Legend did it 3/4 times did you sus him? If you want to bring this once is scummy then your push is scummy right now ignoring other players who didn't vote the main wagon for 3 days
First of all, Ive stated MULTIPLE TIMES. I work overnight, look at my peak activity times it lines up.
Additionally there have been 2 times where I was on the main wagon, I go to bed, and the entire fucking Lynch changes to a completely different person.
Day 3 the main Lynch was on Saturday, then late game in the phase it switched to Broki.
Day 4, I voted for you who was in 2nd place from being lynched and people went on to the TAC lynch
I have a town read on Legend from day 1 actually. His push on Flower seemed pretty townie and genuine.
Sure but leaving two factions alive means more kills at night.
True, but at worst we get Red and thats one enemy gone off the map.
rej if he's protecting ekko every night
possibly didi
purple scum
possibly owner. but i read her as genuine but might be purple push
red scum
Im town dog.
what I gotta do you stop doubting me ? I'm town prob with one of the weakest role in the game
Im probs weakest tbh.
I mean idk Owner feels like it's going to be another miss honestly but it is what it is. Or at least hammer. On of them is probably a miss just because of how the ames have been going honestly. I will admit my interest for the game has waned just a bit. Don't worry I'm not gonna scum tell and quit or anything, but as I'm sure people can notice I've been phoning it in the past few day phases (and still getting away with decent activity as funny as that is).
Honestly I think Owner might legit be a miss and think it might be a mistake not going for TS, but if that's what people think hey we'll go for it. I do agree that she is scummy in some regards, I just worry it's too easy for it lol.
As for thoughts on what you've been saying specifically? Idk admittedly I mostly skimmed the game at this point tbh. I think you're town just because idk that whole argument between you and laix that happened before felt t/t and i don't think you'd go for it that way if you were scum. I believe you on the JW situation because claiming a superkill like that is also very unlikely unless you role copped him with you being scum or something. Unfortunately we can't go there today which is meh
I think we should make sure to have a backup wagon today that's super important. Especially if we're aiming for red today we actively know they have lynch immunity sitting there EASY so we have to have a second wagon in place just to pray that we don't get screwed by that
Owner, JW, and TS need to go.
Lynch Owner, make Travelling Sowrdsman the backup wagon.

So you're saying that Legend and Nfcnorth are not changed man after they didn't vote the main wagon for 3 days straight similar with me. Whatever man, your game if you're mafia or indy even worse you're town.
Your timing is off and your argument is flawed
No, they didn’t avoid the lynch for three days when I questioned you. It was only you. I went through the game and saw that there was only you who didn’t vote for the main wagon D1, D2, and D3. Nobody else active (I think the executees also were in this group) did this. Just you. You can keep trying to argue, but it’s true. Go look again. Nfc voted the main lynch on one of the days, legend voted it on the other. But you didn’t on any of the 3.
Exactly. He is acting like I voted for complete randoms. Look at the vote counts.
Yes they did. legend didn't vote Genome, Broker and didn't vote Soul yesterday. Nfcnorth didn't vote Genome and 2 main wagon I forgot. It was not only me you are hallucinating. There are some active players did this. Not only me. You can keep trying cry like a sore loser but it;s true. I voted Soul Legend didn't vote Soul. Nfcnorth didn't vote Soul. Legend didn't vote Genome and Broker like me . Go back licking windows.
I didnt vote Soul because I believed it was flawed, guess what it was. But who was my vote for? YOU.
Legend and Nfcnorth also didn't vote 3 days asshat. I'm pushing Badalight for refusing to change his sleeping habit to appear near EOD idiot while my reason why I didn't appear near EOD was because I CANNOT. while he could but he didn't plan to. Comparing apple and orange.
I have voted, you are just butthurt 2 of them were on you.