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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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@DrProfessor83 @Ratchet

There seems to be a stronger case for Soul, but what is the case on hammer? Other than Day 1 when I sussed him, I haven't gotten anything really besides the fact he's sort of clueless and just shows up from time to time. Is it the fact that he's not confirmed?
He’s not confirmed, hasn’t been especially productive, and we have 5 trackers/watchers, 3 that are town, 1 that is probably town, then him.

I also protect people but cannot target the same person twice in the row.
I don't have that limitation
Who are you?
Did you claim?
What are you fav toppings on a hot dog?
Who am I as in character?
I did, had to because of how shitty I played the Sin/FS lynch. I can protect people.
Jalapeños, raised in Mexico and it shows.
oi since ive seen no from our group mention it

There was a night where seemingly half the players were redirected

Since it was a gigga op power its likely a 1 shot, and prolly was refilled for the merge
I mentioned it to group 2 when they were experiencing something similar, but yeah, good point to mention again.

Uh oh @Lind

This sure doesn't look like a town role does it?

We can lynch Lind tomorrow I think. Maybe even today.
I don't really care now tbh. It's town, and you're wrong.
Juan twice then Santi.
Protected Juan twice and Santi.
Didn't target anyone that I didn't have a good town read, which narrowed the list.
Ok so walk me through why those two. Surely you had more town reads than only those two?

So why single out your protects on them and not spread them to catch mafia off guard? Likewise was either of them in any mortal danger?
Hero could be scum role cop, right?
Unlikely at this point tbh. Did you see my explanation for why he could be town? I think he has stronger chances to be town from that reasoning.

Juan, Juan, and Santi
This might hold some water because Juan was asking for protection on one of the days. I think it was when Xadlin was lynched. So night 2.
@nfcnorth would like to hear your reads
Right now I am focusing on catching up on your past game. I kind of like Didi the most of the cops I have seen so far but then again I have been paying understandably as you can imagine I am sure more attention on him than the others. But to go back to my game I think I am most inclined to see Taveling Swordsman go followed by Admrial Fujitora. Admiral Fujitora is more of a gut thing tbh.

Also on a more general note I do find it a bit odd that so little focus of today is on the game I was in. Letting people get off the hook a bit.
Vote count

Soul KillerDidi
RejJohn Wayne
DidiTinky WinkyHeroSoul
KiraJohn Wayne
LegendTraveling Swordsman
Traveling SwordsmanLegendHero
Owner of the Lonely HeartBadalightDr Professor
BadalightJohn Wayne
DraekkeTraveling Swordsman
Lord MelkorJohn WayneHero
SoulJohn Wayne
Alibaba SalujaJohn Wayne
Dr ProfessorHeroSoul
Always MindDidi

John Wayne
Traveling Swordsman
Dr Professor

The votes are tie between Hero, John Wayne and Soul
Vote count

Soul KillerDidi
RejJohn Wayne
DidiTinky WinkyHeroSoul
KiraJohn Wayne
LegendTraveling Swordsman
Traveling SwordsmanLegendHero
Owner of the Lonely HeartBadalightDr Professor
BadalightJohn Wayne
DraekkeTraveling Swordsman
Lord MelkorJohn WayneHero
SoulJohn Wayne
Alibaba SalujaJohn Wayne
Dr ProfessorHeroSoul
Always MindDidi

John Wayne
Traveling Swordsman
Dr Professor

The votes are tie between Hero, John Wayne and Soul
This is sheer busywork when we have Kingkiller doing them for us.
Ok so walk me through why those two. Surely you had more town reads than only those two?
Juan asked for protection and felt that he deserved it, and Santi (in my mind) was making too much noise for his own good.
I did, but they got to them before. WPK was a huge town read but he wanted to die for some reason after being saved once.
DrProf reads town but he wants to kill me, so I am not too inclined to save him.

