some tinfoil been bothering me is if purple have bus drivers then badalight could have purposely bus drove iwan with firestormer then shot iwan so the kill purposely goes to firestormer, while all protects or w.e on firestormer go to iwan. a play i do alot as scum
the same can be done for tinky. tinky had a hider ability. if tinky was hiding behind someone that night and bada shot him, the kill will go to the person tinky was hiding behind, unless someone roleblocked tinky to stop the hider. then bada claimed the shot for town cred
the issue with this is he had no reason to out shooting iwan ahhh. in fact firestormer was heavily suspected so bada outing that information is what got attention from firestormer to iwan. bada still voted firestormer, and he realized he fked up so kept mentioning how the redirect could be one way not 2 ways (i.e not a busdrive). still saying anything about iwan is stupid asfk there
like i can see bada being scum, but not too sold on it after him outing iwan for no reason. the counter argument is iwan's death being delayed so outing him is free town cred. bada seemed super eager to out that he shot tinky, without considering tinky's hider possibility. its more town cred even if it was not intended. its weird that purple leaves a claimed vig do as he wish, similar to how didi was left. and bada's suspecting didi for doing the same things he did makes no sense from town PoV. he subconsciously knows its for town cred. if didi did it, why not bada. didi was town reading bada more than bada town reading didi.
purple PoE:
JW, sk, hero, iwan
if purple still dont end: bada/kira/santi
the message mentions 4 purple. 2 alive, 2 dying. and says that JW is a purple with flavor name gordon freeman. we can test the integrity of this first by yeeting JW. otherwise message can be ignored. altho i will say the message gave us really delicate role cop results that sounded much like what shizune would write in his roles lol, so if faked, the guy put lots of effort into it lmao. so far none of the players who were mentioned in it have denied it which might mean its true and karma/mich/TS are scum.
@Badalight @Santí can u guys full claim ur actions n1 to n8? like everything please
@Kira Yagami you too please
@SoulKiller whats ur purple PoE right now sk? ur just scum arent u m8. shame
@Karma @Traveling Swordsman @Mich @Admiral Fujitora you guys too
@Lind @Legend @Alwaysmind @Alibaba Saluja did u send the message? if u want us to push red for u come out clean imo. the message sender is a game 1 player whose been sending messages in that game as well. our game 2 sender was didi
can u guys also claim actions please