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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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It was a really effective role cop. One of the advantages I gave purple over red was that purple had a stronger role cop. This felt appropriate because it played into purple's advantage of being able to share and utilize info with each other. Red's only role cop was @JoJo , and he was first and foremost a roleblocker, his role copping was secondary to his role and pretty slow to use.
that role cop was probs our strongest advantage ngl
seeing incorrectly red scum read me, melkor, santi, bada and prof tells me they lack heavily on the info department. if they had rolecopped any of us they wud get inno results
Town roles
Remaining town roles

@Badalight - Vergil

from Devil May Cry
durability rating: 3

[Innate - Quick Study] -
Vergil can learn new skills and techniques at unnaturally fast rates. If Vergil is gifted a limited-use ability, he will gain an extra use of it.

[Passive - Iaijutsu] - Vergil is a highly skilled swordsman, protecting him against being disarmed.

[Active - Physical - Yamato] - During the night Vergil can attack another player with his sword, roleblocking them. If Vergil uses this ability on the same player 2 nights in a row, he will kill them instead. If Vergil uses this ability on the same player 3 or more nights in a row, he will superkill them. Vergil cannot use this ability the same night as [Riposte].

[Active - Physical - Riposte] - During the night Vergil can use a defensive technique to counter any harmful physical abilities used on him. If Vergil counters another player, he will permanently mark them with [Exposed Weakness]. Vegil cannot use this ability 2 nights in a row, and he cannot use this ability and [Yamato] in the same night.

[Exposed Weakness] - If Vergil uses [Yamato] on this player, its effects will be upgraded to their next stage. This mark is consumed when it triggers.

[One Shot Active - Magical - Mirage Blades] - During the night Vergil can conjure spectral swords to extend his range. That night, Vergil can use [Riposte] on up to 2 other players in addition to himself, countering harmful physical abilities used on them and applying [Exposed Weakness] to the countered players. If Vergil is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Devil Trigger] - During the night Vergil can unleash his demonic powers. For that night and the next cycle, Vergill will be protected against redirects and roleblocks. If Vergil kills another player while this ability is active, its duration will be extended by one cycle (this effect can only trigger once). If Vergil dies during this ability, his death will be delayed until this ability ends. If Vergil is role crushed, he can still use this ability, and doing so will cure him of the role crush. If Vergil is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain an extra charge of this ability.

@DrProfessor83 - Raelle Collar

Raelle Collar
from Motherland: Fort Salem
durability rating: 3

[Passive - Anti-Authority] -
Raelle hates being told what to do. If another player tries to redirect Raelle's abilities, she will counter their ability and send them an angry message. This counter is a magical effect.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Friend in War] - During the night Raelle can befriend another player, permanently marking them with [Sorceress Squad] and permanently gaining the ability to communicate with them outside of the game thread.

[Active - Tactical - Fort Salem] - During the night Raelle can coordinate with 2 other players, protecting them against roleblocks that night and marking them with [Sorceress Squad] for that night and the next day.

[Sorceress Squad] - Members of the Sorceress Squad each gain an extra voting power when they're all voting for the same player. This mark expires at the end of the day.

[Active - Magical - Windshear] - During the night Raelle can prepare a shield against another player. If that player uses any harmful abilities on Raelle or players marked by [Sorceress Squad], Raelle will counter those abilities.

[Active - Magical - Fixer] - During the night, Raelle can heal another player. If Raelle uses this ability on a player marked by [Sorceress Squad], she will also protect them against kills that night. Raelle cannot use this ability the same night as [Deathwork].

[Active - Magical - Deathwork] - During the night Raelle can commune with a dead player to learn who they tried to visit on the night they died. Raelle cannot use this ability the same night as [Fixer].

@Kira Yagami - Yamato

from One Piece
durability rating: 3

[Innate - Hyakujū Kaizokudan] -
Yamato knows the identity his father Kaidou, but not Kaidou's alignment.

[Two Shot Active - Physical - Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Okuchi no Makami] - During the night Yamato can use his Devil Fruit to attack another player, role crushing them for that night and the next cycle. Yamato will also roleblock anyone who visits them that night. If Yamato is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[Active - Physical - Takeru] - During the night Yamato can attack 2 players with his kanabo, disarming them, making them vulnerable, and marking them with [Samurai Showdown].

