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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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Howdy there strangers of Group 1. I will be blunt, I didn't read game 1 and not planning on reading game 1. It seems you guys are doing a good job on your own. We need to focus on Group 2 players and eliminate scum there. As of right now I am honestly sussing Didi/Hero/(Bada/Juan).

I think one of juan or bada are scum here. Not both tho, very unlikely.

Didi posts feel like he does not truly care about finding scum, and got the vibe that he just does not care who gets lynched.

Hero, his early game gave me mixed feelings, some posts felt super fake, he claimed that he has his eyes on me but never really pursued me per say. His activity went down the horizon after DP1 and his activity later toward the game felt forced. Not sure how to put it, but it felt like he was giving townie reads for the lols with no explanation.

I saw posts regarding Soul, one thing I would like to point out that Soul the player was not as active as he is right now, I had him on my town lean list, because of the vibe he gave off. He became much MUCH more active when was placed on the suspicion table, not sure if that is scummy behavior or not for him since I am unfamiliar with the dude. I probably need to go back and reread his interactions with the players and how he handled himself, from what I saw tho, it seems like it was genuine effort to try and clear himself, so still in my townie lean list.

I probably need to post my read list for Group 2 players across the board. Then start going through the PoE from there.

Regarding the execution list, I think it's best to execute the 2 players from Group 2. Chances of scum being there is much more higher than Group 1 players.

You think that is tunneling? Who would you want to be executed then ?

These posts will make you understands!
About execution I would say we should go for Sworder and Kira!
Group 2 is filled with scums!
do you have a good reason to be executing me?
Group 1 lynched 6 members of Team Red!
Group 2 lynched 3 members of Team Purple!
So its baseless? ok
Probability is not baseless.
Thus @sworder and you are the best targets for execution unless someone has a good case against or results on @Cooler and/or @Revan Reborn.
ffs im the next victim of nessos' baseless tunnelling, just kill me now
Cooler claimed some copy ability, but over all his and Revans threadplay have been pretty bad
Also, how bad are we talking about? A bad townie messing up lynches is just as bad as scum sometimes.
I saw posts regarding Soul, one thing I would like to point out that Soul the player was not as active as he is right now, I had him on my town lean list, because of the vibe he gave off. He became much MUCH more active when was placed on the suspicion table, not sure if that is scummy behavior or not for him since I am unfamiliar with the dude. I probably need to go back and reread his interactions with the players and how he handled himself, from what I saw tho, it seems like it was genuine effort to try and clear himself, so still in my townie lean list.
Just to comment on this, I was first suspected of because someone posted that I am "just there" and not that active, as if I am playing like Melodie/Wayne or something. I haven't had legitimate reason to scumread this game, which is why I am going with the more likely suspect (Wayne for example hasn't posted anything to be suspected because...well, he hasn't done anything at all). I have been available to read and post pretty much at the same time.

So I have had motivation to up the post count for both being called out on a bad play on my part and on not making as many posts as others.
Everyone should share their thoughts about @Soul @Hero @John Wayne @Lord Melkor @SoulKiller and @Juan :bloblick

One of them should get lynched this phase!
I think a lynch on John Wayne would equal policy, because he literally gives no info due to the absence, but I am all in to start the final group with that if we can't find good wagons


also I am here bitches, let's fooking go, heals and protects and location immunities please all on me
How many players in your group is confirmed townie per say? Care to give a list?
1. Me - Been pushing scum, scum's been pushing me. I also got confirmed by Lukundo a dead town role.
2. Saturday is like, not confirmed bit getting some day passes because they were the push for one of the days the entire day until the last like, 30 minutes where we cfd'ed UB instead
3. Jojo and Laix are probably town just because of this bs fake claiming thing Laix did on day... 2? It's like, town probably doesn't do that because it's actually just not needed, and jojo at least was truthful with the abilities claimed tbh
4. AM is, unfortunately, probably town because I believe his miller claim lmao. But he hasn't really done much if anything in the actual game
5. Vanya obviously lol
They wanked each other for outclassing group 2 :bloblick
A group 1 poster just said that both players up for execution have played poorly so far in this same page.
Try to keep up.
They literally show up to promise activity, piggyback on reads/general consensus or defend themselves from execution
So scummy behavior.
In that case I think that getting rid of sworder and one of your group is the play. As I said before (and the sentiment seems to be something many of us agree) Kira has been posting good content, just not as often as one would like.
yeah, why did you add a disclaimer about not reading game 1 and forget to add you basically didn't participate in game 2 either
It seems for a person like yourself who had over 200+ posts most of them were spam or fluff. You don't seem to be paying attention to the game that much. Can't blame you if you are scum by the way. Because if you did, you would realize that was not the case. I might of not been as active true, but I did participate in the game, stating otherwise just shows to me that my statement and vibe I been getting from you is correct. You don't care about finding scum at all. You can get yeeted to the stars mate.

