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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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btw @Shizune
please never do that lynchpool mechanic again

I wonder what you think about it upon reflection

before the game I thought it might be interesting because you can actively track who are dodging the lynchs and it makes people culpable for mislynches (but then again, both those things can be true without the mechanic too)

but during the game I absolutely hated it
oh great, this person everyone is scumreading can't be lynched, how wonderful
Yeah I think the lynch mechanic was a good idea in theory, but didn't work in execution. Not to rehash the "debate" going on right now about whether the game was hosted well or not (obviously it was and I don't think anyone is claiming otherwise), but I don't think it can be argued that the lynch mechanic helped town overall in something that should be town's biggest weapon. Not the worst thing ever but also not a positive.

The execution was a great idea though, I'd like to see that used in other games over modkills tbh.
this is completely false
we only mislynched day 1 and 2
every day from then on our lynch was on scum

You already won, no need to spread false information to prop yourself up
didi worm was not in the lynch pool day 3

i put her on purpose there to split the votes. yall voted her and we redirected it to nessos

and it originally should have been nessos thread voters ONLY that are eligible to be lynched next day + the person i add wit my ability. aka a GURANTEED mislynch

buut nitty decided to be merciful on u guys and open the lynch for public lol. day 4 had an open pool. ever wondered why?

town can be pretty ignorant at times ngl
Hiding behind the host, aren't you? What a ballsy spot to put yourself in..

I am in the position to tell you I don't care what happened except the PM thing and tell you that what you did wasn't a stellar play like you want to show it was.

You can say anything, I know it was something it shouldn't happen, i know the host allowed it, but it's a cheap excuse. You copy pasted roles posted in scum chat by Hero and sent them as they were to Drprof.
i know for a fact this wont make a difference bc hero/iwan/jw coulda shared all the roles before dying as i paraphrase them to prof so if it makes u feel better you can have ur thoughts as u like ^^

what made it belivable is not the copy paste. only prof saw the roles not the rest of town. what made it belivable is ur flip matched it exactly. a paraphrase wud do the same job. ur arguing over semantics anyway

and yeah nitty allowed it. dont complain to me. there r abilities that can share results with other players. u can think of it the same
didi worm was not in the lynch pool day 3

i put her on purpose there to split the votes. yall voted her and we redirected it to nessos

and it originally should have been nessos thread voters ONLY that are eligible to be lynched next day + the person i add wit my ability. aka a GURANTEED mislynch

buut nitty decided to be merciful on u guys and open the lynch for public lol. day 4 had an open pool. ever wondered why?

town can be pretty ignorant at times ngl

So you're saying that town indeed voted to lynch scum and it was only undone by abilities from your camp?
which is precisely what I said

You're pretty arrogant for someone who's clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed
Yeah, I agree with you in that I'm not really here for the gloating of Purple over Red about what Real Mafia entails. For context Michelle, Ekkologix is a player who has recently gone on several tirades over mechanics affecting the game and it not coming down to the power of threadplay or whatever. Here mechanics obviously helped Purple win. He is by no means exclusive on this, as in, he is not the only player who acts like this, but I think it is pretty clear at this point his contention is only when mechanics hinder his chances of winning. Otherwise it's all fine. I find that stance hypocritical personally, but he's not the only one as I say.

For what it's worth, I thought you played well. Had you as a Town read until I realised you were running off the same narrative that all of Red were, I think I struggle to read you anyway honestly. Need to figure that one out. You were also best girl Y'shtola.
the funny part is mechanics have also been the major reason for scum lynches these games. u cant have it both way ratchy . i dont need threadplay when town is cucking itself. i just need to mechanically manipulate them

but look how mechanics helped town

- sin had a guilty on him cuz badalight flashed the bus drive. otherwise sin wuda scanned inno
- hero was poisoned by a mechanic we had ZERO control over
- tinky shot+roleblocked by a mechanic. we hid him behind alwaysmind but roleblock cucked it
- worm was the only one yeeted by threadplay and even that took 3 mislynches to happen and she got executed cuz of a mistake by us since we killed baroxio and made her in execution platform. otherwise she wuda survived 1 more cycle atleast.
- melodie outed by a mechanic (rej self watch and my tracker)
- iwan outed by a mechanic (quiet literally bada being told he got redirected to FS outed iwan. otherwise FS was free mislynch)
- sk hard suspected primarely cuz of a mechanic (delaying invests)
- JW you could argue was also suspected via threadplay cuz he did have an inno on him and was not fully cleared still
So you're saying that town indeed voted to lynch scum and it was only undone by abilities from your camp?
which is precisely what I said

