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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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i cant survive superkills btw. i only had 3 lives

melodie stole a life from someone. like we saw someone try to give another player extra life and we yoinked it and gave it to me. i think it was from nessos or rej

and mich gave soul and extra life which he copied and gave to me

thats how i became at 5

town didnt lynch mafia every day, specially not group 2

town mislynched every day minus 2, and mis executed every day minus 2. not to mention mislynch in night lynch and soul's lynch post merge. thats alot of town blood lol

this is completely false
we only mislynched day 1 and 2
every day from then on our lynch was on scum

You already won, no need to spread false information to prop yourself up
You're really overstating how well town played. Town mislynched (including the execution) many times, and all of their superkills were wasted, as well as the night lynch.

If I’m going to give the town access to several superkills that could potentially one-shot mafia members, then this is the trade off.

All this talk about mis-excecutes.

The excecute is going to hit town like 95%+ of the time. Pretty much by design you would expect the candidates to be 100% town nearly every day. It is a mildly scum sided mechanic that I had assumed was designed to force mafia to play and not slank(so we could find them), and help clear town afkers out with out wasting more valuable town kills on them.

balance wise it should have been calculated as a kill for scum(or more specifically a fraction of a kill for scum).

any scum that got hit by it is a huge blunder by that specific scum, not some sort of normal distribution.
Can't really blame us on the executes tbh. What do you expect? We were choosing between 3 people with zero posts 90% of the time, lol. "Aw man, you should have known that Melodie's 1 post was scummier than franky's 2 posts. You're so dumb!" Also, the spirit of that ability was to get rid of inactives anyway not to scum hunt. It also doesn't help that rules were modified to not really make executing scum that beneficial for town as their abilities were given back to the scum team.

Mislynch on day 1 and day 2 were mistakes sure. Night lynch was 40% scum so hard to say that was really a mislynch either. The only mistake after that was the Soul lynch.

I think in terms of lynches town played nearly perfectly. Actions are where town fucked up. You had nessos adding 2 scum to the night lynch, town doctor protecting a scum all game, one vig attacking another vig, etc.
All this talk about mis-excecutes.

The excecute is going to hit town like 95%+ of the time. Pretty much by design you would expect the candidates to be 100% town nearly every day. It is a mildly scum sided mechanic that I had assumed was designed to force mafia to play and not slank(so we could find them), and help clear town afkers out with out wasting more valuable town kills on them.

balance wise it should have been calculated as a kill for scum(or more specifically a fraction of a kill for scum).

any scum that got hit by it is a huge blunder by that specific scum, not some sort of normal distribution.

Counting the execution as a mafia kill would be ridiculous, it helped town’s POE and hit scum a few times. :mlpshrug
I’m just saying, town did not play so well that they “deserved” to win this game. If you want powerful night actions like superkills, then the trade off is you have to use them wisely or the game will be balanced to punish you. If you lynch pretty well but then waste all your superkills, that’s just going to balance itself out.
btw @Shizune
please never do that lynchpool mechanic again

I wonder what you think about it upon reflection

before the game I thought it might be interesting because you can actively track who are dodging the lynchs and it makes people culpable for mislynches (but then again, both those things can be true without the mechanic too)

but during the game I absolutely hated it
oh great, this person everyone is scumreading can't be lynched, how wonderful
btw @Shizune
please never do that lynchpool mechanic again

I wonder what you think about it upon reflection

before the game I thought it might be interesting because you can actively track who are dodging the lynchs and it makes people culpable for mislynches (but then again, both those things can be true without the mechanic too)

but during the game I absolutely hated it
oh great, this person everyone is scumreading can't be lynched, how wonderful

What are some examples of times that actually happened, though?
Counting the execution as a mafia kill would be ridiculous, it helped town’s POE and hit scum a few times. :mlpshrug

I am used to talking about kill power in percentages. I think treating it like .3 of a kill for scum isnt insane.