[Samurai Showdown] - Yamato is dueling this player. If this player dies and flips guilty, Yamato will gain an extra charge of [Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Okuchi no Makami]. This mark expires at the end of the next night.

[Active - Tactical - Battle Tactics] - During the night Yamato can carefully plan his next attack. The next night, Yamato can use [Takeru] on 3 players, and if Yamato uses Takeru he will also protect himself against kills. Yamato cannot use this ability the same night as Takeru, and he cannot use this ability 2 nights in a row.

@Lind - Roger Hayden

Roger Hayden
from DC Comics
durability rating: 3

[Innate - Unstuck from the universe] -
Roger Hayden is better known as the fearsome Psycho-Pirate, a man who is unaffected by physics, space and time. When Favorites is divided into two games, the Psycho-Pirate will be part of both games. The Psycho-Pirate will not be made eligible for execution in either game. If the Psycho-Pirate dies in one game, his role and alignment will be hidden from the game thread until both versions of him die. If the Psycho-Pirate is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will lose his protection against the execution.

[Innate - All previous versions of reality] - If both versions of the Psycho-Pirate are alive when Favorites is recombined, his life count and voting power will be added together. The Psycho-Pirate will also gain an extra charge of both his limited-use abilities, and if either version of the Psycho-Pirate had unused charges of those abilities, those charges will also be carried forward.

[Passive - A man who could make gods go mad] - The Psycho-Pirate is widely feared, granting him a voting power of 2. If the Psycho-Pirate successfully gains another player's voting power with [Worlds lived, worlds died], he will permanently gain an extra voting power.

[Active - Tactical - Worlds lived, worlds died] - The Psycho-Pirate has unique insight into the universe, and he believes voting power is best left with him. During the day the Psycho-Pirate can ask another player to give him their voting power, and if they agree, then for that day they will lose their voting power and the Psycho-Pirate will gain double their voting power, and the Psycho-Pirate will permanently mark them with [True Believer]. The Psycho-Pirate cannot use this ability on the same player 2 days in a row.

[True Believer] - This player supports the mysterious cosmic being known as the Psycho-Pirate.

[Two Shot Active - Magical - A man who could make the mad gods sane again] - During the day, the Psycho-Pirate can protect himself and all players marked by [True Believer] against vote tampering. The Psycho-Pirate cannot use this ability 2 days in a row.

[Two Shot Active - Magical - The Medusa Mask] - The Psycho-Pirate can use this magical artifact to control another player, forcing them to accept [Worlds lived, worlds died] that day.

@Saturday - Candle Jack

Candle Jack
from Freakazoid!
durability rating: 3

[Active - Magical - I'm gonna need more rope!] -
Candle Jack gains power over people who speak his name. During the day, Candle Jack can mark up to 2 players who posted his role name or player name in the thread that day with [Unhappy Camper].

[Unhappy Camper] - This player spoke Candle Jack's name! This mark expires after 2 nights have passed.

[Active - Physical - I need to charter a bus!] - During the night, Candle Jack can roleblock any number of players marked by [Unhappy Camper].

[Active - Tactical - This episode is about a different villain!] - Candle Jack can decline to participate in the game for the night, protecting him against harmful abilities but preventing him from using any other abilities. Candle Jack cannot use this ability 2 nights in a row.

@Fang - Vlad Tepes

Vlad Tepes
from Dracula Untold
durability rating: 3

[One Shot Active - Magical - Reign of Terror] -
Vlad can amplify his vampiric powers, enabling him to use [Return to Me] to recall 3 bats instead of 1, and granting him 2 extra lives for that night. These lives will count toward [A Cauldron of Bats]. If Vlad is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[One Shot Active - Magical - A Cauldron of Bats] - Vlad can conjure a swarm of bats, enabling him to use [Metamorphosis] on one extra player for each life Vlad had at the beginning of the night. For example, if Vlad has 3 lives, he can use Metamorphosis on 3 extra players. If Vlad helps lynch a guilty player he will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[Active - Magical - Metamorphosis] - During the night Vlad can transform into a bat to track another player and learn who they visit.

[Active - Tactical - Lord of the Night] - During the night Vlad can send bats to follow 2 other players, permanently marking them with [Dracula's Dominion]. Vlad cannot use this ability the same night as [Return to Me].

[Dracula's Dominion] - A bat is recording the name of everyone this player visits.

