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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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i have mechanical reason to think bada can't be redirected or anything

and he said he was a commuter

all my knowledge of a commuter says they can't take actions the night they commute because uh

wtf lol

iwan being the target of a bus drive is possible, but i do not believe badalight targeted him anyway
@DrProfessor83 see? like one of them is lying mate. Simple.
change vote lynch john wayne
This vote is very suspicious. John and Hero both have 5 votes. Melkor initially voted Hero then when Melkor saw they were tied in votes, Melkor switched his vote to vote John. Why not keep his vote on Hero when he has not posted his reason to switch his vote on John unless he wanted to save Hero his scum buddy?
how am I leading :catcry
So let me get this straight, you think that both Bada and Juan are townies and their interaction is TvT?

I interacted with Juan earlier today and really didn't like his posts regarding my situation with Didi. Felt fake as fuck and dude ignored my questions toward him. Reading through Jojo and Bada interactions was hilarious as fuck. I can say Bada frustration during that interaction did look more townie imo. But I still think one of them is probably scum and now leaning more on Juan.
Not sure it is TvT but I think your reasoning for why it can’t be is pretty shallow.

You made it sound like a mechanical counter claim situation where one has to be lying but it didn’t look like that to me (and if it was one it could possibly be explained by a bus drive).

And after asking Juan he confirmed it’s not actually a mechanical counter claim. He just doesn’t believe a commuter would work like that. Which is fair but we literally just saw one in Ratchet’s game.

I don’t town read Bada, but it’s not a straight forward either or situation.
In no particular order

Fang, Santí, Lind, Juan

From the summation of their abilities, I strongly believe so. I can give their role names too and a summary if you’d like.

I just woke up, that’s why. You can checked the game. When our votes started stacking, I was nowhere to be found.

From the summation of their abilities, I strongly believe so. I can give their role names too and a summary if you’d like.

I just woke up, that’s why. You can checked the game. When our votes started stacking, I was nowhere to be found.
Thats correct. That’s why I also haven’t been the most forthcoming because what could I add to the discussion if all I’m getting are names & a summation of abilities. I technically can’t clear anyone. I can make guesses though based on the information/summation nitty gives me.

also I’ve been inactive so there’s that aspect

Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeet this guy to the stars as well. His play DP1 was much better than whatever this is even tho it gave me mixed signals. Which signal was the accurate one depended on your gameplay the rest of the game. Not liking what I am seeing right now.
1 - If another player investigates Gaunter and learns his role name, Gaunter will learn their name and poison them.

2 - At night Gaunter can hold a magic mirror up to another player and redirecting any abilities they use to themselves. If he is alive when the merge happens, he can use this ability again.

3 - During the day he can offer to help another player. When he does this, he invites them to request an action from him. So basically the player can ask to be healed by him or alternatively ask him to kill a player of their choice. However the decision is up to Gaunter if he wants to fulfill the request. Should he fulfill the request asked of him, the player who requested help is branded permanently by his last ability.

4 - If this player dies, Gaunter O'Dimm will permanently gain a life, and he can permanently steal one of their abilities. If this player is hidden upon death, Gaunter gains nothing.
Yea, I don't see how townie would have such role tbh.
This vote is very suspicious. John and Hero both have 5 votes. Melkor initially voted Hero then when Melkor saw they were tied in votes, Melkor switched his vote to vote John. Why not keep his vote on Hero when he has not posted his reason to switch his vote on John unless he wanted to save Hero his scum buddy?

As you would see if you read my posts, i had some interactions with Hero to solve him and his claim. I decided that JW is better choice.
Juan asked for protection and felt that he deserved it, and Santi (in my mind) was making too much noise for his own good.
I did, but they got to them before. WPK was a huge town read but he wanted to die for some reason after being saved once.
DrProf reads town but he wants to kill me, so I am not too inclined to save him.

Also, I lose lives when I protect people, so you have to be reeeally townie for me to go ahead and protect you before the merge.
This (and not having a guarantee that he would actually make it even if he was protected) is why I didn't protect Charles.
My logic was to stay active and communicative but be somewhat under the radar to avoid scum to target me, then protect the G1 people that read town since you guys have been far more effective. Fucked up the Sin lynch because I was occupied for most of the day (gf stayed over lmao), which is why I had little activity in that end of that day phase. Won't cry about getting lynched because I fucked a girl instead of keeping with the game, but yes that whole thing is definitely on me. This is something I already admitted.

Soul soul soul.... Do I see sheets of plastic in your future I wonder?
Oy, 19 new pages to read.

Firstly I just want to say that you guys tunneling on this argument of "how many cops" or "we already have X this role" is ridiculous. This is a 70 player role madness game. Why is it crazy for there to be 6+ invest roles? We also have claims of millers from game 1, and if Hero's ability works like he says it does, it would actually make sense for there to be a lot of investigators so that his scan flipping is actually a deterrent.

