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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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JoJo even said that he would rather keep owner alive if she were maf so that purple maf would have to take her out. Nah, lynch owner, and then purple maf have to find another red mafia tonight.
Purpie boys will not take out the other mafia at this stage with the influx of town from Group 1, they still need to thin out the herd.
NFC looks worse imo
Yeah I had NFC as a scum read until he claimed to be connected with Kira who’s a town read for me and vouched for him today.

Him going after Prof with all this just seems so weird to me. If I got NFC’s hints right, him and Kira have known each other or something about each others’ roles since before the merger.

It’s the whole reason I thought his chances of being town now are quite high.

I think he might have pushed a little too far and then just went full overdrive so people would make that exact argument.
Yeah, I wouldn’t mind putting Jojo in the scum reads either. There were posts of his that I didn’t agree with in Group 1 as well.

We’ll analyze him thoroughly once Owner flips.
different game as ratchet

even if they flip red scum, it doesnt mean anything for him. likewise if drprof flips purple scum, it means nothing for me

ive just played enough 3 faction games (town, double maf and town, mafia, scum) to know that tunneling one team ALWAYS results in the loss for town

if peopel really believe there are fewer red scum, then we should just vig them at night. if the red scum are so obvious, then putting them as talking points for the thread is pretty worthless. we have a huge POE for g2

town loses if u follow g2 power wolfing scum imo
same argument can be said for purple

We also have purple mafia abilities that let them vote secretly in their thread. I just don't like the lynch being used against us and I find it extremely frustrating. It's our best tool, and yet it seems like every day they can do something to fuck us on it. I think g1 had the most success by making everyone an option and it's the route I want to follow here today.

The claims here just don't make sense to me. We also have people in g2 voting owner, like ekko, when he believes there are 1-2 red scum left. If purple mafia is as strong as they seem, then we're just helping them if we go for owner. Stragglers are better off super killed IMO. They tried to kill me last night with other townies and now theyre trying to control our vote and claim credit if she flips scum or give us an "oh well, i guess there was manipulation with my public results"

I've seen enough games go sour because of tunneling the other team while town gets offed at night. Trust me brah. Give me the same confidence you had in shrike the day he lynched Broker. If owner is scum, she can be lynched tomorrow NP, but that's not guaranteed for DrProf who is 100% scum imo
listen prof is not purple. if JW was available for lynch today we wud lynch him

if u wanna second wagon go for didi/hero. u can argue those all u want

JW can be vigged otherwise

ur not pushing purple here. u r opposing a red lynch and pushing town. thats what u r doing

also purple lost 1 at night. think of it as tinky being executed today
Purpie boys will not take out the other mafia at this stage with the influx of town from Group 1, they still need to thin out the herd.
Not sure I agree, but maybe. If I were either mafia I’d be gunning for my biggest threat, which is the other mafia. Group 1 doesn’t have enough knowledge of group 2 to be a big threat, quite honestly lol.
Yeah I had NFC as a scum read until he claimed to be connected with Kira who’s a town read for me and vouched for him today.

Him going after Prof with all this just seems so weird to me. If I got NFC’s hints right, him and Kira have known each other or something about each others’ roles since before the merger.

It’s the whole reason I thought his chances of being town now are quite high.

Yeah, I wouldn’t mind putting Jojo in the scum reads either. There were posts of his that I didn’t agree with in Group 1 as well.

We’ll analyze him thoroughly once Owner flips.
His vouch of kira was weird, not clearing imo
You have a few hours left. Why not place the vote to apply pressure? Just seems like a “oh well, I would vote you but I won’t” in an attempt to gain some cred if he flips, but don’t want to put yourself on the vote in case he flips town.
I don't care about any credit , I want to lynch mafia, not just vote mafia.

If he has a wagon of 3 people when Kvo makes the VC I will join it.
Yeah I had NFC as a scum read until he claimed to be connected with Kira who’s a town read for me and vouched for him today.

