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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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Girl they are not cut OUT for this game

Nat you are unironically one of my favorite people here

and do you know what that means

it means I play mafia in the HOPES that I will someday get the chance to betray you, eliminate you from a game, and overall ruin your week and month

like bitch

you should be AFRAID of your friends cuz they will make stuff up JUST to fuck with you extra hard LMAO
Not cut out? I manipulated everyone in group 1 into thinking Im simultaneously town and Reds saviour.

Once I get past this y’all will come to regret ever convincing me to stop being soft. Time machines will be built to go back to the past and stop the creation of Fuji 2.0 :pepesmoke
Girl they are not cut OUT for this game

Nat you are unironically one of my favorite people here

and do you know what that means

it means I play mafia in the HOPES that I will someday get the chance to betray you, eliminate you from a game, and overall ruin your week and month

like bitch

you should be AFRAID of your friends cuz they will make stuff up JUST to fuck with you extra hard LMAO
Bring it on, I’ll break your fighting spirit

Fuji once pretended to be my dad (I will not give context) for the entire game before backstabbing me. It was the first dominio on this streak of Ly/Lo losses.

You’re giving him too much credit.
prof u told me earlier today in disc that betrayal comes from the closest to you so i guess you were prepared for this 💀
Not cut out? I manipulated everyone in group 1 into thinking Im simultaneously town and Reds saviour.

Once I get past this y’all will come to regret ever convincing me to stop being soft. Time machines will be built to go back to the past and stop the creation of Fuji 2.0 :pepesmoke
Chill Fuji. Don’t let them know this is all elaborate set up to jerk the rug out from under them in future games.
What is wg

You should see me as scum. This was literally my first town game in legit like 8 years ;(
WG = worstgen

ive seen u as scum in one of my first games here

nitty's members mafia that jester cult cooler won

i just like ur playstyle. its vibe af. u can fit right into wg and its the style i enjoy playing with
@Kira Yagami Not going to lie kind of thought are connection would have been more

Am I really the only host who uses fake masons? :mlpshrug

The WorstGen meta is so fucked by fake mechanics, they don't even trust writeups over there. I never thought someone from Worstgen would struggle with a fake neighbor, if I'm being honest. That's not to knock on the Professor, who very much earned his MVP award this game, I just thought Worstgen players would be very familiar with fake mechanics.
I specifically remember in laws favorites my mafia team having the ability to mason with anyone. I don't even think he was the only one to do it either. So surprised it got so much cred here.
i didnt take any vote power.... i just made everyone's vp be -1 or -2.

i remember i was so new at the time nitty said voting on urself or not voting at all or smth like that counts as 2 votes on u and i had like -1 vote power from u or 0 so i wanted to giga outplay the rules so i voted myself to make it -1*2 hence im not being voted or sm nonsense like that lmao
i remember i was so new at the time nitty said voting on urself or not voting at all or smth like that counts as 2 votes on u and i had like -1 vote power from u or 0 so i wanted to giga outplay the rules so i voted myself to make it -1*2 hence im not being voted or sm nonsense like that lmao
tbh that role was a bit wonky. Nitty had to nerf that role twice iirc cause I was gonna nuke the entire town by night 3 or some shit.
I guess its true because Prof can always ask me if aim lying on our friendship and then what. You’re right.
I told Prof the same thing when he pulled it in Group 2. I'm aware of the thought process that underpinned that, but trust tells basically change the game due to it. If you don't really like lying to someone in a personal manner, you can just commit to never making promises at all in these games, but you have to hold yourself to that extreme too. Integrity is preserved as long as you can't just be cleared off of it.
Good game to almost all of you! Congrats purple, you did well.

@Ekkologix hell of a game
@Admiral Fujitora I read your post about directing the mafia away from me - much appreciated. I wasn’t a strong investigator role, and my tracking came up with almost nothing (literally only got any results back once, and it was on AM).

Congrats to the town MVPs, you guys did a great job while you were around.