[Active - Tactical - Return to Me] - During the night Vlad can recall one of his bats to learn everything they recorded, removing [Dracula's Dominion] on that player. The bat will not record any information for the night it is recalled. Vlad cannot use this ability the same night as [Lord of the Night].
Purple mafia roles
Remaining purple mafia roles

@Ekkologix -
Pierre Poilievre


Pierre Poilievre
from real life
durability rating: 3

[Innate - Your Local Representative] -
Pierre is a successful politician. If Pierre's alignment is investigated, he will appear to be innocent. If Pierre's abilities are investigated, he will appear as the following fake role:

Pierre Poilievre
from real life
durability rating: 3

[Innate - Town Hall] -
Pierre wants to hear the concerns of his constituents. Pierre will be added to all private town chats, and upon joining the host will display Pierre's role in the chat.

[Active - Tactical - Referendum] - During the night Pierre can move to discuss another player, making them eligible for lynching the next day. Pierre cannot use this ability on the same player 2 nights in a row.

[Active - Physical - Royal Canadian Mounted Police] - During the night, Pierre can send the police to follow another player and learn who they visit.

[Active - Tactical - CTV News] - During the day, Pierre can anonymously broadcast the result he received from [Royal Canadian Mounted Police] the previous night in the game thread.

[Innate - Town Hall] - Pierre will be added to all private town chats, and upon joining the host will display his fake role in the chat.

[Active - Tactical - Poisoning the Well] - During the day or during the night, Pierre can send an anonymous message through the host to one of the private town chats he's part of. Pierre can only use this ability once per cycle.

[Passive - Getting Ahead of the Story] - Pierre is well connected with the local media. If another player uses an investigative ability on Pierre or one of his teammates, Pierre will learn the result but not who used the ability. Pierre will also delay the result from reaching its user by one phase.

[Two Shot Active - Tactical - Bribery and Corruption] - During the day or during the night, Pierre can pay the media to help him kill a story. Pierre can investigate one result he recently perceived with [Getting Ahead of the Story] to learn who received that result, and to further delay its return by another phase. Pierre can only use this ability once per cycle, and he cannot use this ability 2 cycles in a row. If Pierre is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain 2 more charges of this ability.

[Two Shot Active - Tactical - Rules for Thee, Not for Me] - During the day or during the night, Pierre can hire a legal defense team to turn the truth on its head, editing the content of a result he recently perceived with [Getting Ahead of the Story]. When that result is delivered to its recipient at the end of the delay, its information will be changed to whatever Pierre decides. Pierre can only use this ability once per cycle, and he cannot use this ability 2 cycles in a row. If Pierre is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain 2 more charges of this ability.

[Active - Tactical - Referendum] - During the night Pierre can move to discuss another player, making them eligible for lynching the next day. Pierre cannot use this ability on the same player 2 nights in a row.

[Active - Tactical - Pardon My French] - During the night, Pierre can pardon another player to make them ineligible for lynching the next day. Pierre can only pardon each player once.

[Active - Physical - Big Brother is watching you] - During the night, Pierre can have 3 players followed to learn who they visit.

[Active - Tactical - CTV News] - During the day, Pierre can anonymously broadcast one of the results he received from [Big Brother is watching you] the previous night in the game thread. Of course, Pierre doesn't need to be honest, so he can make up and broadcast an entirely fake result.

[Two Shot Active - Tactical - Government Coverup] - During the night Piere can enact a scheme to janitor the body of one player his team kills that night, hiding their role, but not alignment, from the game thread. Piere cannot use this ability 2 nights in a row, and if Piere is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain 2 more charges of this ability.

@SoulKiller - Grichka and Igor Bogdanoff


Grichka and Igor Bogdanoff
from real life
durability rating: 4

[Passive - Advanced Cosmetic Surgery] -
Grichka and Igor paid the Academy to turn them into cyborgs, protecting them against roleblocks and role crushes.

[Innate - Huge in France] - Grichka and Igor work in media, where they are always being filmed. If another player visits Grichka and Igor, the twins will learn that player's name and the effects of their ability.

[Active - Tactical - Nosy Neighbors] - Grichka and Igor love to get in other peoples' business. During the night Grichka and Igor can watch another player to learn who visits them and the effects of any abilities used on them.

