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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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Also shouldnt we finish off reds after dealing with JW and SK? Dont get the hyper focus on purple and relynching Iwan again.
If Iwan doesn't go and die after SK and JW are dead, then chances are it was a fake write up. There is no good reason for "his death has been delayed" to extend to 5 cycles.
I just want to be clear about plans especially with the possibility of a large amount of us dying in the night from poison/bleeding.
NFC is known Scum, not a concern. What we can do is flip JW and SK, then put Iwan as a main wagon if he hasn't gone with NFC as a backup wagon. If Iwan is truly dead and simply delayed he should no longer be a valid lynch target.
This is thrown out of course if John Wayne doesn't die, similarly. If we have JW/SK/Iwan/Hero all simply awaiting death then there simply must be some other Purple scum role doing it. Chances seem slim to me.
That would make for 8 purple by the way, and we're thinking about 9 or 10 Red.

After NFC, probably Michelle next.

Well, there is no point holding the information I have in my hand anymore. I been attacked by a kill, and targeted by a super kill and I don't believe anyone is gonna bother saving me, knew this gonna happen the moment I hinted my role. I know I am town and some next level fuckery is going on, a kill hit me and a delayed super is coming my way, mafia fearing I can persuade the masses? can't blame them. and if town does not get their shit together then we losing this.

I am Grichka and Igor Bogdanoff, I am basically a (Watcher &Follower)/(Tracker & Voyer) ability role, each twin with a different ability. I cannot use both abilities at the same night, only one per night. However, I do have a two shot ability that allows me to use both abilities at the same night or make either both of them track/follow someone or watch/voyer someone.

I also have an innate passive that allows me to learn the name of the player that used any ability one me during the NP, the following DP. This ability scales as the game progress. I know 1 ability at the beginning, then it becomes 2 abilities, 3, etc. Every two cycles. The number of abilities I can use to find out the name of the person who used the abilities on me increases by 1 more. This passive won't work if I use the the 2 shot ability to make both twins use their own respective abilities during the night. Since there won't be a twin left behind to know the player identity of the ability used on me.

Another passive innate I have, which allow me to delay certain abilities used on me, apparently my characters hate someone getting into their personal life/business like investigations and tracker or watcher abilities, so I get to know the person character/role name and decide if I should let their action through or give it to them later on. If I allow them to gain their information faster, then I get to copy the ability they used on me. If I delay it then I get copy of the ability they use and know the player name who used such ability. I copied Didi cop ability and also Draekke cop ability as well, allowing me to have 2 cop shot abilities. Another thing related about this passive is that it modifies the abilities I copy and make them better. For the two cop abilities I copied, they become immune to roleblock/redirect/rolecrush etc. Basically impossible to stop or tamper.

As all of you aware, I been role blocked literally 4 nights, so I been useless most of the game. However, it seems the god almighty wants me to go out with a bang. NP7 I watched Michelle and Ekko, Michelle because I wanted to save her because she gave me 1 extra healing life and to take damage off her delayed superkill in hopes she survives, no one visited Michelle besides me. Ekko on the other hand, saw alot of group 1 red mafia go after prof and ekko so decided to watch one of them last night and in this case it was Ekko. Ekko was shot by Fuji. I tried to get him talking yesterday but he refused to say anything.

N1 - Blocked by Boarix (wasted my watcher/follower and tracker/voyeur abilities, and one shot that allows me to use both abilities in one night )
N2 - Blocked by Boarix (wasted my last follower/tracker ability)
N3 - Watched the Boarix dude and multiple people visited him and SinRaven was among those people, which is why I voted for raven over Bada that NP. I even hinted at it. (Used my last watcher/voyeur shot left)
N4 - Blocked by Sworder
N5 - Skipped due to merger (and refilled my two shot tracker/follower and watcher/voyer abilities and the 2 shot ability to use both)
N6 - Role blocked by jojo, ( which made me waste my two tracker/follower abilities I used on didi and JW, to do this I had to use one shot that allows me to use either both abilities or both shots at the same night.)
N7 - I watched both Michelle and Ekko. Ekko was targeted by fuji with a kill, and I helped saving Michelle and no one visited her apparently. I used my last shot to let me use my 2 watcher/voyeur ability in one NP.

