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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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I mean my ability to investigate mark on me is similar with Cooler's ability. Since you don't understand I referred to Cooler to make you understand.
Honestly your claim sounds so convenient. You basically heal town if you target them or role block mafia if you target them.

automatically must I add.

Plus you also redirect any action on you. Did you try to heal or role block anyone with your active ability?

I understand, hence why I
Okay, I thought there were 4 red scum iincluding fuji, since fuji is not red then who is the 4th red scum besides of NFC/Karma/TS?
4 reds?

So who are we thinking? NFC, TS, Karma, ???
4 reds was the message I got last night. Since Mich ended up dead, only 3 remain.

Which I believe are the players you listed - NFC, Karma and TS.
Honestly your claim sounds so convenient. You basically heal town if you target them or role block mafia if you target them.

automatically must I add.

Plus you also redirect any action on you. Did you try to heal or role block anyone with your active ability?

4 reds was the message I got last night. Since Mich ended up dead, only 3 remain.

Which I believe are the players you listed - NFC, Karma and TS.
I see, it seems like it's true that NFC is lynch immune then, then TS should be the lynch here to get rid of NFC seems like the optimal plan imo. Which leaves karma and hopefully someone vigs him.
Sure lynch me because you don't have camera et in my house so you don't know my activities and because you don't like me. Not because of my posts.
I’ve been scum reading you since day 1. Yes you said your ability will never harm town, but I have listed out exactly why I think you’re scum yesterday and in group 1.

Plus the lynch isn’t up to me anyway, ‘cause I would have lynched you here and gambled on you flipping red and removing NFC at the same time rather than gamble with an NFC lynch and not lynch at all.
Also good lord if there really are 4 reds left... combined with multiple lynch stops, lynch immunity, ability to dodge the lynch completely via not voting, etc. Seems a bit overkill if with the drawback that they cannot communicate.

@Lind Do you know why Fuji left the game? If he's pro-town wtf was that?
Fuji couldn’t give me explicit info. He could only hint ‘cause his role didn’t allow him to give me info properly.

He was a guardian angle role to me. Would protect me and if I died would leave the game with me and won the game with me if I lived until the end. So it was sad seeing him quit.
Honestly your claim sounds so convenient. You basically heal town if you target them or role block mafia if you target them.

automatically must I add.

Plus you also redirect any action on you. Did you try to heal or role block anyone with your active ability?

4 reds was the message I got last night. Since Mich ended up dead, only 3 remain.

Which I believe are the players you listed - NFC, Karma and TS.
Ask Shizune why did he give me that role.

I redirected any action on me.

I’ve been scum reading you since day 1. Yes you said your ability will never harm town, but I have listed out exactly why I think you’re scum yesterday and in group 1.

Plus the lynch isn’t up to me anyway, ‘cause I would have lynched you here and gambled on you flipping red and removing NFC at the same time rather than gamble with an NFC lynch and not lynch at all.
Basically it's my activities something you cannot monitor and it's because my contradictory posts about badalight (something which is not true and something you misinterpret) so yeah you want to lynch me not because of my posts.
Ask Shizune why did he give me that role.

I redirected any action on me.

Basically it's my activities something you cannot monitor and it's because my contradictory posts about badalight (something which is not true and something you misinterpret) so yeah you want to lynch me not because of my posts.
Your posts about Badalight were contradictory. No misinterpretation there.

You told him to stop sleeping, wake up and vote and go. The same logic could be applied to you - stop what you’re doing in the house, vote and then resume doing whatever.
Your posts about Badalight were contradictory. No misinterpretation there.

You told him to stop sleeping, wake up and vote and go. The same logic could be applied to you - stop what you’re doing in the house, vote and then resume doing whatever.
No it was not similar situation. I wanted to change my activities to vote the main wagon to be in the main pool while he didn't plan to that's why I chastised him. It is different if I don't plan to change my activities and sleep until EOD and I chastise badalight for doing the same thing.

