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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

Help with Donations ~ Better than Ads :)
Game 2 players left:


Assuming Iwan and Hero and JW are mafia, we still have at bare minimum 1-2 left in this list surely. Obviously I know that I'm not mafia, and I don't think Lind is due to how her role works. That said, I have a new tinfoil. Town got a new member after the merge, so I'm wondering if Mafia did the same. Perhaps Lind if she is alive in both games when they merge gets to choose which mafia they join... or something of that nature.
@SoulKiller @Santí @Ekkologix @Kira Yagami @Lind

Please rank the remaining D2 players in terms of scumminess: SK, Santi, Ekkologix, Dr. Professor, Kira, Lind, Badalight
1) SK
2) Kira / you/ I don’t know.

Honestly you were one of my town reads for your honesty on day 1 and you do have a point with the Iwan and Firestormer issue.

At this point, I believe purple could have started with less members than Red since they seem to have a scum chat unlike red according to Red mafia roles
You better not be scum after this.


Anyway, me and Ekko got this message today. A lot of things make sense (like one of the abilities perfectly matching what I seem to have been hit by last night), but I have a pretty hard time seeing Fuji as scum here so maybe this information is garbage. If it is then someone put an absolutely inhuman amount of time into it lol. It’s taken me hours just to paraphrase it.

The sender said:

Red Mafia started with 5 more people than Purple. There are 5 Red Mafia left alive. The sender wants us to help him eliminate Red Mafia, in exchange they promise massive vote power against Purple.

There are currently 4 Purple mafia members left in the game including Iwan/Hero/JW. John Wayne is Gordon Freeman.

The sender refused to go public under any circumstance.

These are the 5 remaining members of Red Mafia and their roles according to the sender. They were sent to me as straight up role cop like results with full flavor and everything but I have to paraphrase.
A.) Karma - Kageyama Shigeo
Durability rating: 3

[Passive - Esper Sensing] - Will learn when one of their teammates is role crushed.

[Active - Magical - Molecule Control] - Can cure role crushes. If he cures one he gets a permanent charge of [Psionic Force]

[Active - Magical - Force Field] - Shield 2 players at night and permanently give them an extra life. Will learn if the bonus life is consumed and by whom and permanently mark the attacker with [Kinetic Energy]. Can only shield 2 at once.

[Kinetic Energy] - Player passed through a force field

[1 Shot Active - Tactical - 100% Courage] - During night, can heal self and mark another player with [Kinetic Energy]. If a player dies while role crushed by him then he’ll gain an extra charge of the ability. If alive when games merge will gain an extra charge of the ability.

[Conditional Active - Magical - Psychic Crush] - During night can use this ability 1 of 2 ways, depending on if he expends [Psionic Force] or [Kinetic Energy]. Can use a charge of Psionic Force to role crush another player that night and for the next 2 cycles. Or consumed the Kinetic Energy mark on another player to role crush them for that night and the next 2 cycles.

[Innate - Psychic Energy Transference] - If murdered he’ll broadcast the killer to his teammates.

[Active - Magical - Astral Projection] - At Night, can deliver a message to another player through the moderator. If they’re a teammate they’ll know it’s from him. If not then it’s anonymous. The person can reply once.
B) Mich - Y’shtola Rhul
Durability: 3

[Innate - Miqo’te] - Appear as innocent. If someone outside her team uses a helpful ability on her she’ll learn their name, the effect, and mark them with [In Awe of Miqo’te]. If she redirects the ability to herself it doesn’t count.

[In Awe of Miqo’te] - If the player marked uses helpful abilities they’ll be redirected to Y’shtola. Expires at the end of the night.

[Active - Magical - Aquaveil] - At Night, grant target an extra life and mark them with [Wet and Wild]

[Wet and Wild] - Player is wet

[Active - Magical - Thunder] - At Night, superkill all the players marked with [Wet and Wild]. Consumes the mark. Can’t use it the same night as Aqua Veil.
C.) Traveling Swordman- Zoro
Durability: 3

[Innate - Mugiwara no Ichimi] - Can communicate with a redacted teammate outside the thread. If Zoro dies then that teammate will janitor his role but not alignment.