Him going after Prof with all this just seems so weird to me. If I got NFC’s hints right, him and Kira have known each other or something about each others’ roles since before the merger.

It’s the whole reason I thought his chances of being town now are quite high.

Yeah, I wouldn’t mind putting Jojo in the scum reads either. There were posts of his that I didn’t agree with in Group 1 as well.

We’ll analyze him thoroughly once Owner flips.
Also lind kira doesn't vouch for him back. That's important.
NFC looks worse imo
Look Ratchet I know you are capable of being smarter than you are being right now where you are being hard headed. But actually open up to my main message and not be saying stuff that is being said. I think you are seeing the trees and not the forest. Stop being so nice to the people in your game they are straight up using you and you are undestmating them so hard it straight up tilts me.

[vote lynch owner]. I am still very much in the much in the DrProf is full of shit camp but I don't think I am getting anywhere with it so might as well main wagon.
I don't care about any credit , I want to lynch mafia, not just vote mafia.

If he has a wagon of 3 people when Kvo makes the VC I will join it.
All I’m saying, is when someone posts “yeah I’d vote you” and then doesn’t, it’s a weak play because it seems like you’re placing that here to be able to point back and be like “hey look, I ALSO thought he was mafia, so I’m cleared too, right?”
Stop being so nice to the people in your game they are straight up using you and you are undestmating them so hard it straight up tilts me.
I'm not "nice". I just know the player in question here and what he is and is not capable of as Scum. Nothing more, nothing about personal sentiment or attachment to my game, as if that makes any sense.
I'm like 99% sure Jojo is just town in a retarded tunnel

he gets like this sometimes where he's completely convinced of himself and won't let anyone change his mind
what if he's actually an indie, DOES think prof is scum

and this is the way to get us to let him survive until the end
even if owner flips scum, it doesnt actually prove theyre pro-town

i might vote owner because i want a consolidated vote, but im just trying to convince you guys that drprof is scum

because it's so obvious
I dunno, I need to get coffee. Ol scoliosis being a pain.
All I was saying is that others don’t seem persuaded to go for dr.!last minute. If I got the tally right owner is in the lead like the Blue Jays warmers against the Red Sox last week. :caticon
All I’m saying, is when someone posts “yeah I’d vote you” and then doesn’t, it’s a weak play because it seems like you’re placing that here to be able to point back and be like “hey look, I ALSO thought he was mafia, so I’m cleared too, right?”
Please. I am too sleepy at almost midnight to even explain you why one single vote can't change anything when he is pocketing since day 1 everyone in group 2.
I should sleep, the sentence seems broken
Maybe i can wake up for Eod, idk
Shrike wanted Owner Lynched the day before he died and still wanted her gone during the voting process. If he was around she would’ve been the lynch last day phase I reckon.

I too had her in my list with TS and Alibaba+ legend but Ali is good for me now.

Owner claimed watcher too same as Ish and both visited Vanya that night with Hidden/Mango and I forgot who else.

Mango healed Vanya and I assume Hidden did something good too.

That + she was calling me out, when I posited that Flowers mates may have been people trying to divert from discussion once she made her botched claim or straight up ignoring it, by saying something along the lines of why cant it be players who weren’t around too. Felt a bit like TMI to me at the time.
I'm not "nice". I just know the player in question here and what he is and is not capable of as Scum. Nothing more, nothing about personal sentiment or attachment to my game, as if that makes any sense.
Nice as in too much town cred blanketly. Its not something I mean you are being personal about but rather I think you are taking a little to much for granted in game 2 and missing logical thoughts because of it. Even stuff I feel we differ on which I am fine with by the way I still feel like you are coming up short on thinking through going by your own logic atm. And thats what actually tilts me is it feels like you are shackling yourself to ideas that are against solving the game.
Shrike wanted Owner Lynched the day before he died and still wanted her gone during the voting process. If he was around she would’ve been the lynch last day phase I reckon.

I too had her in my list with TS and Alibaba+ legend but Ali is good for me now.