Also, I lose lives when I protect people, so you have to be reeeally townie for me to go ahead and protect you before the merge.
This (and not having a guarantee that he would actually make it even if he was protected) is why I didn't protect Charles.
My logic was to stay active and communicative but be somewhat under the radar to avoid scum to target me, then protect the G1 people that read town since you guys have been far more effective. Fucked up the Sin lynch because I was occupied for most of the day (gf stayed over lmao), which is why I had little activity in that end of that day phase. Won't cry about getting lynched because I fucked a girl instead of keeping with the game, but yes that whole thing is definitely on me. This is something I already admitted.
He seemed alright when.pressured though.
Why still consider him null. Stays in POE for me tho. Just not at the top. Feel like we’re *probably* looking through these for Purple rn.


Some like Kira, hammer, and *probably* Tinky are lower in that totem pole. A lot of names but we’re potentially looking for around 4 since 8 seems like a fairly reasonable starting number to me.
Why still consider him null. Stays in POE for me tho. Just not at the top. Feel like we’re *probably* looking through these for Purple rn.


Some like Kira, hammer, and *probably* Tinky are lower in that totem pole. A lot of names but we’re potentially looking for around 4 since 8 seems like a fairly reasonable starting number to me.
I don't like that list for containing 4 scum. Maybe 3.
To be fair he is doing enough to be considered active in D3, and this is coming from someone that wanted him dead yesterday.
You do have a point that you were somewhat cornered into a vote, but it wasn't your best play. I recall that WJ wagon vanishing way too quickly for no real reason, but I probably missed something.
This is before Night 3 from Soul and as D3 progresses, his view of Santi does change and he's 50/50 on Melodie and Franky execution.

Which pretty much clears Santi as well.
This is on D4 in reply to Ratchet (After Night 3 where he claims to have protected Santi)

Eh, I don't know. His claim and posts kinda do coincide here.

Would you say you feel like you've played how you typically play as Town? Remember my point of reference is G2. In any case, we can leave this there.
In group 2 a few have already said I faded out after Day 1 and that's true. My post count wasn't high enough, but I believe I have played townie enough.

But it didn't matter much in Group 1 either since I was viewed as town / indie. Only Lukundo had be as town lmao. Players are more likely to judge me as indie or any non-town role at this point and I'm done defending against it at this point.
Last night were we still in game 1 no? Why receive a message to a game that had not officially been merged?

also, when it came to me and hidden receiving messages they were pushed aside to be meaningless distractions

i literally got the PM before this phase started saying i received a message informing me there’s 8 scum from group 2 so… idk
Think we don’t have 4 more or think there’s someone else outside it?
Some outside of it.
In group 2 a few have already said I faded out after Day 1 and that's true. My post count wasn't high enough, but I believe I have played townie enough.
What parts would you say you think have been expressly towny?
But it didn't matter much in Group 1 either since I was viewed as town / indie. Only Lukundo had be as town lmao. Players are more likely to judge me as indie or any non-town role at this point and
Fair enough.
Vote count

Soul KillerDidi
RejJohn Wayne
DidiTinky WinkyHeroSoul
KiraJohn Wayne
LegendTraveling Swordsman
Traveling SwordsmanLegendHero
Owner of the Lonely HeartBadalightDr Professor
BadalightJohn Wayne
DraekkeTraveling Swordsman
Lord MelkorJohn WayneHero
SoulJohn Wayne
Alibaba SalujaJohn Wayne
Dr ProfessorHeroSoul
Always MindDidi

John Wayne
Traveling Swordsman
Dr Professor

The votes are tie between Hero, John Wayne and Soul
Ayo this nibba hero doesn't even have fucking majority and he squealed like a PIG?!

[Vote Lynch Hero] :catflip
i literally got the PM before this phase started saying i received a message informing me there’s 8 scum from group 2 so… idk
8 scum from group 2 seems like a lot tbh. How trustworthy are these messages? Since we know AM was getting messages from the HRE and since you got this before the phase started, it likely is from the same messaging ability that was targeting AM in Group 1. And if that's the case, then they should have sent it to you before the merge happened, meaning they couldn't target players from Group 2 to know this info anyway.
Vote count

Soul KillerDidi
RejJohn Wayne
DidiTinky WinkyHeroSoul
KiraJohn Wayne
LegendTraveling Swordsman
Traveling SwordsmanLegendHero
Owner of the Lonely HeartBadalightDr Professor
BadalightJohn Wayne
DraekkeTraveling Swordsman
Lord MelkorJohn WayneHero
SoulJohn Wayne
Alibaba SalujaJohn Wayne
Dr ProfessorHeroSoul
Always MindDidi

John Wayne
Traveling Swordsman
Dr Professor

The votes are tie between Hero, John Wayne and Soul
Not it being a sannin 3-way deadlock

Soulkiller's first post seems eh.

