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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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My thoughts on the game:

Mafia was way too strong. I think it's problematic that town can successfully lynch mafia almost every day phase and yet still lose. Mafia had far too much lynch protection in this game where the lynch is town's main method of eliminating mafia, especially in a game where everyone has durability, meaning nobody dies to a single kill and even superkills can be walked off.

While I enjoyed the flash mechanics, they also heavily favor mafia when you give them the ability to refresh flash easily on top of the ludicrous ability to always know when someone uses flash. I feel like half the power of the flash is it's surprise factor, but apparently this doesn't exist for some mafias. At that point, using flash just paints a target on your back saying "please kill me, I'm defenseless!"

This is also my first experience with fake masons, and...I don't like it. Getting an accepted townie to vouch for you is the highest defense imaginable in this game, and on top of that it's on a mafia member that can survive even superkills. How does one actually get around that? The opposing mafia couldn't kill them (despite clearly trying) and no townie would ever even attempt to target them, much less kill or lynch them unless you want to encourage bad YOLO play. If there's going to be a person with a fake mason role, they should have like zero other defenses, IMHO. Durability 1, die to a stray bullet, no immunities, no protections.

I suppose a lot of this game was balanced by what seemed to be a lack of communication among mafia, alogside the implementation of mafia traitors. Honestly, it seemingly worked out. Maybe even too well, causing the compensation buff where red could canabilize dead members to retain their abilities. Though that just means that it reduces the progress town makes in weakening mafia. That combined with the skewed numbers of 1:3 mafia to town no doubt played a role in why town simply ran out of time at the end. You can't say that town lost this game because they played poorly, IMHO. You can, however say that mafia won because they were hard carried by their abilities.

Still, it was overall an enjoyable game. I pegged Soulkiller as mafia literally from the start of the game and had him under perma-roleblock...which apparently didn't do anything as the dude was immune to roleblocks and rolecrush. Oh well. Games like this are always impossible to balance, and the fact that it wasn't a hard stomp either way is still a fact to be proud of. I was able to use my protections effectively and I think I played to the best of my ability. I have no real regrets, and still obtained an immense amount of satisfaction in this game. Feel free to invite me to the next one, if you so desire.
My thoughts on the game:

Mafia was way too strong. I think it's problematic that town can successfully lynch mafia almost every day phase and yet still lose. Mafia had far too much lynch protection in this game where the lynch is town's main method of eliminating mafia, especially in a game where everyone has durability, meaning nobody dies to a single kill and even superkills can be walked off.

While I enjoyed the flash mechanics, they also heavily favor mafia when you give them the ability to refresh flash easily on top of the ludicrous ability to always know when someone uses flash. I feel like half the power of the flash is it's surprise factor, but apparently this doesn't exist for some mafias. At that point, using flash just paints a target on your back saying "please kill me, I'm defenseless!"

This is also my first experience with fake masons, and...I don't like it. Getting an accepted townie to vouch for you is the highest defense imaginable in this game, and on top of that it's on a mafia member that can survive even superkills. How does one actually get around that? The opposing mafia couldn't kill them (despite clearly trying) and no townie would ever even attempt to target them, much less kill or lynch them unless you want to encourage bad YOLO play. If there's going to be a person with a fake mason role, they should have like zero other defenses, IMHO. Durability 1, die to a stray bullet, no immunities, no protections.

I suppose a lot of this game was balanced by what seemed to be a lack of communication among mafia, alogside the implementation of mafia traitors. Honestly, it seemingly worked out. Maybe even too well, causing the compensation buff where red could canabilize dead members to retain their abilities. Though that just means that it reduces the progress town makes in weakening mafia. That combined with the skewed numbers of 1:3 mafia to town no doubt played a role in why town simply ran out of time at the end. You can't say that town lost this game because they played poorly, IMHO. You can, however say that mafia won because they were hard carried by their abilities.

Still, it was overall an enjoyable game. I pegged Soulkiller as mafia literally from the start of the game and had him under perma-roleblock...which apparently didn't do anything as the dude was immune to roleblocks and rolecrush. Oh well. Games like this are always impossible to balance, and the fact that it wasn't a hard stomp either way is still a fact to be proud of. I was able to use my protections effectively and I think I played to the best of my ability. I have no real regrets, and still obtained an immense amount of satisfaction in this game. Feel free to invite me to the next one, if you so desire.

