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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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@DrProfessor83 wins Town MVP after being literally pocketed and responsible for town trust on a mafia godfather all game? :dead

also this election is racist towards indies, I don't care if Fuji wins over me but clearly you need an indie prize
it was gonna be fuji but he forfeited
@DrProfessor83 wins Town MVP after being literally pocketed and responsible for town trust on a mafia godfather all game? :dead

also this election is racist towards indies, I don't care if Fuji wins over me but clearly you need an indie prize

Unfortunately, neither indie earned an MVP this game, and I would be tarnishing the very prestige of the MVP award if I were to give it to either of you here!
Quote your role :kloff

from One Piece
durability rating: 3

[Innate - Hyakujū Kaizokudan] -
Yamato knows the identity his father Kaidou, but not Kaidou's alignment.

[Two Shot Active - Physical - Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Okuchi no Makami] - During the night Yamato can use his Devil Fruit to attack another player, role crushing them for that night and the next cycle. Yamato will also roleblock anyone who visits them that night. If Yamato is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[Active - Physical - Takeru] - During the night Yamato can attack 2 players with his kanabo, disarming them, making them vulnerable, and marking them with [Samurai Showdown].

[Samurai Showdown] - Yamato is dueling this player. If this player dies and flips guilty, Yamato will gain an extra charge of [Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Okuchi no Makami]. This mark expires at the end of the next night.

[Active - Tactical - Battle Tactics] - During the night Yamato can carefully plan his next attack. The next night, Yamato can use [Takeru] on 3 players, and if Yamato uses Takeru he will also protect himself against kills. Yamato cannot use this ability the same night as Takeru, and he cannot use this ability 2 nights in a row.
you literally got lynched on the last day and won on mechanics
It was precisely planned that I get lynched on this DP and win the game lol. You think I purposely avoided lynching ropes last few days for the lols? If i was lynched any other phase before this, this game would still be going and our chances of winning goes down significantly.
Dont feel bad. Minus Ekko, you had a solid game tbh.

People didnt tell you how fake masons are a big thing in these types of games. Me and Nat got hard stomped (no mafia lynch) in a fake mason game before. It happens. :hug
people who knew about the fake mason possibility had to die first. rip nat lol
Dont feel bad. Minus Ekko, you had a solid game tbh.

People didnt tell you how fake masons are a big thing in these types of games. Me and Nat got hard stomped (no mafia lynch) in a fake mason game before. It happens. :hug
I appreciate it, but Ekko was the only place where it counted lol.

It decided the game. I feel bad for every townie that lost because of me. Other than that it’s no big deal lol. I’m just carrying on a streak.
people who knew about the fake mason possibility had to die first. rip nat lol

Am I really the only host who uses fake masons? :mlpshrug

The WorstGen meta is so fucked by fake mechanics, they don't even trust writeups over there. I never thought someone from Worstgen would struggle with a fake neighbor, if I'm being honest. That's not to knock on the Professor, who very much earned his MVP award this game, I just thought Worstgen players would be very familiar with fake mechanics.
I appreciate it, but Ekko was the only place where it counted lol.

It decided the game. I feel bad for every townie that lost because of me. Other than that it’s no big deal lol. I’m just carrying on a streak.

Wait, what? Town didn't lose "because of you." That's a huuuge misrepresentation of what happened here.
I appreciate it, but Ekko was the only place where it counted lol.

It decided the game. I feel bad for every townie that lost because of me. Other than that it’s no big deal lol. I’m just carrying on a streak.
Maybe so, but I do think ekko did a good job bussing his entire team as well to keep up with the deception. And the superkill delay on him on g2.

You'll get out of the streak prof, dont worry
Am I really the only host who uses fake masons? :mlpshrug

The WorstGen meta is so fucked by fake mechanics, they don't even trust writeups over there. I never thought someone from Worstgen would struggle with a fake neighbor, if I'm being honest. That's not to knock on the Professor, who very much earned his MVP award this game, I just thought Worstgen players would be very familiar with fake mechanics.
I think you would be the only host that displays a fake role for them I think. Otherwise its like a neighboring thing and ppl post their fake role themselves
Wait, what? Town didn't lose "because of you." That's a huuuge misrepresentation of what happened here.
On a rational level, I get that lol.

But the way I operarte is to always take the blame when I’m involved in a game deciding play. I get that the rest of town could have figured it out but I don’t control them lol. I only control me.
Your activity last day took attention from Ekko, i think it contributed to your victory.

Can i see yours and Ekko's role?

@Shizune is it possible to be added to scum chats?
It took attention away from town and red mafia from ekko to me, karma even stated it this DP. I basically did what I had to do to grant the purple team to victory, it ain't about me sliding under the radar, it's about creating a path for purple to win. I will post my role soon, but if I got yeeted before in the game. Ekko would of most likely lost. Purple was basically me last few phases, my role was soo stacked lol.
I really fucked up didn’t I lmao, so close to victory and I let my fucking emotions ruin everything. And I ruined Nitty’s game somewhat.

