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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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Ekko seamlessly calls town lean on hero and lind and nessos town too..hmm. Also, they vote prof out of nowhere...hmm Town spewing and Distancing mafia teammate maybe?

hmm, DrProfessor83 then promises Ekko that he's town.

While this may be an rather unbecoming way to clear myself, I don’t feel like dealing with suspicion until I get upset this game and also want this to remain a positive environment for all of us. Which means I feel comfortable taking the necessary precautions to manage my own mood.

With that said, Ekko my close and cherished friend, I promise you that I am Town. I believe trust in that promise should be something I’ve earned between us.

This just seems a bit too flashy for me. It feels staged.

Ekko seamlessly calls town lean on hero and lind and nessos town too..hmm. Also, they vote prof out of nowhere...hmm Town spewing and Distancing mafia teammate maybe?

hmm, DrProfessor83 then promises Ekko that he's town.

This just seems a bit too flashy for me. It feels staged.

or well, it's like all this...and both of them are still alive...hmm
1. @Badalight - Santi
probably scum
4. @Didi - John Wayne > Lord Melkor > Worm Juice > Platinum
didi is town, wayne is scum
Hammer - Didi
32. @tinky winky - Didi
33. @WolfPrinceKiba - Didi
both scum
2. @Baroxio - Lord Melkor > Worm Juice
flipped town
probably town
24. @Ratchet - Worm Juice > Platinum
flipped town
25. @Rej - Worm Juice
36. @Yo Tan Wa - Worm Juice
From what I gather both guys for execution in group one have not played great but Cooler has a worthwhile ability (according to more than one G1 player).
[vote execute Revan]

Also, maybe we should have group 2 players vote to execute a group 2 player and group 1 players vote to execute a group 1 player? Two will be executed, be we only have 1 vote each. Makes sense to just vote out 1 from each group and give that power to those who would understand the groups the most. I don't know enough to cast for a vote for cooler or revan, for example.
Then it's up to your read on Kira, since he is the only guy alive from our group.
Soul laughs at SinRaven voting Melodie hmm... on the first page. SinRaven and Melodie both flipped purple mafia scum...hmm, tmi scum? or running joke between these players? idk my bff jill
Years ago there were a few games where Melodie was voted off for no particular reason. I believe Patch used to run games every now and then when this happened. I thought more people were aware of it but apparently not.
What's the case for each of them?

The case against @SoulKiller and @Lord Melkor is simple! Just read these posts of ScumRaven.

I would have added quote, but.....
@Shizune @Kvothe Kingkiller plz reopen the group threads once again :bloblick

Let me summerize, D1 started with Didi push. At the end of day it switched to Worm Juice followed by a counterwagon on Plat resulting in a plat lynch.

scumRaven pushed Worm Juice in the night presenting the counterwagon Case with Lord Melkor and Soul Killer looking the worse.

But I really don't know how take this since not only Worm Juice, but also scumRaven we're part of Team purple. My guess Sin throwing Worm Juice under the bus causing 2 misslynches.

@Juan it is actually the passive he claimed, never being eligible for lynch. Maybe Juan is Just cocky. On D1 he was also on the Plat counterwagon.

@Soul him begging for getting investigated after being pushed on D5 was weird. Also the way He start to defend himself after I pushed him a little during Day 0 let him look worse.

@Hero not my case. @Didi pointed Out that Hero started the Platwagon as soon as someone voted for Worm Juice.

@John Wayne also not my case. It was Shrike Düring Day 0 who don't like him after isoing him. Soul directly jumped on John Wayne after I asked him for the opinion about the others.
Did we get any actions back from Nitty from the night phase? I didn't see any.
@Soul him begging for getting investigated after being pushed on D5 was weird.
Because I am townie. What other way of clearing me do you know?
Also the way He start to defend himself after I pushed him a little during Day 0 let him look worse.
lmao. Dr. Prof actually pressured me on the G2 thread and we reached an impasse, if anything he is the one that actually pushed.
You didn't bring any actual arguments to the table.
Went back to Hammer posts and there's not a lot there except an early vote for didi for apparently zero reason, just stating that his role is complicated, then he voted for ekko with little explanation as to why until after his vote.
Next day he goes at Rej, states that he has an ability to roleblock people who target him.

