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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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Im concerned because like every favorites I've been in has had a cult, here it's just radio silence, it's kinda unnerving
Okay but it feels like you're deflecting here. We *know* we have Mafia to deal with, if a Cult is present eventually some of them will die and confirm this so...
Like I said that's why I get anxious about using my power because otherwise if I happened to get investigated, I don't know what would show up and how would I even begin to defend myself.
I mean I suppose I get it. Just seems weird to be concerned about to me.
Lind, Juan, Santi, Fang
Can you tell us what Lind is?
Hero did ur action on santi actually get a result or were u jus poisoned?
He got a result and that’s why he was poisoned.
unless someone quotes me the post where Fang claims he has cop results, I am not convinced of that one either
Fang literally claimed that he has to visit someone twice to get their alignment. So he made a trade with Santi and Santi scanned LM as town.

Wait a second

you invested Fang and know his role in accordance with the claims of how your invest works, no?

Was Fang a cop or not? Or did he simply have some other type of investigative ability, like you do
Oh my god lol.

[Vote Lynch Worm Juice]

Also as much as I hate to say it, @Lord Melkor is town. That's what my result was from last night's investigation so my gut read initially on him being scum was wrong.

Hm. Would prefer Sworder.
Its definitely an ability then, I can more or less hard confirm that much. Unless I'm misunderstanding what Shizune/Nitty wrote here.

I tried investigated Laslie but she was killed in night 1, so I didn't get any results due to her being dead. I did however investigated Badalight Night 2 but got no results back yet either on him.
My investigations aren't direct. The way my role works, I target another player and it takes another phase to recall my ability, then to get a report of what they did or who they visited. It doesn't directly reveal if they are town or mafia or indie. I am HOWEVER against executing Santi completely now since he neighbor'd me in the previous night phase and investigated Melkor for me.
He investigated LM N2
My role seems to be more an investigator then an actual cop:

1. I don't get instant results on reads when I target people; its more I check their actions and visits in the night then their actual alignment
2. Santi offered an exchange with me in return for investigating Lord Melkor, my original target was Badalight; this was done via neighboring me and offering a trade
3. It is strange we both investigated the same person (Laslie) night 1 but like I said, I didn't get any results because my investigation REQUIRES the target to be alive and another night phase for my ability to return to me

Like I said in my last post I'm pretty sure but not 100% certain that his role/ability might prohibit him from making too many posts during the day phase? Its something a WAD hosted game would have at the least or one of those classic role madness ones that I've played in the past.
My results were you are town. I've gotten no results on Badalight yet, I'll find out the next night phase, its as I explained it to Charles. And also someone tried to kill me in the night phase.
Yeah, it wasn't a chat. I don't know what the exact term was but I recieved an offer in night 2 from Santi and that's how I got him to cop/investigate Melkor in exchange for something on my end.
Wait a second

you invested Fang and know his role in accordance with the claims of how your invest works, no?

Was Fang a cop or not? Or did he simply have some other type of investigative ability, like you do

just share his role tbh
we lack knowing his role while mafia do (assuming it was a classic janitor kill, which it looked like)

so tbh share that shit with town immediately
Vlad Tepes

Basically Fang's abilities go like this (and I'm summarizing them because if I post them, I might be modkilled)

1 - Vlad can amplify his vampire powers, granting him 2 extra lives for that night.

2 - Vlad can summon a swarm of bats, enabling him to use an ability on one extra player for each life Vlad had at the start of the night.

3 - During the night Vlad can transform into a bat to track another player.

4 - During the night Vlad can send bats to follow 2 other players. This is permanent. These bats will then record the name of everyone these players visit.

5 - Vlad can recall one of his bats to learn everything they recorded. The bat will not record any information for the night it is called back.
I’m pretty curious to who Lind is lol. But he’s probably not mafia.

Surprised you checked him based on everything else you’ve said when you showed some suspicious his way @Hero
Roger Hayden.

I checked into Lind N2 because I thought their claim was interesting and needed to figure out how the role worked for myself.
Vlad Tepes

Basically Fang's abilities go like this (and I'm summarizing them because if I post them, I might be modkilled)

1 - Vlad can amplify his vampire powers, granting him 2 extra lives for that night.

2 - Vlad can summon a swarm of bats, enabling him to use an ability on one extra player for each life Vlad had at the start of the night.

3 - During the night Vlad can transform into a bat to track another player.

4 - During the night Vlad can send bats to follow 2 other players. This is permanent. These bats will then record the name of everyone these players visit.

5 - Vlad can recall one of his bats to learn everything they recorded. The bat will not record any information for the night it is called back.
Uh.. where the bit with the alignment part here?

Or am I completely blind to that? He’s only got tracking abilities.
>My investigations aren't direct. The way my role works, I target another player and it takes another phase to recall my ability, then to get a report of what they did or who they visited. It doesn't directly reveal if they are town or mafia or indie.

This part lines up with what Hero just posted

I'm so confused that later Fang started backtracking and mentioning that he did get alignments
Okay but it feels like you're deflecting here. We *know* we have Mafia to deal with, if a Cult is present eventually some of them will die and confirm this so...
I mean I suppose I get it. Just seems weird to be concerned about to me.
Can you tell us what Lind is?