Not at all Fuji! You made the game great just by being your plain old self day after day. I enjoyed hosting for you, and I think everyone else enjoyed playing with you.

Your victory wasn't guaranteed, and all you did was clear the way for the purple mafia team to win a little more easily, and they deserved it! They worked very hard. I don't think a single person here has anything bad to say about you, or about how you played this game. Whether you got busy, tired, or just bored, everyone can understand needing to tap out of an almost month-long mafia game. This game was a marathon, and nobody will fault you for being unable to finish a marathon. In fact, they'll admire that you got very far in the marathon, so far that you very nearly won!

Thank you for playing, Fuji. I really hope this response can resolve any bad feelings you're having. You contributed a lot to this game, and you unequivocally made it better, not worse. I'm sorry if I ever gave you any indication otherwise.
the challenge late game was to convince town that red had more members than purple, otherwise town would keep lynching into game 2 players

messaging prof the roles of red did that for us perfectly

and lying about owner visiting nessos

then sk did his thing in the thread and poisoned half the playerbase at night lol
Thanks for the game Nitty, another edition of favourites and you did really well considering it seems like you were like truly a main host with only minimal help from Kvothe (though I could be wrong here).

I was disappointed with my submission though, implementation missed the mark. Always the risk when the host doesn't know anything about your submish, but still. At least you had the Deck of Dragons involved, but having basic colours in the deck instead of [X of Y]-cards (like example [KNIGHT of DARKNESS] or [MASON of LIGHT] is very off the mark. And Fiddler definitely needs something to do with him being a legendary sapper (munitions-guy). He needs to be able to absolutely blow shit up.

but it's hard to make roles about stuff you can only check on wikis so maybe I'm being too harsh
Anyways, who cares about me lmao. Ima let you guys talk to each other. A game thrower has no right to be here.
It was a taxing game and you were playing a very difficult role as well. Playing as traitor, playing two mafia games essentially one with your team and one with town.

I hope things work out for the best for you Fuji but I also hope you realize playing for your wincon is not a bad thing. Your friends, whoever they may be, would understand.

Anyways chin up, I'm glad youre here in the post lobby discussing it at least.
Thanks for the game Nitty, another edition of favourites and you did really well considering it seems like you were like truly a main host with only minimal help from Kvothe (though I could be wrong here).

I was disappointed with my submission though, implementation missed the mark. Always the risk when the host doesn't know anything about your submish, but still. At least you had the Deck of Dragons involved, but having basic colours in the deck instead of [X of Y]-cards (like example [KNIGHT of DARKNESS] or [MASON of LIGHT] is very off the mark. And Fiddler definitely needs something to do with him being a legendary sapper (munitions-guy). He needs to be able to absolutely blow shit up.

but it's hard to make roles about stuff you can only check on wikis so maybe I'm being too harsh
I'm not really a host. I just helped out with the thread and stuff. When it comes to mechanics and answering questions or actions, all nitty.

Much love to nitty for doing all the work
purple had near perfect night actions btw, i hope @Shizune can attest to this

i think we played our actions to the best of our knowledge
maybe one slip up was the flash mechanic where sin got caught but that was pretty much it and that one you couldnt have known bada was gonna flash and ruin your plans.
On a rational level, I get that lol.

But the way I operarte is to always take the blame when I’m involved in a game deciding play. I get that the rest of town could have figured it out but I don’t control them lol. I only control me.

Hey, Favorites isn't meant to be taken this harshly. Favorites is designed to be shocking; you can't anticipate what will happen in Favorites, which means you also can't really reflect and learn from Favorites, because Favorites is unlike most other games.

You played a great game. You won both the minigames, and I hope you enjoyed yourself. In the end you "lost," but who cares what some text in a forum post say? We weren't even playing for prizes here.

If you had fun this past month, then that's what matters, and everything else just exists to give the game the illusion of having stakes.
@Lord Melkor

Grichka and Igor Bogdanoff
from real life
durability rating: 4

[Passive - Advanced Cosmetic Surgery] - Grichka and Igor paid the Academy to turn them into cyborgs, protecting them against roleblocks and role crushes.

[Innate - Huge in France] - Grichka and Igor work in media, where they are always being filmed. If another player visits Grichka and Igor, the twins will learn that player's name and the effects of their ability.

[Active - Tactical - Nosy Neighbors] - Grichka and Igor love to get in other peoples' business. During the night Grichka and Igor can watch another player to learn who visits them and the effects of any abilities used on them.