[Active - Physical - Gomu Gomu no Sanbyaku Pound Cannon] - Shares a faction kill with the redacted teammate. Each can decide if they want to participate and add an effect. Zoro can add a bleed.

[Conditional 1 Shot Active - Physical - Kyutoryu] - If the redacted teammate dies upgrade faction kill to super kill.

[Innate - Mayoikomu] - Can fool trackers

[Passive - Santoryu] - Will counter handful actions. Physical effect.

[Passive - Kenbunshoku Hall] - Will learn the names of marks applied to him.

[2 Shot Active - Tactical - Kainbutsu San-ningumi] - At night, investigate a mark he learned with his passive. Learn it’s effects and who applied it. Can choose to destroy it. Can use once a cycle. If alive for merge gets 2 more charges.

[Active - Tactical - Den Den Mushi] - Two of his teammates (both listed as [Redacted]) don’t like each other so can’t communicate. So once each phase Zoro can send them a message.

[Innate - Saiaku no Sedai] - Has 2 vote power
D.) Fuji - Rand al’Thor
Durability: 4

[Innate - Don’t look at my taint] Other players can’t see his abilities.
E.) NFC - Kaido

No role given
Owner was supposedly Luffy.
Durability: 4

[Innate - Mugiwara no Ichimi] - Can communicate with a redacted teammate outside the thread. If he died then the redacted teammate will janitor his role, but not alignment.

[Active - Physical - Gomu Gomu no Sanbyaku Pound] - Share a faction kill with a redacted teammate. Each can decide whether to participate. Luffy can “isolate the victim”

[Active - Tactical - Gear Second] - Can trade one of his lives to upgrade the faction kill. Can’t use 2 nights in a row.

[One Shot Active - Magical - Busoshoku Haki] - If his redacted teammate dies he can upgrade the faction kill to a super kill.

[Innate - Saiaku no Sedai] - Has 3 Vote power

[One Shot Passive - Gomu Gomu no Mi] - Protects against lynching.

[One Shot Active - Magical - Haoshoku Haki] - Day ability. Can role block and vote silence 4 players. If alive when merge gets an extra charge.

[Active - Tactical - Sen'i] - Heal. Can’t use 2 nights in a row.

[Active - Magical - Kenbunshoku Haki] - At night, watch himself or someone else.

[Two Shot Active - Tactical - Kaibutsu San-ningumi] - At night watch all his teammates (but not himself). Can’t use 2 nights in a row. If alive when merge then gains 2 more charges.

[Active - Tactical - Dī no Ishi] - Investigate teammate to learn their abilities and open a chat with them for a cycle. Then Can improve on of their abilities permanently. Only can use this once on each teammate.

[Active - Tactical - Den Den Mushi] - Can send his teammates a message except for [Redacted]. Can use each phase.

First we lynch JW and see if he really flips that character. Then we can start trying to work through the rest of these to see if it continues to be true. If one more Purple dies and we get confirmation they’re gone it would also indicate at least some of this is accurate.

I find it convenient that NFC who would be the first Red we flip, doesn’t have his full role given (and therefore can’t be falsified easily).

But say the others start flipping true to this info/we learn this was right about Purple size, then maybe we really do need to take this seriously.

@Ratchet your thoughts are the ones I want most on this lol.

5 more Reds is so many. Have to consider some possibility that this could be a Purple ploy to get us to focus Red more here.
Okay. I see what’s happening. This info is mostly accurate. Group 1 players can tell you that TS’s ability of removing the mark is true because that was broadcasted in Group 1 thanks to OnlyFans’ ability.
can confirm we received a message outing 5 red members.
the sender seemed to be addressing town from a position of indie / non town aligned

if u want us to lynch red, u come out clean instead of this shite

So Soulkiller seems almost certain to be purple.

