@Traveling Swordsman also there's 3 things that make me want to lynch you here over NFC:
1) LM claimed that his action to protect NFC didn't work. Which matches with his [Innate] that Prof got:
[Innate - The World’s Strongest Creature] - Immune to everything but execution.
Also the super-kill that LM wasn't able to protect NFC from should have hit him anyway and if that's the case, then he tanked it which further augments this.
Also, Draekke shot a kill shot at TAC which was redirected at you and then redirected again from you to NFC. Which should have left NFC bleeding, but NFC never came out with it.
This ^ matches both the [Innate] passive and this active ability:
[Active - Physical - Death Wish] - Redirect kills meant for a teammate to himself. If he is successful then he will mark them with [That felt great, do it again!]
Also, NFC has another active ability where he could message Zoro (supposedly you) and Luffy (Owner) each phase. So the likely hood of him knowing you and Owner were his teammates and protecting you who was more suspected out of the two are greater.
[Innate - No King Rules Forever] - Two redacted teammates (would be Luffy and Zoro) know his abilities and they know his. If they both die then Kaido leaves the game.
[Active - Tactical - Den Den Mushi] - Can send a message to two redacted teammates each phase.
For reference, these two abilities are what I'm talking about when I say he could message you both and figure out who you are.
2) I have a message from Fuji indicating that one of the reds can tank a kill. Prof also mentions the same about NFC in his message:
[One Shot Active - Physical - The marines couldn't do it, and neither can you!] - If Kaido is 1 of the top 3 voted players he Can straight up cancel the lynch that day.
Also, Kira came out with role crushing NFC, but that likely would not have worked given NFC's [Innate] which is also supported by LM and Draekke (2 flipped townies)
3) From points 1) and 2) lynching you over NFC is better because:
- You are my scum read who I think is twisting his claim to appear town.
- I do not want to leave you alive end game because you're really just going to confuse the remaining players regarding your alignment and create more problems.
- If you flip town, we can know that the message that Prof and Ekko received is false to an extent and start looking at other targets. This would also clarify your heavily debated slot and maybe even a few others.
Given that this message is from Purple, there's always reason to think that this message can maybe have the right roles, but the wrong players. But you didn't say anything regarding your claim last day phase when Prof posted it and only refuted it now.