I mean just look at the Red mafia - they had TWO members SO FAR that could protect from lynches. Spiderman couldn't be done twice in a row, but Deus Ex Machina's could be, and they could just go one at a time back to back to keep it up.

OK, many posts to quote. I just quoted as I caught up.

Spoiler: Long Wall Post

How do you know it's only red mafia with roles like that?

I don't? How do you know that's a purple thing? What I'm saying is that seems like a random thing to automatically assume might be a purple mafia trait, and there hasn't been any indication that being the case so far as far as I'm aware

I'm just assuming the possibility since I saw 3 purple mafia flips. My Girlfriend, Teutonic Knight and Werner Heisenburg. These are real life concept. Real life concept could be mafia/town in group 1 mafia. So I assume it could be the same case in group 2 mafia too.

The Red Mafia, in particular LG's role of Almighty Dollar, specified that there are main characters in their group. This is why we focused on MCs. There is nothing to support that purple has any kind of theme as of yet. My Girlfriend is a real life concept, ETK is a video game character and Heisenberg is a historical figure. Not much tying them together yet.

Good catch. Especially because I was thinking Iwan might have my submitted role of Deus Ex Machina. Would make sense with none of our shit ever working on him.

Not a good catch. At least look at the dead player's roles that flip if you can't be bothered to read the entirety of the group 1 thread.

iirc wads redirect couldn’t be used successively

I get that technically it's optimal to go for group 2 people, but honestly TS is giving me that gut mafia feeling I've been getting the whole game from mafia lol

the first time it wasn't wad's redirect thing that saved tac. It was deus ex machina's

or wait. Actually I jsut checked and I don't think deus ex could do that? Either way it wasn't spidermans thing I don't think? Hold on maybe I'm wrong on that though let me investigate lol

huh yeah I could've sworn deus ex could save from the lynch but I guess I'm wrong on that. So maybe it was spiderman's. Though was WAD even there that day to use it? Lmao. I guess it could've been someone piloting that.

I could've sworn there was another lynch save option at some point though whatever.

My point still mostly stands that I've hated ts today lmao

Yeah I don't know why you guys are forgetting, but we definitely confirmed that Deus Ex Machina's ability protects from lynch.

Did we get any actions back from Nitty from the night phase? I didn't see any.

Because I am townie. What other way of clearing me do you know?

lmao. Dr. Prof actually pressured me on the G2 thread and we reached an impasse, if anything he is the one that actually pushed.
You didn't bring any actual arguments to the table.

Ya'll didn't get a N5 phase.

Didn't Ish claim to be the last red?

Kind of, yes - take a look at my posts in this thread and you'll see that I compiled his last posts here. We have decided there must be some fuckery going on. I'm going to look at Ish's reads either today or tomorrow to get an understanding on what might have been going on.

Somebody is obviously lying, no way we have that many cops. Perhaps a backup if one dies but im "pressing x" alot right now.

Nah, I think focusing on this is a bad idea. With 70 people how do you not have a lot of duplicate but slightly different abilities? It's bound to happen. And as we've seen, not many roles are focused solely on one thing - a cop that also had a kill, a doctor that had a kill, etc etc. Wouldn't surprise me at all for there to be many abilities that are similar floating around. Some people also copy abilities.

I don’t particularly scum read Kira. But I think we should execute him just to clear the Group 2 POE bc I feel like we have about 8 people that could have the scum in them if I include my nulls (and take LM out who has an innocent on him)

Kira was scary accurate with his reads this game for someone with such low engagement/activity. Maybe too accurate.

Was on WJ D1 and looks good for that. Then he scum read Sin and Iwan in subsequent days (but just made comments about them, didn’t do anything to endanger him).

So unless he’s just a deadly accurate inactive townie, I could see him as scum with TMI.

His only other scum read I noticed was JW (which he is actually pushing on)
- Bada
- Didi
- Hero
- hammer
- Kira
- JW
- Soul
- SK
- Lanji

That’s 9, some higher in POE than others, but could have as many as 4 scum in there if Mafia starts with 8. (maybe 5 if Iwan is an indie). Need to start clearing some of these out one way or another.

For the sake of people who don't know nicknames or previous names, can you try and stick to using their current? Who the heck is Lanji?

did you guys get mafia abilities recycled in this game like how it was in g1?

Yep, both threads got that update.

Because I can still hunt scum while alive without dwindling our numbers???

That's not even an arguing point.

Sure it is. If I could guarantee a scum death with my own, I'd do it. My role ain't that important lol.

I'm not really convinced with this. Initially you said it was alignment, then it just changed to how you investigate as, and now your reasoning is because it might look bad if you also happened to be investigated. But I'm not sure why you would assume that there was another investigation role that checked for alignment off the bad, at least to the extent of being concerned about it.

Think about the amount of cop claims we have - there's a reason Hero's role might have the deterrent of scanning negatively - it makes even more sense when you think about how many claims there are.

