Pierre Poilievre
from real life
durability rating: 3
[Innate - Your Local Representative] - Pierre is a successful politician. If Pierre's alignment is investigated, he will appear to be innocent. If Pierre's abilities are investigated, he will appear as the following fake role:
Pierre Poilievre
from real life
durability rating: 3
[Innate - Town Hall] - Pierre wants to hear the concerns of his constituents. Pierre will be added to all private town chats, and upon joining the host will display Pierre's role in the chat.
[Active - Tactical - Referendum] - During the night Pierre can move to discuss another player, making them eligible for lynching the next day. Pierre cannot use this ability on the same player 2 nights in a row.
[Active - Physical - Royal Canadian Mounted Police] - During the night, Pierre can send the police to follow another player and learn who they visit.
[Active - Tactical - CTV News] - During the day, Pierre can anonymously broadcast the result he received from [Royal Canadian Mounted Police] the previous night in the game thread.
[Innate - Town Hall] - Pierre will be added to all private town chats, and upon joining the host will display his fake role in the chat.
[Active - Tactical - Poisoning the Well] - During the day or during the night, Pierre can send an anonymous message through the host to one of the private town chats he's part of. Pierre can only use this ability once per cycle.
[Passive - Getting Ahead of the Story] - Pierre is well connected with the local media. If another player uses an investigative ability on Pierre or one of his teammates, Pierre will learn the result but not who used the ability. Pierre will also delay the result from reaching its user by one phase.
[Two Shot Active - Tactical - Bribery and Corruption] - During the day or during the night, Pierre can pay the media to help him kill a story. Pierre can investigate one result he recently perceived with [Getting Ahead of the Story] to learn who received that result, and to further delay its return by another phase. Pierre can only use this ability once per cycle, and he cannot use this ability 2 cycles in a row. If Pierre is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain 2 more charges of this ability.
[Two Shot Active - Tactical - Rules for Thee, Not for Me] - During the day or during the night, Pierre can hire a legal defense team to turn the truth on its head, editing the content of a result he recently perceived with [Getting Ahead of the Story]. When that result is delivered to its recipient at the end of the delay, its information will be changed to whatever Pierre decides. Pierre can only use this ability once per cycle, and he cannot use this ability 2 cycles in a row. If Pierre is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain 2 more charges of this ability.
[Active - Tactical - Referendum] - During the night Pierre can move to discuss another player, making them eligible for lynching the next day. Pierre cannot use this ability on the same player 2 nights in a row.
[Active - Tactical - Pardon My French] - During the night, Pierre can pardon another player to make them ineligible for lynching the next day. Pierre can only pardon each player once.
[Active - Physical - Big Brother is watching you] - During the night, Pierre can have 3 players followed to learn who they visit.
[Active - Tactical - CTV News] - During the day, Pierre can anonymously broadcast one of the results he received from [Big Brother is watching you] the previous night in the game thread. Of course, Pierre doesn't need to be honest, so he can make up and broadcast an entirely fake result.
[Two Shot Active - Tactical - Government Coverup] - During the night Piere can enact a scheme to janitor the body of one player his team kills that night, hiding their role, but not alignment, from the game thread. Piere cannot use this ability 2 nights in a row, and if Piere is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain 2 more charges of this ability.