Its supposed to hit town basically every cycle. Just doesnt typically hit players scum would care to kill. still basically an extra mislynch each cycle.

all good though, my main point was that multiple people have brought up excecutes hitting town as evidence of poor town play, or strong scum play.

it was working as intended by my estimation.
I’m just saying, town did not play so well that they “deserved” to win this game. If you want powerful night actions like superkills, then the trade off is you have to use them wisely or the game will be balanced to punish you. If you lynch pretty well but then waste all your superkills, that’s just going to balance itself out.
Hard to blame for some of the big super kills town had by dying early or being inactive, in the same vein though.
I limited the lynch for 2 reasons:

1. To nerf the lynch a little bit to balance out the town’s powerful night actions

2. To help keep the game focused/guided. Huge games usually have a big problem with people feeling lost, or unsure of who to lynch next

I feel the lynch mechanic succeeded at both goals, but I agree it has some inherent frustrations and it’s the sort of thing that can only be done for one game, because after that the cracks will start to really show.
How many mafia were realistically taken out by town actions? Seems to me mostly was threadplay and the Lynch, along with some sleuthing of targeting/tracking/watching.

I think Tinky Winky in the Finals was the only mafia member killed by townies

Wait no that wasn’t townies that was Didi LMAO
I didn't like the lynch mechanic but its favorites and there is almost always some weird gimmick so I thought it was fine in that aspect. I just think making the lynch weaker when scum has so many options to dodge the lynch already makes for a difficult combo to overcome. You're then putting a lot of weight into vigs who could easily just die early or hit the wrong targets - almost deciding the game based off a few stray actions.

Btw what other superkills did town have? I had one, but I only ever had one chance to use it and that was only because of the busdrive which basically forced me to target FS or start over.
I think he's just being passive aggressive about how mafia got compensation for inactivity whereas inactive townies seem to be always accepted as part of the game and thus zero compensation

I compensated townies for inactivity the entire game lol. Repeatedly townies would miss actions or misunderstand their actions and I would let them use the action twice the next cycle to make up for the error. When Vanya’s mason partners bailed, I heavily compensated Vanya. I’m sure there’s more examples that aren’t coming to mind right now.
I compensated townies for inactivity the entire game lol. Repeatedly townies would miss actions or misunderstand their actions and I would let them use the action twice the next cycle to make up for the error. When Vanya’s mason partners bailed, I heavily compensated Vanya. I’m sure there’s more examples that aren’t coming to mind right now.
Sadly Vanya was fairly useless outside of being confirmed and his couple of Lynch pool adds.
I limited the lynch for 2 reasons:

1. To nerf the lynch a little bit to balance out the town’s powerful night actions

2. To help keep the game focused/guided. Huge games usually have a big problem with people feeling lost, or unsure of who to lynch next

I feel the lynch mechanic succeeded at both goals, but I agree it has some inherent frustrations and it’s the sort of thing that can only be done for one game, because after that the cracks will start to really show.
My only problem with the the lynch thing is like, mafia could just be outed and refuse to join the wagon. Then the only way to deal with them is night actions. And while yes there are roles that can modify the lynch pool or kill mafia at night, if we get to a point where those get hit first through mostly random chance, you're basically forced to scrap the whole thing midgame otherwise the game is unplayable
My only problem with the the lynch thing is like, mafia could just be outed and refuse to join the wagon. Then the only way to deal with them is night actions. And while yes there are roles that can modify the lynch pool or kill mafia at night, if we get to a point where those get hit first through mostly random chance, you're basically forced to scrap the whole thing mindgame otherwise the game is unplayable
Which, tbh, would just feel bad because mafia at that point would 100% complain lmao
My only problem with the the lynch thing is like, mafia could just be outed and refuse to join the wagon. Then the only way to deal with them is night actions. And while yes there are roles that can modify the lynch pool or kill mafia at night, if we get to a point where those get hit first through mostly random chance, you're basically forced to scrap the whole thing midgame otherwise the game is unplayable

I was fully prepared to scrap it and did as soon as it showed signs of messing with the game :mlpshrug
Honestly, I liked the lynch pool mechanic. It made bandwagoning a double edged sword and aided in tracking down scum. Sure, the downside meant that scum could manipulate themselves to be clear of the lynch, but I think overall it was a neat mechanic and balanced nicely in my opinion.

What point are you trying to make here?