He claims he has been busy with his master's, which seems legit, but there's a vibe about him that I don't love.
Do we have any check on hammer, Rej or Ekko? Thought Ekko was vouched (but not confirmed) as town.
The case against @SoulKiller and @Lord Melkor is simple! Just read these posts of ScumRaven.

I would have added quote, but.....
@Shizune @Kvothe Kingkiller plz reopen the group threads once again :bloblick

Let me summerize, D1 started with Didi push. At the end of day it switched to Worm Juice followed by a counterwagon on Plat resulting in a plat lynch.

scumRaven pushed Worm Juice in the night presenting the counterwagon Case with Lord Melkor and Soul Killer looking the worse.

But I really don't know how take this since not only Worm Juice, but also scumRaven we're part of Team purple. My guess Sin throwing Worm Juice under the bus causing 2 misslynches.

@Juan it is actually the passive he claimed, never being eligible for lynch. Maybe Juan is Just cocky. On D1 he was also on the Plat counterwagon.

@Soul him begging for getting investigated after being pushed on D5 was weird. Also the way He start to defend himself after I pushed him a little during Day 0 let him look worse.

@Hero not my case. @Didi pointed Out that Hero started the Platwagon as soon as someone voted for Worm Juice.

@John Wayne also not my case. It was Shrike Düring Day 0 who don't like him after isoing him. Soul directly jumped on John Wayne after I asked him for the opinion about the others.
Juan ability looks the most suspicious. Did he vote any leading wagon throughout the game?
I am not to concerned about Kira myself. @Nessos
The chance Kira being scum is quite high. With only 3 members of Team Purple and not a single Indie down.

Now looking at Kira.
Kira never claimed nor was Kira confirmed by anyone nor did Kira show a creating the main case against a buddy.

Kita defence after I suggested to execute both member of group 2.
"Nessos stop tunneling".

Why should we execute Cooler who claimed over Kira. Under the consideration that Coolers claim was confirmed by actions?
(At least thats what I got from others talking here about Cooler)
The chance Kira being scum is quite high. With only 3 members of Team Purple and not a single Indie down.

Now looking at Kira.
Kira never claimed nor was Kira confirmed by anyone nor did Kira show a creating the main case against a buddy.

Kita defence after I suggested to execute both member of group 2.
"Nessos stop tunneling".

Why should we execute Cooler who claimed over Kira. Under the consideration that Coolers claim was confirmed by actions?
(At least thats what I got from others talking here about Cooler)
I am going to soft vouch for Kira personally. It's light and not as firm as I would like as its but a combination of things lead me to belive he is more likely to be town than not.

My own read back of the other game kind of makes me trust Didi on this fact at the very least.
Everyone should share their thoughts about @Soul @Hero @John Wayne @Lord Melkor @SoulKiller and @Juan :bloblick

One of them should get lynched this phase!

Out of this group, Juan seems most town to me, wasnt' there some mechanics confirming him?

I had a town read on Hero day 1, but he was less useful as game progressed - claims cop that changes his alingment to people he invests -- mafia could have such role to appear
as town.

Null on Soul and Soulkiller.

Leaning scum on JW, was coasting all game

Vote Lynch John Wayne

I saw Didi summary and not once they tried to lynch Badalight. Is there any reason? From what I saw Badalight claimed he cannot be lynched after Jojo voted him. Seems like a scum ability.

For this I recommend to read N2 of group 2.

If we considere both @Didi and Odd as Twon, I think it would be a bad move for both member of Team Purple jumping on the same wagon.

Well there is the possibility of @Didi and @Badalight being part of Team Purple with @Badalight and ScumRaven trying to protect his buddy. But I don't think I have ever seen ScumRaven "townreading" one of his scumbuddies.

I saw Didi summary and not once they tried to lynch Badalight. Is there any reason? From what I saw Badalight claimed he cannot be lynched after Jojo voted him. Seems like a scum ability.
Didi loves me because I saved his life and killed the evil oddjutsu instead

Have you posted anything in group 2 thread to support this statement?

Not unless you extrapolate previous statements. I cannot go into detail though because mafia will fuckin roll us if they learn too much of this info. Just trust me on that one.

I believe Iwan will die after this cycle, or maybe even this day phase. Depends on how Nitty is counting.
Didi loves me because I saved his life and killed the evil oddjutsu instead

Not unless you extrapolate previous statements. I cannot go into detail though because mafia will fuckin roll us if they learn too much of this info. Just trust me on that one.