N8 - I used the modified cop abilities which make them unable to be tampered with I copied from Draeke and Didi to cop Fuji and Michelle, both of them flipped guilty.

Now speaking of this night due to the nature of my passive, I just got my results from nitty and Karma shot me with a kill, and Fuji hit me with a redirect. Too bad for him, I am out of abilities besides my modified cop abilities which he can't tamper and got cucked.

Last night I decided to use everything I have and whelp I think it paid off, my two cop abilities shots I copied from didi and Draeke cannot be tampered or stopped, so the fuji redirect he used on me does not work, so this result is 100% accurate. I investigated Michelle and Fuji and both of them are filthy scum who scanned guilty.

Which brings me to my next point, I think red mafia are lying about purple having 4-5 more members, it's simply impossible. I know I am not scum, and saying all remaining group 2 players are scum except for 1 or 2 players is simply nonsense. I actually think Hidden post about red mafia having more members is reasonable. Look at the people who voted for JW. Michelle, NFC, and possibly Karma who I think is scum now. What are they doing? they are avoiding the lynching wagon. It seems like red mafia are purposely avoiding the lynching ropes. Which makes me believe their hard pushing group 2 purple and claiming they are 4-5 more is simply a lie so they can get the win, especially after seeing LM and Juan flip town. I think there is 1 or 2 purple at max. But red mafia have possibly 4 or maybe even 5 mafia players left which I think is fucking crazy. NFC outed himself, I got guilty on Fuji and Michelle, and Karma is possibly scum as well. While purple mafia probably have 1 or 2 more scum left. If we go for JW this DP and keep focusing on purple then town will lose the game. I think our best move here is to lynch red scum, and the only one in that lynch eligible for lynch is Fuji. Which is 100% scum, he should be the way to go imo. I know that would leave JW to survive but at this point, if my theory is true. Then red mafia are literally rekting everyone right now, they let people believe on the lie that there is 4-5 purple left, and using that to keep people off their red players mafia and not lynch them.

Now as you can see why I was against claiming anything regarding my role, but now that I am dead man walking. There is no point keeping any of this to myself. If it's up to me, I would lynch Fuji here. I did not think red mafia would have this many players left and he is scum and number of red mafia players running around are alarming as fuck.

As for purple, I think we have 1 or 2 max among Sanji/Bada/Prof/Ekko/Kira besides JW who is pretty much outed.

While red there is NFC, Fuji, Michelle, and possibly Karma. Red have to go IMO.

On a final note, if I can get healed, that would be nice, but I don't think I will, I been shot by karma and don't have enough HP left to survive a super kill. So rip. If this is the end of the road for me, then I tried my best and sorry to town if I was not up to par performance wise. I can say that I tried at least.

With that being said,

Vote Lynch: Fuji

He should be the lynch this DP after the results I got.

@DrProfessor83 , @Ekkologix , @Santí , @Kira Yagami , @Badalight , @Lord Melkor , @Lind, @Alibaba Saluja ,
@Alwaysmind , @Hidden , @Legend , @Saturday, @Ratchet

Sorry if I missed anyone.
If Iwan doesn't go and die after SK and JW are dead, then chances are it was a fake write up. There is no good reason for "his death has been delayed" to extend to 5 cycles.

Iwan and Hero have both posted my dude. It's not a fake writeup.

NFC is known Scum, not a concern. What we can do is flip JW and SK, then put Iwan as a main wagon if he hasn't gone with NFC as a backup wagon. If Iwan is truly dead and simply delayed he should no longer be a valid lynch target.

I highly doubt they can be lynched, or else Nitty would have put them up as execution targets.