Vote Lynch: Didi
It seems for a person like yourself who had over 200+ posts most of them were spam or fluff. You don't seem to be paying attention to the game that much. Can't blame you if you are scum by the way. Because if you did, you would realize that was not the case. I might of not been as active true, but I did participate in the game, stating otherwise just shows to me that my statement and vibe I been getting from you is correct. You don't care about finding scum at all. You can get yeeted to the stars mate.

Vote Lynch: Didi

oh great, an OMGUS response, very helpful :oldryoma

Howdy there strangers of Group 1. I will be blunt, I didn't read game 1 and not planning on reading game 1. It seems you guys are doing a good job on your own. We need to focus on Group 2 players and eliminate scum there. As of right now I am honestly sussing Didi/Hero/(Bada/Juan).

I think one of juan or bada are scum here. Not both tho, very unlikely.

Didi posts feel like he does not truly care about finding scum, and got the vibe that he just does not care who gets lynched.

Hero, his early game gave me mixed feelings, some posts felt super fake, he claimed that he has his eyes on me but never really pursued me per say. His activity went down the horizon after DP1 and his activity later toward the game felt forced. Not sure how to put it, but it felt like he was giving townie reads for the lols with no explanation.

I saw posts regarding Soul, one thing I would like to point out that Soul the player was not as active as he is right now, I had him on my town lean list, because of the vibe he gave off. He became much MUCH more active when was placed on the suspicion table, not sure if that is scummy behavior or not for him since I am unfamiliar with the dude. I probably need to go back and reread his interactions with the players and how he handled himself, from what I saw tho, it seems like it was genuine effort to try and clear himself, so still in my townie lean list.

I probably need to post my read list for Group 2 players across the board. Then start going through the PoE from there.

Regarding the execution list, I think it's best to execute the 2 players from Group 2. Chances of scum being there is much more higher than Group 1 players.
Hi SK, i read just few posts from group 2 and I wish to know why do you have Juan and Bada unaligned and who is most probably scum from your pov.
About the exes I think we should think very well at everyone to avoid any mislynch
Also, how bad are we talking about? A bad townie messing up lynches is just as bad as scum sometimes.

Just to comment on this, I was first suspected of because someone posted that I am "just there" and not that active, as if I am playing like Melodie/Wayne or something. I haven't had legitimate reason to scumread this game, which is why I am going with the more likely suspect (Wayne for example hasn't posted anything to be suspected because...well, he hasn't done anything at all). I have been available to read and post pretty much at the same time.

So I have had motivation to up the post count for both being called out on a bad play on my part and on not making as many posts as others.
Eh, if you are townie as you claim to be then I would expect you to actually push for a player you truly suspect. Not just go for a player who majority of the people suspect. I actually liked you more before you made this post. This feels like an excuse for not scum hunting and going after a player who majority suspect already.
It seems for a person like yourself who had over 200+ posts most of them were spam or fluff. You don't seem to be paying attention to the game that much. Can't blame you if you are scum by the way. Because if you did, you would realize that was not the case. I might of not been as active true, but I did participate in the game, stating otherwise just shows to me that my statement and vibe I been getting from you is correct. You don't care about finding scum at all. You can get yeeted to the stars mate.

Vote Lynch: Didi

like holy shit lmao this is such an awful fucking post lmao

I've been 1000% more involved in trying to nail scum down than your ass
good to see you flip when under pressure
Hi SK, i read just few posts from group 2 and I wish to know why do you have Juan and Bada unaligned and who is most probably scum from your pov.
About the exes I think we should think very well at everyone to avoid any mislynch
Hayooo Michelle ^^ good to see you around!

Well, it mostly stems from Bada and Juan interactions, if you go back and ISO they basically were calling each other liar pretty much. Was weird interaction and they were at each other throat for a while. Don't think it was a TvT interaction.
Eh, if you are townie as you claim to be then I would expect you to actually push for a player you truly suspect. Not just go for a player who majority of the people suspect. I actually liked you more before you made this post. This feels like an excuse for not scum hunting and going after a player who majority suspect already.
Not sure why you say I am going for the majority guy. Wayne was someone I gave on this thread before people started voting for him.
My other call on a suspect was hammer, from last thread, but I don't have much against him other than a feeling.
Hayooo Michelle ^^ good to see you around!