Do you believe the message outing the Reds re. their members? The info seems too detailed to be fake.
some tinfoil been bothering me is if purple have bus drivers then badalight could have purposely bus drove iwan with firestormer then shot iwan so the kill purposely goes to firestormer, while all protects or w.e on firestormer go to iwan. a play i do alot as scum

the same can be done for tinky. tinky had a hider ability. if tinky was hiding behind someone that night and bada shot him, the kill will go to the person tinky was hiding behind, unless someone roleblocked tinky to stop the hider. then bada claimed the shot for town cred

the issue with this is he had no reason to out shooting iwan ahhh. in fact firestormer was heavily suspected so bada outing that information is what got attention from firestormer to iwan. bada still voted firestormer, and he realized he fked up so kept mentioning how the redirect could be one way not 2 ways (i.e not a busdrive). still saying anything about iwan is stupid asfk there

like i can see bada being scum, but not too sold on it after him outing iwan for no reason. the counter argument is iwan's death being delayed so outing him is free town cred. bada seemed super eager to out that he shot tinky, without considering tinky's hider possibility. its more town cred even if it was not intended. its weird that purple leaves a claimed vig do as he wish, similar to how didi was left. and bada's suspecting didi for doing the same things he did makes no sense from town PoV. he subconsciously knows its for town cred. if didi did it, why not bada. didi was town reading bada more than bada town reading didi.

purple PoE:
JW, sk, hero, iwan
if purple still dont end: bada/kira/santi

the message mentions 4 purple. 2 alive, 2 dying. and says that JW is a purple with flavor name gordon freeman. we can test the integrity of this first by yeeting JW. otherwise message can be ignored. altho i will say the message gave us really delicate role cop results that sounded much like what shizune would write in his roles lol, so if faked, the guy put lots of effort into it lmao. so far none of the players who were mentioned in it have denied it which might mean its true and karma/mich/TS are scum.

@Badalight @Santí can u guys full claim ur actions n1 to n8? like everything please

@Kira Yagami you too please

@SoulKiller whats ur purple PoE right now sk? ur just scum arent u m8. shame

@Karma @Traveling Swordsman @Mich @Admiral Fujitora you guys too

@Lind @Legend @Alwaysmind @Alibaba Saluja did u send the message? if u want us to push red for u come out clean imo. the message sender is a game 1 player whose been sending messages in that game as well. our game 2 sender was didi

can u guys also claim actions please
some tinfoil been bothering me is if purple have bus drivers then badalight could have purposely bus drove iwan with firestormer then shot iwan so the kill purposely goes to firestormer, while all protects or w.e on firestormer go to iwan. a play i do alot as scum

the same can be done for tinky. tinky had a hider ability. if tinky was hiding behind someone that night and bada shot him, the kill will go to the person tinky was hiding behind, unless someone roleblocked tinky to stop the hider. then bada claimed the shot for town cred

the issue with this is he had no reason to out shooting iwan ahhh. in fact firestormer was heavily suspected so bada outing that information is what got attention from firestormer to iwan. bada still voted firestormer, and he realized he fked up so kept mentioning how the redirect could be one way not 2 ways (i.e not a busdrive). still saying anything about iwan is stupid asfk there

like i can see bada being scum, but not too sold on it after him outing iwan for no reason. the counter argument is iwan's death being delayed so outing him is free town cred. bada seemed super eager to out that he shot tinky, without considering tinky's hider possibility. its more town cred even if it was not intended. its weird that purple leaves a claimed vig do as he wish, similar to how didi was left. and bada's suspecting didi for doing the same things he did makes no sense from town PoV. he subconsciously knows its for town cred. if didi did it, why not bada. didi was town reading bada more than bada town reading didi.

purple PoE:
JW, sk, hero, iwan
if purple still dont end: bada/kira/santi

the message mentions 4 purple. 2 alive, 2 dying. and says that JW is a purple with flavor name gordon freeman. we can test the integrity of this first by yeeting JW. otherwise message can be ignored. altho i will say the message gave us really delicate role cop results that sounded much like what shizune would write in his roles lol, so if faked, the guy put lots of effort into it lmao. so far none of the players who were mentioned in it have denied it which might mean its true and karma/mich/TS are scum.