@John Wayne comes out of nowhere to discuss indies and cult, not a great look insn't it?
It does line up with how Fang claimed his role worked earlier
that's the weird part

unless Fang maybe received an upgrade to his role somehow?
At this point this is very much possible. Either Fang was confused about his role, was upgraded or just bullshitted for some reason.

I'm not. I can do your role and you let me know if I'm leaving out anything.
People want to know who I am, so you can go ahead and reveal it.
Not to tinfoil too much but if Santi was scum his character would def make sense to scan innocent lol.

But I still lean town on him. Also if he’s scum the LM investigation thing would be an odd action choice I feel. But don’t know the intricacies of his abilities.
What do you think about Hero right now? Honestly him coming out with info looks good for him and he seems genuine.

If I got the claim right:
- Hero gets a summary of personal abilities and role name.
- He Scans the same as the player he imitates scans as.
What do you think about Hero right now? Honestly him coming out with info looks good for him and he seems genuine.

If I got the claim right:
- Hero gets a summary of personal abilities and role name.
- He Scans the same as the player he imitates scans as.
I think his use of his role and his thought process is super whack and not a very townie mindset.

But the part where he specifies “personal abilities” sounds good.

But if he outted the way his role works why didn’t he start checking people he suspected after lol. @Hero

Addition: I just went and checked his reads and they are terrible lol. All town reads or null. Doesn’t actually scum read anyone apparently besides Firestormer who had a guilty.

Weirldy left off Sinraven in that reads list. Wonder if a scummate does that or they’d be too conscious to not leave them off.
If Hero is poisoned, he should be role crushed tonight or die tonight since it’s technically been 2 nights since he was poisoned.

Unless he’s immune to poisons, we’d be lynching a player likely to die pretty soon anyway.

Get in fucking line. :lmao

Hey, I could use a little help @Santí

:dank Santí I know you can help me.

@Santí I need you to heal me. :xin

Can anyone heal me? Jesus Christ.

Also I have information about Fang. He was a character named Vlad Tepes and as per the mod, he was town.
These don’t seem fake to me tbh.
I think his use of his role and his thought process is super whack and not a very townie mindset.

But the part where he specifies “personal abilities” sounds good.

But if he outted the way his role works why didn’t he start checking people he suspected after lol. @Hero

Addition: I just went and checked his reads and they are terrible lol. All town reads or null. Doesn’t actually scum read anyone apparently besides Firestormer who had a guilty.

Weirldy left off Sinraven in that reads list. Wonder if a scummate does that or they’d be too conscious to not leave them off.
I have to read back on his reads. Just ISO’d the poisoned posts.

Btw how are you holding up? I forgot you were poisoned too.
1 - Lind's character Roger Hayden is unaffected by physics, space and time. While we are split into two separate games, Roger Hayden is apart of both. Because of this, Roger Hayden is not eligible for execution in either game. If Roger should die in one game, his role and alignment is hidden. However if he dies in both games, then he will be revealed. Should Roger make it to the merge, he loses his protection to execution.

2 - Upon the merge, RH's life and voting power will be combined. RH will also gain another usage of both his limited usage abilities should they have been unused before.

3 - RH is widely feared, granting him a voting power of 2. RH can gain another player's voting power. If he does so successfully, the gain will be permanent.

4 - During the day the RH can ask another player to give him their voting power, and if they agree, then for that day they will lose their voting power. This cannot be done to the same player two days in a row. Also RH will gain double their voting power.

5 - True Believers are what supporters of RH are called and are the people who steals voting power from.

6 - RH can protect himself and all True Believers against vote tampering. RH cannot use this ability 2 days in a row.

7 - RH can use some magical item to control another player, forcing them to accept "power 4" that day.
1 - Lind's character Roger Hayden is unaffected by physics, space and time. While we are split into two separate games, Roger Hayden is apart of both. Because of this, Roger Hayden is not eligible for execution in either game. If Roger should die in one game, his role and alignment is hidden. However if he dies in both games, then he will be revealed. Should Roger make it to the merge, he loses his protection to execution.

2 - Upon the merge, RH's life and voting power will be combined. RH will also gain another usage of both his limited usage abilities should they have been unused before.

3 - RH is widely feared, granting him a voting power of 2. RH can gain another player's voting power. If he does so successfully, the gain will be permanent.

4 - During the day the RH can ask another player to give him their voting power, and if they agree, then for that day they will lose their voting power. This cannot be done to the same player two days in a row. Also RH will gain double their voting power.

5 - True Believers are what supporters of RH are called and are the people who steals voting power from.

6 - RH can protect himself and all True Believers against vote tampering. RH cannot use this ability 2 days in a row.

7 - RH can use some magical item to control another player, forcing them to accept "power 4" that day.
This shit reads like an alien type indie
This shit reads like an alien type indie
:blobrip I’m town lol.

Out of those 5 watchers/trackers

Fang and Braxio - Dead Town
Ekko - Town
Rej - Very likely Town

hammer - ?
Hammer can be shot or lynched. I really wouldn’t mind.

Also, we had two watchers in Group 1 and Rott could give a track / watch ability to a player as well.

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