[Conditional Active - Tactical - Keeping Up With the Joneses] - If Grichka and Igor perceive an ability effect with [Huge in France] or [Nosy Neighbors] then they can become jealous and demand the Academy add that effect to their programming, permanently giving them an ability based on that effect. Grichka and Igor can use this ability once per cycle.

[Two Shot Active - Physical - Double Trouble] - Grichka and Igor can split up, enabling them to use [Nosy Neighbors] on 2 players that night. Grichka and Igor don't like to be apart, so they can't use this ability 2 nights in a row. If Grichka and Igor are alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, they will gain 2 more charges of this ability.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Ladies Luncheon] - Grichka and Igor can gather their teammates at a fundraiser, enabling Grichka and Igor to use [Nosy Neighbors] on all their teammates that night. If Grichka and Igor are alive when the two Favoites games are recombined, they will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Fame is Our Drug of Choice] - Grichka and Igor can leverage their connections at the Academy to use [Keeping Up With the Joneses] twice that night. If Grichka and Igor are alive when the two Favoites games are recombined, they will gain an extra charge of this ability.

Purple mafia role PM:

You are the Academy, a fanatical research institute that seeks to impose its warped sense of enlightenment on the game!

The Academy is led by its two chief scientists, @Worm Juice (Werner Heisenberg) of the nuclear program and @John Wayne (Gordon Freeman) of the artificial intelligence program. The Academy is also supported by a few important backers: @Ekkologix (Pierre Poilievre), @tinky winky (Silco), and @SoulKiller (Grichka and Igor Bogdanoff).

The Academy has thus far produced four original, sentient creations, which it uses to wage war against the rest of the game: @Iwandesu (A Sentient Number 7), @SinRaven (Elite Teutonic Knight), @Melodie (Envy) and @Hero (My Girlfriend).

Your Academy has a... sorted history. When the Academy first turned toward evil, one brave scientist named @Didi (Melodie) tried to stop you. Melodie was ultimately defeated, and you took advantage of the situation by turning her into a deadly cyborg, your finest weapon to date.

Melodie is the mechanism through which you will enact faction kills. During the night you will collectively choose a faction kill target, and Didi (Melodie) will be forced to perform that kill. Melodie's memory was erased, so she does not remember any of your identities and she isn't invited to this chat. Although Melodie is part of your team and seems to be functioning normally for now, she can't be trusted entirely, and so she is kept at a distance.

If at any point in the game Melodie seems to malfunction or you become distrustful of her, you can permanently deactivate her to remove her from the game, but you will lose your faction kill with her.
Red mafia role PM
Red mafia role PM:

You are the red mafia team!

You are some of the most famous and influential characters in the world, and now you've all banded together to wipe out those undeserving, lesser characters!

Your team is led by its captain and vice-captain, @Owner Of A Lonely Heart (Monkey D. Luffy) and @Traveling Swordsman (Roronoa Zoro). These two are accompanied by their old enemy @nfcnorth (Kaidou), who is helping your team in exchange for Luffy and Zoro having spared his life.

Your star-studded roster of teammates also includes @Flower (Ash Ketchum), @FLORIDA MAN (Peter Parker), @Underworld Broker (Inuyasha), @JoJo (Sabrina Spellman), @Admiral Fujitora (Rand al'Thor), @Mich (Y'shtola Rhul), and @Karma (Shigeo Kageyama).

But of course, a protagonist is nothing without their plot armor and their real-life media empire. You are also joined by @Ultra (Deus ex machina) and @Lord Genome (The Almighty Dollar). And finally, a reminder that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions: the nefarious @TheAncientCenturion (Lady Bone Demon) joined your team for their own mysterious purposes!

Oh, one last thing! You seem to all have a bad case of "main character syndrome." You see, getting a bunch of main characters to work together is like herding cats. As a result, your team has no team chat, you do not know each other's abilities, and you don't share a faction kill. You will be sent your roles separately and privately.

Good luck, and don't fuck it up!
Hmm, I don’t think a multiball in a 35 player game is all that chaotic. Game 1 would have one or two less maf, game 2 the opposite.. I think this would have been best case… maybe just a town viewpoint now that I’m thinking about it though lol.
35 player games are still bigger than or about the same size of other games here. Numerous of them have been multi ball with little to no issue. And I do think mafia might be the biggest winner in having the small games being multiball from a poe perspective. Shooting a maf in the small game isn't an instant clear for example.
Closing thoughts
Let's have a girl's chat, shall we? :catlove

I want to discuss some of the mechanics in this game, and whether they were a bop, or a flop!