Most of the town vig roles died very early and never did anything

Town probably ran out of time faster than they should have because none of the superkills I gave them ever went off on any guilty players

Remember I also gave town a night lynch which… also didn’t pan out lol

So yeah just unfortunate how that turned out and made town overly reliant on lynching to accomplish anything
achieved ur survivor wincondition lol

can u stick around and play more games with us?

u guys too @Baroxio @Draekke @JoJo @Soul @Firestormer @Ishmael @Legend @AndrewGreve @Laix etc..

the site got lots of players that dont play often. wud be nice if u fuys can stick around more for other games

starting with maybe laix's coming game

I signed up for Laix's game but had to rescind because of life shit, which also affected me the last week or so of this game. If that all gets figured out then I will try.
achieved ur survivor wincondition lol

can u stick around and play more games with us?

u guys too @Baroxio @Draekke @JoJo @Soul @Firestormer @Ishmael @Legend @AndrewGreve @Laix etc..

the site got lots of players that dont play often. wud be nice if u fuys can stick around more for other games

starting with maybe laix's coming game
i really hated the town while i was alive in this game and i think i'll take a break before experiencing something like it again, might play again at some point though
My thoughts on the game:

Mafia was way too strong. I think it's problematic that town can successfully lynch mafia almost every day phase and yet still lose. Mafia had far too much lynch protection in this game where the lynch is town's main method of eliminating mafia, especially in a game where everyone has durability, meaning nobody dies to a single kill and even superkills can be walked off.

While I enjoyed the flash mechanics, they also heavily favor mafia when you give them the ability to refresh flash easily on top of the ludicrous ability to always know when someone uses flash. I feel like half the power of the flash is it's surprise factor, but apparently this doesn't exist for some mafias. At that point, using flash just paints a target on your back saying "please kill me, I'm defenseless!"

This is also my first experience with fake masons, and...I don't like it. Getting an accepted townie to vouch for you is the highest defense imaginable in this game, and on top of that it's on a mafia member that can survive even superkills. How does one actually get around that? The opposing mafia couldn't kill them (despite clearly trying) and no townie would ever even attempt to target them, much less kill or lynch them unless you want to encourage bad YOLO play. If there's going to be a person with a fake mason role, they should have like zero other defenses, IMHO. Durability 1, die to a stray bullet, no immunities, no protections.

I suppose a lot of this game was balanced by what seemed to be a lack of communication among mafia, alogside the implementation of mafia traitors. Honestly, it seemingly worked out. Maybe even too well, causing the compensation buff where red could canabilize dead members to retain their abilities. Though that just means that it reduces the progress town makes in weakening mafia. That combined with the skewed numbers of 1:3 mafia to town no doubt played a role in why town simply ran out of time at the end. You can't say that town lost this game because they played poorly, IMHO. You can, however say that mafia won because they were hard carried by their abilities.

Still, it was overall an enjoyable game. I pegged Soulkiller as mafia literally from the start of the game and had him under perma-roleblock...which apparently didn't do anything as the dude was immune to roleblocks and rolecrush. Oh well. Games like this are always impossible to balance, and the fact that it wasn't a hard stomp either way is still a fact to be proud of. I was able to use my protections effectively and I think I played to the best of my ability. I have no real regrets, and still obtained an immense amount of satisfaction in this game. Feel free to invite me to the next one, if you so desire.
i cant survive superkills btw. i only had 3 lives

melodie stole a life from someone. like we saw someone try to give another player extra life and we yoinked it and gave it to me. i think it was from nessos or rej

and mich gave soul and extra life which he copied and gave to me

thats how i became at 5

town didnt lynch mafia every day, specially not group 2

town mislynched every day minus 2, and mis executed every day minus 2. not to mention mislynch in night lynch and soul's lynch post merge. thats alot of town blood lol
all those over eager townies coming from game 1

