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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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it was more in response to you wondering why he was alive aka sounding like you hate what he said tbh lol
if hes such a strong town, active, solving player. why is red keeping him alive this long

ratchet got wiped instantly in comparison

i dont care about what he said. im more interested in why is he allowed to say it
why r u still alive
if hes such a strong town, active, solving player. why is red keeping him alive this long

ratchet got wiped instantly in comparison

i dont care about what he said. im more interested in why is he allowed to say it

Read the thread and you'd already have your answer. See below response to when Ratchet asked me the same thing.

I'm pretty sure draekke is town regardless of how much everyone hates him lmao

Much appreciated, Hidden. Always a confidence booster, lmao.

imo he's like 80% Town, 20% scum.

Ill always side eye him a bit because Law did the exact same thing as a mafia or indie.

I see, so you're going to use my brother's meta against me, are you? You're not wrong to keep on eye on me, but make it because of my play, not his meta. I've been loud, argumentative bordering on abrasive and rude. But I tend to survive because mafia like to let sus town live.

I’m alive because of two things:

1) I’m logical and fight to ensure that nothing gets misrepresented in threads. So town hasn’t deemed me a distraction or scum enough to lynch
2) I’m chaotic and aggressive enough that mafia keeps me alive because no matter how logical my arguments, people still sus the fuck out of me because of my abrasiveness and well, chaotic behaviour like arguing back and forth with TS because he doesn’t have reading comprehension, or with Vanya for being such an overconfident ass.

but again, I don’t really think this is the place for these discussions. We are here to vote for Nessos or shrike. I won’t use this as an excuse to not answer you, but let’s leave further discussion until the game starts back up. Feel free to quote this post to continue your questioning if you have any once the merged game begins.
@Ekkologix - this part - sorry about the formatting, I fucked it up and don't want to go back and re-quote everything lol. Mafia tend to leave a player alone when they cause chaos in the thread and have so many people sus them. I find it works rather well in my favour, to be honest. I won't let an argument go, and that is not something that mafia tend to do because it shines a light on them. And every time someone has tried to catch me in a lie, or argue that I'm scum for this reason, I'm able to logically explain why they are incorrect. Most people listen. Some people - like Traveling Swordsman - don't.
You know I just thought of something. I wonder if Ish was made to make those posts or something? Idk I'm just trying to come up with a reason that ish admitted to being mafia and hoping he didn't just like, actually throw for no reason cause I doubt he'd do that. And after thinking for a while that's the only thing that comes to mind as an option
I see, so you're going to use my brother's meta against me, are you? You're not wrong to keep on eye on me, but make it because of my play, not his meta. I've been loud, argumentative bordering on abrasive and rude. But I tend to survive because mafia like to let sus town live.
Im treating you as a clone of him in jest but I do respect your play individually.
Hello! I hope all of you lovely people are as excited for this as I am! I look forward to playing with you all and seeing what unique and exciting skills you bring to the table!

Some of you may not know me but I’d like to believe that before this game is over we’ll be the best of friends. And most importantly I hope we all remember the golden rule of mafia: Have fun!


Something about this first post from him feels scummy, maybe the Hunter x Hunter guy is doing it for me. If I go by the picture tell, he could be scum. Scum sometimes post pictures that kind of relate to their alignment without even thinking about it, but it could also be a personality picture. Personality pictures are more pictures that fit that person's regular vibe or personality, so those sorts of pictures are more so outliers.

Or maybe it is just the comment about "I hope all of you...", it's just that it feels staged vibe; it doesn't feel natural to me
It's not my fault you are big fat liar though. You said Nfcnorth was as guilty as I am but you still townread him unlike your scum read on me. No need to shade my name there. Your play so far was terrible.
Only going to respond to you once about this, so that Group 1 isn't negatively influenced by your lack of reading comprehension. I'm not going to drive this thread into the ground again with you.

I didn't protect nfc, just said that you are just as guilty of coasting and not posting as he is.

^^ this is the post in which TS says I say nfcnorth is guilty. I explained to him several times that saying someone "is guilty of coasting" doesn't mean that someone is "guilty as in mafia," but he won't let it go because he's upset D2 I used the "who is viewing this thread" as an indication that he was around at EOD1. When questioning him, he explicitly states that he was indeed around EOD1, but was re-reading posts, and THIS is why he didn't put his vote on the wagon. And then he continued to not put his vote on the main wagon D2 or D3.

