you’d like to decide.

Owner is the superkill girl
There is zero fact in here. Owner is group 2.
I see I see.

LM is the red GF.

I'm shocked :kannablu
And LM in group 2.

Are you jester?
Let me put it this way

I believe Iwan is extending his life by performing the faction kills. However, him and Hero cannot both extend their lives in this manner, so one of them should theoretically die... eventually?

seems like we may have to take things into our own hands and roleblock or crush them like has been suggested. Unfortunately i have no such ability right now.

Also can we admit finally that SK is mafia?

See above.
And I am a bit scared of the snowball happeming as early as today tbh.

I didn't get healed

but you don’t need healing do you?

The person which I saved tonight from being attacked is Karma by the way.

why karma? Odd choice in my opinion. Wouldn’t you want to choose someone more in the spotlight

superkill takes 3 lives + bleed for 1 more life
if he had 4 lives then he tanks the superkill but dies tonight so hes just open scumming his last day
they probs used lynch stopper on NFC even since its on cooldown and wont work on owner this cycle

Kills won’t work.

Depends on the amount of lives he had.

Yeah didn’t think about that. Def possible he could have tanked it.

Which means Ncforth is still protected tonight from kills, due to mark I made on him.

don’t think he’s needed your protecting. He’s tanking kills all game it seems.

Lets look at the two options:
1) I am a lying. Town loses nothing by being more proactive instead of sitting on there hands all day. And Town wins the game faster
2) I am telling the truth. Town loses if they don't get off there butts and actually hunts down scum in both games.

Where is the loss for town here? Both scenarios towns best option is to do something for themselves
Option 3: sow chaos and keep two mafia going and have more faction kills up.
Well, he looked okay to me earlier, was targetted by superkill and Owner might have been the last scum in Group 1 anyway.
Fair enough, good answer to my question. Cant delete cause my phone is acting up lol.
Anyone has any mechanical info on Soulkiller by the way? He is in the purple POE.
I scanned him town, but the info seemed suspect by it being delayed so I dunno what to think.
@Alwaysmind they r calling you
Don’t remember why I quoted this. This takes forever on a phone!!!
oh my god stop replying to them they will make you lose braincells

we lynch owner today

we shoot nfc tonight

and we get jw tomorrow

Let’s not forget that it’s possible that owner is lynch immune today as there were two dead red mafia abilities that have been shared with their mates due to the rule change that can lynch protect. Deus ex Machina and Peter Parker. Having two solid lynch piles is the best bet, Owner/JW either way is good.

Can you clarify? Lol
John Wayne lynch is a better option. Owner can be vigged at night. We don't know if John Wayne could dodge lynch pool tomorrow like in day 1. There is a chance that the ability to dodge lynch pool cannot be used 2 days in a row so now he is in the lynch pool.

Which mean tomorrow he can dodge the lynch pool

@DrProfessor83 Don't think that I forgot how you tried to derail the lynch from obvious scum

Day 1: Derail the wagon from John
Day 2: Derail the wagon from Hero (his death was delayed like Iwandesu)
Day 3: Derail the lynch from John again who has the potential to dodge the lynch pool.

Owner can be vigged she could be jester or not. Moreover she cannot dodge lynch pool unlike John Wayne.

she has literally already once dodged the lynch, and maybe can do it again since they have to maf with that ability spread to them.

An untouchable too: seems like he’s redirect and role block proof. Maybe we need to role crush her ass
Don’t remember why I quoted this.
Lynch Owner, we kill JW tomorrow.
Two piles.
I was hoping Owner was the last red, actually. Owner will be the last Game 1 we lynch until we see several more purple flips, at least. I just about lean town on Michelle, but I think Karma is town too. By virtue of being less town read, maybe Michelle? Not an immediate focus, anyway.
Nfc is certainly red mafia, no?

ok that’s all for now, I may be able to post again a bit before EOD tomorrow, I’ll try and answer questions!
@Draekke lies causing chaos is pretty easy to be just be a passing fad. Much much scarier is what is happening here. The truth is what causes chaos. And I will only be proven right. I mean look how many people are coasting by with bear minimum effort votes on owner and saying John Wayne is sus too in passing.
Yes because they both are, and we will have owner and JW as the two top vote piles. That argument doesn’t make sense.
I was confident he is scum from his play, has nothing to do with TMI. If you pay attention to his role he did purple factional kill. It was blow to both sides. So, yes it is a win in my book. Sorry to break it to you, but you are wrong.
This isn't a very good argument. Purple knew him, he did not know purple. You're trying to sell this as a win for both sides or whatever, but my point is you were so sure on Didi being Scum that it's most easily reconcilable with the idea that you are Purple and wanted some cred from him. I think you're Scum, I have thought you were Scum for a while now, and this is the nail in the coffin for me.
Finally I used my one shot alignment scan I gained to scan SoulKiller last night. Originally I got back that the scan was delayed. Then a number of hours into the phase I got the results “early” that he’s innocent. Not sure how I feel about that, and kinda think maybe SoulKiller gets to see who scans him and react prior to us getting the results? Grain of salt on this ability to be honest.