this is real mafia

yall don't stand a chance here
what you played wasn't real mafia, you sent copy pasted PMs and this should be stopped by the host.
It's a modkill to not paraphraze the PMs roles everywhere I played.
You may be proud of it but it is a cowardly move, like your play all game, you purple mafia played rather hide and seek
I am not salty about losing, i had a fun game and the best team i could wish to have. I am not sure we could win our part of the game with a traitor among us but I never care about the game outcome and Fuji san played a fair game
Sure if you sell your soul for a win you are happy and smug about the post where Shizune gave you the win but for me you showed low ability to play the game of mafia.
We could die anyway and the outcome would be the same probably even without using game breaking tricks.
I thought you had the possibility to use words to win, but it looks like you are unable to obtain the win without cheating. I don't care what the site or the host approves as rules. What you did by sending our copy pasted roles shouldn't be allowed.
I heard it happened before and i heard all kind of 'i would do the same' or 'why can't you say it's a lie' or 'townies didn't believe it anyway'.
All these are not looking at the fact that, as long as everyone has the interdiction to copy paste their own PM and post it in the game or in chats other than the scum chat who can obtain the info, copy posting other roles and share them like that should be forbidden as well.

And @DrProfessor83 you are not good at paraphrazing at all, my role was almost like the original one smh

I know the host put a lot of effort in the game and made amazing roles and did an awesome job. I understood in DVC he sold us all accepting that message to be sent. He said he will balance the game and in the case of the message from Ekko he had the possibility to not allow it in that form and the permission he gave crippled all other factions. Maybe you could think again at what balance means @Shizune

you also can't really reflect and learn from Favorites, because Favorites is unlike most other games.
I learned something though, a big faction is not always helpful.
I should know it, i won with a team of 3 mafia a 17er because the host forgot to put 4 mafia.
I maintain that this wasn't a bastard...
Oposed masons is bastard.
Except they are not masons, but still, you said it's ok.
Sharing fake roles yourself is bastard.
And I am sure I didn't notice few things.
You made a bastard game, let's face it.
It's not a crime to host a bastard game, at least tell the truth to yourself.
Red team is gonna be upset about their traitor and their lack of a team chat.
No, that was well done regarding balance.

My only complain is the PM shit.

As details, the false help you gave us when you said the game is open for everyone to win it, that helped the purples like the PM did.
Also you promised you'll balance the game on its course and you didn't do it from my pov.

Thanks for the game everyone, the MVP for me is @AndrewGreve, awesome play sir, you were the only one who made me affraid of you.
i cant survive superkills btw. i only had 3 lives

melodie stole a life from someone. like we saw someone try to give another player extra life and we yoinked it and gave it to me. i think it was from nessos or rej

and mich gave soul and extra life which he copied and gave to me

thats how i became at 5

town didnt lynch mafia every day, specially not group 2

town mislynched every day minus 2, and mis executed every day minus 2. not to mention mislynch in night lynch and soul's lynch post merge. thats alot of town blood lol
that odd lynch was a hailmary and i couldnt believe your luck considering you blew almost everything to get ratchet and lalisa killed so getting odd killed at that point wasnt possible

until the mislynch. amazing to watch.
Did a quick skim back and want to support @Shizune on trust tells

There is no context where they are ok.

They break the game, since if everyone did them, the game would be over day 1 when you had the list of people not willing to swear they were town aligned.

When only one or a few players do them, it gives those players a massive boost to their town games, as they are able to play as innocent child, and basically have no burden to demonstrate their alignment through thread play, and scum is forced to kill them in otherways the same as mechanically peeked players.

As scum alignment they are immediately outed, and a huge burden/handicap to the scum team unlucky enough to rand them.

It is a shitty selfish way to play, that literally ruins the game of mafia and makes it pointless/unplayable.
i cant survive superkills btw. i only had 3 lives

melodie stole a life from someone. like we saw someone try to give another player extra life and we yoinked it and gave it to me. i think it was from nessos or rej

and mich gave soul and extra life which he copied and gave to me

thats how i became at 5

town didnt lynch mafia every day, specially not group 2

town mislynched every day minus 2, and mis executed every day minus 2. not to mention mislynch in night lynch and soul's lynch post merge. thats alot of town blood lol
Am I the only one that threw a super at you?
Actually the damn trust tell changed my read on drprof but what an useless thing to have in a game of lies.

