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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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The fact that you said my argument is flawed shows how pressured you are right now. I don't need to repeat the same argument over and over again. I'm sure you can read. Draekke has been tunneling on me while he townread you and Nfcnorth who are both also did not vote for 3 days pinged me and I mentioned that to Draekke.
How is pointing out that your argument is flawed:


The same as being pressured? Make it make sense. Im saying you are wrong buckaroo.

You have a lowkey Obsession with Draekke dont ya? Cant keep his name out of your mouth more than 1 post.
Probably not no. But you sure might so I won’t hold my tongue about you.

Feels like you want to shade and discredit me but don’t have the guts to scum read me.
If you don't think you will survive that long then what are you worried about exactly?

can you really look me in the eyes and say I don't have the guts to scum read a player I scum read? that's a bold statement and one you know is false.
How is pointing out that your argument is flawed:


The same as being pressured? Make it make sense. Im saying you are wrong buckaroo.

You have a lowkey Obsession with Draekke dont ya? Cant keep his name out of your mouth more than 1 post.
You asked me why I mentioned you when I argued with him so I answered. What answer did you expect? No it's not flawed. Pointing out the hypocrisy of someone who has been tunneling on you is not a flawed argument.
If you don't think you will survive that long then what are you worried about exactly?

can you really look me in the eyes and say I don't have the guts to scum read a player I scum read? that's a bold statement and one you know is false.
I’m worried about letting scum SK get away if you’re scum. What do you think I’m saying?
rej, there's no way I can pressure you for who protected you. until i'm sure you are mafia. did I lie and say i knew he protected you every day? yes. did he call me out on me? no

so it's odd he could have easily called me out and said no he didn't
did u make sure he read ur posts

not going to defend him. he can speak for himself

@Rej claim ur night actions as well
JoJo could be dumb town, I admit. But at a certain point stubbornness in the face of everything beyond a certain point comes off as fake. And fakeness is always going to ring scummy.

It becomes hard to tell if he’s town with a serious ego problem or scum trying to overcommit so hard that they become “too obvious” for suspicion.

I do think nfc is probably worse bc he was basically just piggy backing the situation that JoJo mainly created. But JoJo’s actions firmly put him in the Red POE for me.

Mich may be the best but I don’t like how she talked about tinfoiling JoJo if Owner flips Red. Could be a normal town post but could have been in there to pivot on JoJo if Owner is her teammate and she wants JoJo to take the fall for the derail.

Eh, I can get pretty damn stubborn myself when I think I latched into scum. So don't really see any faulty there.

Agreed that NFC looks the worst. I will ISO his posts and interaction with ratchet next DP and see what's up with him.

Michelle is my strongest town read out of the bunch of players in group 1.

vote DrProf and trust me

we lynch owner tomorrow
[change vote lynch to DrProfessor83]

I still think Didi is scum with Ekko and Prof. I think I would rather get a deep purple wolf than a non so deep wolf.

Badalight - is in my nulls, I thought scum at first, but now I’m not sure

If Juan is scum, Soulkiller still has a good shot at being town. If Juan is town, soul killer could be scum, the way soulkiller reacted to my posts seems kind of telling. I can’t tell if it is scum! Soulkiller looking to push on anything, or if it is more town! Soulkiller being so annoyed at x reason to town read someone.

Both Ekko and Prof had an agenda upon entering the thread. They seemed very teamed and organized. Ekko’s questions towards me felt very much like a trap. Regardless of what I said or did, they were going attack me for it. Does that sound like someone who is looking to understand people’s alignments? No, that sounds like a scum that’s going to do everything in their power to run someone over. Heck, maybe they even did the kill on nessos but have an ability that frames people instead. Also a lot Ekko’s town reads from day 1 are still alive looking hero and Lind.

Didi still being alive with all those checks seems really weird.

prof is just as guilty. Auto following Ekko and not looking to discern alignments. He’s played well; I’ll give him that.
Eh, I can get pretty damn stubborn myself when I think I latched into scum. So don't really see any faulty there.

Agreed that NFC looks the worst. I will ISO his posts and interaction with ratchet next DP and see what's up with him.

Michelle is my strongest town read out of the bunch of players in group 1.
I think I agree Michelle is town.