Only Florida Man flipped town among execution pool in day 1 IIRC. Players in execution pool most likely are town. If we lynch the right player at best we get 1 or 2 misslynches.

Whoa whoa, this post is not correct. Florida Man flipped mafia when he was executed, and it was definitely not day 1, and there was no execution pool ON D1. What are you talking about even?

2 reds 4 purple left me thinks

1 indie

7 scum total in 35 players

ship it and clip it

I would be rather surprised if there was only one indy when the game started in two groups.

You know I just thought of something. I wonder if Ish was made to make those posts or something? Idk I'm just trying to come up with a reason that ish admitted to being mafia and hoping he didn't just like, actually throw for no reason cause I doubt he'd do that. And after thinking for a while that's the only thing that comes to mind as an option

This is an interesting thought process, but he did respond to me several times during his tirade about being unhappy about it. Is there precedent for this kind of ability that would force someone to say those things and then quit?
This is an interesting thought process, but he did respond to me several times during his tirade about being unhappy about it. Is there precedent for this kind of ability that would force someone to say those things and then quit?
Well I don't think he quit I think he was killed. And I have seen abilities where it can make people post things, but it's very much not often and big feels bad hence my hesitance to say shizune did that lol. Just because like, there's an equal chance they follow through on that and an equal chance they just modkill themselves lmao
Only going to respond to you once about this, so that Group 1 isn't negatively influenced by your lack of reading comprehension. I'm not going to drive this thread into the ground again with you.

^^ this is the post in which TS says I say nfcnorth is guilty. I explained to him several times that saying someone "is guilty of coasting" doesn't mean that someone is "guilty as in mafia," but he won't let it go because he's upset D2 I used the "who is viewing this thread" as an indication that he was around at EOD1. When questioning him, he explicitly states that he was indeed around EOD1, but was re-reading posts, and THIS is why he didn't put his vote on the wagon. And then he continued to not put his vote on the main wagon D2 or D3.

Whoa whoa, this post is not correct. Florida Man flipped mafia when he was executed, and it was definitely not day 1, and there was no execution pool ON D1. What are you talking about even?

I would be rather surprised if there was only one indy when the game started in two groups.

This is an interesting thought process, but he did respond to me several times during his tirade about being unhappy about it. Is there precedent for this kind of ability that would force someone to say those things and then quit?
Group 2*
Well I don't think he quit I think he was killed. And I have seen abilities where it can make people post things, but it's very much not often and big feels bad hence my hesitance to say shizune did that lol. Just because like, there's an equal chance they follow through on that and an equal chance they just modkill themselves lmao
Problem is that whatever happened, I don't really know if it gives us much to go on.

Who were Ish's main reads? I'm out for at least a few hours, when I come back either tonight or tomorrow, I can dig through them if you want as well.
Only going to respond to you once about this, so that Group 1 isn't negatively influenced by your lack of reading comprehension. I'm not going to drive this thread into the ground again with you.
Or you need to stop being a fat liar claiming Nfcnorth was as guilty as I am but you townread him while you scum read me.

Also you justified your play based on your consistency.
"I town read Nfcnorth because I townread him day 1 so it's consistent"
"I voted Traveling Swordsman because I was against him since day 2 so it's consistent"
Yet your read on me was inconsistent. You townread me day 1 but when I voted The Ancient your read on me change. The Ancient was confirmed scum so your post is full of bullshit.
^^ this is the post in which TS says I say nfcnorth is guilty. I explained to him several times that saying someone "is guilty of coasting" doesn't mean that someone is "guilty as in mafia," but he won't let it go because he's upset D2 I used the "who is viewing this thread" as an indication that he was around at EOD1. When questioning him, he explicitly states that he was indeed around EOD1, but was re-reading posts, and THIS is why he didn't put his vote on the wagon. And then he continued to not put his vote on the main wagon D2 or D3.
You scumread me because I was coasting too didn't vote the wagon so your explanation is bullshit once again. I don't buy that. I have no plan to let a slip from scum like you go.