No one noticed that JW could escape the lynch in that day, NFC would't be lynched either and the lynch would go to SK?
JW was lynched only because the wagon on SK existed.
we didnt originally have a lynch stopper

it was an ability to remove players from lynch pool once in the game

if the lynch didnt become kingmaker, we cuda removed sk from lynch pool once

but it became kingmaker so nitty gave us 1shot lynch stopper for it
That shit inadvertently got LG lynched

That scum lean you had on me from that post made me actually worry enough to try to get town read

By getting town read by you, you followed me on the lg wagon, and everyone else town read you so they also followed it.

At one point I typed up a huge thing talking about how no real person would look at that profile picture, see the dragons AND see enough of a face to think it MIGHT be a face, but not enough to KNOW it was a face too. So it bothered them enough to have to ask about it.

Any real person posting real thoughts would realize it was a double picture as soon as they noticed it enough to think of asking.

I dont think I ended up posting it, lol. I really thought it was to dumb of a read to force the thread to deal with my crazy tinfoil.
what you played wasn't real mafia, you sent copy pasted PMs and this should be stopped by the host.
It's a modkill to not paraphraze the PMs roles everywhere I played.
You may be proud of it but it is a cowardly move, like your play all game, you purple mafia played rather hide and seek
I am not salty about losing, i had a fun game and the best team i could wish to have. I am not sure we could win our part of the game with a traitor among us but I never care about the game outcome and Fuji san played a fair game
Sure if you sell your soul for a win you are happy and smug about the post where Shizune gave you the win but for me you showed low ability to play the game of mafia.
We could die anyway and the outcome would be the same probably even without using game breaking tricks.
I thought you had the possibility to use words to win, but it looks like you are unable to obtain the win without cheating. I don't care what the site or the host approves as rules. What you did by sending our copy pasted roles shouldn't be allowed.
I heard it happened before and i heard all kind of 'i would do the same' or 'why can't you say it's a lie' or 'townies didn't believe it anyway'.
All these are not looking at the fact that, as long as everyone has the interdiction to copy paste their own PM and post it in the game or in chats other than the scum chat who can obtain the info, copy posting other roles and share them like that should be forbidden as well.

And @DrProfessor83 you are not good at paraphrazing at all, my role was almost like the original one smh

I know the host put a lot of effort in the game and made amazing roles and did an awesome job. I understood in DVC he sold us all accepting that message to be sent. He said he will balance the game and in the case of the message from Ekko he had the possibility to not allow it in that form and the permission he gave crippled all other factions. Maybe you could think again at what balance means @Shizune

I learned something though, a big faction is not always helpful.
I should know it, i won with a team of 3 mafia a 17er because the host forgot to put 4 mafia.

Oposed masons is bastard.
Except they are not masons, but still, you said it's ok.
Sharing fake roles yourself is bastard.
And I am sure I didn't notice few things.
You made a bastard game, let's face it.
It's not a crime to host a bastard game, at least tell the truth to yourself.

No, that was well done regarding balance.

My only complain is the PM shit.

As details, the false help you gave us when you said the game is open for everyone to win it, that helped the purples like the PM did.
Also you promised you'll balance the game on its course and you didn't do it from my pov.

Thanks for the game everyone, the MVP for me is @AndrewGreve, awesome play sir, you were the only one who made me affraid of you.
we had a traitor too, who is responsible for our factional kills, and apparently fuji wants us dead as well
and i cant speak for the message and PM. the PM is an ability of mine and the message was sent via the host. I did not copy paste stuff to the PM obviously so

i played with the abilities I got and with what host allowed me to do. any more complains u take them to the host lol

i have no remorse in my heart for what i did to red. yall have 5 lynch stoppers, a lynch immune role, and are 4 more in numbers than us

i did what i can for my faction to win. its unbelivable rly red gets lynched daily in group 1 and is still able to be such a threat here, and that all with them not utilizing most of the roles to its fullest, and even with 1 of them quitting (ultra)

tbh mich u really are in no position to be complaining. i could of simply paraphrased the roles to prof, its rly not a big deal. outcome is same the moment they see ur role flip similar to the paraphrase they will believe the message anyway.. i mean why do u think we killed u at night lol
At one point I typed up a huge thing talking about how no real person would look at that profile picture, see the dragons AND see enough of a face to think it MIGHT be a face, but not enough to KNOW it was a face too. So it bothered them enough to have to ask about it.