I believe Iwan will die after this cycle, or maybe even this day phase. Depends on how Nitty is counting.
Odd flipped town though :blobglare

I will read your Iso as soon as I finish my work day

But I have a question, do you remember why WolfPrince suspected you?
Didi loves me because I saved his life and killed the evil oddjutsu instead

Not unless you extrapolate previous statements. I cannot go into detail though because mafia will fuckin roll us if they learn too much of this info. Just trust me on that one.

I believe Iwan will die after this cycle, or maybe even this day phase. Depends on how Nitty is counting.
You basically cannot be lynched. That's scummy ability.
Odd flipped town though :blobglare

I will read your Iso as soon as I finish my work day

But I have a question, do you remember why WolfPrince suspected you?

No I have no clue. He just started sussing me out of nowhere and never explained. P sure most people sussed me after that night phase where I was the last vote to lynch Odd though. Obv a bad play but it was between Didi and Odd, those were the only 2 choices I had. If Didi turns out to be town then it was a sophie's choice, and also I voted with Nessos who was basically confirmed town. Turns out SR was scum tho.

You basically cannot be lynched. That's scummy ability.

No, I didn't say that. Please re-read ;(

Or read all of group 2. I have told the truth this entire game. I'm just a tanky townie. I've been very honest about this!
Charles is a watcher and abilities invest I saw his role. Cop gets town or not town result (I guess here cop gets guilty or innocent result) And Dr. Professor gets guilty result on someone in group 2 so he most likely is a cop.

just for the record we've had like 6 cop claims in group 2

Charles, YTW, Fang, Didi, Hero... prob more I'm missing.
Yes, but we aren't gonna have 6 cops imo. That'd be absurd. That's why I don't totally trust hero, Dr. Proff, or Didi. Good chance one of the three is lying imo.
Professor got group 2 guilty result. It's very risky to get town creed like that. Hero is the most suspicious.

Didi said Hero voted Platinum (confirmed town) the moment Worm Juice (confirmed scum) gained vote.

Didn't know the case on Didi tbf.

Hero is the most suspicious.
With members of Group 1 saying @Cooler played Bad, but is claim can be trusted I would say @Kira Yagami and @Revan Reborn should be executed.
Wouldn't say I played bad, I didn't really play at all lol. Had some family stuff come up so I'm not looking to add extra stress by try harding.

If you keep me around I'll do as I'm told but that's all I can promise.
It was said you somekind of cop ability.
Do you have some useful info you can share?
Well I gain abilities based on people use on me. I originally assumed that it was the exact same ability but Shizune said it's a new ability and I never bothered to chase so hopefully in a couple of hours I can tell you.The one ability that's been used one me that I know of should give some tracker esque abilities though.
The chance Kira being scum is quite high. With only 3 members of Team Purple and not a single Indie down.

Now looking at Kira.
Kira never claimed nor was Kira confirmed by anyone nor did Kira show a creating the main case against a buddy.

Kita defence after I suggested to execute both member of group 2.
"Nessos stop tunneling".

Why should we execute Cooler who claimed over Kira. Under the consideration that Coolers claim was confirmed by actions?
(At least thats what I got from others talking here about Cooler)

of all my invests, I trust my one on kira the most because it was N1, before I'd made a claim, so less of a chance of being fucked with
This thread is filled with quite a bit if misinfo.

Everyone should share their thoughts about @Soul @Hero @John Wayne @Lord Melkor @SoulKiller and @Juan :bloblick

One of them should get lynched this phase!
Juan openly came out as having a passive that keeps him out of the lynch pool. Don’t think that’s a scum ability tbh.

Soul has been arguing his case the most out of this group and his vote on Firestormer is suspicious seeing that Sin flipped scum to me. Also weirdly was pushing the Santi execution while Melody who didn’t post anything was scum in the execution list. I did like Soul backtracking his Santi execution vote later on.

JW is scum lean to me. His read on Nat and Prof on day 1 was too vague and he didn’t really take a stance there to me tbh.

SoulKiller is town to me. LM is null- scum lean.

Hero I’m most conflicted on and is just null to me now.