So another misinterpretation from you. maybe you cannot read or you have hate boner against me.
No it was not similar situation. I wanted to change my activities to vote the main wagon to be in the main pool while he didn't plan to that's why I chastised him. It is different if I don't plan to change my activities and sleep until EOD and I chastise badalight for doing the same thing.

So another misinterpretation from you. maybe you cannot read or you have hate boner against me.
Oh yeah? According to you who are the remaining mafia here, TS?

From group 1 only these players remain:

2 should be red here excluding NFC. Who is it?
So why didn't you say he was Indie? So yes, you lied. You've earned your lynch, best hope the game ends with NFC/TS/Karma/SK dead, because you can go right after them.
I don't really care about being lynched. Fuji was supposed to win with me if I lived, now that he's quit, my life doesn't matter because as town I can win even dead.

Don't worry, my little lost ghost, the game will end after all of them are gone. If one of those flips town go for the remaining group 1 players in this order after my town lynch if I do get lynched:
Fuji was never anything else. He was pro-town. He played for town. He sent me hints and messages, protected me and gave me info.

Don't twist this shit around. He played and worked for town as much as anyone other hard-working townie.
Should have told us this then instead of "just trust me guys", you've lost that right here.
Oh yeah? According to you who are the remaining mafia here, TS?

From group 1 only these players remain:

2 should be red here excluding NFC. Who is it?
Saturday and possibly you. I think it's possible you are an independent who needs to win with red or purple judging from your tunneling on me and how your ability takes votes which is not a town ability
Saturday and possibly you. I think it's possible you are an independent who needs to win with red or purple judging from your tunneling on me and how your ability takes votes which is not a town ability
A tinfoil is your best bet then. You couldn't counter the arguments against you beyond labeling it "reading comprehension" or anything else you wanted.

Also you have no opinion on anyone else?

What were your actions in the group 1 thread?
Also, If he is pro-town I will not make the distinction of him being indie. He will be town to me.

Your trust was never anything I cared about. You can keep it or lose it. I only care about winning this game for town.
And you think lying or at least intentionally being deceitful helps the town... how, exactly?
A tinfoil is your best bet then. You couldn't counter the arguments against you beyond labeling it "reading comprehension" or anything else you wanted.

Also you have no opinion on anyone else?

What were your actions in the group 1 thread?
I countered your contradictory posts about Badalight you and your online activities argument about me. Your ability to take votes is scumy. I sa Tinky Winky role and he also can take votes from player he targets.

You are scummy you tinfoil on me which you cannot prove and your scummy ability proves it.
Was fuji the poisoner? :dank

I said i was gonna kill lind this nightphase and got fucked
Fuji never poisoned anyone. He would have hinted it to me if he could do it or did it.

Plus, he was my guardian angel role so I don't know how his protections work on someone he's protecting. Also, the posts in this day phase indicate that he might have not been the one who protected me last night.
And you think lying or at least intentionally being deceitful helps the town... how, exactly?
I was neither lying nor being deceitful. Adding negative words to an action does not make it so. He was a pro-town role. He played for town. Acted for town. Gave info for town. Making the distinction as him being indie is fucking stupid. He is town and more town than some of the townies this game.

I do not and will not make distinctions between pro-town roles and town roles. Why are you acting like this is something new that I do?
I was neither lying nor being deceitful. Adding negative words to an action does not make it so. He was a pro-town role. He played for town. Acted for town. Gave info for town. Making the distinction as him being indie is fucking stupid. He is town and more town than some of the townies this game.

I do not and will not make distinctions between pro-town roles and town roles. Why are you acting like this is something new that I do?
You allowed us to operate under the assumption you had mechanical information informing you that he was Town. Now that we know that isn't true, and that we do not see his role, we are left with only your word that he was actually Pro-Town. I think my contention here is obvious. Now that we already have you in one mistruth, we have to reconcile that you were actually sincere, which is at best careless on your part, and actively makes it harder for us to correctly read your intentions.
@Traveling Swordsman also there's 3 things that make me want to lynch you here over NFC:

1) LM claimed that his action to protect NFC didn't work. Which matches with his [Innate] that Prof got:
[Innate - The World’s Strongest Creature] - Immune to everything but execution.
Also the super-kill that LM wasn't able to protect NFC from should have hit him anyway and if that's the case, then he tanked it which further augments this.