Not actually making a point, I just want to imagine a world where townies get to reuse some of the misused / unused abilities of executed townies. Would that be too powerful in a game such as this? I don't really know. Every role felt at least potentially strong in certain ways, but there were definitely some definitive "power" roles among town so spreading the love might have helped prevent the issue where town became overly reliant on the lynch to accomplish anything in a game where each mafia could stop the lynch at least twice.
I was fully prepared to scrap it and did as soon as it showed signs of messing with the game :mlpshrug
Yeah I don't thnk it went badly here, I'm just saying it had the potential to. If the game state was more like, here are 7 scum that are outted and open wolfing, knowing they're safe because of the lynch mechanics, then you come in and change it like you did here, it could lead to some not great situations. Not because it would be unfair, but because the mafia would a thousand percent all start raging in pms lol
Nitty, you said yourself that balance in faves is impossible, so I don’t know why you argue when people tell you things weren’t balanced.

Balancing a setup in theory is very possible and is what we strive for

The reason we say it can’t actually be balanced in reality is because the setup is single-use, meaning if fringe scenarios occur like all the town vigges dying early, that’s just going to be what happens and there’s no changing it or replaying it

So we can absolutely balance the setup, it just won’t always play out in a balanced or fair way
Yeah I don't thnk it went badly here, I'm just saying it had the potential to. If the game state was more like, here are 7 scum that are outted and open wolfing, knowing they're safe because of the lynch mechanics, then you come in and change it like you did here, it could lead to some not great situations. Not because it would be unfair, but because the mafia would a thousand percent all start raging in pms lol
also tbh a more minor thing about it is it makes vote power roles actually nearly worthless lol. And actually maybe detrimental at times. If I have (taking it to an extreme) like 15 vote power and can decide a lynch myself, me voting for anyone but the main wagon actually screws town because it narrows the pool way too much. That's not as huge a deal with smaller vote power roles, but realistically if you're town with those you never actually WANT the vote to be the second wagon because of your voting power
Wait who had the other superkill?

Also are we counting my superkill because that was basically impossible to pull off even if I chose targets that weren't being actively sussed in the thread and never once used my defensive night action.

Which I think is fine btw but it is admittedly a very very veeeery conditional superkill.
Technically I got one but it required Draekke using his actions on me
Wait who had the other superkill?

Also are we counting my superkill because that was basically impossible to pull off even if I chose targets that weren't being actively sussed in the thread and never once used my defensive night action.

Which I think is fine btw but it is admittedly a very very veeeery conditional superkill.
Whoever was Viktor had a SK I believe.
also tbh a more minor thing about it is it makes vote power roles actually nearly worthless lol. And actually maybe detrimental at times. If I have (taking it to an extreme) like 15 vote power and can decide a lynch myself, me voting for anyone but the main wagon actually screws town because it narrows the pool way too much. That's not as huge a deal with smaller vote power roles, but realistically if you're town with those you never actually WANT the vote to be the second wagon because of your voting power

this actually happened and the next days vote was opened to every player again. The only issue here is this wasnt clear before it happened.
For the record I didnt claim this set was unbalanced.

just that the excecute should be expected to hit town, and remarking on the fact towns were killed by the excecute, as something that reflects on the quality of any of the factions play, is incorrect.

ye I inherently see the execute as a way to trim the fat and get rid of useless non-contributing townies without them derailing the main lynch

What would be vig-targets in other games because you don't want to waste lynch info on them because you gleam nothing from it

Of course it can hit lowlaying scum but with the info being open it's unlikely for scum to be an option unless they play bad
Eh, I disagree that it’s a townie-sided mechanic, and I’ve seen a few others say the same.

I don’t think this is arguable. If the town had tried to coordinate their flashes and their watchers, mafia would barely have been able to move in this game. Most townies died without flashing. Badalight defensively flashed ONE night and it literally had everyone thinking he was immortal. Now imagine every townie actually flashes, and on top of that the watchers and vigges actually function. Mafia would probably have lost.
this actually happened and the next days vote was opened to every player again. The only issue here is this wasnt clear before it happened.
yeah but I also saw it where there were only like, 4 players as a choice. Narrowing it, even if it isn't a ridiculously smaller group like 2 people or something, is still not great for town probably.