Owner claimed watcher too same as Ish and both visited Vanya that night with Hidden/Mango and I forgot who else.

Mango healed Vanya and I assume Hidden did something good too.

That + she was calling me out, when I posited that Flowers mates may have been people trying to divert from discussion once she made her botched claim or straight up ignoring it, by saying something along the lines of why cant it be players who weren’t around too. Felt a bit like TMI to me at the time.
Ish also had owner at the top of his scum list, for what it’s worth
Nice as in too much town cred blanketly. Its not something I mean you are being personal about but rather I think you are taking a little to much for granted in game 2 and missing logical thoughts because of it. Even stuff I feel we differ on which I am fine with by the way I still feel like you are coming up short on thinking through going by your own logic atm. And thats what actually tilts me is it feels like you are shackling yourself to ideas that are against solving the game.
Know that I am doing my diligence here, of that you can be assured.
I don't fucking know I hate this lynchpool mechanic tbh
might be the worst thing about the game

I do feel Owner is probably red scum

but I kinda want to kill these purple bastards first so someone from our group has priority
hang on let me go recheck who can even be lynched from our group today zzzz
The only person from Group 2 I am willing to axe this DP is you.
Show me that don't tell me that
I have shown it enough in the Game 2 thread, my word should be enough on this. Do you think I hard vouch for someone for no reason? How likely do you think it is that pure innocent Ratchy gets bamboozled by the mean scum pulling the wool over his naive eyes?

Not very.
yeah ^ (use bro)

im indie and i killed him
i saw it

doesnt prove anything because you werent masons from the beginning

masoning with people in nonconfirmed ways is literally a scummy ability LMAO






u both killed them
nice so u just scum

why dont u step aside and let town do the business yeah
Yesterday we exclusively focused group 2. No one has quit hunting group 2. Owner is caught in a lie. You don’t go for maybe Purple when you have Red on hand.
NFC kekmalding because we were considering kira as an execution target and completely ignoring that top 3 wagons yesterday were all game 2 players

you hate to see it
You're retarded. I've been consistent since the beginning of the phase. I know purple is trying to kill me. What overextension is there? Why are you trying to ignore the fact that I've been extremely towny for the majority of my game and this one and suddenly the stronger team wants to kill me. Then as soon as my make my push, some garbage """""""""verified"""""""""" theory is being pushed.

Ekko himself believes that there is 1-2 red mafia left max. It's low IQ play to tunnel red while you have so many purple. Doesn't even think of didi. There is so much dissonant reasoning here between all the owner pushing I'm actually certain you guys peeked her and she is mafia and you are scared of her.

Naturally, it's in my best interest to make you guys less likely to kill me, so I don't mind keeping her alive for a tomorrow lynch or night kills (pref night, red maf is good at dodging) while using POE info on game 2 townies.

You're actually incredibly dense if you think 3 faction games don't come down to town alternating between targets.
i belive in 2 red 4 purple

owner is a red
JW is a purple

1 red 3 purple left

its not rocket science m8
*Looks at Group 2s graveyard*

I mean… :smugbo
How much of that is really on me here? I was unable to influence this game mechanically since night 1. Look at the first serious list of reads I posted - most of scum in my list. I have made a conscious effort to take a backseat here because I was not confident of my read on the game until Sin flipped. And I didn't want to derail the town.

Like I don't think it's fair to claim I've been bamboozled by any scum here at all this game. We spent most of it purging low activity or scummy slots. Every lynch day 3 on was on point.
that's fair

@Traveling Swordsman @Rej @Santí @Juan @Alwaysmind @Hidden @Karma @Saturday @Mich @nfcnorth @Ratchet @SoulKiller

If you go through my posts today, I've made my point why the push on owner about her being a liar is sus. Even if she does flip a killer, it doesn't actually give credit to Ekko and his buddy DrProf as anything unless she specifically flips as a double super killer or something to that effect.

G1 has already been powerwolfed hard enough with at least 10ish of you guys being possible town reads and a plethora of claims or clears coming out.