Also, Draekke shot a kill shot at TAC which was redirected at you and then redirected again from you to NFC. Which should have left NFC bleeding, but NFC never came out with it.

This ^ matches both the [Innate] passive and this active ability:
[Active - Physical - Death Wish] - Redirect kills meant for a teammate to himself. If he is successful then he will mark them with [That felt great, do it again!]
Also, NFC has another active ability where he could message Zoro (supposedly you) and Luffy (Owner) each phase. So the likely hood of him knowing you and Owner were his teammates and protecting you who was more suspected out of the two are greater.

[Innate - No King Rules Forever] - Two redacted teammates (would be Luffy and Zoro) know his abilities and they know his. If they both die then Kaido leaves the game.

[Active - Tactical - Den Den Mushi] - Can send a message to two redacted teammates each phase.
For reference, these two abilities are what I'm talking about when I say he could message you both and figure out who you are.

2) I have a message from Fuji indicating that one of the reds can tank a kill. Prof also mentions the same about NFC in his message:

[One Shot Active - Physical - The marines couldn't do it, and neither can you!] - If Kaido is 1 of the top 3 voted players he Can straight up cancel the lynch that day.

Also, Kira came out with role crushing NFC, but that likely would not have worked given NFC's [Innate] which is also supported by LM and Draekke (2 flipped townies)

3) From points 1) and 2) lynching you over NFC is better because:
- You are my scum read who I think is twisting his claim to appear town.
- I do not want to leave you alive end game because you're really just going to confuse the remaining players regarding your alignment and create more problems.
- If you flip town, we can know that the message that Prof and Ekko received is false to an extent and start looking at other targets. This would also clarify your heavily debated slot and maybe even a few others.

Given that this message is from Purple, there's always reason to think that this message can maybe have the right roles, but the wrong players. But you didn't say anything regarding your claim last day phase when Prof posted it and only refuted it now.
lso the super-kill that LM wasn't able to protect NFC from should have hit him anyway and if that's the case, then he tanked it which further augments this.

Also, Draekke shot a kill shot at TAC which was redirected at you and then redirected again from you to NFC. Which should have left NFC bleeding, but NFC never came out with it.

This ^ matches both the [Innate] passive and this active ability:
Unrelated to my alignment
Also, NFC has another active ability where he could message Zoro (supposedly you) and Luffy (Owner) each phase. So the likely hood of him knowing you and Owner were his teammates and protecting you who was more suspected out of the two are greater.
No the message cannot be trusted given Fujitora flipped independent not mafia. No redirection in the post Professor psoted while my ability is to redirect.
3) From points 1) and 2) lynching you over NFC is better because:
- You are my scum read who I think is twisting his claim to appear town.
No it didn't. Shizune broadcasted it that I can investigate mark on me. Then I revealed I can investigate ability I am targeted with and investigate the name of the player who applies it. Who is that twisting? look at Cooler's role it's similar with this ability of mine.
- I do not want to leave you alive end game because you're really just going to confuse the remaining players regarding your alignment and create more problems.
There is no confusion the message is a fake. No redirection in the post Professor posted. Why don't you go when your ability is scummy and your tinfoling on me is based on online activities and misinterpretation.
- If you flip town, we can know that the message that Prof and Ekko received is false to an extent and start looking at other targets. This would also clarify your heavily debated slot and maybe even a few others.
No it only add more misslynch. Purple can kill asaik because Mich died while players who died this phase was melkor, Legend, Hidden who claimed yesterday they would die today.
Given that this message is from Purple, there's always reason to think that this message can maybe have the right roles, but the wrong players. But you didn't say anything regarding your claim last day phase when Prof posted it and only refuted it now.
I refuted it I said no redirection in the ability posted to Ekkologix. And Fujitora left as independent today not yesterday so no way I can claim yesterday Fujitora was independent so the message was a fake.

