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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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And when you tell someone "If you are going to continue responding, I suggest you stay on the point at hand - I have no interest in your anecdotal experience." that really makes it feel like you think anything they say is pointless and not helpful. When in fact my entire playstyle is to try and ensure people aren't missing facts in their arguments, and providing reasons for why things are happening.
I'm not going to continue this, but I'll add - I told you this because I felt that you were moving away from the point at hand which specifically pertained to his claimed reactions in the early portion of the game, pre-claims, and I have no desire whatsoever to argue three points when I intend to argue one. The rest of your post doesn't matter to me, you can rant away post-game.
Who do you believe is the worst ?
Of the three, here are my brief thoughts rom having read/skimmed group 2:

Hero - strongest player of the three, wouldn't put it passed him to make up some abilities like some are claiming he is doing (the scan change seems to be the thing people are thinking that he's lying about, but I'm not sure tbh). In this format, a role cop is certainly a town role though - think of the Red Mafia. We know that at least some MCs are part of it. So a town role cop would certainly be helpful in this regard. He's provided us with some good information on others' roles thus far.
Soul - seems to back himself into a corner a lot, posts a lot of things that get countered pretty easily. Mostly I recall shaking my head when reading his posts.
JW - scum or at best an admitted unhelpful townie. Hardly posting, and when he does it's nothing. Has been in the execute pool a couple of times and has avoided it, though I don't know if that's on him or just people switching. Was there ever an execution where he was leading, but it was swapped to another?

If I had to choose right now between the three, I would choose JW, then Soul, then Hero. But I can't claim to have been paying as much attention to group 2 as someone in the thread, so I would like to hear who is the best flip out of these three.
I'm not going to continue this, but I'll add - I told you this because I felt that you were moving away from the point at hand which specifically pertained to his claimed reactions in the early portion of the game, pre-claims, and I have no desire whatsoever to argue three points when I intend to argue one. The rest of your post doesn't matter to me, you can rant away post-game.
Again, just because you don't think something is connected, does not make it so.
I’m still very confused. Hero posted a bunch of character stuff, but is still lead wagon? Like on one hand role cop is generally more of a mafia than town role, but on the other hand this is role madness. Role cop would be helpful to any alignment.

Like are we reading the same game. What is the case on Hero besides not being around? The Fang reveal stuff I’m semi curious about as I feel like there’s more to janitor or just I feel like it would be unlikely for that fang faked a bunch of stuff idk; I feel like a role replacement or some tampering is more plausible, but that’s all speculation.

if Laix is right, we need to be looking for a big team not just a few players here and there.
Laix isn't right because the message he received was while we were still in group 1, so that message could not have the info that it claims to have, nor do I think it's possible that in a game of 36 players, Nitty would make mafia 10-12 members, lol. Especially with the amount of townies that got killed.
talk to me about me pls
As I’ve said in group 1, though you may have been a wagon that could be a counter to Broki, I haven’t seen much else from you this game.

Your slot was something that I’ve been conflicted on the most and I need to see more from you to form a read.

You don’t have to be excessively active as I’m not either. But your general thoughts and how you’d like to proceed would be enough.

Heyy Lanji!

I called it busywork. One can do as they please, but TS hasn't really done much other than snipe posts and then try to appear helpful with things like post counts - he has demonstrated that he hasn't even read the flips from G2. Your undue defence if TS is noted.
I think I’ve got explain where Draekke is coming from. So like he said, Nitty told us that we’re more than welcome to do vote counts on our own rather than waiting for one.

Also, Draekke and TS have been at each other throats from the beginning to the point that they just cannot be aligned. One of the biggest conflicts in Group 1 was between those two.

So I don’t think they’ll ever defend each other. Quite opposite actually.

swear I was here less than 24 hrs ago and the game was on a break lol
now am getting tagged as useless and inactive
yeah no

@Shizune if you have a sub, I would like to request one pls.
Stay and catch up at your own pace. You’re likely not the lynch this phase and you also town read FS and scum read Sin long enough to give you enough credit for me.

So take your time.
That's the problem. You would have confirmed scum in the absolute worst case, I don't see any good reason to fear these repercussions here.
Because I’m greedy and selfish and wanted to make it to the end. And now with prizes being offered, I really do.
@Hero what night did you get poisoned?
Night 4 I think. I’ll need to look back.
You weren’t investigating scum reads lol. You said yourself you were being careful.
Super effective, critical hit.
aight im not reading bk until the night @DrProfessor83 help me out with a quick recap lol
Uhh Hero claims Envy, rolecop who changes what he scans as depending on who he rolecops/copies

He gave us Lind and Santi’s full roles.

Sus on him for not wanting to rolecop sus players bc he was afraid of being scanned guilty and killed for it.