@Badalight @Santí can u guys full claim ur actions n1 to n8? like everything please

@Kira Yagami you too please

@SoulKiller whats ur purple PoE right now sk? ur just scum arent u m8. shame

@Karma @Traveling Swordsman @Mich @Admiral Fujitora you guys too

@Lind @Legend @Alwaysmind @Alibaba Saluja did u send the message? if u want us to push red for u come out clean imo. the message sender is a game 1 player whose been sending messages in that game as well. our game 2 sender was didi

can u guys also claim actions please
No I didn’t send a message
So Soulkiller seems almost certain to be purple.

Do you believe the message outing the Reds re. their members? The info seems too detailed to be fake.
the roles are worded exactly same way nitty wud do. specially luffy and zoro roles seem really hard to fake

why isnt karma mich TS denying it

only fuji is denying the message
My preference would probably be, in the following order:

John Wayne > SoulKiller (this is the point where Purple ideally loses) > NFC North > Karma > Mich > Fuji

That likely wins the game? Can discuss the likes of AlwaysMind and Travelling Swordsman too.
i would go JW > NFC > SK

or even something ballsy that scum wont expect

SK > NFC/Fuji > JW
John Wayne > SoulKiller (this is the point where Purple ideally loses) > NFC North > Karma > Mich > Fuji
Instead of talking with Scum to the benefit of no one, could you perhaps discuss this order with me? Do you agree, any changes you would make, etc? Like can you at least try to help please, this is kind of the important part, not you trying to get some likes/funny reacts by "dunking" on Scum?
Instead of talking with Scum to the benefit of no one, could you perhaps discuss this order with me? Do you agree, any changes you would make, etc? Like can you at least try to help please, this is kind of the important part, not you trying to get some likes/funny reacts by "dunking" on Scum?
u got ninja'ed
some tinfoil been bothering me is if purple have bus drivers then badalight could have purposely bus drove iwan with firestormer then shot iwan so the kill purposely goes to firestormer, while all protects or w.e on firestormer go to iwan. a play i do alot as scum

the same can be done for tinky. tinky had a hider ability. if tinky was hiding behind someone that night and bada shot him, the kill will go to the person tinky was hiding behind, unless someone roleblocked tinky to stop the hider. then bada claimed the shot for town cred

the issue with this is he had no reason to out shooting iwan ahhh. in fact firestormer was heavily suspected so bada outing that information is what got attention from firestormer to iwan. bada still voted firestormer, and he realized he fked up so kept mentioning how the redirect could be one way not 2 ways (i.e not a busdrive). still saying anything about iwan is stupid asfk there

like i can see bada being scum, but not too sold on it after him outing iwan for no reason. the counter argument is iwan's death being delayed so outing him is free town cred. bada seemed super eager to out that he shot tinky, without considering tinky's hider possibility. its more town cred even if it was not intended. its weird that purple leaves a claimed vig do as he wish, similar to how didi was left. and bada's suspecting didi for doing the same things he did makes no sense from town PoV. he subconsciously knows its for town cred. if didi did it, why not bada. didi was town reading bada more than bada town reading didi.

purple PoE:
JW, sk, hero, iwan
if purple still dont end: bada/kira/santi

the message mentions 4 purple. 2 alive, 2 dying. and says that JW is a purple with flavor name gordon freeman. we can test the integrity of this first by yeeting JW. otherwise message can be ignored. altho i will say the message gave us really delicate role cop results that sounded much like what shizune would write in his roles lol, so if faked, the guy put lots of effort into it lmao. so far none of the players who were mentioned in it have denied it which might mean its true and karma/mich/TS are scum.