You can go. You did nothing through out the game except misinterpretating what I said, defended The Ancient and lied to us that Fujitora is a town. Your voting stealing ability is not a town ability.
You allowed us to operate under the assumption you had mechanical information informing you that he was Town. Now that we know that isn't true, and that we do not see his role, we are left with only your word that he was actually Pro-Town. I think my contention here is obvious. Now that we already have you in one mistruth, we have to reconcile that you were actually sincere, which is at best careless on your part, and actively makes it harder for us to correctly read your intentions.
Yes. I did have mechanical info on Fuji from his claims and information he gave to me. He never played to any other wincon and was not scummy in the thread. He is pro-town/town. Even if you don't take my word, look at his play. I read him as town from his play too. He's played for town here, Ratchet. He also swore that he was townie to Prof. He made a promise. Fuji doesn't use appeal to emotion in games and he most definitely does not manipulate on it either. There's no reason to distrust him on his word.

If the labeling is your contention here, then I'll have to say that people will either agree with you or me. Labeling a pro-town as town, like myself, is something I've seen others do. I've also given you the list to go by after me if this town wants to lynch me.
you didn't say anything regarding your claim last day phase when Prof posted it and only refuted it now.
For claiming I wanted to bait mafia to waster their kill on me since I have 2 shots to turn superkill int regular kill so at best I can waster their 2 superkill action. That's why I didn't claim yesterday.

This is also the reason I told Laix not to reveal that he was unkillable because he could bait mafia to waster their suprkills on him.
Unrelated to my alignment
No. The message has merit to it and can thus have merit to you as well.

No the message cannot be trusted given Fujitora flipped independent not mafia. No redirection in the post Professor psoted while my ability is to redirect.
Fuji's name came up in it the same phase Soul (who's suspected last purple and wanted to gun for Red) also came out to push Fuji as scum.

Also your redirection is something I said is what NFC did for you. Can anyone else support your redirection?

No it didn't. Shizune broadcasted it that I can investigate mark on me. Then I revealed I can investigate ability I am targeted with and investigate the name of the player who applies it. Who is that twisting? look at Cooler's role it's similar with this ability of mine.
You see, this is where I have a problem with your claim. What Shizune broadcasted did not imply that you will know the player who put the mark on you.


Zoro has the same ability as you, but split into two:

Passive - Kenbunshoku Hall] - Will learn the names of marks applied to him.

[2 Shot Active - Tactical - Kainbutsu San-ningumi] - At night, investigate a mark he learned with his passive. Learn it’s effects and who applied it. Can choose to destroy it. Can use once a cycle. If alive for merge gets 2 more charges.
So you say that the message Prof got does not have your redirection, but it does have this Zoro ability that does what you do in 2 abilities.

There is no confusion the message is a fake. No redirection in the post Professor posted. Why don't you go when your ability is scummy and your tinfoling on me is based on online activities and misinterpretation.
I am ready to go, TS. Don't you see me telling Ratchet that I'm ready to be lynched. But you definitely aren't.

No it only add more misslynch. Purple can kill asaik because Mich died while players who died this phase was melkor, Legend, Hidden who claimed yesterday they would die today.
So you want to lynch Soul Killer today? What about next day phase?

I refuted it I said no redirection in the ability posted to Ekkologix. And Fujitora left as independent today not yesterday so no way I can claim yesterday Fujitora was independent so the message was a fake.
I don't remember you refuting being Zoro. Karma and Fuji both didn't refute the characters in the message.

I don't remember what Mich said, but she was scum which was proven by the message.

So you're telling me that the message was only wrong about you? Yeah, I don't believe it.

You can go. You did nothing through out the game except misinterpretating what I said, defended The Ancient and lied to us that Fujitora is a town. Your voting stealing ability is not a town ability.
Again, I am ready to go. And the only one misinterpreting this is you.
Yes. I did have mechanical info on Fuji from his claims and information he gave to me. He never played to any other wincon and was not scummy in the thread. He is pro-town/town. Even if you don't take my word, look at his play. I read him as town from his play too. He's played for town here, Ratchet. He also swore that he was townie to Prof. He made a promise. Fuji doesn't use appeal to emotion in games and he most definitely does not manipulate on it either. There's no reason to distrust him on his word.