@DrProfessor83 that was a rough game to watch after learning the truth about Ekko lol. Otherwise I liked your play style, and think you did a great job for the most part.

@Shizune thanks for the game, Nitty, it was a lot of fun! And thanks for the backup mvp nod!
Good game to almost all of you! Congrats purple, you did well.

@Ekkologix hell of a game
@Admiral Fujitora I read your post about directing the mafia away from me - much appreciated. I wasn’t a strong investigator role, and my tracking came up with almost nothing (literally only got any results back once, and it was on AM).

Congrats to the town MVPs, you guys did a great job while you were around.

@DrProfessor83 that was a rough game to watch after learning the truth about Ekko lol. Otherwise I liked your play style, and think you did a great job for the most part.

@Shizune thanks for the game, Nitty, it was a lot of fun! And thanks for the backup mvp nod!
Well you still had strong thread play and were pushing the correct targets, you were a good threadmate to have ^^
By the way, my vig role worked in that I had to target the same person 3 nights in a row which is why my targets were so limited. Also, roleblocking me would cause that to reset and I'd have to start over. It went roleblock -> kill -> superkill. The redirect from Iwan to FS also messed me up so I couldn't superkill Iwan.

So yeah, wasn't gonna reveal that info in thread.
Curious what you thought of your role after playing as ghost? I have thought that or tree stump would be an interesting one to play.
I've had similar roles a few times over the years, I quite liked it. I said to Shizune from the start that Mafia will not be happy, was surprised I died Night 1 after erring on lynching Platinum though. On the other hand, as the game went longer not being able to influence it at all mechanically was difficult, and playing from the position of the highest degree of ignorance wasn't easy. I don't mind the challenge though, it was a good role for me. If I have one regret, it's that I couldn't use my role to consolidate investigations. I was surprised so many in Group 2 had issues with investigative roles, because my role required a large amount of them to properly function anyway.
Ya I don’t remember who, but I think from the merge he was never able to use abilites.

@Hidden - is that about right?

also @Alwaysmind - what did you target those people with on the first night of the merge? Just curious since it was like my only successful track haha.
One was a roleblocked the other is if someone used a spell I got to copy it
I've had similar roles a few times over the years, I quite liked it. I said to Shizune from the start that Mafia will not be happy, was surprised I died Night 1 after erring on lynching Platinum though. On the other hand, as the game went longer not being able to influence it at all mechanically was difficult, and playing from the position of the highest degree of ignorance wasn't easy. I don't mind the challenge though, it was a good role for me. If I have one regret, it's that I couldn't use my role to consolidate investigations. I was surprised so many in Group 2 had issues with investigative roles, because my role required a large amount of them to properly function anyway.
Right that makes sense. Even though I didn’t want to, a couple times I hesitated to get into something if I was waiting on info from my night actions - that can sometimes be a bit freeing to not have to rely on it, but definitely leaves you in the dark.
I'd like to see the Purple Scum chat too, just to see if Ekko clowning on Prof will be funny
there was hardly any posts about prof in the chat. purple was mostly inactive. i dont think i clowned prof, and im not making fun of him. his lack of knowledge about possibility of fake mason took him by surprise. aside from the prof thing, its not like i was ever going to be the primarily lynch any of the previous day phases anyway

me and sk talked on disc not the forum chat

otherwise the chat is pretty dry. most of it is me panicing and talking to myself, legit

the action PM too, lol
i think ppl r putting too much blame on prof

i can assure u without prof there wud still always be atleast one or 2 players in the lynch platform before me

even up until today i can hard claim purple and still not be lynched

i have to live up to my scummy mason play. since i was in a chat with prof i could play a bit scummy and sell it as my usual scummy mason play. throughout the game i was never really pressured that much out of comfy position. i think lalisa in day 1 and maybe nat in n2 were the closest, but i dont think i was ever going to be lynched any of those days. and i was outright laughing at red trying to make me look purple lol

tldr ppl r trying to find things to blame the loss on. its not on prof. its town collectively getting rekt by purple, specially game 2. and when game 1 townies came by they couldnt stop us because they themselves did not realize that there were that many reds left behind

yall can boast about ur reads being godlike all u want. its results that matter end of day. if u scum read half the players base then surely ur gna have the scum in them

u executed all townies minus melodie/worm pretty much and mislynched all minus iwan and sin, including in the night lynch. and the soul mislynch was pretty bad. owner was outed by a purple. the 3 reds (karma, mich, TS) were outed by a purple. melodie outed by a purple.