On the topic of Hammer, probably too late to change. We stick with and make what we can of it. If he flips scum, great. If not we have info to work with from him that can help.
You’re literally ignoring what I say and then continuing your own narrative.
Not ignoring anything, literally replying to your own statement. Am I really the one continuing my own narrative here and not you trying to make it seem like it's something that it's not? Either way, I think this back and forth won't lead to any fruitful conclusion at the moment.
[change vote lynch to DrProfessor83]

I still think Didi is scum with Ekko and Prof. I think I would rather get a deep purple wolf than a non so deep wolf.

Badalight - is in my nulls, I thought scum at first, but now I’m not sure

If Juan is scum, Soulkiller still has a good shot at being town. If Juan is town, soul killer could be scum, the way soulkiller reacted to my posts seems kind of telling. I can’t tell if it is scum! Soulkiller looking to push on anything, or if it is more town! Soulkiller being so annoyed at x reason to town read someone.

Both Ekko and Prof had an agenda upon entering the thread. They seemed very teamed and organized. Ekko’s questions towards me felt very much like a trap. Regardless of what I said or did, they were going attack me for it. Does that sound like someone who is looking to understand people’s alignments? No, that sounds like a scum that’s going to do everything in their power to run someone over. Heck, maybe they even did the kill on nessos but have an ability that frames people instead. Also a lot Ekko’s town reads from day 1 are still alive looking hero and Lind.

Didi still being alive with all those checks seems really weird.

prof is just as guilty. Auto following Ekko and not looking to discern alignments. He’s played well; I’ll give him that.
You are scum this game aren't you Owner. You played the best of your faction though, kudos.
[change vote lynch to DrProfessor83]

I still think Didi is scum with Ekko and Prof. I think I would rather get a deep purple wolf than a non so deep wolf.

Badalight - is in my nulls, I thought scum at first, but now I’m not sure

If Juan is scum, Soulkiller still has a good shot at being town. If Juan is town, soul killer could be scum, the way soulkiller reacted to my posts seems kind of telling. I can’t tell if it is scum! Soulkiller looking to push on anything, or if it is more town! Soulkiller being so annoyed at x reason to town read someone.

Both Ekko and Prof had an agenda upon entering the thread. They seemed very teamed and organized. Ekko’s questions towards me felt very much like a trap. Regardless of what I said or did, they were going attack me for it. Does that sound like someone who is looking to understand people’s alignments? No, that sounds like a scum that’s going to do everything in their power to run someone over. Heck, maybe they even did the kill on nessos but have an ability that frames people instead. Also a lot Ekko’s town reads from day 1 are still alive looking hero and Lind.

Didi still being alive with all those checks seems really weird.

prof is just as guilty. Auto following Ekko and not looking to discern alignments. He’s played well; I’ll give him that.
its game over owner
u can open scum now
Why is that particularly scummy? I think it could suggest concern over it switching to Saturday, but Owner of a Lonely Heart is savvy enough to know she's done here, so hard to really qualify.
Your back and forth with hammer, and the way hammer was presenting himself gave off sincere vibes, then she switch votes to hammer. Although to be fair, she could possibly not read the interaction just yet.
[change vote lynch to DrProfessor83]

I still think Didi is scum with Ekko and Prof. I think I would rather get a deep purple wolf than a non so deep wolf.

Badalight - is in my nulls, I thought scum at first, but now I’m not sure

If Juan is scum, Soulkiller still has a good shot at being town. If Juan is town, soul killer could be scum, the way soulkiller reacted to my posts seems kind of telling. I can’t tell if it is scum! Soulkiller looking to push on anything, or if it is more town! Soulkiller being so annoyed at x reason to town read someone.

Both Ekko and Prof had an agenda upon entering the thread. They seemed very teamed and organized. Ekko’s questions towards me felt very much like a trap. Regardless of what I said or did, they were going attack me for it. Does that sound like someone who is looking to understand people’s alignments? No, that sounds like a scum that’s going to do everything in their power to run someone over. Heck, maybe they even did the kill on nessos but have an ability that frames people instead. Also a lot Ekko’s town reads from day 1 are still alive looking hero and Lind.

Didi still being alive with all those checks seems really weird.

prof is just as guilty. Auto following Ekko and not looking to discern alignments. He’s played well; I’ll give him that.

Staying out of the lynchpool if you save yourself with that spiderman bullshit, I see
Not ignoring anything, literally replying to your own statement. Am I really the one continuing my own narrative here and not you trying to make it seem like it's something that it's not? Either way, I think this back and forth won't lead to any fruitful conclusion at the moment.
You keep asking me why I’m worried about myself late game when I was crystal clear I was responding to the post on your end. Which means you’re ignoring the point of what I’m actually saying.