You're pretty arrogant for someone who's clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed
i am telling u what happened lol

worm was not in day 3 lynch. u wud have been lynched and we didnt want that

so we added her to split the votes with u

this was all done to save u smfh

and we then redirected the lynch to nessos after splitting it between worm and u in threaf

if we knew u r gna be a traitor we would of GLADLY have u lynched for free that day 3 so u can stop cucking our team
and the redirect is us simply voting in role PM

it wouldnt work if all town stuck to one wagon

like we had to split them on purpose

if we didnt add worm there u wuda been lynched

thats the irony of it all..is how ignorant u r

Did town vote to lynch a scum or not? (spoiler: yes)

That's literally my only contention
But you seem to lack basic reading comprehension so I think I am done talking to you
like do u think id intentionally just add my scummate there to the lynch pool like a dumbass lol

1. this was free town cred for me later if i needed to claim it. but i never really did
2. this whoooleee day 3 shite was done literally to save ur ingrateful ass didi :lmao

u even sent us a message saying to lynch worm already u bonobos

i thought u wanted us to just bus worm for town cred and keep u alive

but we had a better plan. simply split the votes and vote in role PM

had i knew u were gna harm us like that i wuda just let u get lynched day 3

also originally it was intended that only nessos thread voters r eligible for lynch but that got canceled cuz that wud be another free mislynch and game 2 town was fuming at the time

like mechanics r there and i love playing with them. i have no remorse about what i did. i have no honor. nor do i feel shame about playing mostly with mechanics. im not breaking any game rules so town can cry me a river

end of discussion
Did town vote to lynch a scum or not? (spoiler: yes)

That's literally my only contention
But you seem to lack basic reading comprehension so I think I am done talking to you
yes a scum that I put there

I intentionally added there

i spoon feeded my own teammate to town

why? to save ur ingrateful ass

ur obviously just meming now. go read the day 3. had i not put worm there ur ass wud be in the dirt by then and i deeply regret doing that after what u did to tinky lol
u can't look at me and tell me town wasnt gna lynch u day 3 lel

wuda been foken glorious and i shuda let them do it

if i have one regret this game. it wud be helping u out that day 3
If I had one regret it'd be changing my profile picture to this hoping that literally anyone would comment on it and not getting a single bite tbh
tbh Iwan would have died at the same time regardless if the bus-drive didnt happen because I just would've super killed him
oh i thought u regular killed him only. ur superkill is next night and we wud redirect it elsewhere which wud make it roleboock sm1 else. luckily kills r redirctable or iwan gets rekt

tbh we didnt know town learns if their actions r redirected. its one of our mistepts too. u saying that u shot iwan and it went to firestormer insta made iwan sus cuz xadlin said similar stuff about his ability going bk to him tho i forgot the reason for why that happened to xadlin but it wasnt iwan

i think n3 went rly bad for us. we had initally wanted to use heros ability to frame cop results but we decided to go with the bus drives first which backfired with sin and iwan sadly and both of them was cuz of u lmfao. ur flash made the bus drive with sin fail and u shooting iwan and being told it was redirected semi outed him as bus driven with FS. u basically soloed mafia that night
After winning you seem to have veered into complete delusion
you played well
but you didn't play flawlessly
im not claiming i played flawlessly. certainly not the thread. just abused the mistakes town made and kept spamming mechanics.

i mean u gotta also ask urself what am i supposed to do as mafia when by day 3 i have more posts than my entire team combined (i remember counting it to encourage them in the chat lol)

i had no idea how to fake scum hunt from there. just had to try and either keep town from lynching my teammates or bus them for cred. legit can't do much from that position. i still ended the game as the mafia member with most thread posts even tho they were mostly load of crap but ye
oh i thought u regular killed him only. ur superkill is next night and we wud redirect it elsewhere which wud make it roleboock sm1 else. luckily kills r redirctable or iwan gets rekt

tbh we didnt know town learns if their actions r redirected. its one of our mistepts too. u saying that u shot iwan and it went to firestormer insta made iwan sus cuz xadlin said similar stuff about his ability going bk to him tho i forgot the reason for why that happened to xadlin but it wasnt iwan

i think n3 went rly bad for us. we had initally wanted to use heros ability to frame cop results but we decided to go with the bus drives first which backfired with sin and iwan sadly and both of them was cuz of u lmfao. ur flash made the bus drive with sin fail and u shooting iwan and being told it was redirected semi outed him as bus driven with FS. u basically soloed mafia that night
it was but I would have used my oneshot which is basically offensive flash, or just offensive flash to make sure the super kill went through

And that's what I'm saying, but like me and Didi for some reason were super sussed because we were hitting purple???? "idk Bada, you killed Tinky Winky, outed Iwan, ensured SR got lynched over FS, and were a big driving factor in the JW and Hero lynch trains. But maybe you are actually purple scum"
it was but I would have used my oneshot which is basically offensive flash, or just offensive flash to make sure the super kill went through