Notably though you are probably more likely to get those scum that are hiding by sitting on the second wagon which does help balance it a little bit
ye I inherently see the execute as a way to trim the fat and get rid of useless non-contributing townies without them derailing the main lynch

What would be vig-targets in other games because you don't want to waste lynch info on them because you gleam nothing from it

Of course it can hit lowlaying scum but with the info being open it's unlikely for scum to be an option unless they play bad

Weren’t several scum executed though? :mlpshrug
I tried to run a mafia game exactly twice. In my first ever mafia game (Ed, Edd n Eddy), all of the indies won and everybody else died. Townies lost first, the Ed Gang became a mafia, then immediately suicided into the original mafia (The Kanker Sisters + Ed's Brother). The indies were practically untouchable all game.

What I'm trying to say is, nobody is perfect, least of all me. Take my criticism with a grain of salt. Ultimately what matters is that people have a good time. And I think that this game achieved that. It was unique, and in a good way at that. Hopefully the next game is even better.
I don’t think this is arguable. If the town had tried to coordinate their flashes and their watchers, mafia would barely have been able to move in this game. Most townies died without flashing. Badalight defensively flashed ONE night and it literally had everyone thinking he was immortal. Now imagine every townie actually flashes, and on top of that the watchers and vigges actually function. Mafia would probably have lost.

This was a well timed flash ;o

Also don't know how literally no one brought up the possibility that I flashed. I figured everyone must have forgotten about the mechanic, lol.
I flashed in order to take no damage from the delayed superkill (thinking I could watch it and find out who sent it).

Flash was a great mechanic, but it's a stretch to say town could have coordinate it's uses. It's one time use. Of the top of my head, only the role introduced mid way through the game with Nessos's revival had the ability to recycle them (granted, I haven't paid a lot of attention to revealed town roles). Without such an ability, town can't coordinate jack, since any townie who used flash would immediately become a target for mafia afterwards (especially when mafia have people that automatically know whenever someone uses flash), unless you're saying that we can use defensive flashes on other people...which was never my understanding of the mechanic.

Flash was better on mafia, since they could use it to ensure their kills go through while also have access to roles that recycle them regularly. In fact, even if townies somehow coordinated defensive flash use, mafia could just counter with offensive flash use and render townie flash impotent. Plus, flash is perfect to use when you know your being targeted, which is almost always going to be the case more for mafia (who have greater surviavability and are statistically less likely to be targeted randomly) than town. Generally, townies just die without warning, afterall.
Wait who had the other superkill?

Also are we counting my superkill because that was basically impossible to pull off even if I chose targets that weren't being actively sussed in the thread and never once used my defensive night action.

Which I think is fine btw but it is admittedly a very very veeeery conditional superkill.
Can you post your role?
Can you post your role?

from Devil May Cry
durability rating: 3

[Innate - Quick Study] -
Vergil can learn new skills and techniques at unnaturally fast rates. If Vergil is gifted a limited-use ability, he will gain an extra use of it.

[Passive - Iaijutsu] - Vergil is a highly skilled swordsman, protecting him against being disarmed.

[Active - Physical - Yamato] - During the night Vergil can attack another player with his sword, roleblocking them. If Vergil uses this ability on the same player 2 nights in a row, he will kill them instead. If Vergil uses this ability on the same player 3 or more nights in a row, he will superkill them. Vergil cannot use this ability the same night as [Riposte].

[Active - Physical - Riposte] - During the night Vergil can use a defensive technique to counter any harmful physical abilities used on him. If Vergil counters another player, he will permanently mark them with [Exposed Weakness]. Vegil cannot use this ability 2 nights in a row, and he cannot use this ability and [Yamato] in the same night.

[Exposed Weakness] - If Vergil uses [Yamato] on this player, its effects will be upgraded to their next stage. This mark is consumed when it triggers.

[One Shot Active - Magical - Mirage Blades] - During the night Vergil can conjure spectral swords to extend his range. That night, Vergil can use [Riposte] on up to 2 other players in addition to himself, countering harmful physical abilities used on them and applying [Exposed Weakness] to the countered players. If Vergil is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Devil Trigger] - During the night Vergil can unleash his demonic powers. For that night and the next cycle, Vergill will be protected against redirects and roleblocks. If Vergil kills another player while this ability is active, its duration will be extended by one cycle (this effect can only trigger once). If Vergil dies during this ability, his death will be delayed until this ability ends. If Vergil is role crushed, he can still use this ability, and doing so will cure him of the role crush. If Vergil is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain an extra charge of this ability.
But without the communication that a mafia has, it’s extremely hard to coordinate the several different actions it would take to be able to overcome some of their roles.