@Badalight @Santí can u guys full claim ur actions n1 to n8? like everything please

@Kira Yagami you too please

@SoulKiller whats ur purple PoE right now sk? ur just scum arent u m8. shame

@Karma @Traveling Swordsman @Mich @Admiral Fujitora you guys too

@Lind @Legend @Alwaysmind @Alibaba Saluja did u send the message? if u want us to push red for u come out clean imo. the message sender is a game 1 player whose been sending messages in that game as well. our game 2 sender was didi

can u guys also claim actions please

The only whisper ability I ever got was when I was Kaguya Shinomiya and it was glorious

some tinfoil been bothering me is if purple have bus drivers then badalight could have purposely bus drove iwan with firestormer then shot iwan so the kill purposely goes to firestormer, while all protects or w.e on firestormer go to iwan. a play i do alot as scum

the same can be done for tinky. tinky had a hider ability. if tinky was hiding behind someone that night and bada shot him, the kill will go to the person tinky was hiding behind, unless someone roleblocked tinky to stop the hider. then bada claimed the shot for town cred

the issue with this is he had no reason to out shooting iwan ahhh. in fact firestormer was heavily suspected so bada outing that information is what got attention from firestormer to iwan. bada still voted firestormer, and he realized he fked up so kept mentioning how the redirect could be one way not 2 ways (i.e not a busdrive). still saying anything about iwan is stupid asfk there

like i can see bada being scum, but not too sold on it after him outing iwan for no reason. the counter argument is iwan's death being delayed so outing him is free town cred. bada seemed super eager to out that he shot tinky, without considering tinky's hider possibility. its more town cred even if it was not intended. its weird that purple leaves a claimed vig do as he wish, similar to how didi was left. and bada's suspecting didi for doing the same things he did makes no sense from town PoV. he subconsciously knows its for town cred. if didi did it, why not bada. didi was town reading bada more than bada town reading didi.

Yes, this is very tinfoily. I'm not sure what you mean by Tinky Winky having a hide ability? Nitty confirms via pm who you actually hit with your target. For example, when I targeted Iwan Nitty said "you hit Firestormer." Hence, I know for a fact that I hit Tinky after targeting Tinky because that's what Nitty said happened. I did not target someone else. What course of actions would lead to me targeting someone else but hitting Tinky? I'm not sure I follow the logic.

Also I didn't vote FS so I'm not sure where you got that from. I voted SinRaven precisely because I suspected the bussing thing, and I was right about both SR being scum and FS being likely town.

I've also been sussing SK since literally day 1, and I was basically the first person to bring attention to JW. I also was a bring proponent of lynching hero and started the "no way town has 6 cops" things. My scumdar has been nearly perfect this game and my only mistake will be if Santi flips town.

I'm not giving an exact breakdown of my actions because it would reveal how everything I do works. It was something like this but also there were some mistakes in there on Nitty's part so some nights I didn't have an action and other nights I had more than normal.

Defensive action, Iwan, Iwan, TW, TW, JW, JW

That's basically what I've done in terms of night targets.
the premise is we have to lynch a purple today because there havent been any purple flips in awhile

then next day we try to finish off last red in NFC. if red isnt done, we know the message had some form of truth in it and karma/mich/TS/fuji have scum in them regardless of how desperate jojo/NFC/owner were acting

we can then hopefully finish off purple by yeeting sk then focus on finding the scum in karma/mich/TS/fuji

i dont see red being as desperate today, meaning their thread position is now more comfy
some tinfoil been bothering me is if purple have bus drivers then badalight could have purposely bus drove iwan with firestormer then shot iwan so the kill purposely goes to firestormer, while all protects or w.e on firestormer go to iwan. a play i do alot as scum

the same can be done for tinky. tinky had a hider ability. if tinky was hiding behind someone that night and bada shot him, the kill will go to the person tinky was hiding behind, unless someone roleblocked tinky to stop the hider. then bada claimed the shot for town cred