@Lind how is the feeling only having to keep up with one game thread? :bloblick
Very good and I’ll finally have a good night’s sleep now.

in the case of indies, I would suspect the Survivor role in the game to be an indie, where the wincon might be to make it to final 3. So get rid of any suspected indies before then.

let's see SinRaven interacted with both Melodie and WormJuice from the start. let's keep reading and see if he may have given away other teammates

Soulkiller's posts seem non-threating...,maybe he's an indie, something feels different about his posts, but I'm not particularly sure what it is.

Soulkiller and Lind for indies

Badalight-old meta reasons (it could totally be wrong), Juan, Santi, DrProfessor83, Kira Yagami, and Soul for purple ones

These posts along with your other post focusing on indies is starting to get suspicious here.

I.... doubt that. Unless group 2 just doesn't know how to read or something, because according to the op if an alignment change happens it gets announced... why would hero claim that if he knew he could turn mafia lol
No. I believe @Hero meant what he scans as changes based on who he investigates. I think he corrected it to this later on when questioned on his alignment changing.

Good catch. Especially because I was thinking Iwan might have my submitted role of Deus Ex Machina. Would make sense with none of our shit ever working on him.
Deux Ex Machina flipped in group 1 as red mafia.

I'll actually counter that. If Soulkiller is a relatively new, that changes everything. The apathy would make sense here. That would mean that he isn't one of us that has been addicted to mafia. Within my first 10 games of playing mafia, I backed out of game for in real life reasons, but I was a serial killer that game. In hindsight as a veteran player, serial killer is an awesome role to get. As a new player, you don't totally get some of the nuances of mafia until you are truly in it or have spent countless games obsessing over it. Apathy towards mafia is something I have seen and experienced.

Now, I'm less sure about him being indie. I need to see who pushes on him.

But yeah, if Soulkiller is new, then his posts are going to feel funny as he may not have mafia lingo or rhythm or whatever down. Or he hasn't necessarily learned there's a certain way to talk within a mafia game. I guess I'm trying to say a lot of us have been through the ringer. We kind of know sometimes how we are perceived or craft posts based on different perceptions or understanding of how we should look in a sense to others to help garner reads.

I guess I'll say that I think in order to get a read of him I think I need to see how other flipped people have interacted with him.
Okay, gonna say this right now. SoulKiller is not new and has been playing for yearsss.
I mean yeah it technically checks out sure. It's just a nice big coincidence that's the only time he's investigated someone apparently, and it just so happens that he got poisoned from it it sounds like lol.

Also, on another note, this means santi is more likely town. I mean not guaranteed or anything but it does make it more likely. Just because if hero is town santi being mafia requires hero getting redirected or something. And if hero is mafia it requires him blatantly tie-ing himself to his partner.
Santi was scanned by Didi as innocent and Fang and Juan have confirmed an ability of Santi’s - Trading - working on them.

Santi was also the one who scanned LM as innocent apparently from Fang.

What should be caught here is why Hero would choose to role cop Santi when he was being vouched by 2 players.

huh yeah I could've sworn deus ex could save from the lynch but I guess I'm wrong on that. So maybe it was spiderman's. Though was WAD even there that day to use it? Lmao. I guess it could've been someone piloting that.

I could've sworn there was another lynch save option at some point though whatever.

My point still mostly stands that I've hated ts today lmao
Deux Ex Machina and Peter Parker could help their teammates survive a lynch.

Kira never claimed nor was Kira confirmed by anyone nor did Kira show a creating the main case against a buddy.
Kira was scanned innocent by Didi and Kira was also on the WJ wagon day 1 while Plat was only lynched by 2 votes above WJ.

I honestly don’t think scum Kira would do this. He was also against WJ before the wagon started if I remember correctly.

Coolers claim was confirmed by actions?
(At least thats what I got from others talking here about Cooler)
Cooler claimed a copy ability sometime. Then Draekke used a marker type ability on him which didn’t work. Cooler then came out with the info about what the ability does on the last day of group 1.

Since Cooler had claimed his ability before knew how Draekke’s ability worked, we assumed he’s telling the truth about his claim. We don’t know his alignment. We just assume he’s telling us the truth.

Okay I made a mistake his first ability is to find player's alignment so he is a cop. Professor and Charles both are cops.
Professor never scanned anybody to my memory. He has only told us that Ekko most likely town.

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