And that's what I'm saying, but like me and Didi for some reason were super sussed because we were hitting purple???? "idk Bada, you killed Tinky Winky, outed Iwan, ensured SR got lynched over FS, and were a big driving factor in the JW and Hero lynch trains. But maybe you are actually purple scum"
you superkilled me despite clearing me lol
- sin had a guilty on him cuz badalight flashed the bus drive. otherwise sin wuda scanned inno
- hero was poisoned by a mechanic we had ZERO control over
- tinky shot+roleblocked by a mechanic. we hid him behind alwaysmind but roleblock cucked it
- worm was the only one yeeted by threadplay and even that took 3 mislynches to happen and she got executed cuz of a mistake by us since we killed baroxio and made her in execution platform. otherwise she wuda survived 1 more cycle atleast.
- melodie outed by a mechanic (rej self watch and my tracker)
- iwan outed by a mechanic (quiet literally bada being told he got redirected to FS outed iwan. otherwise FS was free mislynch)
- sk hard suspected primarely cuz of a mechanic (delaying invests)
- JW you could argue was also suspected via threadplay cuz he did have an inno on him and was not fully cleared still
The only one of these I'll give you is the third one. The rest are just completely untrue.

Look, I don't mind you gloating. You won, have at it. I lost any faith I had in you as a player over the Ariess One Piece game, so you do not need to prove anything to me. I will not even say that you don't deserve the win, because I think the first half of Game 2, Purple were better than Town quite convincingly. What I don't care for is you trying to posture yourself as some sort of Mafia purist who does not care for mechanics influencing the games and believes the quality of threadplay is the only thing that matters, and then playing a game like this wherein you rely heavily on mechanics and then say this is all consistent. It is not, it is beyond clear now that you only care about "muh threadplay" when mechanics negatively affect your game. I believe both things are important, but you cannot deny you've spent many games recently discarding everything mechanical and treating it, and players who swear by them, as worthless, so I find for you to then play a game like you did here and try to posture as if this is all logically congruent to be, at best, dishonest. It doesn't really matter what I think of course, you can act and do however you please, but the next time you rant about how mechanics are pointless, do not be surprised to find myself, and hopefully several others, dismissing your charge without comment.

from Devil May Cry
durability rating: 3

[Innate - Quick Study] -
Vergil can learn new skills and techniques at unnaturally fast rates. If Vergil is gifted a limited-use ability, he will gain an extra use of it.

[Passive - Iaijutsu] - Vergil is a highly skilled swordsman, protecting him against being disarmed.

[Active - Physical - Yamato] - During the night Vergil can attack another player with his sword, roleblocking them. If Vergil uses this ability on the same player 2 nights in a row, he will kill them instead. If Vergil uses this ability on the same player 3 or more nights in a row, he will superkill them. Vergil cannot use this ability the same night as [Riposte].

[Active - Physical - Riposte] - During the night Vergil can use a defensive technique to counter any harmful physical abilities used on him. If Vergil counters another player, he will permanently mark them with [Exposed Weakness]. Vegil cannot use this ability 2 nights in a row, and he cannot use this ability and [Yamato] in the same night.

[Exposed Weakness] - If Vergil uses [Yamato] on this player, its effects will be upgraded to their next stage. This mark is consumed when it triggers.

[One Shot Active - Magical - Mirage Blades] - During the night Vergil can conjure spectral swords to extend his range. That night, Vergil can use [Riposte] on up to 2 other players in addition to himself, countering harmful physical abilities used on them and applying [Exposed Weakness] to the countered players. If Vergil is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Devil Trigger] - During the night Vergil can unleash his demonic powers. For that night and the next cycle, Vergill will be protected against redirects and roleblocks. If Vergil kills another player while this ability is active, its duration will be extended by one cycle (this effect can only trigger once). If Vergil dies during this ability, his death will be delayed until this ability ends. If Vergil is role crushed, he can still use this ability, and doing so will cure him of the role crush. If Vergil is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain an extra charge of this ability.

Thanks, and Ekko's role?
Didn't wanna waste the superkill ;o

Also just sped things up so we didn't have to spend a phase arguing about you and then lynching you after Charles flipped town.

Also I read my one-shot wrong and thought it would give me another charge of it, but I was wrong. rip
So you killed a townie you were clearing to "speed things up" despite claiming to have an offensive flash you could've used to make sure it hit scum instead, and yet are baffled by why anyone could think you were not the best town player or potentially scum?
So you killed a townie you were clearing to "speed things up" despite claiming to have an offensive flash you could've used to make sure it hit scum instead, and yet are baffled by why anyone could think you were not the best town player or potentially scum?