the issue with this is he had no reason to out shooting iwan ahhh. in fact firestormer was heavily suspected so bada outing that information is what got attention from firestormer to iwan. bada still voted firestormer, and he realized he fked up so kept mentioning how the redirect could be one way not 2 ways (i.e not a busdrive). still saying anything about iwan is stupid asfk there

like i can see bada being scum, but not too sold on it after him outing iwan for no reason. the counter argument is iwan's death being delayed so outing him is free town cred. bada seemed super eager to out that he shot tinky, without considering tinky's hider possibility. its more town cred even if it was not intended. its weird that purple leaves a claimed vig do as he wish, similar to how didi was left. and bada's suspecting didi for doing the same things he did makes no sense from town PoV. he subconsciously knows its for town cred. if didi did it, why not bada. didi was town reading bada more than bada town reading didi.

purple PoE:
JW, sk, hero, iwan
if purple still dont end: bada/kira/santi

the message mentions 4 purple. 2 alive, 2 dying. and says that JW is a purple with flavor name gordon freeman. we can test the integrity of this first by yeeting JW. otherwise message can be ignored. altho i will say the message gave us really delicate role cop results that sounded much like what shizune would write in his roles lol, so if faked, the guy put lots of effort into it lmao. so far none of the players who were mentioned in it have denied it which might mean its true and karma/mich/TS are scum.

@Badalight @Santí can u guys full claim ur actions n1 to n8? like everything please

@Kira Yagami you too please

@SoulKiller whats ur purple PoE right now sk? ur just scum arent u m8. shame

@Karma @Traveling Swordsman @Mich @Admiral Fujitora you guys too

@Lind @Legend @Alwaysmind @Alibaba Saluja did u send the message? if u want us to push red for u come out clean imo. the message sender is a game 1 player whose been sending messages in that game as well. our game 2 sender was didi

can u guys also claim actions please
The post is fake. My main ability is to redirect. Draekke and Legend can confirm this. There is no redirection in the post Professpr posted. Also mechanically it is impossible for me to be red. The Ancient redirected kill from Draekke to me. It is impossible for mafia to redirect kill to his/her fellow mafia. Thank goodness I had my redirection ability so I redirected that to my scum read Nfcnorth when I was in group 1.
some tinfoil been bothering me is if purple have bus drivers then badalight could have purposely bus drove iwan with firestormer then shot iwan so the kill purposely goes to firestormer, while all protects or w.e on firestormer go to iwan. a play i do alot as scum

the same can be done for tinky. tinky had a hider ability. if tinky was hiding behind someone that night and bada shot him, the kill will go to the person tinky was hiding behind, unless someone roleblocked tinky to stop the hider. then bada claimed the shot for town cred

the issue with this is he had no reason to out shooting iwan ahhh. in fact firestormer was heavily suspected so bada outing that information is what got attention from firestormer to iwan. bada still voted firestormer, and he realized he fked up so kept mentioning how the redirect could be one way not 2 ways (i.e not a busdrive). still saying anything about iwan is stupid asfk there

like i can see bada being scum, but not too sold on it after him outing iwan for no reason. the counter argument is iwan's death being delayed so outing him is free town cred. bada seemed super eager to out that he shot tinky, without considering tinky's hider possibility. its more town cred even if it was not intended. its weird that purple leaves a claimed vig do as he wish, similar to how didi was left. and bada's suspecting didi for doing the same things he did makes no sense from town PoV. he subconsciously knows its for town cred. if didi did it, why not bada. didi was town reading bada more than bada town reading didi.

purple PoE:
JW, sk, hero, iwan
if purple still dont end: bada/kira/santi

the message mentions 4 purple. 2 alive, 2 dying. and says that JW is a purple with flavor name gordon freeman. we can test the integrity of this first by yeeting JW. otherwise message can be ignored. altho i will say the message gave us really delicate role cop results that sounded much like what shizune would write in his roles lol, so if faked, the guy put lots of effort into it lmao. so far none of the players who were mentioned in it have denied it which might mean its true and karma/mich/TS are scum.