Any real person posting real thoughts would realize it was a double picture as soon as they noticed it enough to think of asking.

I dont think I ended up posting it, lol. I really thought it was to dumb of a read to force the thread to deal with my crazy tinfoil.

But why tho? Lol.
I like to ask ppl stuff ive already figured out. Its a good way to get conversations going

I have no clue y i lied abt it tho lmao, i guess i panicked and my first instinct was to lie :lmao
i cant survive superkills btw. i only had 3 lives

melodie stole a life from someone. like we saw someone try to give another player extra life and we yoinked it and gave it to me. i think it was from nessos or rej

and mich gave soul and extra life which he copied and gave to me

thats how i became at 5

town didnt lynch mafia every day, specially not group 2

town mislynched every day minus 2, and mis executed every day minus 2. not to mention mislynch in night lynch and soul's lynch post merge. thats alot of town blood lol
You can't survive superkills, you just happened to survive a superkill using the abilities of your faction. Cool beans. :pimp

Group 2 didn't do nearly as poorly as your suggesting. There were 5 days in Group 2. Days 1 & 2 were full of towning, but you guys took control of the Day 3 lynch to take out Nessos and then lost multiple members on Days 4 & 5. This is basically average in mafia. Town doesn't know who to trust while Mafia does. Lynching mafia every day like Group 1 did should be considered the outlier, not the norm.

Despite that, and despite red mafia practically imploding on it's own, town simply couldn't keep up and lost as soon as the last red fell. This is problematic unless you expect them to play a perfect game, which just isn't reasonable. In a game where the ratio is 1 mafia to 3 town, mafia shouldn't be able to reliably kill off 3+ townies every night. Because then you run into this situation where even if town plays above average or even perfectly, they're still likely to lose.
You can't survive superkills, you just happened to survive a superkill using the abilities of your faction. Cool beans. :pimp
yeah thats the thing, it wasn't

we stole a +1 extra life from another player. do u know the odds of that happening? in the same night he was getting +1 we stole it from him

also the other +1 came from mich giving it to EXACTLY sk who can store that ability and learn it. in fact thats her ability to give +1 extra life only to superkill sk lol, but he and he only can learn it

u know what r the odds of those happening lol? that allowed me to be more upfront about confronting red in thread to tank a superkill

Group 2 didn't do nearly as poorly as your suggesting. There were 5 days in Group 2. Days 1 & 2 were full of towning, but you guys took control of the Day 3 lynch to take out Nessos and then lost multiple members on Days 4 & 5. This is basically average in mafia. Town doesn't know who to trust while Mafia does. Lynching mafia every day like Group 1 did should be considered the outlier, not the norm.

Despite that, and despite red mafia practically imploding on it's own, town simply couldn't keep up and lost as soon as the last red fell. This is problematic unless you expect them to play a perfect game, which just isn't reasonable. In a game where the ratio is 1 mafia to 3 town, mafia shouldn't be able to reliably kill off 3+ townies every night. Because then you run into this situation where even if town plays above average or even perfectly, they're still likely to lose.
i was simply going based off ur post. u said town lynched mafia almost everyday and thats just not true. maybe for game 1 yeah, but certainly not for game 2, and its purple that won not red.