Do not fear, i am here, but don't be afraid because i am here, don't be afraid bcs i am not near you wives

@Nessos see it doesn't work

Dude, please try and do something in the game. You can't just coast by being confirmed town like in group 1. And more than just using your abilities. Your reads are fucking important as a confirmed town. Please start using that.

You assume I'm capable of that bro I haven't read a single page of game 1, half the pages of game 2, and none of this current one

That's nobody's fault but your own. And doesn't really make you a good target to steer clear of. Useless townies are just as bad, if not worse, than inactives.

Here's a small list.

We yeet Hero, JW and Kira.

And then yeet TS.

One of the first posts I've agreed with you on. Particularly that last point lol.

I read his posts.

He's enjoying himself, is very open and happy to engage with the thread, he hates being scum and tends to be a lot more distant and reserved when he is.

I don't know, Ratchet. For the majority of the game in Group 1, all Ali did was post fluff, and try and interact with group 2 through @. Pretty sure he also executed AS, just like sworder, because of something Group 2 told him.

Theres 0 chance that shit is town

Hes indie at best

Pronouns aren't helpful when you don't quote what you're talking about. Who are you referring to?

okay if nitty made this many investigative type abilities then surely scum has lots of abilities centered around fucking with investigations


Yes, this. Millers, redirects, Hero who apparently switches his scanned alignment. Plenty of fuckery going around.

I don't believe you. Isn't Rej already supposed to be our doctor role?

Definitely more than just one doctor. Why would you think only one? In a game with so many kills/ways to die?

oi since ive seen no from our group mention it

There was a night where seemingly half the players were redirected

Since it was a gigga op power its likely a 1 shot, and prolly was refilled for the merge

Good thought process - this never showed up in a mafia or town role flip yet. This will haunt us yet again.

@Hero what the fuck, that was way tmi. I should have left you for dead, you snake


I mean, people were asking him to do it. Blame them lol.

Actually Santi can offer services outside his role, he offered me last night
More nothing BS. Post something useful man.
This is sheer busywork when we have Kingkiller doing them for us.
Nah this is lazy talk. If we have the time, why not do it ourselves? Nitty has also stated that he dislikes when people are calling for vote counts and just sit there doing nothing.
This is before Night 3 from Soul and as D3 progresses, his view of Santi does change and he's 50/50 on Melodie and Franky execution.

This is on D4 in reply to Ratchet (After Night 3 where he claims to have protected Santi)

Eh, I don't know. His claim and posts kinda do coincide here.

In group 2 a few have already said I faded out after Day 1 and that's true. My post count wasn't high enough, but I believe I have played townie enough.

But it didn't matter much in Group 1 either since I was viewed as town / indie. Only Lukundo had be as town lmao. Players are more likely to judge me as indie or any non-town role at this point and I'm done defending against it at this point.

Not true.

i literally got the PM before this phase started saying i received a message informing me there’s 8 scum from group 2 so… idk

Yes, you got the mystery message that other people in Group 1 got that was just sowing chaos. Stop listening to the voices, Laix. It's a bad idea. Group 2 has confirmed killed 3 mafia, and believe Iwan is just delayed until later but will flip mafia. That they would have 11-12 mafia members is a crazy theory.

8 scum from group 2 seems like a lot tbh. How trustworthy are these messages? Since we know AM was getting messages from the HRE and since you got this before the phase started, it likely is from the same messaging ability that was targeting AM in Group 1. And if that's the case, then they should have sent it to you before the merge happened, meaning they couldn't target players from Group 2 to know this info anyway.

They aren't trustworthy. All they've been doing is sowing chaos. The messages have also stated that people are joining a new faction (Holy Roman Empire), even though that is the name of an ability that the role Mars has. And the fact that no conversions have appeared in write ups, and the rules state that they would. It's just smokescreen/chaos.

Errmmmm, both myself and Legend are voting for Traveling Swordsman. Just saying @Kvothe Kingkiller - TS should be above Juan, Cooler, and Prof

8 scum in a 35+ player game isn’t far fetched at all especially when they didn’t kill any

i find it weird some of y’all are trying to discredit this

It's not that there can't be 8 mafia, Laix. It's that they've already killed 3 maybe 4.

Oy, 19 new pages to read.

Firstly I just want to say that you guys tunneling on this argument of "how many cops" or "we already have X this role" is ridiculous. This is a 70 player role madness game. Why is it crazy for there to be 6+ invest roles? We also have claims of millers from game 1, and if Hero's ability works like he says it does, it would actually make sense for there to be a lot of investigators so that his scan flipping is actually a deterrent.

I mean just look at the Red mafia - they had TWO members SO FAR that could protect from lynches. Spiderman couldn't be done twice in a row, but Deus Ex Machina's could be, and they could just go one at a time back to back to keep it up.

OK, many posts to quote. I just quoted as I caught up.