[Conditional Active - Tactical - Keeping Up With the Joneses] - If Grichka and Igor perceive an ability effect with [Huge in France] or [Nosy Neighbors] then they can become jealous and demand the Academy add that effect to their programming, permanently giving them an ability based on that effect. Grichka and Igor can use this ability once per cycle.

[Two Shot Active - Physical - Double Trouble] - Grichka and Igor can split up, enabling them to use [Nosy Neighbors] on 2 players that night. Grichka and Igor don't like to be apart, so they can't use this ability 2 nights in a row. If Grichka and Igor are alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, they will gain 2 more charges of this ability.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Ladies Luncheon] - Grichka and Igor can gather their teammates at a fundraiser, enabling Grichka and Igor to use [Nosy Neighbors] on all their teammates that night. If Grichka and Igor are alive when the two Favoites games are recombined, they will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Fame is Our Drug of Choice] - Grichka and Igor can leverage their connections at the Academy to use [Keeping Up With the Joneses] twice that night. If Grichka and Igor are alive when the two Favoites games are recombined, they will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[Active - Physical - Stolen Roleblock] - During the night, you can roleblock another player.

[Active - Physical - Stolen Kill] - During the night, you can kill another player.

[Active - Physical - Stolen Poison] - During the night, you can poison another player.

[Active - Tactical - Stolen First Aid Kit] - During the night, you can heal another player.

[Active - Tactical - Stolen Vote Buff] - During the day, you can grant yourself or another player 2 extra voting power for that day.

[Active - Stolen Vote Silencer] - During the DP, vote silence a player of your choice.

[Active - Magical - Stolen Shield] - During the night, you can conjure a shield around another player to permanently grant them an extra life. You cannot have a shield on more than 2 players at the same time.

[Active - Magical - Stolen Redirector] - During the night, you can bewitch another player to redirect their killing and investigative abilities to player of our choosing that night. You cannot use this ability on the same player 2 nights in a row, and you cannot redirect the player's abilities back to themselves.

[Active - Magical - Stolen Role Crush] - During the night, you can bewitch another player to role crush them for that night and the next cycle. You cannot use this ability 2 nights in a row.

[Active - Magical - Stolen Shield] - During the night, you can conjure a shield to protect you against 2 types of abilities (magical, physical or tactical) that night. If you successfully stop a harmful or investigative ability, you will also learn its effects and reflect it back at its user. You cannot use this ability 2 nights in a row.


Here is my sweet role, and before you say anything. Yes I literally mascaraed Townies and red mafia lol.

I want to give a special thanks for everyone who targeted me with abilities, it allowed me to steal all these lovely abilities of mine. I said, I don't do anything without any reason. I wanted abilities to come my way to use them for purple. Putting myself in attention did exactly that and gained some great amazing abilities from red scum that allowed us to seal the game.

It was soo funny when half of the players were basically poisoned, role crushed, role blocked, redirected, etc. Fun times.
@Shizune wats the idea behind red being 13 players with 5 lynch stoppers

r all reds separate or how is their team structured?

please post full set up. this ratio tilted me hard after seeing kaidou's role
They were all separated in the beginning, no chat. I think you can read their roles throughout the threadmark.
Anyway! Let's celebrate some of the fabulous performances we had the privilege of witnessing this game.

Your mafia MVPs are @Ekkologix (Pierre Poilievre) for the purple mafia team, and @JoJo (Sabrina Spellman) for the red mafia team.

Your town MVPs are @Shrike (Only) and @Ratchet (The Winslow), as well as @DrProfessor83 (Raelle Collar) for winning both the Host Roast and the role-making contest. Who knew the Professor was so multitalented?!

Your runners-up for MVP are @SoulKiller (Grichka and Igor Bogdanoff), @Karma (Shigeo Kageyama), and @Draekke (Google Translate).

I want to use this opportunity to give special mention to SoulKiller, who went from actually being entirely replaced from the game to winning the whole thing. I truly appreciate your perseverance.

Thank you all for another wonderful Favorites!
@reds damn y’all are so shit

i didn’t even know my alignment or read my role and i still outperformed you guys
@Shizune wats the idea behind red being 13 players with 5 lynch stoppers

r all reds separate or how is their team structured?

please post full set up. this ratio tilted me hard after seeing kaidou's role

The red mafia had 12 members, as well as an anti-mafia indie literally leeching off them. I remember you complained a lot about Didi sabotaging your team, but the red team had that problem twice as bad, and you're so quick to overlook it. :lmao
@Lord Melkor

Grichka and Igor Bogdanoff
from real life
durability rating: 4

[Passive - Advanced Cosmetic Surgery] - Grichka and Igor paid the Academy to turn them into cyborgs, protecting them against roleblocks and role crushes.

[Innate - Huge in France] - Grichka and Igor work in media, where they are always being filmed. If another player visits Grichka and Igor, the twins will learn that player's name and the effects of their ability.