Well, it mostly stems from Bada and Juan interactions, if you go back and ISO they basically were calling each other liar pretty much. Was weird interaction and they were at each other throat for a while. Don't think it was a TvT interaction.
Ok, i know what I'll do first when I wakw up

It's good to see you too, btw ^^
oh great, an OMGUS response, very helpful :oldryoma

like holy shit lmao this is such an awful fucking post lmao

I've been 1000% more involved in trying to nail scum down than your ass
good to see you flip when under pressure

So your first response was to basically shrug my vote as an OMGUS and didn't have any other opinion per say. Which I find funny cause I already stated that among the 3 people I sus entering this phase. You were among them, my vote was likely gonna be on one of you 3 peeps.

Now what is also funny is that after shrugging my vote as an OMGUS. You actually came back to it again and felt the need to say something more about my vote. Self conscious much huh? little bit defensive as well I would say. My vote alone won't do anything, but this behavior confirms my suspicion even further. You say you been involved and trying to nail down scum. But tell me, did you actually nail any scum in the game? I don't think so. You act like you care and trying to nail scum, but in reality. You don't give two fucks who dies.
Day 1 - Sworder (Tara) dies
@sworder (Tara Markov) died!

Tara Markov
from Teen Titans
durability rating: 3

[Passive - Titan Rising] -
Tara is a famous superhero, granting her a voting power of 2. Every time Tara successfully stops a harmful ability or saves another player's life, stories of her heroic feats will circulate and Tara will permanently gain an extra voting power.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Titans Tower] - During the day Tara can retreat to Titans Tower, the home base for her superhero team. For that day Tara will be vote silenced, and for the rest of the cycle Tara will be protected against harmful abilities, but she cannot use any other abilities. Harmful abilities stopped by [Titans Tower] will not trigger [Titan Rising]. Tara will rest while inside Titans Tower, enabling her to regain an expended charge of one of her other limited-use abilities. If Tara is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, she will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[Two Shot Active - Physical - Mud Slide] - During the night Tara can create a mud slide to roleblock 4 other players.

[Two Shot Active - Physical - Rock Wall] - During the night Tara can raise a wall around herself and 3 other players, granting everyone affected an extra life for that night. Players who do not have their bonus life consumed will also be protected against all other types of harmful physical abilities, such as roleblocks, that night.

[Active - Physical - Hand-to-Hand Combat] - During the night, Tara can brawl with another player, countering their harmful physical abilities. If Tara counters an ability, she will also disarm that player's physical abilities for the next cycle.

[Two Shot Active - Magma Fist] - Tara can imbue her attacks with magma. For that night, [Hand-to-Hand Combat] will be altered to roleblock Tara's target instead of applying its normal effects. If Tara's target is vulnerable that night, she will kill them instead.
So your first response was to basically shrug my vote as an OMGUS and didn't have any other opinion per say. Which I find funny cause I already stated that among the 3 people I sus entering this phase. You were among them, my vote was likely gonna be on one of you 3 peeps.

Now what is also funny is that after shrugging my vote as an OMGUS. You actually came back to it again and felt the need to say something more about my vote. Self conscious much huh? little bit defensive as well I would say. My vote alone won't do anything, but this behavior confirms my suspicion even further. You say you been involved and trying to nail down scum. But tell me, did you actually nail any scum in the game? I don't think so. You act like you care and trying to nail scum, but in reality. You don't give two fucks who dies.

hardpushed WJ
hardpushed iwan (counting on his flip)
pushed sin

voted melodie but can't take credit there because the vote was settled before I got involved
Not sure why you say I am going for the majority guy. Wayne was someone I gave on this thread before people started voting for him.
My other call on a suspect was hammer, from last thread, but I don't have much against him other than a feeling.
Because JW is always sus generally speaking, and feels like a safe player to go at. I do think he is scummy, but it feels like you are playing it safe here. I would expect you to sniff around more as well. Another thing too, you been very defensive I noticed. You only react to players, but never cause a reaction yourself. Not sure what to make of that yet. You dropped from my town lean to null tbh.
Because JW is always sus generally speaking, and feels like a safe player to go at. I do think he is scummy, but it feels like you are playing it safe here. I would expect you to sniff around more as well. Another thing too, you been very defensive I noticed. You only react to players, but never cause a reaction yourself. Not sure what to make of that yet. You dropped from my town lean to null tbh.
100% agree Wayne is the safe vote because he is the scummiest player as of right now, not sure what you are saying here.
Am I supposed to not vouch lynching the guy that has the biggest odds of being scum? I can provide more reads once that get traction, but I'd rather not derail what I think we should focus on.
hardpushed WJ
hardpushed iwan (counting on his flip)
pushed sin

voted melodie but can't take credit there because the vote was settled before I got involved