@Badalight @Santí can u guys full claim ur actions n1 to n8? like everything please

@Kira Yagami you too please

@SoulKiller whats ur purple PoE right now sk? ur just scum arent u m8. shame

@Karma @Traveling Swordsman @Mich @Admiral Fujitora you guys too

@Lind @Legend @Alwaysmind @Alibaba Saluja did u send the message? if u want us to push red for u come out clean imo. the message sender is a game 1 player whose been sending messages in that game as well. our game 2 sender was didi

can u guys also claim actions please
I have no ability to send messages my guy
then next day we try to finish off last red in NFC. if red isnt done, we know the message had some form of truth in it and karma/mich/TS/fuji have scum in them regardless of how desperate jojo/NFC/owner were acting
This doesn't make sense. If tomorrow's lynch is a lynch intended to remove a scum faction for good, SoulKiller always makes the most sense because the likelihood of him being the last purple is greater than the likelihood of NFC being the last red. This is even more imperative if Hero and Iwan don't die with John Wayne, because then there would be 3 purple carried over to 2 or so from Red.
i dont see red being as desperate today, meaning their thread position is now more comfy
This can just as easily be explained by the fact that their gambit was designed to delay the death of Owner, they were desperate on Friday too when Jojo was pushing hard to lynch Prof. With Owner now dead, their gambit has no further purpose. Mich & Karma make the most sense to be partnered with Red in this example, too.
Town coping hard over the real numbers of Mafia is hilarious to watch
There is no need to panic. If Red really were 5 strong, then Purple *have* to kill them tonight anyway, and from here we can only lynch scum in front of us. If we're at the point in the game where we are actually just playing Kingmaker for which Scum wins, oh well.
There is no need to panic. If Red really were 5 strong, then Purple *have* to kill them tonight anyway, and from here we can only lynch scum in front of us. If we're at the point in the game where we are actually just playing Kingmaker for which Scum wins, oh well.

By my estimations 50-60% of alive players are scum of some faction or indie scum
This doesn't make sense. If tomorrow's lynch is a lynch intended to remove a scum faction for good, SoulKiller always makes the most sense because the likelihood of him being the last purple is greater than the likelihood of NFC being the last red. This is even more imperative if Hero and Iwan don't die with John Wayne, because then there would be 3 purple carried over to 2 or so from Red.
you broke this down very well. I agree we can't keep letting purple slide by. I don't even think the second lynch this phase should be nfcfan, and I side-eye anyone going that way.
the roles are worded exactly same way nitty wud do. specially luffy and zoro roles seem really hard to fake

why isnt karma mich TS denying it

only fuji is denying the message
Bro ive already denied it

All the parts that were true ive calimed at certain points in the game like the extra lives and being able to heal rolecrush

The fact that sk is claiming i hit them with a kill, which i did, already disproves the role sheet they fed u since it had no kill

Im pretty i know who sent it too

I think its high time we finally got rid of our lying alien @Lind :pepesmoke
If you seriously want to win then you're gonna have to start entertain the idea that yeah there's around half a dozen scum left on both teams.
I ceased to be able to influence this game mechanically Day 1. Whether I entertain it or not, it doesn't help anything because I can only propose who to lynch from here. If the lynch isn't enough then some actions I have no control over will have to come in clutch. There is no purpose in worrying about this.
Bro ive already denied it

All the parts that were true ive calimed at certain points in the game like the extra lives and being able to heal rolecrush

The fact that sk is claiming i hit them with a kill, which i did, already disproves the role sheet they fed u since it had no kill