Spoiler: Long Wall Post

The Red Mafia, in particular LG's role of Almighty Dollar, specified that there are main characters in their group. This is why we focused on MCs. There is nothing to support that purple has any kind of theme as of yet. My Girlfriend is a real life concept, ETK is a video game character and Heisenberg is a historical figure. Not much tying them together yet.

Not a good catch. At least look at the dead player's roles that flip if you can't be bothered to read the entirety of the group 1 thread.

Yeah I don't know why you guys are forgetting, but we definitely confirmed that Deus Ex Machina's ability protects from lynch.

Ya'll didn't get a N5 phase.

Kind of, yes - take a look at my posts in this thread and you'll see that I compiled his last posts here. We have decided there must be some fuckery going on. I'm going to look at Ish's reads either today or tomorrow to get an understanding on what might have been going on.

Nah, I think focusing on this is a bad idea. With 70 people how do you not have a lot of duplicate but slightly different abilities? It's bound to happen. And as we've seen, not many roles are focused solely on one thing - a cop that also had a kill, a doctor that had a kill, etc etc. Wouldn't surprise me at all for there to be many abilities that are similar floating around. Some people also copy abilities.

For the sake of people who don't know nicknames or previous names, can you try and stick to using their current? Who the heck is Lanji?

Yep, both threads got that update.

Sure it is. If I could guarantee a scum death with my own, I'd do it. My role ain't that important lol.

Think about the amount of cop claims we have - there's a reason Hero's role might have the deterrent of scanning negatively - it makes even more sense when you think about how many claims there are.

Dude, please try and do something in the game. You can't just coast by being confirmed town like in group 1. And more than just using your abilities. Your reads are fucking important as a confirmed town. Please start using that.

That's nobody's fault but your own. And doesn't really make you a good target to steer clear of. Useless townies are just as bad, if not worse, than inactives.

One of the first posts I've agreed with you on. Particularly that last point lol.

I don't know, Ratchet. For the majority of the game in Group 1, all Ali did was post fluff, and try and interact with group 2 through @. Pretty sure he also executed AS, just like sworder, because of something Group 2 told him.

Pronouns aren't helpful when you don't quote what you're talking about. Who are you referring to?

Yes, this. Millers, redirects, Hero who apparently switches his scanned alignment. Plenty of fuckery going around.

Definitely more than just one doctor. Why would you think only one? In a game with so many kills/ways to die?

Good thought process - this never showed up in a mafia or town role flip yet. This will haunt us yet again.

I mean, people were asking him to do it. Blame them lol.

More nothing BS. Post something useful man.

Nah this is lazy talk. If we have the time, why not do it ourselves? Nitty has also stated that he dislikes when people are calling for vote counts and just sit there doing nothing.

Not true.

Yes, you got the mystery message that other people in Group 1 got that was just sowing chaos. Stop listening to the voices, Laix. It's a bad idea. Group 2 has confirmed killed 3 mafia, and believe Iwan is just delayed until later but will flip mafia. That they would have 11-12 mafia members is a crazy theory.

They aren't trustworthy. All they've been doing is sowing chaos. The messages have also stated that people are joining a new faction (Holy Roman Empire), even though that is the name of an ability that the role Mars has. And the fact that no conversions have appeared in write ups, and the rules state that they would. It's just smokescreen/chaos.

Errmmmm, both myself and Legend are voting for Traveling Swordsman. Just saying @Kvothe Kingkiller - TS should be above Juan, Cooler, and Prof

It's not that there can't be 8 mafia, Laix. It's that they've already killed 3 maybe 4.

Should be fixed, thanks
Players who need attention according to my reads in both groups:
I can say I believe AM's claim of miller, which would put him in the town lean category.

Otherwise I think this is a pretty solid list. I still say that one of Laix or JoJo is either mafia or indy though.
okay I'll keep my vote on lone targets that no one goes along with so I end the phase as their sole voter accomplishing nothing

you're an actual mouthbreather
You make a case and push your scum targets that you are so confidently think they are scum. Why would a townie let players he think are almost 100% scum cruise by? makes no sense.
Think about the amount of cop claims we have - there's a reason Hero's role might have the deterrent of scanning negatively - it makes even more sense when you think about how many claims there are.
You either didn't read my post or you're deliberately misrepresenting it. I am discussing Hero's behaviour around his claim. His initial thought was, apparently, to be wary of being investigated, which is what I'm arguing against. Your point about all the other investigative claims is entirely irrelevant, because he didn't know that when he first received his role, and he didn't have those claims informing his behaviour. What you are doing here is taking behaviour which came after the behaviour I am discussing now, and justifying it in retrospect, when it simply does not work that way. The claim is one thing, my point pertains to his reactions, which is another.
I don't know, Ratchet. For the majority of the game in Group 1, all Ali did was post fluff, and try and interact with group 2 through @. Pretty sure he also executed AS, just like sworder, because of something Group 2 told him.
I am rather confident.
Nah this is lazy talk. If we have the time, why not do it ourselves? Nitty has also stated that he dislikes when people are calling for vote counts and just sit there doing nothing.
I called it busywork. One can do as they please, but TS hasn't really done much other than snipe posts and then try to appear helpful with things like post counts - he has demonstrated that he hasn't even read the flips from G2. Your undue defence if TS is noted.
The fact you are asking me this only proves your in authenticity to me. Why would I ever read someone as Town just because I happen to like them?
I do think you have the highest chance to be pocketed by blue because he is your waifubro is all. Now, I didn't read game 1 to see if blue played his usual meta where he fluff and coasts all game and he does this as either alignment. But from this merged thread, I didn't see a single memorable post by him. Now, if he is confirmed in some shape way or form. Then someone coming out with that would be helpful to resolve his slot.