Fuck off, you're not town. No one's listening to you and you're no authority on my towniness :skullrouge

Bitch I've killed 4 purple and targeted mafia with every single night action. My kill on Iwan is literally mod confirmed and town confirmed by FS. I fucking got myself role-crushed trying to kill JW. Get outta here.
No. Stop.

No other wagons besides John Wayne and NFC.
NFC would be the way to go then, he is another outed red scum. Red mafia has way more members than they claim to be and there are currently about 4-5 of them running around, and I think they are lying about purple having 4-5 members left, it's simply nonsense. Voting for JW would be playing right into their hands. So either we lynch NFC or Fuji, both of them are scum, that's the way to go in my opinion. At the end of the day, I gave my final peace, I am not surviving that super kill. Good luck to you if you are townie.
NFC would be the way to go then, he is another outed red scum. Red mafia has way more members than they claim to be and there are currently about 4-5 of them running around, and I think they are lying about purple having 4-5 members left, it's simply nonsense. Voting for JW would be playing right into their hands. So either we lynch NFC or Fuji, both of them are scum, that's the way to go in my opinion. At the end of the day, I gave my final peace, I am not surviving that super kill. Good luck to you if you are townie.

Mate, NFC who is outed scum is the one who said they had 5 members left, so if you think they have 5 members then you believe scum ISN'T lying.

Why are you against a JW lynch?
I highly doubt they can be lynched, or else Nitty would have put them up as execution targets
What does the execute have to do with them being lynched?
Bitch I've killed 4 purple and targeted mafia with every single night action. My kill on Iwan is literally mod confirmed and town confirmed by FS. I fucking got myself role-crushed trying to kill JW. Get outta here.
And you've been repeatedly posting outright falsehoods about me that I've been calling out all dayphase and you've been ducking every response calling out your bullshit, you're not fucking Town and Didi already flipped Non-Hostile Indie.

What does that leave you as?
Not buying it SK. If you want us to go after red, then start open scumming ;(

Like, I don't care if redfia did not have a group chat. Giving them 5 more members with about 300 ways to redirect lynches does not seem even remotely balanced. Like if that is true I'd be pissed if I were purple.

Mate, NFC who is outed scum is the one who said they had 5 members left, so if you think they have 5 members then you believe scum ISN'T lying.

Why are you against a JW lynch?

Read my wallie again, I explained why. Also, I am not against a JW lynch, but by doing that you grant red mafia what they want and town loses this game. Red mafia players are currently 4-5 literally running around avoiding wagons. I don't believe purple mafia has 4-5 scum left, it's simply impossible. This means 80% of group 2 players alive in the game right now are scum, I know I am not, and after seeing LM and Juan flip town, I more so believe that's not the case. Red mafia simply want to preserve their numbers and cut down townie and purple at the process and I am dying anyways and you will see my blue colors soon enough.
What does the execute have to do with them being lynched?

And you've been repeatedly posting outright falsehoods about me that I've been calling out all dayphase and you've been ducking every response calling out your bullshit, you're not fucking Town and Didi already flipped Non-Hostile Indie.

What does that leave you as?

Because if they could be killed again, Nitty would have put them up for execution you dunce. They have not been posting. Let's just ask Nitty ourselves.

@Shizune why weren't Iwan or Hero put up for execution?
Read my wallie again, I explained why. Also, I am not against a JW lynch, but by doing that you grant red mafia what they want and town loses this game. Red mafia players are currently 4-5 literally running around avoiding wagons. I don't believe purple mafia has 4-5 scum left, it's simply impossible. This means 80% of group 2 players alive in the game right now are scum, I know I am not, and after seeing LM and Juan flip town, I more so believe that's not the case. Red mafia simply want to preserve their numbers and cut down townie and purple at the process and I am dying anyways and you will see my blue colors soon enough.

Have you ever considered that you were targeted because almost everyone is scum reading you? It doesn't necessarily make those people mafia.