Ekko and Rej both say that they are town or randed that way. hmm...

Ratchet responding to Soulkiller's 1st post then Soulkiller's 2nd post with (the don't really care...bit) Me: tosses into let's dive into that more pile

let's see SinRaven interacted with both Melodie and WormJuice from the start. let's keep reading and see if he may have given away other teammates

Soulkiller's posts seem non-threating...,maybe he's an indie, something feels different about his posts, but I'm not particularly sure what it is.

Soulkiller and Lind for indies

Badalight-old meta reasons (it could totally be wrong), Juan, Santi, DrProfessor83, Kira Yagami, and Soul for purple ones

I'll actually counter that. If Soulkiller is a relatively new, that changes everything. The apathy would make sense here. That would mean that he isn't one of us that has been addicted to mafia. Within my first 10 games of playing mafia, I backed out of game for in real life reasons, but I was a serial killer that game. In hindsight as a veteran player, serial killer is an awesome role to get. As a new player, you don't totally get some of the nuances of mafia until you are truly in it or have spent countless games obsessing over it. Apathy towards mafia is something I have seen and experienced.

Now, I'm less sure about him being indie. I need to see who pushes on him.

As I am catching up, this dude caught my attention. These posts for each individual he is doing seems to be that he is trying to figure the player alignment. Now, I personally didn't find anything weird pinging until I saw that last post. You see, if you cared enough to figure out if I am new or not. You would of simply looked at my reply to Hero's post you quoted. The fact that you didn't and simply jumped into the assumption/conclusion that I am new is a bit alarming to me. Then you would of got the answer you seek. Because to me it seems you really not interested in solving my slot and more like fake contribution to show to the masses 'Hey, look at me. I am Isoing other people and contributing'.

Also, was not a fan of the light town read you gave me off of juan post about ratchet vs me and that both of us need to be lynched out. Felt very lazy to give me town read for that, is that really how you resolve a player slot?

Another thing I noticed is your reads on DrProf. If memory serves me right. You basically painted him sus for his style of posting early on the game? feels like cheap way to throw sus at another player.

With all that being said, I don't mind yeeting you to the stars either along with Didi.
What parts would you say you think have been expressly towny?
Day 1 to me. But I don't really analyze my own play and leave it up to players to judge and other say Day 1 too. My posts Day 1 were the most townie to players, so my posts in that phase - Wanting to lynch Worm or Plat over Didi, questioning Lalisa, LM and JW. Had a few posts with Nat and that's all I can remember tbh.
Day 1 - Vote Count 1
On one hand I'm down for a John Wayne lynch because the things Bada says about his threadplay so far is 100% on point
on the other hand Bada is like 99% an indie or scumfuck I'm p sure at this point so I don't trust him

and I'd rather lynch one of the for sure scums
tinky winky
lord melkor

in that order

[Vote Lynch Tinky Winky]
[Vote Execute Revan]
This demonstrates to me that you truly don't give a darn who gets lynched. You see, inconsistency is what I see. In this very post of yours, you say that Bada is 99% indie or a scum fuck but yet he is nowhere to be seen in your lynch list. Now, you state that you want to lynch scum that according to you are for sure scum? so 100% chance of flipping scum I am assuming? but give no real case or why they are 100% real scum, and scum read bada but have him nowhere in your lynch list. Also, you said in this very post that JW you down to lynch and think he is scum but still abstaining from wanting to lynch him. Just does not make sense.
Also, was not a fan of the light town read you gave me off of juan post about ratchet vs me and that both of us need to be lynched out. Felt very lazy to give me town read for that, is that really how you resolve a player slot?
Don't know about this. I'm pretty sure she meant that Juan's post about you and Ratchet might be TMI, in which case, you could be town since only one mafia team is supposed to exist in Group 2 as well.

So it's more like she's suspecting Juan and the town read for you was collateral rather than intentional.