So you think Santi is Scum, then? Because that was Santi's role.
No, I actually have Santi as townie lean, his posts pinged me to be genuine and not malicious intention behind them. I meant that hero role is probably scum, because I don't see why a townie role would have such ability where he gets the player entire role sheet lol.
You either didn't read my post or you're deliberately misrepresenting it. I am discussing Hero's behaviour around his claim. His initial thought was, apparently, to be wary of being investigated, which is what I'm arguing against. Your point about all the other investigative claims is entirely irrelevant, because he didn't know that when he first received his role, and he didn't have those claims informing his behaviour. What you are doing here is taking behaviour which came after the behaviour I am discussing now, and justifying it in retrospect, when it simply does not work that way. The claim is one thing, my point pertains to his reactions, which is another.

I am rather confident.

I called it busywork. One can do as they please, but TS hasn't really done much other than snipe posts and then try to appear helpful with things like post counts - he has demonstrated that he hasn't even read the flips from G2. Your undue defence if TS is noted.
No I disagree with your position. If I were Hero and saw my role as having its scanned alignment swap, I would think that there is reason for that to be a problem. And as I stated before - this game is 70 players. 70 different roles in role madness - I've made concepts for large games before - you are going to have SEVERAL duplicated abilities because there are only so many useful abilities that you can make for this type of game. It's only justifying in retrospect if you don't have the open-mindedness to think that there are likely MANY roles that have the ability to scan you and see that your alignment flipped.

OMG, read my posts about TS, I am NOT defending him lol. I'm calling you out for being lazy. There's a difference.
No I disagree with your position. If I were Hero and saw my role as having its scanned alignment swap, I would think that there is reason for that to be a problem. And as I stated before - this game is 70 players. 70 different roles in role madness - I've made concepts for large games before - you are going to have SEVERAL duplicated abilities because there are only so many useful abilities that you can make for this type of game. It's only justifying in retrospect if you don't have the open-mindedness to think that there are likely MANY roles that have the ability to scan you and see that your alignment flipped.
For one, this carries the assumption that he is fully telling the truth about his alignment swap. What I'm saying is that his initial caution is not very well reconciled by his claim, and his argument that his fear comes from not knowing how he will investigate seems overstated when he needs to be checked by another, specifically alignment, investigation for it to have any consequence.

The rest of your post is taking us away from the point. I never said duplication wasn't likely, I said seeing your role and assuming another alignment cop (which he isn't apparently) exists and happens to check him the exact same night he checks scum is a fairly unlikely scenario that doesn't justify his stated degree of caution, and moreover, his explicit concern was defending himself. However, even if a Cop did get a Guilty on him, that would confirm his target as Scum to him, which means he could then claim his results and at the very worst from his perspective he gets lynched confirming another player scum. This scenario is overwhelmingly favoured towards the town, as 1:1 trades are typically never to the benefit of scum, which makes his worry over being unable to defend himself all the more perplexing to me. (@DrProfessor83 - food for thought).

If you are going to continue responding, I suggest you stay on the point at hand - I have no interest in your anecdotal experience.
OMG, read my posts about TS, I am NOT defending him lol. I'm calling you out for being lazy. There's a difference.
How is it lazy? I'm suggesting that his efforts might be insincere and he's using making a vote count as an attempt to look helpful, I'm not sure why you are trying to qualify that with relative effort levels.
(@DrProfessor83 - food for thought).
That was already my gripe with him. Who would you vote between him and Soul?

So you suggest everyone here to be lazy because fuck all it would appear scummy to be helpful
The point is it looks suspicious when a player isn’t doing much else.

Vote counts and summaries are nice and all but if it’s the main thing you’re bringing to the table it’s eye raising. If you’re doing that in addition to trying hard to solve the game then no one is likely to complain/call you out.
Anyways, gotta get back to work. I think Didi is the way to go here tbh. But I was not fan of Soul posts as of late tbh, so don't mind his lynch either. I just think Didi takes priority here.

As for execution, really don't care tbh with you. Raven seem to have lowest post count so might as well. Kira made some effort to post atleast, so ill give him the benefit of the doubt.