DrProf is the lynch because it opens the gates to figuring out purple scum. We as a town don't actually win by allying with either faction. Weaken them both, make them vested in targeting each other, and keep scum hunting.

But I'm willing to bet my life on this game that DrProf flips scum.
At this point going for anyone who's name is not Didi or Owner is a complete misplay. You gain shit ton of information from either flip. Switching our attention to people outside of these 2 is the less optimal play here. I think this push of yours is stemmed more from ego than anything else, you wanna prove to yourself that you are right, and we can discuss that option in future DP's. But for this DP, it's simply either Owner or Didi for me. So pick your poison.
I have shown it enough in the Game 2 thread, my word should be enough on this. Do you think I hard vouch for someone for no reason? How likely do you think it is that pure innocent Ratchy gets bamboozled by the mean scum pulling the wool over his naive eyes?

Not very.
I don't want you to stick to the old game 2 ratchet that is holding you the exact thing I think it holding you back. Don't ignore game 2 ratchet but at the same time be more than game 2 ratchet.
How much of that is really on me here? I was unable to influence this game mechanically since night 1. Look at the first serious list of reads I posted - most of scum in my list. I have made a conscious effort to take a backseat here because I was not confident of my read on the game until Sin flipped. And I didn't want to derail the town.

Like I don't think it's fair to claim I've been bamboozled by any scum here at all this game. We spent most of it purging low activity or scummy slots. Every lynch day 3 on was on point.
Last day phase was kinda fked up though, but I think you should trust your instincts more mate.
I don't want you to stick to the old game 2 ratchet that is holding you the exact thing I think it holding you back. Don't ignore game 2 ratchet but at the same time be more than game 2 ratchet.
I am trying, but bear in mind I have had a very busy week and my brain mentally is not firing on all cylinders, and played a lot of Mafia in a row, especially this last month. I'm doing the best I can with what I have.
Last day phase was kinda fked up though, but I think you should trust your instincts more mate.
Well, probably. I only have the veneer of confidence, no one self doubts themselves more than I do internally (not even you Prof).
Thats a lot of reds, not sure I believe it with the lynch stops and redirects at play here + needing scum to be on main wagon to even be able to Lynch them.
Yeah I don’t believe it now either. I did the math and put some reads a few pages back with the numbers Laix and I got.

It just doesn’t work and I disregarded it pretty quickly. It’s better to work with our initial ratios and who we think are scum now.
is there proof that you and ekko can mason people

has anyone else attested to this claim?
i verify it

i was initially in a chat with prof then we joined vanya/nessos after merge

i automatically join all town chats in the game and they all saw my role

idk why nitty dragged prof with me to the chat but it became a 4 player chat. his role was marked as ??? in the chat but i know it from our other chat. it was blue color and i know his flavor name too.

why do u think nessos and prof were saying to heal me yesterday?

this is more stupid than people pushing DDL and vivo
i verify it

i was initially in a chat with prof then we joined vanya/nessos after merge

i automatically join all town chats in the game and they all saw my role

idk why nitty dragged prof with me to the chat but it became a 4 player chat. his role was marked as ??? in the chat but i know it from our other chat. it was blue color and i know his flavor name too.

why do u think nessos and prof were saying to heal me yesterday?

this is more stupid than people pushing DDL and vivo
This matches with your questioning of the Santi/Fang “neighbour” fiasco, from group 2 thread. Even more proof that DrProf and now you are heavy town reads.
i verify it

i was initially in a chat with prof then we joined vanya/nessos after merge

i automatically join all town chats in the game and they all saw my role

idk why nitty dragged prof with me to the chat but it became a 4 player chat. his role was marked as ??? in the chat but i know it from our other chat. it was blue color and i know his flavor name too.

why do u think nessos and prof were saying to heal me yesterday?

this is more stupid than people pushing DDL and vivo
Though the DDL push was very different, and nobody really pushed vivo. The dude just stopped playing, and was outed as Hades early D2 by Vanya.

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