That said, those were the most sus players from G1 anyway, so they are fine targets after we get rid of confirmed scum in JW and NFC. We'll see if you flip.
NFC would be the way to go then, he is another outed red scum. Red mafia has way more members than they claim to be and there are currently about 4-5 of them running around, and I think they are lying about purple having 4-5 members left, it's simply nonsense. Voting for JW would be playing right into their hands. So either we lynch NFC or Fuji, both of them are scum, that's the way to go in my opinion. At the end of the day, I gave my final peace, I am not surviving that super kill. Good luck to you if you are townie.
I agree about reds numbers, and normally I would agree about lynching NFC, but I'm sick of Iwan and Hero and I want to get rid of them ASAP.
Because if they could be killed again, Nitty would have put them up for execution you dunce. They have not been posting. Let's just ask Nitty ourselves.

@Shizune why weren't Iwan or Hero put up for execution?
The Execute is gone. I killed it, no one's up for Execution.


Thing is I trust Prof lmao and hes vouching for Ekko. Ekko also wanted to vote Jw yesterday when Owner was the easier lynch.

If you believe ekko is that low in purple PoE and believe prof claim that ekko is town, then why did you shoot ekko fuji? You are scum mate, and got a guilty scan on ya ;D

Anyways, I said my final peace. Good luck to town. I'll switch votes to NFC if it means he will get lynched, but as of right now. Fuji is the way to go IMO.
I agree about reds numbers, and normally I would agree about lynching NFC, but I'm sick of Iwan and Hero and I want to get rid of them ASAP.
Well, you do you. I am telling you we will lose if we let red scum go away and keep their numbers intact. Michelle, Fuji, NFC, and possibly Karma are all scum. There might even be one more red player too lol. Either way, we either start chopping down red numbers or we get fucked.

Why is your vote on Fuji? NFC literally outed himself as scum. Vote NFC if you want red gone. Right now this just sounds like you are avoiding the wagon. Why? Do you have info that JW is going to dodge the lynch and it will go to the second place (NFC) and you're trying to dodge by being on a random wagon?
Did you read my post? I scanned fuji and he flipped guilty, and my cop shot cannot be tampered with, and he shot ekko last night. Why shoot ekko if he thinks ekko is low in Purple PoE? makes no sense. He also just lied about not shooting ekko. He is scum and needs to be yeeted.
So What Sk actually did or try to do was the following:

He tried to rolecrush me and redirect me. He also attempted to kill @Lind

I was waiting for him to see what he would actually say but he claims he copped me, which is wrong, and then didnt specify any other action.

@DrProfessor83 @Ratchet @Santí and whoever else.

We should have him as a 2ndary lynch in case JW lynch dodges or have him die to the super which I doubt will happen if its from his team and have Ncfnorth as a secondary wagon here.

Im fine with both.

As I said I would not lie to you and ask you to trust me as a friend @DrProfessor83 and even @Ratchet because I dont burn those kinda bridges just to win a game. I have been leading lynches on reds since the game started and have had people vouch for me in Draekke and @Lind himself can attest that I am good.

Trust me, Fuji is the way to go. Go and read my wallie again. I don't mind voting for NFC if he is the main wagon tho.
Yeah, no. You're inting. We'll deal with Fuji later.

Lynched the confirmed scum. There are too many variables to count which could explain the results you saw. It's not gauranteed.
So What Sk actually did or try to do was the following:

He tried to rolecrush me and redirect me. He also attempted to kill @Lind

I was waiting for him to see what he would actually say but he claims he copped me, which is wrong, and then didnt specify any other action.

@DrProfessor83 @Ratchet @Santí and whoever else.

We should have him as a 2ndary lynch in case JW lynch dodges or have him die to the super which I doubt will happen if its from his team and have Ncfnorth as a secondary wagon here.

Im fine with both.

As I said I would not lie to you and ask you to trust me as a friend @DrProfessor83 and even @Ratchet because I dont burn those kinda bridges just to win a game. I have been leading lynches on reds since the game started and have had people vouch for me in Draekke and @Lind himself can attest that I am good.