Vote Execute : Raven
I'm asking your logic. Being lazy is better based on your post
I never said anything close to the idea that being lazy is "better", you're connecting two entirely different points and attempting to attribute them to my position. Hence why I stated that you were employing a strawman fallacy. What my posts said is that your vote count came across as trying to appear to be helpful when it wasn't all that helpful anyway, compounded by the fact we have Kingkiller on hand and willing to make such posts for us.
swear I was here less than 24 hrs ago and the game was on a break lol
now am getting tagged as useless and inactive
yeah no

@Shizune if you have a sub, I would like to request one pls.

We are more than halfway through a 70 player game. There are no subs. This shouldn't need to be said, but I would appreciate if you could play the game out unless something serious came up IRL.
That was already my gripe with him. Who would you vote between him and Soul?

The point is it looks suspicious when a player isn’t doing much else.

Vote counts and summaries are nice and all but if it’s the main thing you’re bringing to the table it’s eye raising. If you’re doing that in addition to trying hard to solve the game then no one is likely to complain/call you out.
You know more about group 2 than me so I asked for reads from some players here
I never said anything close to the idea that being lazy is "better", you're connecting two entirely different points and attempting to attribute them to my position. Hence why I stated that you were employing a strawman fallacy. What my posts said is that your vote count came across as trying to appear to be helpful when it wasn't all that helpful anyway, compounded by the fact we have Kingkiller on hand and willing to make such posts for us.
The bolded so you suggest me to be lazy okay.

I didn't know when Kingkiller would do vote count and I prefer to vote the leading wagon and if everyone knows who is the leading wagon it helps to prevent the vote from being scattered. So more lynch pool for tomorrow. Guess you didn't think of that.
For one, this carries the assumption that he is fully telling the truth about his alignment swap. What I'm saying is that his initial caution is not very well reconciled by his claim, and his argument that his fear comes from not knowing how he will investigate seems overstated when he needs to be checked by another, specifically alignment, investigation for it to have any consequence.

The rest of your post is taking us away from the point. I never said duplication wasn't likely, I said seeing your role and assuming another alignment cop (which he isn't apparently) exists and happens to check him the exact same night he checks scum is a fairly unlikely scenario that doesn't justify his stated degree of caution, and moreover, his explicit concern was defending himself. However, even if a Cop did get a Guilty on him, that would confirm his target as Scum to him, which means he could then claim his results and at the very worst from his perspective he gets lynched confirming another player scum. This scenario is overwhelmingly favoured towards the town, as 1:1 trades are typically never to the benefit of scum, which makes his worry over being unable to defend himself all the more perplexing to me. (@DrProfessor83 - food for thought).

If you are going to continue responding, I suggest you stay on the point at hand - I have no interest in your anecdotal experience.

How is it lazy? I'm suggesting that his efforts might be insincere and he's using making a vote count as an attempt to look helpful, I'm not sure why you are trying to qualify that with relative effort levels.
GFY, all high and mighty BS just cause your confirmed town. I hate the way you and Vanya both speak in this game. As if you're in the right just because you're confirmed. Unhelpful townie sowing chaos and not taking into account the suggestions of others can be just as bad as mafia. Take a bit of responsibility with your role of confirmed townie.

The points in my argument are absolutely valid, you just don't have the mental capacity to understand them then. There's nothing anecdotal about this being a 70 player role madness game, and when you've played enough of those you'd understand that there is ALWAYS a reason why your role has the kind of downside that Hero's does. It's not there for no reason. And yes, all of this assuming he's telling the truth, I agree that is a stipulation that this argument is based on. And I'm not assuming he is town for the record. Were I in his shoes I would very much make that 1:1 trade. But people are greedy and hate losing, so they make bad decisions.

FTR I don't care if we lynch him, I'm not defending him by any means. I'm just saying your arguments aren't as fucking solid as you seem to think they are.

And it's lazy because if we have the time, then do a quick count. It takes all of 2 mins. Especially someone who has no abilities or vote to speak of, maybe you could be helping with vote counts when KK or Shizune aren't around? I have made several vote counts in group 1. Takes 2 mins. posting a single vote count only ups his activity by 1 post. It's his inane posts about nothing in particular that you should be more concerned about. IMO he's been more helpful than you have this day phase and that's fucking scary. Because I would kill TS right fucking now if I could.
I never said anything close to the idea that being lazy is "better", you're connecting two entirely different points and attempting to attribute them to my position. Hence why I stated that you were employing a strawman fallacy. What my posts said is that your vote count came across as trying to appear to be helpful when it wasn't all that helpful anyway, compounded by the fact we have Kingkiller on hand and willing to make such posts for us.
Nitty has actually said in our group thread that if we have the chance to ask for a vote count, then may as well do the vote count yourselves.

