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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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@Ratchet u shuda been dead n1 tbh

thats an enough honor

i saw how game 1 mafia jobbed their day 1 with mafia lynch and n1 with 0 kills

we flashed n1 to kill u and lalisa

i wanted max thread control so was straight up eliminating all active players

i was surprised people like draekke remained alive until merge. i wud never allow that if he was a group 2 player
You didnt kill me
Working for my wincon was fine, I had just used an irl thing to manipulate someone into believing me and I thought I was being truthful at the time. Thats what bothered me.

I had a ton of fun manipulating reds and town into going the direction I wanted honestly and even after the merge it was really fun so I will say this has been some of the most fun I had in any mafia game ever.

Fuji mafia is going to tear you APART if you see it this seriously

Mafia is a game ABOUT lying. People sign up to lie to each other and to be lied to

Like Fuji, you were so self conscious about pissing people off, but the ONLY thing you've done that anyone would ACTUALLY see as weird, is this right here

Getting hung up on some weird like, friendship thing

You are supposed to manipulate people

Like I'm not gonna lie Fuji it's really frustrating to see you get caught up on this

I cannot make mafia games if people are going to play some weird metagame and be like, "if I blink twice that's how you know I'm telling the truth, and you can trust me because I put my house mortgage on the line for this"

That's just bullshit Fuji, it's annoying for EVERYONE to deal with, like THAT is the kind of stuff that actually fucks this game up

Prof was not even upset or shocked by what happened with you or Ekko. If he was frustrated, it was with ME, the host, not you.

Honestly we should start just policy lynching this kind of behavior. Or just banning it. The second people invoke some weird metagame arguments like "I would NEVER lie to you about this, I'm staking our friendship on it", the game is fucking compromised anyway

What are y'all doing that type of bullshit for in a game ABOUT lying? It's like you're TRYING to cheese the game. Then why sign up??
@Shizune i think ur right in that people look at their own struggles and dont see stuff from big picture / others point of view

some town players did put in alot of effort, but only u can tell how much effort purple put in as well cuz its behind the scenes. i think overall our night actions and end game was mostly on point. we planned for me and sk to read the end and win this since the b4 the merge

eitherway thanks for the game
@Shizune i think ur right in that people look at their own struggles and dont see stuff from big picture / others point of view

some town players did put in alot of effort, but only u can tell how much effort purple put in as well cuz its behind the scenes. i think overall our night actions and end game was mostly on point. we planned for me and sk to read the end and win this since the b4 the merge

eitherway thanks for the game

Your actions this game were basically perfect, and meticulously managed too. I think in this case, the most deserving player won.
Thats because I kept protecting @Draekke from night actions by directing my team elsewhere basically I kept key players that would help me fuck up mafia alive with me. For example I knew Draekke was an invest of sorts and I never revealed this info to reds so that they dont go for jim. I vote silenced 2 players instead of 4 when Owner was lynched, making it appear that I did indeed use the ability but not enough of it to save her.I kept doing stuff like this all game.

I also had a lynch stop ability( on teammates) that I never used , was probably gonna use it on TS tbh if I saw that SK wasnt gonna get lynched last day phase (If I didnt forfeit.)

uh i told owner and ts that draekke gets hints on what language someones role speaks, lol
was on like night 2 or d3 when TS got investigated by draekke and im getting notified about investigations happening on the team
Anyways I wanna take this moment to thank all my purple mates, I told you we winning this when things weren't going our way.

@Hero @Worm Juice @Iwandesu @Ekkologix @SinRaven @tinky winky @John Wayne

GGWP for both townies and red mafias. You guys did well.

This was my first time playing favs and to win the damn thing for myself and the team feels good. I was walking a very thin line between life and death, but it was necessary for the win for purple team.

We probably won't be seeing one another anytime soon, so was fun playing along side all of you. Until next time ^^
@Ekkologix @SoulKiller Did u guys actually believe the 3 roles thing i said?
Not really no, and even if it was true, it didn't matter cause I could of role crushed you, role blocked you, vote silence you, poison you, redirect you, and kill you. I was just hyping you up to in hopes get you lynched and we don't have to use our lynch stopper lol.
And for the record, we eliminated that type of metagame bullshit on NF YEARS ago. You would never get that over on ANYONE from NF. Because nobody here is going to start crying and hugging you and being like, "I would NEVER betray my friends!" Get the fuck out of mafia then! Cuz this is where you come TO betray your friends