I'll answer this part, since it was brought up before with didi. I will simply state that it's due to an Innate passive ability of mine, that activates if certain abilities hit me. I can assure you that the results you got is 100% accurate. There is a reason for the delay which I won't indulge into right now. If I ever flip you guys will understand when you see my role. That's all I will say regarding this matter.
I'll answer this part, since it was brought up before with didi. I will simply state that it's due to an Innate passive ability of mine, that activates if certain abilities hit me. I can assure you that the results you got is 100% accurate. There is a reason for the delay which I won't indulge into right now. If I ever flip you guys will understand when you see my role. That's all I will say regarding this matter.
Thanks for the half explain. I knew I heard it being talked about before but couldn’t recall the circumstances.
Ok firstly I’m posting on my phone and this is a wall post, so my apologies for not making it nicer

With me being targeted with the delayed Superkill, that if left unaided will kill me, I want to ensure all of my info is out now. I’m not going to beg for a protect or for people to visit me and eat a kill themselves, but if you can do so freely, I’ll accept it.

Unfortunately I don’t have my notebook with all my notes at the moment (also why I’m phone posting!!), so I may not be able to give you fully accurate info, but when I get home tomorrow, if I’m still alive, I’ll update everything on a phase by phase basis.

I am town, i am Google Translate, and the summary of my role:

durability 3

Ability - Bathroom in Spanish? - I can target a player each day, if they accept my services then they choose an ability, and it is reversed temporarily (a kill would be a protect, etc).
Ability - One Shot - Netizens of the World - I can upgrade the player’s ability as well as reverse its effects, i learn of said reversed upgraded ability (just a general description), and I gain a limited use ability based around that ability. Recharge at merge
Ability - Machine Learning - at night i target a player and perceive what language their role speaks. If I find a new language, I gain a limited use ability based on that language. They are also marked with a “big data” mark, which is used in the next abikity.
Ability - Datamining - I can choose a player marked with “big data” and learn who they visited the previous two nights.
Ability - One Shot - Relational Algebra - I can use Datamining on two people that night. Recharges at merge.

So far I have learned a new language each night, aside from night 1 of merge as I targeted hammer and roleblocked myself lol - so I’ve earned a number of limited use abilities this far. Also AndrewGreve accepted my services Day1, asking with the One shot to upgrade said ability and also learned a new ability there lol.

One Shots gained:
-A mark on target player - if they lose a life they lose two instead, and I gain one (thanks to AndrewGreve for accepting my help for this one - Netizens + Bathroom?)
-Kill, if it doesn’t kill the player, they bleed (from learning Japanese, thanks to targeting TS - tho it may have bounced since it seems he has a redirect defense of some sorts)
-A two-shot roleblock or roleblock protect (from learning Draconic, when I targeted Alwaysmind)
-A “pick a standard mafia ability” choose my own adventure ability that I chose to use as an alignment scan (from learning that Laix knew “all” languages)
-A “choose from roleblock, protect, track, which I chose to protect (from learning that Cooler knew whatever language his host knew, which was a big clue as to his role or The Thing I think lol)
-A one shot That allows me to have the host post a “new constitution” for the game (don’t ask me what that means exactly, I don’t know), but what I’ve been told is that any player who signs the constitution, which Nitty will ask you to do if you’d like, then your vote power becomes 1, and you can’t use vote tampering or lynch tampering ability. (Learned from Alibaba speaking English)
-Awaiting my next one shot from learning that Santi’s role speaks Elder Speech -appreciate the easy choice there when you were revealed lol.

My role started small, but got quite big really.

Everyone should be aware by now that nfc is a MF tank of a role that hasn’t lost a life since early in the game. On the night that everything got RNGd in group 1, my abilities bounced off my target TAC, hit TS and bounced off him, then landed on nfc. I was informed that my one shot kill did not succeed, and he was bleeding. I also placed a mark on him via the same RNG double bounce that would let me know if he were to lose a life. This was my first two one shots gained, above. And he hasn’t lost a life yet. I haven’t gained one from him losing one. Could use that right about now lol. Double RNG bounce to a MFing tank. My luck lol.

I have targeted literally all of my living “big data” marks on different nights, and so far none have turned up any results - until last night’s target.

@Alwaysmind - why did you visit Ishmael the night before the merge? And what did you target yourself (and others) with on night 1 of the merge? I think I know your role thanks to your language, and I believe it would make sense as a Miller, which is why I’ve been with you on that from the get go.

I used my protect one shot I gained on shrike the night he died originally - guess it wasn’t enough.

I used my two shot role block/role block protects I gained on Shrike - role block protect the night prior to him dying, and a roleblock on TAC

Finally I used my one shot alignment scan I gained to scan SoulKiller last night. Originally I got back that the scan was delayed. Then a number of hours into the phase I got the results “early” that he’s innocent. Not sure how I feel about that, and kinda think maybe SoulKiller gets to see who scans him and react prior to us getting the results? Grain of salt on this ability to be honest.

Oh I also forgot to mention I lost a life the night before merge. So I have two lives left. So the SK will definitely kill me lol.