Okay? You were not the main force behind iwan, nor sin, nor melodie, as for the WJ push. Meh, alot of people were on his ass and you needed him gone to make yourself look better I think now.
Arguably we lynched 4, we just haven't had Iwan's flip yet

Don't start with this. He hasn't died yet, and we have no idea how long he'll be around. For all we know there are conditions to him being able to die or not. Only 3 purple mafia have been killed yet.

Cooler and Revan have been rilunning from the execution for like 4 days in a row now

Cooler claimed some copy ability, but over all his and Revans threadplay have been pretty bad

Hows the group 2 options been looking?

I believe Cooler's claim, for the record. He knew what my ability was that I accidentally hit him with night of the nexus lol.

1. Me - Been pushing scum, scum's been pushing me. I also got confirmed by Lukundo a dead town role.
2. Saturday is like, not confirmed bit getting some day passes because they were the push for one of the days the entire day until the last like, 30 minutes where we cfd'ed UB instead
3. Jojo and Laix are probably town just because of this bs fake claiming thing Laix did on day... 2? It's like, town probably doesn't do that because it's actually just not needed, and jojo at least was truthful with the abilities claimed tbh
4. AM is, unfortunately, probably town because I believe his miller claim lmao. But he hasn't really done much if anything in the actual game
5. Vanya obviously lol

Saturday shouldn't be on that list, imo. It wasn't him that turned the UB vote around. And I don't 100% trust that both JoJo and Laix are town yet.

Otherwise I'd suggest Vanya as obvious, AM I also believe for the same reason as you, and maybe you. I have a heavy town read on you, but I wouldn't put you as "confirmed" when being asked by an outside party.

iwan is obvious scum, Is there a reason for iwans role flip to be delayed otherwise

It's not his role flip that was delayed, his death was. He's still alive.

oh yeah someone needs to say, "Hidden is Human" again tyty. Game 1 people know what's up

Hidden is Human

Hmm I need to refine my aim :bloblick
Yes, very much so. Revan probably would have been a better choice, imo.
Okay? You were not the main force behind iwan, nor sin, nor melodie, as for the WJ push. Meh, alot of people were on his ass and you needed him gone to make yourself look better I think now.

okay yeah only the main force is town and everyone else is scum, sure

you said I didn't care about finding scum
I was mad as hell for several phases that obvious scum WJ kept staying alive
so yeah fuck off
100% agree Wayne is the safe vote because he is the scummiest player as of right now, not sure what you are saying here.
Am I supposed to not vouch lynching the guy that has the biggest odds of being scum? I can provide more reads once that get traction, but I'd rather not derail what I think we should focus on.

No, that's not the problem I am having, you can obviously vouch for the player you scum reading the most. But that does not make you townie per say. You lack going after other players and causing a reaction yourself. As I stated, you react to players alot, but never cause a reaction. Plus, sticking only to one player only and not looking at other options on the table is very linear mindset. I expect you to look at the players from boarder perspective and try to actively catch scum. That being said, I will monitor your behavior and based on how you behave this DP. My opinion regarding you will change accordingly.
okay yeah only the main force is town and everyone else is scum, sure

you said I didn't care about finding scum
I was mad as hell for several phases that obvious scum WJ kept staying alive
so yeah fuck off

Because you don't, your posts feel fake mate. Like you really gonna come to me and tell me that you are town because you were 'mad as hell for several phases'? you know that can easily be faked right?

Also, not sure where this aggressiveness is coming from. If you are townie, I would think your tone would be more relaxed. But you seem on edge mate, I am right am I? Did I catch another scum?
Because you don't, your posts feel fake mate. Like you really gonna come to me and tell me that you are town because you were 'mad as hell for several phases'? you know that can easily be faked right?

Also, not sure where this aggressiveness is coming from. If you are townie, I would think your tone would be more relaxed. But you seem on edge mate, I am right am I? Did I catch another scum?

nah I'm just annoyed at some poser not contributing shit for DAYS (to the point that not just me but almost everyone calls that they have a null read on this null contributor) suddenly having the gall to talk shit

try playing the game and then come back nibba :camby

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