If you reread the thread in group 1 I often said the game started too early for me meaning it was around 12 am to 6 am when EOD started which meant I was sleeping near EOD but you insisted I was lying about my activity. You are stalker.
Whoa whoa, this post is not correct. Florida Man flipped mafia when he was executed, and it was definitely not day 1, and there was no execution pool ON D1. What are you talking about even?
I forgot. the thing with yo is you are inconsistent and a big liar.
Or you need to stop being a fat liar claiming Nfcnorth was as guilty as I am but you townread him while you scum read me.

Also you justified your play based on your consistency.
"I town read Nfcnorth because I townread him day 1 so it's consistent"
"I voted Traveling Swordsman because I was against him since day 2 so it's consistent"
Yet your read on me was inconsistent. You townread me day 1 but when I voted The Ancient your read on me change. The Ancient was confirmed scum so your post is full of bullshit.

You scumread me because I was coasting too didn't vote the wagon so your explanation is bullshit once again. I don't buy that. I have no plan to let a slip from scum like you go.

If you reread the thread in group 1 I often said the game started too early for me meaning it was around 12 am to 6 am when EOD started which meant I was sleeping near EOD but you insisted I was lying about my activity. You are stalker.

I forgot. the thing with yo is you are inconsistent and a big liar.

Hello all
been abt two yrs since my last game so was looking forward to this, hopefully i haven't gotten too rusty :catsalute
another looking forward post

me: sus, this is straight surface level content...I want more

*adds Kira to the pile*

Lind did post early the 2nd group tbf, but being in both threads still seems more like indie than mafia imo.


Soul laughs at SinRaven voting Melodie hmm... on the first page. SinRaven and Melodie both flipped purple mafia scum...hmm, tmi scum? or running joke between these players? idk my bff jill

This mfr was extremely upset that I used his activity in thread to question why he didn't put his vote on the wagon. He has been calling that a bad play, rude, stalker-like since D2. Yet in response this guy goes into my profile to see that I'm in a PM and used that. Who's the stalker, lol.
As a reponse you used my online activities so I did the same to you. You were stalking me for 3 days straight like a maniac

*here in the real world, I kept questioning him because he never gave a better answer than he lost track of time WHILE IN THE THREAD. That's not called stalking, it's called pressuring.
EOD started when it was 12 am to 6 am in my place so I was sleepy or sleeping and I tried to stay awake during those hours to vote the main wagon to fix my mistakes so unless you have camera set up in my house you have no reason to say I was lying about my activities so yes you are a stalker.
What kind of playground tier fight is this.

If you're displaying your online activity in a Mafia game, you are basically signing a waiver consenting to be watched. Either hide your activity in your settings or accept it like the rest of us do.

yeah this is why I lowkey wonder if TS is just giga slaty because he's getting pressured for what he thinks is a bad reason, but one that's real lmao. Should've been dropped ages ago otherwise
to be clear, I don't think draekke's initial push on it is anything noteworthy either, but man it is not worth the effort TS has put into complaining about it lmao
Honestly at this point I'd like him to be taken out of the game, town or not. I don't care if that looks bad on me, I'll own that. I'm just so fed up with his BS, but I also hate just leaving his crazy opinions unchecked because someone is bound to only read his posts, and assume what he's saying is accurate or some shit lol.
Hello everyone, I have an announcement:

It's no secret that the town's designated mason group fell through this game, leaving @Vanya stranded. That's not fair to Vanya- he shouldn't be stuck on an ineffective role just because the other 2/3 of his role were players who bailed early- so I am shifting Vanya from a mason to an innocent child.

@Vanya is Rome, and he is part of the town. Vanya's role has also been reworked to be less reliant on his two mason partners.

@Nessos , obviously, is also an innocent child by nature of how he returned.
I wanna pretend I am shocked but I had vanya as 97% Roman from the gifs

Soulkiller's first post seems eh.

Ekko and Rej both say that they are town or randed that way. hmm...

Awful entrance, by the way. It's a 35 player game right now, and the cleanest day to get a good slice of Mafia play. FoS on SoulKiller.

Eh sure, I don't really care lol. Was just being honest.
Ratchet responding to Soulkiller's 1st post then Soulkiller's 2nd post with (the don't really care...bit) Me: tosses into let's dive into that more pile

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