[Active - Tactical - Nosy Neighbors] - Grichka and Igor love to get in other peoples' business. During the night Grichka and Igor can watch another player to learn who visits them and the effects of any abilities used on them.

[Conditional Active - Tactical - Keeping Up With the Joneses] - If Grichka and Igor perceive an ability effect with [Huge in France] or [Nosy Neighbors] then they can become jealous and demand the Academy add that effect to their programming, permanently giving them an ability based on that effect. Grichka and Igor can use this ability once per cycle.

[Two Shot Active - Physical - Double Trouble] - Grichka and Igor can split up, enabling them to use [Nosy Neighbors] on 2 players that night. Grichka and Igor don't like to be apart, so they can't use this ability 2 nights in a row. If Grichka and Igor are alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, they will gain 2 more charges of this ability.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Ladies Luncheon] - Grichka and Igor can gather their teammates at a fundraiser, enabling Grichka and Igor to use [Nosy Neighbors] on all their teammates that night. If Grichka and Igor are alive when the two Favoites games are recombined, they will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Fame is Our Drug of Choice] - Grichka and Igor can leverage their connections at the Academy to use [Keeping Up With the Joneses] twice that night. If Grichka and Igor are alive when the two Favoites games are recombined, they will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[Active - Physical - Stolen Roleblock] - During the night, you can roleblock another player.

[Active - Physical - Stolen Kill] - During the night, you can kill another player.

[Active - Physical - Stolen Poison] - During the night, you can poison another player.

[Active - Tactical - Stolen First Aid Kit] - During the night, you can heal another player.

[Active - Tactical - Stolen Vote Buff] - During the day, you can grant yourself or another player 2 extra voting power for that day.

[Active - Stolen Vote Silencer] - During the DP, vote silence a player of your choice.

[Active - Magical - Stolen Shield] - During the night, you can conjure a shield around another player to permanently grant them an extra life. You cannot have a shield on more than 2 players at the same time.

[Active - Magical - Stolen Redirector] - During the night, you can bewitch another player to redirect their killing and investigative abilities to player of our choosing that night. You cannot use this ability on the same player 2 nights in a row, and you cannot redirect the player's abilities back to themselves.

[Active - Magical - Stolen Role Crush] - During the night, you can bewitch another player to role crush them for that night and the next cycle. You cannot use this ability 2 nights in a row.

[Active - Magical - Stolen Shield] - During the night, you can conjure a shield to protect you against 2 types of abilities (magical, physical or tactical) that night. If you successfully stop a harmful or investigative ability, you will also learn its effects and reflect it back at its user. You cannot use this ability 2 nights in a row.


Here is my sweet role, and before you say anything. Yes I literally mascaraed Townies and red mafia lol.

I want to give a special thanks for everyone who targeted me with abilities, it allowed me to steal all these lovely abilities of mine. I said, I don't do anything without any reason. I wanted abilities to come my way to use them for purple. Putting myself in attention did exactly that and gained some great amazing abilities from red scum that allowed us to seal the game.

It was soo funny when half of the players were basically poisoned, role crushed, role blocked, redirected, etc. Fun times.


'E visited me? Dump it
Hey, Favorites isn't meant to be taken this harshly. Favorites is designed to be shocking; you can't anticipate what will happen in Favorites, which means you also can't really reflect and learn from Favorites, because Favorites is unlike most other games.

You played a great game. You won both the minigames, and I hope you enjoyed yourself. In the end you "lost," but who cares what some text in a forum post say? We weren't even playing for prizes here.

If you had fun this past month, then that's what matters, and everything else just exists to give the game the illusion of having stakes.
I had a lot of fun lol. I don’t think anyone can say I played a great game when the negative so drastically out weighs the positive but I appreciate the sentiment.

With the shock over I’ve already laughed it off and moved to the next one lol. I have more games to lose right around the corner.

The red mafia had 12 members, as well as an anti-mafia indie literally leeching off them. I remember you complained a lot about Didi sabotaging your team, but the red team had that problem twice as bad, and you're so quick to overlook it. :lmao
we got his role as red color

i still didnt read his full role. i thought fuji was red

he didnt push for them much in thread, he wanted to lynch purple for a big part of it

like we had to lie about owner, then reveal the rest of the team

also red players were kinda obvious we rolecopped 3 of them in one time lol

but town would never believe us if we kept saying red had 4 more members. that ratio + lynch stoppers really tilted me

did fuji kill a single red member? cuz didi fked us hard there killing our strongest vote manupulation role
I had a lot of fun lol. I don’t think anyone can say I played a great game when the negative so drastically out weighs the positive but I appreciate the sentiment.

With the shock over I’ve already laughed it off and moved to the next one lol. I have more games to lose right around the corner.

just don’t be stubborn brah

fluid thinking wins mafia games

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