I think you’re probably scum and need to go soon. This discussion feels like the one I had with you when you were scum, not the ones I’ve had when you were town. (In before I’m meta read proof lol).

You better hope I die and people don’t listen to my legacy if you don’t start looking more townie as this thing goes or I’m gonna get real annoying lol.

Maybe you’ll convince me you’re town tho.
Better on you than me lol.

What’s your thoughts there rn? And on Didi too I guess since those are somewhat connected to me. (If Didi is Purple looks better on SK I think)
I might be coming around to Didi being Town. I think he needs to be dead soon though, and his claim is a mess. Tomorrow I'll get a reads list together, Hero probably can go next.
You keep asking me why I’m worried about myself late game when I was crystal clear I was responding to the post on your end. Which means you’re ignoring the point of what I’m actually saying.

I think you’re probably scum and need to go soon. This discussion feels like the one I had with you when you were scum, not the ones I’ve had when you were town. (In before I’m meta read proof lol).

You better hope I die and people don’t listen to my legacy if you don’t start looking more townie as this thing goes or I’m gonna get real annoying lol.

Maybe you’ll convince me you’re town tho.

Sorry, but I have no interest in indulging this further with you. If you think I am scum, then go ahead and scum read me. I honestly could care less. You state that you made yourself crystal clear and I made myself crystal clear as well, I addressed every single one of your points and you still say I am ignoring your points, like what? is this gonna be an endless back and forth? Each game and discussion is different and comparing it to vague memories is bad imo. You getting this defensive over a mere legacy read that should be taken into consideration late game is noted tho.

I don't care if you live or die, and if you do come at me, then you better have a proper case my way cause I can promise you that I won't go down that easily, because going for a mislynch at this point in the game is literally game throwing, and would be scummy from your end taking into consideration all the information and reads we have in the thread so far.

As for me needing to convince you that I am town? sorry I simply don't need to convince anything to you. I know I am town and that's all I care about, I let my actions speak for myself. Especially now since I have only this game to give my attention to.
I might be coming around to Didi being Town. I think he needs to be dead soon though, and his claim is a mess. Tomorrow I'll get a reads list together, Hero probably can go next.
Disagree, none of his posts seemed genuine, that frustration is hella fake and his back and forth last DP screams scum. I know he has innocent invest on me. But feels like an attempt to pocket me here. He is the way to go after Owner.
First of all, Ive stated MULTIPLE TIMES. I work overnight, look at my peak activity times it lines up.

Additionally there have been 2 times where I was on the main wagon, I go to bed, and the entire fucking Lynch changes to a completely different person.

Day 3 the main Lynch was on Saturday, then late game in the phase it switched to Broki.

Day 4, I voted for you who was in 2nd place from being lynched and people went on to the TAC lynch



True, but at worst we get Red and thats one enemy gone off the map.

Im town dog.

Im probs weakest tbh.

Owner, JW, and TS need to go.


Your timing is off and your argument is flawed

Exactly. He is acting like I voted for complete randoms. Look at the vote counts.

I didnt vote Soul because I believed it was flawed, guess what it was. But who was my vote for? YOU.

I have voted, you are just butthurt 2 of them were on you.

Is there something town confirming Hidden? I did not like his fence sitting in the post you quoted.
lets assume didi is town

. @Badalight
2. @Didi
3. @DrProfessor83
4. @Ekkologix
5. @hammer
6. @Hero
7. @Iwandesu
8. @John Wayne
9. @Juan
10. @Kira Yagami
11. @Lind
12. @Lord Melkor
13. @Rej
14. @Santí
15. @Soul
16. @SoulKiller
17. @sworder
18. @tinky winky

between two people investigating 9 of the living players here are confirmed through didi and someone else being a cop

two people visited me last night as well as I mentioned before and santi claimed it was an investigation don't think the other person made a claim.
Someone pls blast this fool into oblivion, if this is not scummy then idk what is.

could've done this on many previous days

but I didn't for the integrity of the game

but at this point I am done
I killed a scum and somehow it only made people suspect me more
I'm done being a discussion

if I'm shot? Fine. I just don't want to talk ITT anymore with retards who will tunnel me and discard any reasoning
yeah I have a feeling owner is going to be lynch immune and then we're gonna lynch didi isntead who's going to flip town because people can't stop tunneling. Like both TS and Owner voted didi lol
owner voted prof at EoD

which means maybe ur right and didi gets lynched and owner wants to not be on main wagon tommorow


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