Soul is leading rn. Hasn’t looked better than my last interaction with him. Claims doctor that protected Juan twice and Santi once.
I see. But then, you don't think fully posting a scum role in the thread would help you to avoid being lynched?
It’s barely working now.

And I commented before that there are limits to the ability. It only gives me personal abilities unique to the role. Therefore that means there can be aspects missing that would give/reveal their alignment.
The Fang reveal stuff I’m semi curious about as I feel like there’s more to janitor or just I feel like it would be unlikely for that fang faked a bunch of stuff idk; I feel like a role replacement or some tampering is more plausible, but that’s all speculation.
The only role replacement or tampering with a dead role beyond janitor that’s possible is if Hero intentionally hid the alignment cop ability from Fang’s role to add more credibility to his role being in the game with everyone going “6 cops is too much” and everything.

But, eh, I don’t know about that since that’s a tinfoil and right now I think Hero could be genuine.
It’s barely working now.

And I commented before that there are limits to the ability. It only gives me personal abilities unique to the role. Therefore that means there can be aspects missing that would give/reveal their alignment.
Well here you're not in a thunderdome with a player who insists you're lying about having investigated them.
Uhh Hero claims Envy, rolecop who changes what he scans as depending on who he rolecops/copies

He gave us Lind and Santi’s full roles.

Sus on him for not wanting to rolecop sus players bc he was afraid of being scanned guilty and killed for it.

Soul is leading rn. Hasn’t looked better than my last interaction with him. Claims doctor that protected Juan twice and Santi once.
okay so how come hero hasnt rolecopped me when he scum read me. at the very least cop the PoE. feels like hes solving a different PoE

i have nothing on soul. what page is this interaction.

also JW can go. 0 value lost
As I’ve said in group 1, though you may have been a wagon that could be a counter to Broki, I haven’t seen much else from you this game.

Your slot was something that I’ve been conflicted on the most and I need to see more from you to form a read.

You don’t have to be excessively active as I’m not either. But your general thoughts and how you’d like to proceed would be enough.
my thoughts are that this day is messy and I'm taking more of a backseat role to get used to the new players, but after this phase we'll have a good idea of how to continue with the game
okay so how come hero hasnt rolecopped me when he scum read me. at the very least cop the PoE. feels like hes solving a different PoE

i have nothing on soul. what page is this interaction.

also JW can go. 0 value lost
Because Professor was riding your dick so I decided not to waste it on you.
Get in fucking line. :lmao

Hey, I could use a little help @Santí
Wasn’t it Night 3 according to this post ^

Night 4 started on page 139 and the post I quoted above was on page 136.

If you were poisoned by Santi, and were asking him to heal you before night 4 then you should have been poisoned on night 3 right?

Well, we can rule out Melodie not healing you as a clear since she died on D5 lol. @Lind
I thought it was night 3 from the post I quoted.
I think a lot changed since this VC.
Do we have a consensus lynch?
Wasn’t it Night 3 according to this post ^

Night 4 started on page 139 and the post I quoted above was on page 136.

If you were poisoned by Santi, and were asking him to heal you before night 4 then you should have been poisoned on night 3 right?

I thought it was night 3 from the post I quoted.
Oh boy lol.

*Xaldin flashbacks intensify*
@Hero when did you scan Santi? And does his ability have a delayed poison or something?

But still you were asking for Santi’s help before night 4.
This is why I wish editing was allowed.

When I asked for help, that’s when I found out. I don’t think it’s delayed, because his ability says nothing of the sort. So idk then
@Lind Santi learns the name of who he poisons, knowing that, Hero would have to ask for heals bc if he didn’t and he magically didn’t die it would look suspicious.
Oh Santi learns the name? I missed that, yeah then what you said makes sense.

What’s your opinion now then? Between Soul and Hero I would still choose Soul over Hero.

JW’s apathetic behavior makes me think he might just be town here. He even admitted that his presence was pretty bad in a post this phase.
So you were poisoned on night 3 then? Because you found out you were poisoned when you made that post and it was day 4 - before night 4 basically.
I don’t when I was poisoned, but he was my third target on N3. I was told about it (the poison) D4.

There could be an aspect of his role that I’m not privy to, idk. That’s a possibility considering the thing with Fang and things with others and their own actions. I’m not a tinfoiler (idk if I’m using that right) but I can’t say
Oh Santi learns the name? I missed that, yeah then what you said makes sense.

What’s your opinion now then? Between Soul and Hero I would still choose Soul over Hero.

JW’s apathetic behavior makes me think he might just be town here. He even admitted that his presence was pretty bad in a post this phase.
I’m as indecisive as ever when presented with two scummy options lol.

isn't it normal to have a serial killer in a game of 70+ players? like what kind of question is this lol. You think the host did not include a serial killer role?

not necessarily? maybe you’re new here or you don’t know the host but predict the unpredictable


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