mislynching is okay for town. yall didn't just mislynched. u misexecuted too. there was always a scum in the execution wagon. every day iirc. only 2/5 days were scum executed, and worm being in execution platform was actually a misstep by us cuz we killed u and made her next in line for exection

day 1 lynch plat
day 2 lynch xadlin
day 2 exec salah
n2 lynch odd
day 3 lynch nessos (doesnt count.. maybe..)
day 3 exec franky
day 4 sin lynched
day 4 worm exec

after this 5 town died at night and we actually did have the capability to vote together and steer the lynch. we actually reached majority with tinky's vote stealing from FS. we obviously did not steer the lynch cuz we had game 1 and the merge to still worry about. we actually stomped this group much worst than u think. if there was no merge this group 2 was finished in a 27:9 town/protown to mafia ratio

tinky could vote steal from FS/lind and group 2 would never ever be able to lynch mafia anymore if there was no merge this group is really just done lol. ur hope was to pray for game 1 to save u. thats really how bad it was
I mean I'm gonna be honest SK it was super obvious what you were doing basically the entire dead chat was like, "why isn't SK on ignore yet" lmao
I mean, and I am gonna be honest Hidden, it's easy to talk when you have TMI about everything regarding the game. I made it to the end and out survived everyone and made victory possible for purple. That's that.

Prof wouldve lynched himself before ekko, there was no way u guys couldve lost lmao
Oh I wasn't worried about prof, I mainly just wanted townies and red mafia attention to be toward me instead of prof and ekko. I needed ekko to stay alive as long as possible and I have faith in myself to weather the storm and survive until end game. My role was doing all the heavy work after the merger happened, if I ever died early it would of been gg for purple.
I just want to say that the only reason Purple won is because they N1'd me. If I had lived past N1 or decided to return to the game, then town would have won.

I see that 1% of my power scared your team, @Ekkologix and @SoulKiller . Good. Be frightened. :catsmug
I didn't even knew you died back then xD

I probably would of kept you around cause it's more fun. Ekko was mostly handling all the actions early game.

But we brought the W to group 2.
yeah thats the thing, it wasn't

we stole a +1 extra life from another player. do u know the odds of that happening? in the same night he was getting +1 we stole it from him

also the other +1 came from mich giving it to EXACTLY sk who can store that ability and learn it. in fact thats her ability to give +1 extra life only to superkill sk lol, but he and he only can learn it

u know what r the odds of those happening lol? that allowed me to be more upfront about confronting red in thread to tank a superkill

i was simply going based off ur post. u said town lynched mafia almost everyday and thats just not true. maybe for game 1 yeah, but certainly not for game 2, and its purple that won not red.

mislynching is okay for town. yall didn't just mislynched. u misexecuted too. there was always a scum in the execution wagon. every day iirc. only 2/5 days were scum executed, and worm being in execution platform was actually a misstep by us cuz we killed u and made her next in line for exection

day 1 lynch plat
day 2 lynch xadlin
day 2 exec salah
n2 lynch odd
day 3 lynch nessos (doesnt count.. maybe..)
day 3 exec franky
day 4 sin lynched
day 4 worm exec

after this 5 town died at night and we actually did have the capability to vote together and steer the lynch. we actually reached majority with tinky's vote stealing from FS. we obviously did not steer the lynch cuz we had game 1 and the merge to still worry about. we actually stomped this group much worst than u think. if there was no merge this group 2 was finished in a 27:9 town/protown to mafia ratio

tinky could vote steal from FS/lind and group 2 would never ever be able to lynch mafia anymore if there was no merge this group is really just done lol. ur hope was to pray for game 1 to save u. thats really how bad it was
...I'm glad you agree with my original point that mafia was too fucking strong, then. :distracted

And yes, 5 townies dying in a night with 27:9 town/mafia ratio sort of exemplifies this. If you guys actually had a scum chat and team red didn't, you guys probably should have had like half the members, lol.
I thought I was but apparently after offing all mafia I win alone with with my obssession, Lind.
Lmao. After I was suspected all game of being an indie, winning alone with you would have had some serious after affects post game lol. Thanks for helping me out with those messages bb.

I guess players got/are getting their frustrations out, and yeah, I’m kinda bummed we lost too. Especially after playing this for so long and consecutive phases without rest, but I know there were many things I could have done better.

I just wanna say, it was a lot of fun playing with so many of you new players to me here - @Draekke @JoJo @Firestormer @Laix @Didi (for making me laugh so much) @Karma @Hero @Badalight @Owner Of A Lonely Heart @nfcnorth and many more.

I really liked all of your play styles, and hope we play again some day. For now I need a long break first to focus on other things in life haha.