If you get what I'm saying lol.
8 scum from group 2 seems like a lot tbh. How trustworthy are these messages? Since we know AM was getting messages from the HRE and since you got this before the phase started, it likely is from the same messaging ability that was targeting AM in Group 1. And if that's the case, then they should have sent it to you before the merge happened, meaning they couldn't target players from Group 2 to know this info anyway.

8 scum in a 35+ player game isn’t far fetched at all especially when they didn’t kill any

i find it weird some of y’all are trying to discredit this
Lol at that Owner vote still on me to avoid a real wagon.
I was suspecting Owner being scum in Group 1 honestly. So wouldn't be surprised if she was one of the last remaining reds.

She claimed watcher and has also said that she was redirected one night. Her and Ish were the claimed watchers in our group and we were suspecting one of them being a lie. Ish, however, claimed he was the last mafia in the last day phase of Group 1 and flipped town lol.
Have either SK or Soul claimed at all?
I don't like claiming, feels cheap and I come from a place where claiming is forbidden usually. Plus, I don't give a darn what a player claim is, I am mostly looking at the individual thread play and determine from there if they are townie or not. Although not to say I dismiss claiming completely. Obviously sometimes you need to take the person claim into consideration, but I would take it with a grain of salt personally speaking.
I don't like claiming, feels cheap and I come from a place where claiming is forbidden usually. Plus, I don't give a darn what a player claim is, I am mostly looking at the individual thread play and determine from there if they are townie or not. Although not to say I dismiss claiming completely. Obviously sometimes you need to take the person claim into consideration, but I would take it with a grain of salt personally speaking.

it’s late game, claiming actually makes sense around now
This demonstrates to me that you truly don't give a darn who gets lynched. You see, inconsistency is what I see. In this very post of yours, you say that Bada is 99% indie or a scum fuck but yet he is nowhere to be seen in your lynch list. Now, you state that you want to lynch scum that according to you are for sure scum? so 100% chance of flipping scum I am assuming? but give no real case or why they are 100% real scum, and scum read bada but have him nowhere in your lynch list. Also, you said in this very post that JW you down to lynch and think he is scum but still abstaining from wanting to lynch him. Just does not make sense.

because I think he's indie and I want to lynch mafia first you knucklehead
sure, I'll join this wagon

[Vote Lynch Hero]

someone needs to vig this useless tinky winky though
Here you hop into Hero wagon. But you said that me , twinky and LM are for sure scum. You also said JW is scum as well and that Bada is 99% scum or indie. Yet you decided to vote for a player that is not in the list you provided. More and more you prove to me that you have no intention of actually capturing scum here.
and because tinky KEEPS being alive and scum and useless
yet no one wants to lynch her

it's actually kinda infuriating

maybe tomorrow (hoping she gets shot tonight tho)
Tinky must have been on some bussing spree because he town read and scum read Sin iirc.

But honestly, yeah, Tinky coasts as either alignment right now and I don't mind hearing more from him @tinky winky
Here you hop into Hero wagon. But you said that me , twinky and LM are for sure scum. You also said JW is scum as well and that Bada is 99% scum or indie. Yet you decided to vote for a player that is not in the list you provided. More and more you prove to me that you have no intention of actually capturing scum here.

okay I'll keep my vote on lone targets that no one goes along with so I end the phase as their sole voter accomplishing nothing

you're an actual mouthbreather
Weird you left out a GF passive as an option.

What do you think of Bada if Iwan flips purple?

Pretty sure what happened between these two could be explained if you just actually think about what the two were saying for a minute + look at Iwan.

And if not then you can just ask them to clarify now that Iwan is some type of exposed scum.

@Juan does Iwan possible being bus driven change your mind on Bada’s action hitting Iwan like he said?

Weird you aren’t thinking about these things beyond a very surface level or trying to look into them SK. If you’re town it’s very lazy.

So let me get this straight, you think that both Bada and Juan are townies and their interaction is TvT?

I interacted with Juan earlier today and really didn't like his posts regarding my situation with Didi. Felt fake as fuck and dude ignored my questions toward him. Reading through Jojo and Bada interactions was hilarious as fuck. I can say Bada frustration during that interaction did look more townie imo. But I still think one of them is probably scum and now leaning more on Juan.

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