The Red Mafia, in particular LG's role of Almighty Dollar, specified that there are main characters in their group. This is why we focused on MCs. There is nothing to support that purple has any kind of theme as of yet. My Girlfriend is a real life concept, ETK is a video game character and Heisenberg is a historical figure. Not much tying them together yet.
Not a good catch. At least look at the dead player's roles that flip if you can't be bothered to read the entirety of the group 1 thread.
Yeah I don't know why you guys are forgetting, but we definitely confirmed that Deus Ex Machina's ability protects from lynch.
Ya'll didn't get a N5 phase.
Kind of, yes - take a look at my posts in this thread and you'll see that I compiled his last posts here. We have decided there must be some fuckery going on. I'm going to look at Ish's reads either today or tomorrow to get an understanding on what might have been going on.
Nah, I think focusing on this is a bad idea. With 70 people how do you not have a lot of duplicate but slightly different abilities? It's bound to happen. And as we've seen, not many roles are focused solely on one thing - a cop that also had a kill, a doctor that had a kill, etc etc. Wouldn't surprise me at all for there to be many abilities that are similar floating around. Some people also copy abilities.
For the sake of people who don't know nicknames or previous names, can you try and stick to using their current? Who the heck is Lanji?
Yep, both threads got that update.
Sure it is. If I could guarantee a scum death with my own, I'd do it. My role ain't that important lol.
Think about the amount of cop claims we have - there's a reason Hero's role might have the deterrent of scanning negatively - it makes even more sense when you think about how many claims there are.
Dude, please try and do something in the game. You can't just coast by being confirmed town like in group 1. And more than just using your abilities. Your reads are fucking important as a confirmed town. Please start using that.
That's nobody's fault but your own. And doesn't really make you a good target to steer clear of. Useless townies are just as bad, if not worse, than inactives.
One of the first posts I've agreed with you on. Particularly that last point lol.
I don't know, Ratchet. For the majority of the game in Group 1, all Ali did was post fluff, and try and interact with group 2 through @. Pretty sure he also executed AS, just like sworder, because of something Group 2 told him.
Pronouns aren't helpful when you don't quote what you're talking about. Who are you referring to?
Yes, this. Millers, redirects, Hero who apparently switches his scanned alignment. Plenty of fuckery going around.
Definitely more than just one doctor. Why would you think only one? In a game with so many kills/ways to die?
Good thought process - this never showed up in a mafia or town role flip yet. This will haunt us yet again.
I mean, people were asking him to do it. Blame them lol.
More nothing BS. Post something useful man.
Nah this is lazy talk. If we have the time, why not do it ourselves? Nitty has also stated that he dislikes when people are calling for vote counts and just sit there doing nothing.
Not true.
Yes, you got the mystery message that other people in Group 1 got that was just sowing chaos. Stop listening to the voices, Laix. It's a bad idea. Group 2 has confirmed killed 3 mafia, and believe Iwan is just delayed until later but will flip mafia. That they would have 11-12 mafia members is a crazy theory.
They aren't trustworthy. All they've been doing is sowing chaos. The messages have also stated that people are joining a new faction (Holy Roman Empire), even though that is the name of an ability that the role Mars has. And the fact that no conversions have appeared in write ups, and the rules state that they would. It's just smokescreen/chaos.
Errmmmm, both myself and Legend are voting for Traveling Swordsman. Just saying
@Kvothe Kingkiller - TS should be above Juan, Cooler, and Prof
It's not that there can't be 8 mafia, Laix. It's that they've already killed 3 maybe 4.