The bops

1. The execution

Modkills are messy, like me after I've had a few drinks! The execution is an impartial way for the host to punish inactivity, while still allowing inactive players the chance to defend themselves and reverse course. This chart-topping mechanic should become a staple hit in everyone's future games!

2. The split groups

The only thing messier than modkills is a 71 player game. It's inarguable that this mechanic was just what this game needed!

3. All 50 shades of roleblocks

This game introduced a gaggle of mini-roleblocks that applied only to specific types of abilities: counters, disarms, vulnerability, and isolation. This was a great way to give every role a little special something! Like with the execution, I think this mechanic deserves to become the season's hottest trend!

4. Limited lynching

I know some of you disagree with me, but I think the limited lynch pool worked out just fine this game. I always planned to remove the mechanic later into the game, so to be clear, its removal isn't a point against it. However, I agree this mechanic is abusable, and it wouldn't stand the test of time in future games.

The flops

1. Multiball of Madness

In 9 years of hosting, this is the first and probably last time I will ever host a multiball. I think many of the complaints about this game really go back to the nature of it being a large multiball, and ultimately, I feel that multiball just gets too far away from the purpose of playing mafia. I didn't originally plan for the game to be a multiball, but once the player list grew far beyond expectation, I thought I had to make it a multiball or the mafia team would just be unreasonably large. Looking back, I wish I'd simply bitten the bullet on a huge mafia team and not done a mutliball. For me, this game proved that I just don't like multiballs. (:hurr)

2. Flash

This mechanic just didn't add anything to the game, and after watching the game, I feel that the town could have abused flash in really unfair ways.

3. Red team not having a team chat

I personally enjoy being mafia but don't really like having to keep up with a team chat, so I thought the red mafia team's large but disparate numbers would be just the thing! And I was right- it was just the thing. Just the thing to piss everyone right off! This will go down in history as one of those many mechanics that were interesting, but just too frustrating or disruptive for the players.
Last edited:
Your Academy has a... sorted history. When the Academy first turned toward evil, one brave scientist named @Didi (Melodie) tried to stop you. Melodie was ultimately defeated, and you took advantage of the situation by turning her into a deadly cyborg, your finest weapon to date.

Melodie is the mechanism through which you will enact faction kills. During the night you will collectively choose a faction kill target, and Didi (Melodie) will be forced to perform that kill. Melodie's memory was erased, so she does not remember any of your identities and she isn't invited to this chat. Although Melodie is part of your team and seems to be functioning normally for now, she can't be trusted entirely, and so she is kept at a distance.

If at any point in the game Melodie seems to malfunction or you become distrustful of her, you can permanently deactivate her to remove her from the game, but you will lose your faction kill with her.

I'm sorry but how in the fuck was the purple mafia actually surprised I was a traitor? This literally spells it out, you'd have to be a complete idiot not to see it coming lmao
I'm sorry but how in the fuck was the purple mafia actually surprised I was a traitor? This literally spells it out, you'd have to be a complete idiot not to see it coming lmao
I thought so too but maybe this part

Although Melodie is part of your team and seems to be functioning normally for now

and they thought you counted as a body + you were their FK lol but thought later in the game you would be traitorous. So its why they defended u a lot in the beginning

honestly was hoping they deactivated you the day you got lynch so it would go to the next person in the wagon :doggokek
Let's have a girl's chat, shall we? :catlove

I want to discuss some of the mechanics in this game, and whether they were a bop, or a flop!

The bops

1. The execution

Modkills are messy, like me after I've had a few drinks! The execution is an impartial way for the host to punish inactivity, while still allowing inactive players the chance to defend themselves and reverse course. This chart-topping mechanic should become a staple hit in everyone's future games!

2. The split groups

The only thing messier than modkills is a 71 player game. It's inarguable that this mechanic was just what this game needed!

3. All 50 shades of roleblocks

This game introduced a gaggle of mini-roleblocks that applied only to specific types of abilities: counters, disarms, vulnerability, and isolation. This was a great way to give every role a little special something! Like with the execution, I think this mechanic deserves to become the season's hottest trend!