If the labeling is your contention here, then I'll have to say that people will either agree with you or me. Labeling a pro-town as town, like myself, is something I've seen others do. I've also given you the list to go by after me if this town wants to lynch me.
You're not even trying to listen to what I'm saying here. You allowed everyone to assume you had information suggesting Fuji was Town, specifically Town. Now that that clearly isn't the case, you just make it harder to trust you because you have been, at best, demonstrably dishonest.
No. The message has merit to it and can thus have merit to you as well.
No it doesn't
Fuji's name came up in it the same phase Soul (who's suspected last purple and wanted to gun for Red) also came out to push Fuji as scum.

Also your redirection is something I said is what NFC did for you. Can anyone else support your redirection?
I also redirected to Draekke this game
You see, this is where I have a problem with your claim. What Shizune broadcasted did not imply that you will know the player who put the mark on you.


Zoro has the same ability as you, but split into two:
Zoro doesn't have redirection and by investigating, I investigate the effect of the mark and investigate who applies it. It.s called investigation for a reason.
So you say that the message Prof got does not have your redirection, but it does have this Zoro ability that does what you do in 2 abilities.
And how does that validate the post Professor posted when Fujitora was also independent not mafia? So Fujitora is mafia as well?
So you want to lynch Soul Killer today? What about next day phase?
Nfcnirth, Saturday or you
I don't remember you refuting being Zoro. Karma and Fuji both didn't refute the characters in the message.

I don't remember what Mich said, but she was scum which was proven by the message.

So you're telling me that the message was only wrong about you? Yeah, I don't believe it.
The message was also wrong about Fujitora.

I refuted there is no redirection in the post Professor posted.

And Fujitora was independent which was not proven in the message,

And I already told you why i didn't claim yesterday. i wanted to bait scum to waster their superkill on me that's also the reason I told laix not to reveal he was unkillable since he could bait scum to waste their superkills on him
For claiming I wanted to bait mafia to waster their kill on me since I have 2 shots to turn superkill int regular kill so at best I can waster their 2 superkill action. That's why I didn't claim yesterday.

This is also the reason I told Laix not to reveal that he was unkillable because he could bait mafia to waster their suprkills on him.
Why would Mafia ever shoot you when we suspect you to be red? Surely they want to lynch you since you're suspected as well.

Also, like I said, the message got the role names of all the players in it right, but somehow it's wrong only about you? If they went to such lengths to frame you, why would they shoot you?? If you were someone else, your flip would immediately prove that message to be bogus.

But nobody refuted the character claims in it. Only you.
Why would Mafia ever shoot you when we suspect you to be red? Surely they want to lynch you since you're suspected as well.

Also, like I said, the message got the role names of all the players in it right, but somehow it's wrong only about you? If they went to such lengths to frame you, why would they shoot you?? If you were someone else, your flip would immediately prove that message to be bogus.

But nobody refuted the character claims in it. Only you.
This is wrong and dishonest. Day 1, 2, 3 ,4 majority suspected players were from group 2.

If it's true where is redirection ability? This is also mafia way to frame me by posting fake abilities about me so how does that support your argument?

Karma refuted the character claim. Read his posts.
You're not even trying to listen to what I'm saying here. You allowed everyone to assume you had information suggesting Fuji was Town, specifically Town. Now that that clearly isn't the case, you just make it harder to trust you because you have been, at best, demonstrably dishonest.
I am listening. I said that he was town and that you can trust him. Saying he's town implies trust which is more important than the distinction of saying Pro-Town or Town since I view them as the same anyway - trustable players.

If you view that as me being dishonest, then we're obviously contesting a subjective opinion here.
Zoro doesn't have redirection and by investigating, I investigate the effect of the mark and investigate who applies it. It.s called investigation for a reason.
I know what an investigation is. You and Zoro both investigate the player's name when they apply a mark on you.