Bitch I WISH I would have the chance to betray @Kvothe Kingkiller like that

I would fully knock her out of the game and call her ugly while I did it
Fuji mafia is going to tear you APART if you see it this seriously

Mafia is a game ABOUT lying. People sign up to lie to each other and to be lied to

Like Fuji, you were so self conscious about pissing people off, but the ONLY thing you've done that anyone would ACTUALLY see as weird, is this right here

Getting hung up on some weird like, friendship thing

You are supposed to manipulate people

Like I'm not gonna lie Fuji it's really frustrating to see you get caught up on this

I cannot make mafia games if people are going to play some weird metagame and be like, "if I blink twice that's how you know I'm telling the truth, and you can trust me because I put my house mortgage on the line for this"

That's just bullshit Fuji, it's annoying for EVERYONE to deal with, like THAT is the kind of stuff that actually fucks this game up

Prof was not even upset or shocked by what happened with you or Ekko. If he was frustrated, it was with ME, the host, not you.

Honestly we should start just policy lynching this kind of behavior. Or just banning it. The second people invoke some weird metagame arguments like "I would NEVER lie to you about this, I'm staking our friendship on it", the game is fucking compromised anyway

What are y'all doing that type of bullshit for in a game ABOUT lying? It's like you're TRYING to cheese the game. Then why sign up??
The thing is I only used it here because I just couldnt be bothered by purple’s cheap way of fighting back against superior thread play. Admittedly I shouldnt have but this is the only time I ever did this.

If the key players from group 2 bothered isoing me and some reds in group 1 they would see that there was no way I can be red. Its why Draekke and Hidden didnt even blink when Ekko “outed” my flavor role, because by threadplay they town read me.

Heck I was so widely town read barely no one visited me this game. Wont be using this kinda stuff again, especially since no one believed me but @DrProfessor83 anyways lmao.
And for the record, we eliminated that type of metagame bullshit on NF YEARS ago. You would never get that over on ANYONE from NF. Because nobody here is going to start crying and hugging you and being like, "I would NEVER betray my friends!" Get the fuck out of mafia then! Cuz this is where you come TO betray your friends

Bitch I WISH I would have the chance to betray @Kvothe Kingkiller like that

I would fully knock her out of the game and call her ugly while I did it
the fuck am i being dragged into! I dont even play this game :doggokek



u know im one of the more paranoid ppl around so if i see u do smth shady ur gonna hang very soon ahaha
And for the record, we eliminated that type of metagame bullshit on NF YEARS ago. You would never get that over on ANYONE from NF. Because nobody here is going to start crying and hugging you and being like, "I would NEVER betray my friends!" Get the fuck out of mafia then! Cuz this is where you come TO betray your friends

Bitch I WISH I would have the chance to betray @Kvothe Kingkiller like that

I would fully knock her out of the game and call her ugly while I did it
I can and would betray friends within the confines of the game, I did it before and its fun to outsmart and manipulate people and knowing they are kicking and screaming in dead chat while Im spitting on their legacy.

My problem is I used something outside the confines of the game to convince someone inside it. When it appeared that I actually lied (unknowingly) it became a problem for me. I hope you understand the difference Nitty.
I can and would betray friends within the confines of the game, I did it before and its fun to outsmart and manipulate people and knowing they are kicking and screaming in dead chat while Im spitting on their legacy.

My problem is I used something outside the confines of the game to convince someone inside it. When it appeared that I actually lied (unknowingly) it became a problem for me. I hope you understand the difference Nitty.

Nah girl I don't feel you and I don't think anyone else will

You have to get past this because this is a fundamental problem with playing mafia for you

Like, you HAVE to learn to let go of ANY metagame concerns. I mean, this is literally what happens when you fail to do so. You feel bad about random things nobody is even upset about, and you forfeit the game for no reason.
I role cruahed hero 100% believing he was town
Hero fucking died cause he got poisoned when he visited santi to get his damn role sheet, and when santi was gonna heal hero, he got role blocked by AM if memory serves me right lmao, entire thing was a theatre. But thanks to him visiting santi, we got the poison ability from santi.

@Santí you can sleep happily knowing your poison ability was used to literally kill half the players in the merger thread lol.
Nah girl I don't feel you and I don't think anyone else will

You have to get past this because this is a fundamental problem with playing mafia for you

Like, you HAVE to learn to let go of ANY metagame concerns. I mean, this is literally what happens when you fail to do so. You feel bad about random things nobody is even upset about, and you forfeit the game for no reason.
Will try to get past that then.
Will try to get past that then.