I'm all for you tunneling TS as hard as you'd like, but this is a bad argument, imo.
I never said anything close to the idea that being lazy is "better", you're connecting two entirely different points and attempting to attribute them to my position. Hence why I stated that you were employing a strawman fallacy. What my posts said is that your vote count came across as trying to appear to be helpful when it wasn't all that helpful anyway, compounded by the fact we have Kingkiller on hand and willing to make such posts for us.
Also, you're never going to make TS understand your point. He makes an assumption/decision and sticks with it. He'll probably even try and vote you out now.
The bolded so you suggest me to be lazy okay.
No, I've been very clear on several occasions now that this was not the point I was making, so your repeated insistence that it actually was what I wanted to say rings hollow.
I didn't know when Kingkiller would do vote count and I prefer to vote the leading wagon and if everyone knows who is the leading wagon it helps to prevent the vote from being scattered. So more lynch pool for tomorrow. Guess you didn't think of that.
I'm not sure why you'd assume I didn't think about the lynch mechanics, the notion of voting for the leading wagon is nice and all but my point only stands when the rest of your content outside of that vote count is found wanting, which I do believe it is. And continuing to extend this argument with me and telling me what I actually think as if you somehow no that better than I do, is not doing much to swap my position on this. Quite the opposite.
No, I've been very clear on several occasions now that this was not the point I was making, so your repeated insistence that it actually was what I wanted to say rings hollow.
That was your pojnt. Being helpful looks scummy to you so you suggest being lazy is not that scummy.
I'm not sure why you'd assume I didn't think about the lynch mechanics, the notion of voting for the leading wagon is nice and all but my point only stands when the rest of your content outside of that vote count is found wanting, which I do believe it is. And continuing to extend this argument with me and telling me what I actually think as if you somehow no that better than I do, is not doing much to swap my position on this. Quite the opposite.
No one is trying to extend this argument. Your arguments are just bad. The faster players know who is the leading wagon the faster they can switch their votes for the leading wagon. Much better than switching their voted in the last 1 minutes when they knew who were the leading wagon.
Nope. I believe @Admiral Fujitora was believing Cooler town at one point though. AF, your thoughts?
I think he looked townie tbh. Even last phase he was willing to vote with the consensus (be it be on second or main wagon) and he disclosed his ability fairly easily. Plus UB wanted to vote cooler earlier on before the whole “scum gets fallen mates abilities” became a thing.
You know more about group 2 than me so I asked for reads from some players here
I think enough is out there on Hero/Soul in this thread to make a judgement on them.

And I’ve given my thoughts throughout the thread including who I think is in the main POE.

Town - Nessos & Ekko
Prob Town - Rej & Juan

Townish - Santi

Null but has innocent on him from someone not named Didi - Melkor

Null - hammer, Kira, tinky

Immediate Scum POE - Bada (maybe indie), Hero, Soul, JW, Didi, SK

SK *probably* not aligned with Bada/Didi/Soul and there is a good chance one of those three is scum.

All that said, better to start making your own judgments lol.
GFY, all high and mighty BS just cause your confirmed town. I hate the way you and Vanya both speak in this game. As if you're in the right just because you're confirmed. Unhelpful townie sowing chaos and not taking into account the suggestions of others can be just as bad as mafia. Take a bit of responsibility with your role of confirmed townie.
This is a pretty needless escalation I think. I feel like I've gone out of my way this game to not try and push things much precisely because of my status as Confirmed Town. Group 2 are more than happy to chime in if they feel otherwise. The only lynch I've really pushed was Platinum, on Day 1, and then SinRaven, on Day 4. Was wrong on one, and actually proceeded to take the vote away from Scum, and was right Day 4, though they also had a Guilty against them. I've been pretty conscious about not trying to put the Town on my back and rely on my reads in a game I don't think I've been terribly accurate in so far. So I don't agree at all that I haven't taken any responsibility here, or taken this into account, or that I've been sowing chaos.
The points in my argument are absolutely valid, you just don't have the mental capacity to understand them then.
Uh, right. I mean sure.
Also, you're never going to make TS understand your point. He makes an assumption/decision and sticks with it. He'll probably even try and vote you out now.
He is more than welcome to try. I am, of course, a Ghost, and not a valid target for voting, but hey, I'm not one to crush the dreams of others.
I think enough is out there on Hero/Soul in this thread to make a judgement on them.

And I’ve given my thoughts throughout the thread including who I think is in the main POE.

Town - Nessos & Ekko
Prob Town - Rej & Juan

Townish - Santi

Null but has innocent on him from someone not named Didi - Melkor

Null - hammer, Kira, tinky

Immediate Scum POE - Bada (maybe indie), Hero, Soul, JW, Didi, SK

SK *probably* not aligned with Bada/Didi/Soul and there is a good chance one of those three is scum.

All that said, better to start making your own judgments lol.
Out of the 3 main suspects right now - Hero, JW, Soul - which would provide the best reads upon flip? That may be the best way we should determine which direction to go if nothing more pertinent comes up. There's only a couple more hours until votes lock.
I think enough is out there on Hero/Soul in this thread to make a judgement on them.