Ekko said he had five lives, I think you said SK did as well. Those two could have survived an SK based on the amount of lives they’ve had.
well idk what the conversation is about

i will address dis one cause ekko and sk got 5 lives towards the end of the game so that was more of a late game thing rather than at the start. ekko def coulda died to a SK before the merge.

Town / andrew greves got 7 lives at one point lol
To add, even with all that, things came down to the wire and town could have won if they just caught Usopp and put today’s top 2 lynch candidates as Usopp and SoulKiller.
Yeah, that was neverrrrr going to happen. All the people who wanted Susopp lynched were dead, and all which was left was outed scum Karma who town didn’t even consider to listen to

well idk what the conversation is about

i will address dis one cause ekko and sk got 5 lives towards the end of the game so that was more of a late game thing rather than at the start. ekko def coulda died to a SK before the merge.

Town / andrew greves got 7 lives at one point lol
It’s even crazier that they were able to get 5 lives later into the game lol. Everyone was on SK’s trail and apparently things weren’t working on him. Ekko played well to get into town’s pocket, but still. At the end of the game he could have tanked an SK, so that’s pretty hard to deal with lol
It’s even crazier that they were able to get 5 lives later into the game lol. Everyone was on SK’s trail and apparently things weren’t working on him. Ekko played well to get into town’s pocket, but still. At the end of the game he could have tanked an SK, so that’s pretty hard to deal with lol
hmm not really, i dont think its absurd esp when its that late in the game I suppose. Eventually like a life would hit them right? Thats how i see it anyways
I'm mad at nitty because he purposefully and willingly ignored my messages and then came up with an excuse that "I've tried responding 4 times and it hasn't been working"

like, I wasn't born yesterday!!! ;(

No I promise this really happened

I just remember like that night, I went and looked and saw I had never replied to you, and thought "that's weird" because I was sure I replied at work that day, but whatever, replied and went to bed

I wake up and it's STILL not there

After I replied that day I checked back like 10 times to make sure it stayed
what you played wasn't real mafia
Yeah, I agree with you in that I'm not really here for the gloating of Purple over Red about what Real Mafia entails. For context Michelle, Ekkologix is a player who has recently gone on several tirades over mechanics affecting the game and it not coming down to the power of threadplay or whatever. Here mechanics obviously helped Purple win. He is by no means exclusive on this, as in, he is not the only player who acts like this, but I think it is pretty clear at this point his contention is only when mechanics hinder his chances of winning. Otherwise it's all fine. I find that stance hypocritical personally, but he's not the only one as I say.

For what it's worth, I thought you played well. Had you as a Town read until I realised you were running off the same narrative that all of Red were, I think I struggle to read you anyway honestly. Need to figure that one out. You were also best girl Y'shtola.
Yeah, I agree with you in that I'm not really here for the gloating of Purple over Red about what Real Mafia entails. For context Michelle, Ekkologix is a player who has recently gone on several tirades over mechanics affecting the game and it not coming down to the power of threadplay or whatever. Here mechanics obviously helped Purple win. He is by no means exclusive o this, as in, he is not the o ly player who acts like this, but I think it is pretty clear at this point his contention is only when mechanics hinder his chances of winning. Otherwise it's all fine. I find that stance hypocritical personally, but he's not the only one as I say.

For what it's worth, I thought you played well. Had you as a Town read until I realised you were running off the same narrative that all of Red were, I think I struggle to read you anyway honestly. Need to figure that one out. You were also best girl Y'shtola.

yeah don't let Ekko talk shit to you about anything in this game because I promise he was having meltdowns over every little mechanic that didn't go his way, and he would CURRENTLY be having a meltdown if he hadn't won
No I promise this really happened

I just remember like that night, I went and looked and saw I had never replied to you, and thought "that's weird" because I was sure I replied at work that day, but whatever, replied and went to bed

I wake up and it's STILL not there

After I replied that day I checked back like 10 times to make sure it stayed

lol I'm jk

but maybe you dreamt it, did you ever consider that

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