You just need to understand that this is like a mystery game, so people NEED you to lie to them, and vice verse. That's the whole game, that's what makes the mysteries for people to solve. I know you're not trying to be disruptive, but when you have hangups about lying to certain people or lying about certain things, it really does start to fuck the game up for everyone. Nobody is trying to play with that type of shit
You just need to understand that this is like a mystery game, so people NEED you to lie to them, and vice verse. That's the whole game, that's what makes the mysteries for people to solve. I know you're not trying to be disruptive, but when you have hangups about lying to certain people or lying about certain things, it really does start to fuck the game up for everyone. Nobody is trying to play with that type of shit
I guess its true because Prof can always ask me if aim lying on our friendship and then what. You’re right.
Nah girl I don't feel you and I don't think anyone else will

You have to get past this because this is a fundamental problem with playing mafia for you

Like, you HAVE to learn to let go of ANY metagame concerns. I mean, this is literally what happens when you fail to do so. You feel bad about random things nobody is even upset about, and you forfeit the game for no reason.
It’s only a special bond between me and Fuji. You could never understand. :cat

I confessed to this man that I was scum in Weebs when he was Indie bc I hated lying to him so bad lmfao.

In all seriousness I wouldn’t have faulted you for playing it out and think you should have. If you told me you didn’t know you were game ending I’d have been like “God damnit Fuji. :catslam“, and then laughed it off.

I won’t be using the truth thing anymore anyway. I only did it this game bc I was being a little bitch about my dog dying and wanted a safety net bc I knew my early game was about to be F tier lol.
It’s only a special bond between me and Fuji. You could never understand. :cat

I confessed to this man that I was scum in Weebs when he was Indie bc I hated lying to him so bad lmfao.

In all seriousness I wouldn’t have faulted you for playing it out and think you should have. If you told me you didn’t know you were game ending I’d have been like “God damnit Fuji. :catslam“, and then laughed it off.

I won’t be using the truth thing anymore anyway. I only did it this game bc I was being a little bitch about my dog dying and wanted a safety net bc I knew my early game was about to be F tier lol.

If it's any consolation, you winning the roast was a really special and memorable moment for the spectators. You aren't really known to be like, an overly funny/jokey type of person, and out of everyone participating you were the only one who didn't know me personally. Your roast was the best one by far, and it was really unexpected for us. I think you made a big impression this game that will last for a long time
In all seriousness I wouldn’t have faulted you for playing it out and think you should have. If you told me you didn’t know you were game ending I’d have l
Bro, the problem is I was know aware that I would fuck y’all over so keeping the charade was a bit of a bummer for me, and irl hasnt been good to me so I was like fuck it Im out. I also entertained the possibility thar Ekko was scum and didnt want you to suffer double emotional dmg.
You two are giving me kindergarten flashbacks

Girl they are not cut OUT for this game

Nat you are unironically one of my favorite people here

and do you know what that means

it means I play mafia in the HOPES that I will someday get the chance to betray you, eliminate you from a game, and overall ruin your week and month

like bitch

you should be AFRAID of your friends cuz they will make stuff up JUST to fuck with you extra hard LMAO
Bro, the problem is I was know aware that I would fuck y’all over so keeping the charade was a bit of a bummer for me, and irl hasnt been good to me so I was like fuck it Im out. I also entertained the possibility thar Ekko was scum and didnt want you to suffer double emotional dmg.
Ekko doesn’t have enough haki to give me emotional damage lmao.

In that entire thing I’m only mad at myself for not winning lol. I’ll get him next time.
Girl they are not cut OUT for this game

Nat you are unironically one of my favorite people here

and do you know what that means

it means I play mafia in the HOPES that I will someday get the chance to betray you, eliminate you from a game, and overall ruin your week and month

like bitch

you should be AFRAID of your friends cuz they will make stuff up JUST to fuck with you extra hard LMAO
Fuji once pretended to be my dad (I will not give context) for the entire game before backstabbing me. It was the first dominio on this streak of Ly/Lo losses.

You’re giving him too much credit.
If it's any consolation, you winning the roast was a really special and memorable moment for the spectators. You aren't really known to be like, an overly funny/jokey type of person, and out of everyone participating you were the only one who didn't know me personally. Your roast was the best one by far, and it was really unexpected for us. I think you made a big impression this game that will last for a long time
i agree prof's roast was actually high quality holy shite

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