Oh you gonna burn alot of bridges I'll tell ya that much buddy, that appeal to emotion to prof and ratchet is about the scummiest thing I seen from you so far in this game, besides lying about your actions.
Oh you gonna burn alot of bridges I'll tell ya that much buddy, that appeal to emotion to prof and ratchet is about the scummiest thing I seen from you so far in this game, besides lying about your actions.
It is no appeal, its the truth. Factually led the lynch on Flower, factually built the lynch on UB, factually led the lynch on TAC,etc

And the great part is, I have someone who can vouch for me that cannot be mafia.

Nice try though. And burn in hell.
@SoulKiller was marked for death! He will be superkilled tonight. However, other players can visit him tonight to disperse the damage out among themselves and save him. Beware that those of you who choose to help him may take some damage in the process!

@DrProfessor83 , @Ekkologix , @Santí , @Kira Yagami , @Badalight , @Lord Melkor , @Lind and @John Wayne were all booby trapped! Anyone who visits them tonight will be role crushed for the next cycle.

Lynch candidates

@Admiral Fujitora
@Alibaba Saluja
@John Wayne
@Kira Yagami

- I am still sending out actions and information from the night phase. Expect those over the next couple of hours.

- Since the day is starting 20 minutes late, I will extend voting by 30 minutes to make up for the lost time. Voting will lock 30 minutes before the phase changes.

Day 4 start. You may now post


First thing, why would SK be marked for death if he is purple? False writeup?

@Ekkologix, why are you not more active when the game is in crucial point?
It is no appeal, its the truth. Factually led the lynch on Flower, factually built the lynch on UB, factually led the lynch on TAC,etc

And the great part is, I have someone who can vouch for me that cannot be mafia.

Nice try though. And burn in hell.
I love how aggressive you get when you get caught. Keep spewing nonsense fuji. You are scum, I know it and you know it.
SK, Prof, and Ekko are the only ones that were never alignment checked iirc

Me, santi, and Kira were checked by Didi. Of course, people have disputed his role cop nature but actually so far all of the flips have been accurate. Yeah we think JW is scum and he also was seen as town, but if he's the GF then everyone else checks out.

Plus, SK is being targeted with a superkill. That's either a scum or indie ability. That makes Prof and Ekko very real possibilities imo. I still do suspect SK as I have since D1. He hides behind his mafia play to say why he won't reveal, and he's not been good this game at all in terms of scum hunting. He was also a last minute vote onto play which saved WJ.

Are you indie Bada?
Iwan and Hero have both posted my dude. It's not a fake writeup.
I am beyond tired of you and your banal comments this game. I know they have posted. Stop telling me useless, veritable information I already know. You're not helping anyone, you are being an annoyance.

Them posting does not mean it cannot be a fake write up. Them posting has nothing to do with the possibility of it being a fake write up. Them posting, means they can post. Them being killed or lynched can be fake, and they could still post, because they wouldn't have been killed or lynched. My point is, it could possibly be a case where they survived the lynch or kill, but faked it to say they had died, to make us leave them be.

Them not being in the execution pool is a valid point. That would indicate that they are actually not viable to be lynched. Which of course the plan I laid out would have accounted for. Which you would know if you had cared to read it.

Them posting means nothing to the point I'm making. It's just more stupid commentary from you.
I’ve been rolecrushed for 2 cycles and am bleeding/will die tomorrow if I’m not healed.

So I’m going to be treating this as my last phase

With LM and Juan flipping town then AT MOST we’d have 6 living Purple counting Iwan/Hero, and it would make SK/Kira/Santi/Bada all mafia which I think is pretty unlikely lol. SK goes first out of there obviously. He also has that superkill on him which is either a move for town cred or he dies maybe and is out of the POE. No one visit him to save him lol.

Mich/TS are still my best guess for another Red. After them I’d look at Kamra maybe? But I think one of those 2 are just red so it won’t matter. @Ratchet has Fuji high in that POE but I think he’s probably town (read only).

Mich was asking for heals and didn’t die btw so someone might have saved her.

This means almost half of the Group 1 are Red? A bit absurd.

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