And I’ve given my thoughts throughout the thread including who I think is in the main POE.

Town - Nessos & Ekko
Prob Town - Rej & Juan

Townish - Santi

Null but has innocent on him from someone not named Didi - Melkor

Null - hammer, Kira, tinky

Immediate Scum POE - Bada (maybe indie), Hero, Soul, JW, Didi, SK

SK *probably* not aligned with Bada/Didi/Soul and there is a good chance one of those three is scum.

All that said, better to start making your own judgments lol.
Badalight for immune to lynch he also started the 6 cops claim argument
Juan for dodging eligible lynch passive

Players who I think need to be looked into
That was your pojnt. Being helpful looks scummy to you so you suggest being lazy is not that scummy.
Except the sort where I explicitly do not suggest that. Like is this what you think is passable for scum hunting here? How is this helping anyone solve you or the wider game?
I think enough is out there on Hero/Soul in this thread to make a judgement on them.

And I’ve given my thoughts throughout the thread including who I think is in the main POE.

Town - Nessos & Ekko
Prob Town - Rej & Juan

Townish - Santi

Null but has innocent on him from someone not named Didi - Melkor

Null - hammer, Kira, tinky

Immediate Scum POE - Bada (maybe indie), Hero, Soul, JW, Didi, SK

SK *probably* not aligned with Bada/Didi/Soul and there is a good chance one of those three is scum.

All that said, better to start making your own judgments lol.
Who you voting prof?
It is helpful to make players here know you are the worst town player here so they can ignore your posts.
Well, you tried at least. Would prefer to see you put as much effort in your scumhunting as you do in your shade, but given the end results... mayhaps best not.
Out of the 3 main suspects right now - Hero, JW, Soul - which would provide the best reads upon flip? That may be the best way we should determine which direction to go if nothing more pertinent comes up. There's only a couple more hours until votes lock.
That’s something I’d have to think about.

JW has a lot of the people in the scum POE on him rn. (He also has an innocent result on him by Didi)

Hero & Soul probably aren’t too different to me at first glance (before getting down to brass tacks and looking at vote patterns)
I’m still very confused. Hero posted a bunch of character stuff, but is still lead wagon? Like on one hand role cop is generally more of a mafia than town role, but on the other hand this is role madness. Role cop would be helpful to any alignment.

Like are we reading the same game. What is the case on Hero besides not being around? The Fang reveal stuff I’m semi curious about as I feel like there’s more to janitor or just I feel like it would be unlikely for that fang faked a bunch of stuff idk; I feel like a role replacement or some tampering is more plausible, but that’s all speculation.

if Laix is right, we need to be looking for a big team not just a few players here and there.
This is a pretty needless escalation I think. I feel like I've gone out of my way this game to not try and push things much precisely because of my status as Confirmed Town. Group 2 are more than happy to chime in if they feel otherwise. The only lynch I've really pushed was Platinum, on Day 1, and then SinRaven, on Day 4. Was wrong on one, and actually proceeded to take the vote away from Scum, and was right Day 4, though they also had a Guilty against them. I've been pretty conscious about not trying to put the Town on my back and rely on my reads in a game I don't think I've been terribly accurate in so far. So I don't agree at all that I haven't taken any responsibility here, or taken this into account, or that I've been sowing chaos.

Uh, right. I mean sure.

He is more than welcome to try. I am, of course, a Ghost, and not a valid target for voting, but hey, I'm not one to crush the dreams of others.

You way you responded to my suggestions that I believe you aren't looking at things clearly tells me that you're more likely to try and counter that claim instead of trying to take it into consideration. I think things through before posting, so it bothers me that you would just throw my ideas out because they don't fit the narrative you are currently working with.

And when you tell someone "If you are going to continue responding, I suggest you stay on the point at hand - I have no interest in your anecdotal experience." that really makes it feel like you think anything they say is pointless and not helpful. When in fact my entire playstyle is to try and ensure people aren't missing facts in their arguments, and providing reasons for why things are happening.

And to be quite honest, it triggers the fuck out of me when people just act like they can disregard me or what I'm saying. Just because you don't think it's likely, does not mean it isn't. Hero has been playing this game a long time. It doesn't surprise me whatsoever that he would assume the downside to his abilities are a real danger to him. Again though, IMO 1:1 town: mafia is a good trade, and I would take it in an instant if I had that info to share, lol.
I’m still very confused. Hero posted a bunch of character stuff, but is still lead wagon? Like on one hand role cop is generally more of a mafia than town role, but on the other hand this is role madness. Role cop would be helpful to any alignment.

Like are we reading the same game. What is the case on Hero besides not being around? The Fang reveal stuff I’m semi curious about as I feel like there’s more to janitor or just I feel like it would be unlikely for that fang faked a bunch of stuff idk; I feel like a role replacement or some tampering is more plausible, but that’s all speculation.

if Laix is right, we need to be looking for a big team not just a few players here and there.
How much of the thread have you read?

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