No I couldn't hit Iwan anymore after I was redirected. And very high chance town would have lynched you the next day anyway after the guilty verdict and with Charles being confirmed town. Instead, we got rid of Iwan and Melodie. Fair trade imo.
Good choice to try and edit in an actual reasoning after realising how dumb you looked saying that first sentence alone, even though it does not relate to the actual point of "you superkilled your clears, how are you shocked that people could have doubts about you?"

1 town for 1 scum is a trade I will take any day

You're lucky I came to your defense in the first place. I let you live an extra phase ;( be greatful
On the subject of lynchpools I will say that for my role specifically they were more of a double edged sword. Especially with hidden vote power non reds have. I guess wrong on who has more vote power and I get stopped from doing what I want to potentially.

I could have utilized it a bit better admitly but they did stop me from doing more subtle plays at certain points.
On the subject of lynchpools I will say that for my role specifically they were more of a double edged sword. Especially with hidden vote power non reds have. I guess wrong on who has more vote power and I get stopped from doing what I want to potentially.

I could have utilized it a bit better admitly but they did stop me from doing more subtle plays at certain points.

tbh you should've just open scummed from the start. That's what I did in faves 3 when I was lynch immune and I got town to waste 4 lynches on me - then I lead town to kill the opposing mafia factions.
i know for a fact this wont make a difference bc hero/iwan/jw coulda shared all the roles before dying as i paraphrase them to prof so if it makes u feel better you can have ur thoughts as u like ^^

what made it belivable is not the copy paste. only prof saw the roles not the rest of town. what made it belivable is ur flip matched it exactly. a paraphrase wud do the same job. ur arguing over semantics anyway

and yeah nitty allowed it. dont complain to me. there r abilities that can share results with other players. u can think of it the same
Can you stop defend your poor play by blaming the host?

Let's end this, you won't change my opinion about you, your team and the way you won the game no matter what you explain about the game mechanics.
it was but I would have used my oneshot which is basically offensive flash

or just offensive flash
yeah iwan was gna be donezo then lmao

guess he would still survive till JW dies but ye

i thought ur devil trigger doesnt stop redirections but dont recall fully

Can you stop defend your poor play by blaming the host?

Let's end this, you won't change my opinion about you, your team and the way you won the game no matter what you explain about the game mechanics.
mich ur opinion dont matter to me and i wont defend my play worry not. keep beliving in whatever makes u feel better m8 ^^. gg wp
The only one of these I'll give you is the third one. The rest are just completely untrue.

Look, I don't mind you gloating. You won, have at it. I lost any faith I had in you as a player over the Ariess One Piece game, so you do not need to prove anything to me. I will not even say that you don't deserve the win, because I think the first half of Game 2, Purple were better than Town quite convincingly. What I don't care for is you trying to posture yourself as some sort of Mafia purist who does not care for mechanics influencing the games and believes the quality of threadplay is the only thing that matters, and then playing a game like this wherein you rely heavily on mechanics and then say this is all consistent. It is not, it is beyond clear now that you only care about "muh threadplay" when mechanics negatively affect your game. I believe both things are important, but you cannot deny you've spent many games recently discarding everything mechanical and treating it, and players who swear by them, as worthless, so I find for you to then play a game like you did here and try to posture as if this is all logically congruent to be, at best, dishonest. It doesn't really matter what I think of course, you can act and do however you please, but the next time you rant about how mechanics are pointless, do not be surprised to find myself, and hopefully several others, dismissing your charge without comment.
its foken favs ratchy
playing off the threadplay is towns job. i dont need to do it. u do. if i was town here i wud focus more on thread play. mafia is what rely more on mechanic mixed with enough threadplay to lead town astray. and we foken did it. again im the mafia member with most posts by a landslide. in game 2 i had more posts than my whole team combined. m8 what u want me to do? im foken scum i already know the alignment of everyone and his dog lol. why do u expect me to play the thread and solve peoples alignments when i already know it. also using that aries one piece game as an example when i actually read only 3 pages there already tells me u have no sample size. not only that but my reads there were more correct than wrong.

i am not even gloating, nor am i claiming perfectionist at anything. just wasting time justifying my actions / play to people who have misconceptions about it due to town ignorance / lack of knowledge on the background stuff or just saltiness

like our job is to drive mislynches / cause lynches away from my faction and we did it. how i do it is up to me. u really cant expect me to try and lead town to mislynches every day and not be lynched/shot by red for it, especially with a mostly inactive game 2 team. we kept PoE as large as possibe. and ran group 2 down. just accept the facts and move on

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