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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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If Legend is indeed scum though, he’s fooled me ‘cause I read him as genuine. So someone should probably look over him if they believe otherwise.

You know this reminds me of yours and Draekke’s back and forth where you kept calling him a stalker and that he won’t believe anything you say.

Now it’s “reading comprehension” I think we’re done here you and I. One of us will be proven right or wrong sooner or later anyway.
You are just a hypocrite who compared apple with orange
Why are you still entertaining him? Ignore him, and JW and Hero and Nfcnorth, their words are literally worthless and agenda driven.
Bc by pointing out the contradictions in their words + actions we can get a picture of how things seem to actually be.

Like Purple not poisoning the Red POE tells me that Purple probably is purely going for panic instead of actually worried about Red end gaming. So we probably don’t need to panic about Red and can go JW -> SK as planned.

Was the same situation where mafia in your game was saying Ratchet was end gamer but weren’t acting on it.
Bc by pointing out the contradictions in their words + actions we can get a picture of how things seem to actually be.

Like Purple not poisoning the Red POE tells me that Purple probably is purely going for panic instead of actually worried about Red end gaming. So we probably don’t need to panic about Red and can go JW -> SK as planned.

Was the same situation where mafia in your game was saying Ratchet was end gamer but weren’t acting on it.

Carry on then.
oh, you are mistaken. JW needs to be yeeted, but by doing so we are giving red the win most likely. They have the number advantage.
You know, it's interesting you say that.
I think purple PoE is Bada/Kira/Sanji/Prof/You.
Just earlier, your Purple PoE made no mention of John Wayne (for context, the "You" in this refers to Ekkologix). Can we finally end this tiresome charade?

You know, it's interesting you say that.

Just earlier, your Purple PoE made no mention of John Wayne (for context, the "You" in this refers to Ekkologix). Can we finally end this tiresome charade?

Because JW is getting yeeted this DP mate LMAO. That was for the last purple, because I don't believe purple has 4-5 players left like red claims. They just wanting to throw townies off guard and snatch the win.
The execution isn't the only lynch mechanic here that's starting to... show its age. Why, this limited lynch pool mechanic is almost as old and used up as @Laix ! And just like we replaced Laix with a younger and prettier host (it's me, I'm the younger and prettier host), I'm here to replace that dusty old noose with something shiny and new!

This is also why getting rid of execution was prob a bad idea. Redfia, if it does have a lot of members left, is totally awol. We also could have lynched NFC and executed JW today, and then executed a red PoE tomorrow. rip
I agree with this, removing the execution was horrible idea. JW would of 100% been in that execution list, along with probably other red mafia members. But townies gotta town.

I have other thing concerning myself first because i want to check something

I remembered i looked at the thread in my work break but i didn't have time to post, it was your post and you said you protected me the other night.

I want details about that stuff.

We talk about whatever you want after

Answer my question first, because it has nothing to do with what you trying to resolve here. If you read my post, you would know how I protected you. Now, enough with dodging the question Michelle. You think fuji is scum or not after a confirmed guilty result on him? spill the beans.
Answer my question first, because it has nothing to do with what you trying to resolve here. If you read my post, you would know how I protected you. Now, enough with dodging the question Michelle. You think fuji is scum or not after a confirmed guilty result on him? spill the beans.
I care about what you did to me first tbh
searching for that i found another one

My cop cannot be tampered with, it 100% hit fuji. He is guilty, along with Michelle.

What means the bolded?
Initial impression is that it looks good for Fuji I think. Michelle seemed very surprised by the claim, as if she knows that Fuji shouldn't investigate as Guilty. I believe she probably did think Soul was Town, too.
Quite the opposite really, she and fuji are scum mates which is why she is hesitant to state an opinion lmao. Like if this is not obvious then idk what will.
Let me talk to my homie please, he said he protected me but he let me bleeding after his visit

I didn't know who wanted to kill me but now i know, he revealed himself
Soul explicitly asked Ali what he thought, so he answered. Why are you, then, asking the bolded of Ali? He's not interrupting you, you are interrupting him. Given that you're right centre in the Red POE, too, I'm not sure you're really in a position to be requesting this even if you were the one interrupted. Michelle, your efforts are best spent here developing a solve and a legacy, that we may pick up the pieces following your inevitable, and soon-coming, demise.
My dear friend, your peek on me doesn't exist.

Should i believe anything from your posts?
You are filthy scum like fuji, I literally visited you to save your ass from that super kill, and then you thanked whoever saved you (which was me). Who do you think helped you survive? LM claimed he protected Karma and NFC.

ggwp Michelle.
Ekko saw SK visit himself and Mich, and Ekko got attacked. So Mich bleeding from a SK visit adds up there.

Means nothing for Mich’s alignment but more against SK.
Bruh, she was bleeding before I visited her. I used a watcher/voeyur ability to distribute the super kill damage to me, and help save Michelle, and no one visited Michelle but me.

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