And how does that validate the post Professor posted when Fujitora was also independent not mafia? So Fujitora is mafia as well?
We have players who literally flipped as per their characters according to the message. The only ones who are disagreeing with it are the ones who have not flipped - you.

Nfcnirth, Saturday or you
Sure. I'm ready to go. Not NFC since I believe he'll waste that lynch. In which case, I want you lynched.

The message was also wrong about Fujitora.

I refuted there is no redirection in the post Professor posted.

And Fujitora was independent which was not proven in the message,
What about the ones who are proven by the message. Specifically their character claims which you do not agree with?

Because according to you the message is filled with semi-truths and lies then. But specifically lies about your character.

And I already told you why i didn't claim yesterday. i wanted to bait scum to waster their superkill on me that's also the reason I told laix not to reveal he was unkillable since he could bait scum to waste their superkills on him
Okay. So we toss the message in the garbage can huh? Alright.

This is wrong and dishonest. Day 1, 2, 3 ,4 majority suspected players were from group 2.

If it's true where is redirection ability? This is also mafia way to frame me by posting fake abilities about me so how does that support your argument?

Karma refuted the character claim. Read his posts.
I don't remember @Karma refuting his character claim.
I know what an investigation is. You and Zoro both investigate the player's name when they apply a mark on you.
Then there is no twisting since I can investigate a mark effect and a mark user who uses that
We have players who literally flipped as per their characters according to the message. The only ones who are disagreeing with it are the ones who have not flipped - you.
No Karma also disagreed. No redirection in the post Professor posted I redirected ability to Draekke this game.
What about the ones who are proven by the message. Specifically their character claims which you do not agree with?

Because according to you the message is filled with semi-truths and lies then. But specifically lies about your character.
It's proven because no redirection ability about me and FUjitora alignment is also wrong so why do you think player's abilities are not wrong either?
Okay. So we toss the message in the garbage can huh? Alright.
So Fujitora is mafia huh? All right
I don't remember @Karma refuting his character claim.
That's why you cannot read. You even said my posts to badalight was contradictory when it was not the case.
Im back from Dinner, Additionally

@Traveling Swordsman , Why do abilities redirect off of you?

Oooh, was honestly waiting for someone to ask about this. During the night that everything was randomized, my one shot kill targeted TAC, then went to TS, then went to nfcnorth.

A ability i used to TS redirected on to you last night.

It works on 2 people of my choosing, but only 1 hit the target of my choice.
@Lind If you still think I cannot redirect then stop quoting me. it is confirmed here.
While ghey got michs right they, im guessing they filled others with bs

Nfcs rolw want posted with the others last dayphase. I say he gets lynched, we see if he actually has atge means to get entire roles or nor because as far as i can tell hero/envy was the one getting roles not sk
Honestly, I trust the message because of what Fuji sent me regarding NFC as well.

But if Ekko decides to lynch NFC then I just hope it works.
A ability i used to TS redirected on to you last night.

It works on 2 people of my choosing, but only 1 hit the target of my choice.
Okay, so here Legend clearly says that an ability he used redirected from TS to Draekke on night 1 and TS, below, is claiming he redirected it:
@Lind If you still think I cannot redirect then stop quoting me. it is confirmed here.

But I thought you redirected your action to Draekke on night 3, the night Draekke died and on night 1 you redirected to Hero:
n1 redirect to Hero
n2 redirect to John Wayne
n3 redirect to Draekke
So why did Legend get redirected to Draekke?

You lied about your night action?
Okay, so here Legend clearly says that an ability he used redirected from TS to Draekke on night 1 and TS, below, is claiming he redirected it:

But I thought you redirected your action to Draekke on night 3, the night Draekke died and on night 1 you redirected to Hero:

So why did Legend get redirected to Draekke?

You lied about your night action?
Because Legend targeted me with an ability and I redirected any action on me so ability Legend targeted me with was redirected to Draekke.
Because Legend targeted me with an ability and I redirected any action on me so ability Legend targeted me with was redirected to Draekke.
HOLY SHIT I said I redirected any action on me to player I choose
Yes. And you claimed that you chose Hero on night 1 to redirect to, but Legend said that he was redirected to Draekke.