So great game guys. And @DrProfessor83 you did perform to the best of your ability. No hard feelings from my end at all. So chin up and move on.
...I'm glad you agree with my original point that mafia was too fucking strong, then. :distracted

And yes, 5 townies dying in a night with 27:9 town/mafia ratio sort of exemplifies this. If you guys actually had a scum chat and team red didn't, you guys probably should have had like half the members, lol.
thats arguable. 8/9 roles were cucked by a simple roleblock. roleblocking JW/iwan basically reduces our kills by 75% and im not even memeing lol. town had enough roleblocks to make it happen too and iwan JW were PoE

yeah those 5 townies dying was a massacre, we were directly responsible for 3 of them. rest were vigged/killed themselves trying to protect marked town. i guess still our fault kek

the doctors were healing mafia lol

did u take a second to look at the roles u guys executed btw lmao
Me and jojo were shitting ourselves laughing wen @Laix said there was only 1 scum between us :lul

we had a traitor too, who is responsible for our factional kills, and apparently fuji wants us dead as well
and i cant speak for the message and PM. the PM is an ability of mine and the message was sent via the host. I did not copy paste stuff to the PM obviously so

i played with the abilities I got and with what host allowed me to do. any more complains u take them to the host lol

i have no remorse in my heart for what i did to red. yall have 5 lynch stoppers, a lynch immune role, and are 4 more in numbers than us

i did what i can for my faction to win. its unbelivable rly red gets lynched daily in group 1 and is still able to be such a threat here, and that all with them not utilizing most of the roles to its fullest, and even with 1 of them quitting (ultra)

tbh mich u really are in no position to be complaining. i could of simply paraphrased the roles to prof, its rly not a big deal. outcome is same the moment they see ur role flip similar to the paraphrase they will believe the message anyway.. i mean why do u think we killed u at night lol
Hiding behind the host, aren't you? What a ballsy spot to put yourself in..

I am in the position to tell you I don't care what happened except the PM thing and tell you that what you did wasn't a stellar play like you want to show it was.

You can say anything, I know it was something it shouldn't happen, i know the host allowed it, but it's a cheap excuse. You copy pasted roles posted in scum chat by Hero and sent them as they were to Drprof.
If it's any consolation, you winning the roast was a really special and memorable moment for the spectators. You aren't really known to be like, an overly funny/jokey type of person, and out of everyone participating you were the only one who didn't know me personally. Your roast was the best one by far, and it was really unexpected for us. I think you made a big impression this game that will last for a long time

yeah I loved @DrProfessor83 's roast, it was hilarious

when I saw the opening posts by him and Juan I was immediately like 'welp I'm not winning this thing' so I just put in enough effort to not get last place
You can't survive superkills, you just happened to survive a superkill using the abilities of your faction. Cool beans. :pimp

Group 2 didn't do nearly as poorly as your suggesting. There were 5 days in Group 2. Days 1 & 2 were full of towning, but you guys took control of the Day 3 lynch to take out Nessos and then lost multiple members on Days 4 & 5. This is basically average in mafia. Town doesn't know who to trust while Mafia does. Lynching mafia every day like Group 1 did should be considered the outlier, not the norm.

Despite that, and despite red mafia practically imploding on it's own, town simply couldn't keep up and lost as soon as the last red fell. This is problematic unless you expect them to play a perfect game, which just isn't reasonable. In a game where the ratio is 1 mafia to 3 town, mafia shouldn't be able to reliably kill off 3+ townies every night. Because then you run into this situation where even if town plays above average or even perfectly, they're still likely to lose.

You're really overstating how well town played. Town mislynched (including the execution) many times, and all of their superkills were wasted, as well as the night lynch.

If I’m going to give the town access to several superkills that could potentially one-shot mafia members, then this is the trade off.
You're really overstating how well town played. Town mislynched (including the execution) many times, and all of their superkills were wasted, as well as the night lynch.

If I’m going to give the town access to several superkills that could potentially one-shot mafia members, then this is the trade off.

To add, even with all that, things came down to the wire and town could have won if they just caught Usopp and put today’s top 2 lynch candidates as Usopp and SoulKiller.

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