at some point u gotta just suck it up and admit mafia played better but ye
Ya I don’t remember who, but I think from the merge he was never able to use abilites.

@Hidden - is that about right?

also @Alwaysmind - what did you target those people with on the first night of the merge? Just curious since it was like my only successful track haha.
Yeah I think I wasn't able to do anything since the merge happened lol
Lowkey you staying in the game might've actually given town a chance because purple have to deal with you too rip
it would be same outcome

we were planning to poison fuji instead of lind, and it wuda worked cuz sk learned fuji's reflect ability which will cancel his reflect

ocne karma is lynched today, fuji leaves the game and outcome is same
It took attention away from town and red mafia from ekko to me, karma even stated it this DP. I basically did what I had to do to grant the purple team to victory, it ain't about me sliding under the radar, it's about creating a path for purple to win. I will post my role soon, but if I got yeeted before in the game. Ekko would of most likely lost. Purple was basically me last few phases, my role was soo stacked lol.
I mean I'm gonna be honest SK it was super obvious what you were doing basically the entire dead chat was like, "why isn't SK on ignore yet" lmao
@Ekkologix explain the iwan fs situation ;((((
using JW's ability we bus driven iwan with FS

we had ur role day 2ish, so we wanted to redirect u away from iwan xd

we also bus driven sin with u in n2, but u apparently flashed so that failed and yo tan got guilty on sin

otherwise yo tan wuda got innocent and sin and FS gets lynched

we wanted town to cop u and scan u guilty ;((
It took attention away from town and red mafia from ekko to me, karma even stated it this DP. I basically did what I had to do to grant the purple team to victory, it ain't about me sliding under the radar, it's about creating a path for purple to win. I will post my role soon, but if I got yeeted before in the game. Ekko would of most likely lost. Purple was basically me last few phases, my role was soo stacked lol.

Prof wouldve lynched himself before ekko, there was no way u guys couldve lost lmao
using JW's ability we bus driven iwan with FS

we had ur role day 2ish, so we wanted to redirect u away from iwan xd

we also bus driven sin with u in n2, but u apparently flashed so that failed and yo tan got guilty on sin

otherwise yo tan wuda got innocent and sin and FS gets lynched

we wanted town to cop u and scan u guilty ;((


That's hilarious. Perfect flash timing.

Were you ever scared that my role was actually super tanky? I mean, it def was to an extent but I was embellishing.
Yeah even if Ekko was high on my sus list there's no way I would've been able to convince prof, and I generally go for the confirmed scum anyway so Ekko at worst was #3 on the list behind SK and Karma. The game was lost when he went for NFC over SK. I don't think we really made any other mistakes in terms of lynch targets during the finals except for the fucking weird Soul thing. I was beside myself waking up to that lynch.

That's hilarious. Perfect flash timing.

Were you ever scared that my role was actually super tanky? I mean, it def was to an extent but I was embellishing.
unfortunately no because we copped it prior to that bluff xd
we had ur role since page 2 of our action pm
its 20 pages lol

cant risk having a moon drop on us so made sure to cop u early lol

we copped charlie and fang day 1
and you, kira, prof, odd day 2. thats y we took the odd lynch n2 cuz fk that role lol
hammer, firestormer day 3
yo tan, santi (it poisoned hero lmao) day 4
lind, juan day 5
owner, fuji, draekke, hidden day 6.
hero rolecurshed
karma, TS, mich, AM day 8
alibaba, NFC day 9. right before hero died with JW

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