Im pretty i know who sent it too

I think its high time we finally got rid of our lying alien @Lind :pepesmoke
I wouldn't mind getting rid of Lind in 3 cycles.
Basically this cycle we eliminate Purple (John Wayne).
Next cycle, we do one of two things:
α - If Iwandesu and Hero die as a result of John Wayne's death, we lynch NFC North. This will, ideally, put both scum teams onto about 1 member remaining each.
β - If Iwandesu and Hero do not die, we lynch SoulKiller (if he isn't dead from his superkill).
The following cycle, we lynch either SoulKiller (in the event of α) or NFC North (in the event of β).
The cycle after, we can lynch between Mich/Karma and Lind. Probably Mich.
The cycle after that, we can kill Lind.
By his own admission he has a lot of vp

Idk how long we can continue to ignore him

I can think i can hit him with my dinky kill tonight, but hell prolly tank that shit
I am fine with you killing him, yes. We can revise the following:
The cycle after, we can lynch between Mich/Karma and Lind. Probably Mich.
The cycle after, we can lynch between Mich/Karma and Lind. Probably Lind.
Why take out NFC before SK? I do not understand that.
finish off red / confirm if there r more red. also you answered it yourself. take known scum out.
this is how i view it:

benefits/risks of voting NFC after JW:
1. finish off red if he is last
2. learn if red has more if he was not last (i.e message has some truth in it)

> risk losing control to purple if they have more than 4 alive (i.e message is a lie), unless a way to eliminate iwan/hero can be found. if JW's death got delayed we can disregard this and vote off SK immediately

benefits/risks of voting SK after JW
1. finish off purple if hes last
2. learn if purple has more if he was not last (i.e message is false)

> risk losing control to red if the message is true. if either of the purple that we lynch JW/SK got their death delayed, we have to hit the other hoping that the death is delivered when all the team is wiped or if a certain member die.

basically lynching NFC/SK will depend on how JW flips

the kicker is the message most likely came from a game 1 player, hence not purple. we can work with the assumption that the sender has no reason to lie in it for the benefit of purple, until proven otherwise. he also provided JW's flavor name and confirmed he is purple.

Why would we gamble on Fuji before taking out known Scum?
i had an idea but it wouldnt work on this new kingmaker stuff

also why r u asking me this, above u said why take NFC before SK. and NFC probably lynch immune

for one SK's flip gives us direct info on fuji, and look above for why that wouldnt be my prefered choice. in terms of risk i do belive some elements of the message and id rather yeet purple today and red tomorow than purple 2 days in a row, unless whichver purple we yeet today has his death delayed too so
finish off red / confirm if there r more red. also you answered it yourself. take known scum out.
SoulKiller is known Scum, and this should be doubly so from your perspective.
benefits/risks of voting NFC after JW:
1. finish off red if he is last
2. learn if red has more if he was not last (i.e message has some truth in it)
We can safely assume he is not the last, because 9 red to 8 purple is awkward. 10 red to 8 purple, that fits nicely.
> risk losing control to red if the message is true. if either of the purple that we lynch JW/SK got their death delayed, we have to hit the other hoping that the death is delivered when all the team is wiped or if a certain member die.
If Red have so many left, then we will simply have to live with that result. It's not optimal to gamble, and a cursory look over Game 1 has revealed several of these messages that often seem to try and cause disarray and pandemonium within the town. The best thing to do is ignore it - if they were intended to be helpful, the one making them would have made that clear.
i had an idea but it wouldnt work on this new kingmaker stuff

also why r u asking me this, above u said why take NFC before SK. and NFC probably lynch immune

for one SK's flip gives us direct info on fuji, and look above for why that wouldnt be my prefered choice. in terms of risk i do belive some elements of the message and id rather yeet purple today and red tomorow than purple 2 days in a row, unless whichver purple we yeet today has his death delayed too so
Soul's claim is in direct conflict with information you have, and you are still trying to tell me that he somehow isn't known Scum. This discussion ends here.
SK is dying tonight from a superkill. If he doesn't it means he is scum because only his team would intervene and help him at this point. No need to worry about him today at all imo.
Right, though he may be able to tank a super kill. In any case, John Wayne is the lynch.

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