And here again, you're changing your target saying you redirected to Draekke and not Hero when you initially claimed you redirected to Hero night 1.
Yes. And you claimed that you chose Hero on night 1 to redirect to, but Legend said that he was redirected to Draekke.

And here again, you're changing your target saying you redirected to Draekke and not Hero when you initially claimed you redirected to Hero night 1.
Because Legend targeted me with an ability and I redirected that ability to Draekke.

My target n1 was Hero and n3 was Draekke how did I change my target?
You CLEARLY have only one redirect ability in your claim and you said you redirected to Hero night 1 but Legend said he got redirected to Draekke night 1.

You're clearly lying about your night targets.
Legend's ability to me was redirected to Draekke which was my target n1. I didn't lie.
You're the guy who got caught in a lie dude.

I wasn't acting surprised. I was literally calling you out on your claim and for others to look at it.
How did I lie? I redirect any action to me to player I choose. N3 I chose Draekke so when Legend targeted me with an ability, that ability was redirected from me to Draekke
Honestly your claim sounds so convenient. You basically heal town if you target them or role block mafia if you target them.

automatically must I add.

Plus you also redirect any action on you. Did you try to heal or role block anyone with your active ability?

4 reds was the message I got last night. Since Mich ended up dead, only 3 remain.

Which I believe are the players you listed - NFC, Karma and TS.
are you sure fuji send u this message? karmas role has a messaging ability too

let me catch up

did he tell u who the reds r or just number
Legend's ability to me was redirected to Draekke which was my target n1. I didn't lie.

n1 redirect to Hero
n2 redirect to John Wayne
n3 redirect to Draekke

How did I lie? I redirect any action to me to player I choose. N3 I chose Draekke so when Legend targeted me with an ability, that ability was redirected from me to Draekke
Legend targeted you with an ability on NIGHT 1. It's on page 67 which was day 2, i.e after night 1.
Because I am town and it will be misslynch. Fujitora is indie. Doesn't fit with the message Professor got and my main ability is redirection which also does not fit with the message Professor got.

Purple has 2 or more than that.

Soul Killer
For 3rd wagon I am suspicious for people who vouched for anyone before John yesterday. Lynching John was a good decision and it greatly brought benefit since we also eliminated 3 mafia. I remember you vouched for Soul Killer lynch before John so I am suspicious of you. I forgot who else wanted anyone to be lynched before John. Next is Professor as I explained to you and possible Santi a poisoner. Has anyone claimed poisoner beside him?
the last paragraph cant be a genuine thought u have m8
Fuji never poisoned anyone. He would have hinted it to me if he could do it or did it.

Plus, he was my guardian angel role so I don't know how his protections work on someone he's protecting. Also, the posts in this day phase indicate that he might have not been the one who protected me last night.
i can vouch for this somewhat
fuji hinted seeing me target u..he asked me earlier he hopes lind is okay which i assume he meant he saw me target u

i tracked u last night and u visited none
Right I made a mistake my apologize. I'm sure I targeted Hero night 1. I rechecked I changed from Hero to Draekke.

Yeah. No. I don't believe it. So you're telling me this is another case like Xadlin? Even Hero told us he got poisoned on another date than what he posted in the thread, which I pointed out in this thread, and then he corrected it. Both, Prof and I, thought that it could be another case like Xadlin, but he was scum.

At this point, I'm just fed up. I'm done here.

Yeah. No. I don't believe it. So you're telling me this is another case like Xadlin? Even Hero told us he got poisoned on another date than what he posted in the thread, which I pointed out in this thread, and then he corrected it. Both, Prof and I, thought that it could be another case like Xadlin, but he was scum.

At this point, I'm just fed up. I'm done here.
Once again I am sorry. What's the point of me lying for my night target as mafia? Whoever I targeted is dead now and they cannot claim the truth of my action except Legend. My ability to redirect is true.

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