4. Limited lynching

I know some of you disagree with me, but I think the limited lynch pool worked out just fine this game. I always planned to remove the mechanic later into the game, so to be clear, its removal isn't a point against it. However, I agree this mechanic is abusable, and it wouldn't stand the test of time in future games.

The flops

1. Multiball of Madness

In 9 years of hosting, this is the first and probably last time I will ever host a multiball. I think many of the complaints about this game really go back to the nature of it being a large multiball, and ultimately, I feel that multiball just gets too far away from the purpose of playing mafia. I didn't originally plan for the game to be a multiball, but once the player list grew far beyond expectation, I thought I had to make it a multiball or the mafia team would just be unreasonably large. Looking back, I wish I'd simply bitten the bullet on a huge mafia team and not done a mutliball. For me, this game proved that I just don't like multiballs. (:hurr)

2. Flash

This mechanic just didn't add anything to the game, and after watching the game, I feel that the town could have abused flash in really unfair ways.

3. Red team not having a team chat

I personally enjoy being mafia but don't really like having to keep up with a team chat, so I thought the red mafia team's large but disparate numbers would be just the thing! And I was right- it was just the thing. Just the thing to piss everyone right off! This will go down in history as one of those many mechanics that were interesting, but just too frustrating or disruptive for the players.

Interesting thoughts @Shizune.

I geneally agree with you - i think that Execution to replace modkills was a very nice idea, while lynch pool did not work so great - I prefer Kingmaker mechanic to lynch pool.

But Red Mafia could communicate a bit - i think the idea of poweful but disjointed Mafia was interesting.

Could you possibly add me to purple and red scum chats?
I'm sorry but how in the fuck was the purple mafia actually surprised I was a traitor? This literally spells it out, you'd have to be a complete idiot not to see it coming lmao
Nobody was surprised, we just decided to yeet you to the cosmos the moment you showed your fangs toward your masters. Think of it this way, you were an obedient dog and were useful, but the moment you acted up, you had to be reminded of your place, and in this situation. It was lynching you. Nothing more, nothing less.
Nobody was surprised, we just decided to yeet you to the cosmos the moment you showed your fangs toward your masters. Think of it this way, you were an obedient dog and were useful, but the moment you acted up, you had to be reminded of your place, and in this situation. It was lynching you. Nothing more, nothing less.

nah shizune gave me the tea lmao some of you nibbas were definitely surprised and shook lmao
I kinda wonder what would have happened if I was in red mafia. I'm somewhat intrigued at the idea of playing mafia with limited communication. Though not being able to send in other mafia member's abilities would definitely be cause for contention, IMHO. Could only really be done if everyone on the team is willing and able to pull their weight and be upfront about targets. For this kind of mafia, you'd kinda need to hand pick an all star group of well known users who you can trust to at least always be active. They don't have to necessarily be good, they just have to be consistently active...except maybe the traitor, lol.
Remember that time when I said purple is going to win, but then I stupidly voted for prof or Didi instead of the real culprit Ekko?

I definitely waffled back and forth over ekko’s alignment. Prof was so adamant about seeing his role. But I still knew ekko framed me, which is hard for me call town; a framer ability for the most part I think I’ve only seen it given to a mafia team.

I wish I would have talked more about the other character I submitted. Even though she wasn’t in the game, I did leave out that she would maybe have an infiltrating sort of ability. If I had mentioned that, maybe that would gotten people to think of something.

Also, I’m curious. Did anyone who was alive longer that me suspect “why are the masons/neighbors still alive?”
Remember that time when I said purple is going to win, but then I stupidly voted for prof or Didi instead of the real culprit Ekko?

I definitely waffled back and forth over ekko’s alignment. Prof was so adamant about seeing his role. But I still knew ekko framed me, which is hard for me call town; a framer ability for the most part I think I’ve only seen it given to a mafia team.

I wish I would have talked more about the other character I submitted. Even though she wasn’t in the game, I did leave out that she would maybe have an infiltrating sort of ability. If I had mentioned that, maybe that would gotten people to think of something.

Also, I’m curious. Did anyone who was alive longer that me suspect “why are the masons/neighbors still alive?”

Usopp played very well this game, but the longer were the confirmed "masons" alive, the more suss it became.

You would propably win this if not for purple's powerful role cop.

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