So if I survive tonight, I’m going to use my one shot “constitution” ability so that tomorrow we can sign it or not. I’m going to leave it up to the town to decide what to do there. Use it for scum hunting? However you’d like to decide.


There is zero fact in here. Owner is group 2.

And LM in group 2.

Are you jester?

seems like we may have to take things into our own hands and roleblock or crush them like has been suggested. Unfortunately i have no such ability right now.

See above.

but you don’t need healing do you?

why karma? Odd choice in my opinion. Wouldn’t you want to choose someone more in the spotlight

Kills won’t work.

don’t think he’s needed your protecting. He’s tanking kills all game it seems.

Option 3: sow chaos and keep two mafia going and have more faction kills up.

Fair enough, good answer to my question. Cant delete cause my phone is acting up lol.

I scanned him town, but the info seemed suspect by it being delayed so I dunno what to think.

Don’t remember why I quoted this. This takes forever on a phone!!!

Let’s not forget that it’s possible that owner is lynch immune today as there were two dead red mafia abilities that have been shared with their mates due to the rule change that can lynch protect. Deus ex Machina and Peter Parker. Having two solid lynch piles is the best bet, Owner/JW either way is good.

Can you clarify? Lol

she has literally already once dodged the lynch, and maybe can do it again since they have to maf with that ability spread to them.

Don’t remember why I quoted this.

Two piles.

Nfc is certainly red mafia, no?

ok that’s all for now, I may be able to post again a bit before EOD tomorrow, I’ll try and answer questions!
Because apparently some people may not read this if it get buried and they aren’t tagged:

@Admiral Fujitora
@Alibaba Saluja
@Kira Yagami
@Lord Melkor

*purposefully left the two dead coasters Hero and Iwan out, the ever purple JW, the two red open wolfs owner and nfc, and TS cause I don’t really care to hear his opinion on why I’m mafia still. The rest of you should read this post to see my info if I die tonight. Sorry for pinging anyone who already has read it.
Gaunter O’Dimm. The specifics I can’t find easily on my phone lol
Yeah I was hoping for specifics but now that I have the name that'll help

Basically Santi offered me his services to do an action and whatnot, but I just find it highly sus how I didn't even lose any lives (as far as I know) but did get poisoned, and then guess what? Here's Santi ready and able to fix it for me with something that incentivises me being killed later
Because apparently some people may not read this if it get buried and they aren’t tagged:

@Admiral Fujitora
@Alibaba Saluja
@Kira Yagami
@Lord Melkor

*purposefully left the two dead coasters Hero and Iwan out, the ever purple JW, the two red open wolfs owner and nfc, and TS cause I don’t really care to hear his opinion on why I’m mafia still. The rest of you should read this post to see my info if I die tonight. Sorry for pinging anyone who already has read it.
Yeah I thought some stuff there was... I teresting if you know what i mean. Though I didn't want to get on it on mobile atm
Yeah I was hoping for specifics but now that I have the name that'll help

Basically Santi offered me his services to do an action and whatnot, but I just find it highly sus how I didn't even lose any lives (as far as I know) but did get poisoned, and then guess what? Here's Santi ready and able to fix it for me with something that incentivises me being killed later
Incentivizes magia if Santi is mafia that is
This isn't a very good argument. Purple knew him, he did not know purple. You're trying to sell this as a win for both sides or whatever, but my point is you were so sure on Didi being Scum that it's most easily reconcilable with the idea that you are Purple and wanted some cred from him. I think you're Scum, I have thought you were Scum for a while now, and this is the nail in the coffin for me.
You see this is false, I was confident due to my case I made on him, I told you I am now ready to execute filthy scum and won't let my targets go easy. He was reeking scummy and I explained why I scummed read him, I didn't just randomly push didi there is alot of things that lead to me being confident that he is likely scum, you know that any lynch that is not townie is a win in my book. I suggest you look at this in different light here because the way you looking at things simply wrong, I don't blame you for thinking like that, but you are going down the wrong path and if you seriously pay attention to the thread you will see that it's very unlikely for me to be scum here, town cred is not even worth it if I was purple and wanted to get rid of purple factional kill. Why would I even do that? only way this makes sense is if I knew that didi purpose was to eliminate all mafia and it wouldn't make sense for mafia to know that didi wants them dead, otherwise he won't be alive until this point, why sacrifice factional kill for my own agenda? the dude even scanned me and knew my alignment, It would of been better for me to keep him alive and use him to my advantage if I was scum. You also forgetting that I also pushed for sinraven hard and played a role in getting the dude lynched, you also forgetting couple of mechanical information that was spoken about in the thread that literally makes it very unlikely for me to be purple. Yet you somehow believe that I am scum? how ? due to some headcannon you made in your head? I truly suggest you as a player ratchet to take a step back and truly think. Fucking use that head of yours.

I won't reply to further posts of yours regarding this because I believe it won't bring any fruition , I suggest you to move forward with an open mind. I promise you if you read my posts carefully you will figure it out. I will just let my actions speak for myself and will try to eliminate as much scum until my day comes if it ever comes.

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