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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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I see you decided to keep on trucking by the masons claim.
i saw it

doesnt prove anything because you werent masons from the beginning

masoning with people in nonconfirmed ways is literally a scummy ability LMAO






u both killed them
i saw it

doesnt prove anything because you werent masons from the beginning

masoning with people in nonconfirmed ways is literally a scummy ability LMAO






u both killed them
You’re scum lol.
You got the bitter part right. I am town but holy shit is the refusal to even look at game 2 people weird. People lie all the time as this is mafia and yet game 2 is supposed to be truthful and not looked at? Right now of all times? How dumb do you guys take me for?
This is just nonsense lol
Lol no I’m not going to trust someone who keeps posting nonsense. You’re hurting your own story here man.
I’m just saying it as a joke. But everything else is legit. Trust me please. Whether you think I’m speaking nonsense or not is one thing, but I definitely was anti mafia in g1 and now in the multi ball.

0% chance that prof flips scum
Dude you're suck a dumbass and possibly a retard. My point against you was Legend and Nfcnorth also avoided lynch vote for 3 days. There are players who id that not only me.
No, they didn’t avoid the lynch for three days when I questioned you. It was only you. I went through the game and saw that there was only you who didn’t vote for the main wagon D1, D2, and D3. Nobody else active (I think the executees also were in this group) did this. Just you. You can keep trying to argue, but it’s true. Go look again. Nfc voted the main lynch on one of the days, legend voted it on the other. But you didn’t on any of the 3.
You got the bitter part right. I am town but holy shit is the refusal to even look at game 2 people weird. People lie all the time as this is mafia and yet game 2 is supposed to be truthful and not looked at? Right now of all times? How dumb do you guys take me for?
Yesterday we exclusively focused group 2. No one has quit hunting group 2. Owner is caught in a lie. You don’t go for maybe Purple when you have Red on hand.
I meant town but yeah

anyways whatever, i'll be vindicated as being right at the end of the game

no actual refutations to what i say. just people screaming tinfoil. this is why g2 struggled so much lol
I don’t believe you’re this bad. I think you’re scum who got caught up in the moment and have drastically overextended and now you have no choice but to go in so hard that it’s too scummy to be scum.
No, they didn’t avoid the lynch for three days when I questioned you. It was only you. I went through the game and saw that there was only you who didn’t vote for the main wagon D1, D2, and D3. Nobody else active (I think the executees also were in this group) did this. Just you. You can keep trying to argue, but it’s true. Go look again. Nfc voted the main lynch on one of the days, legend voted it on the other. But you didn’t on any of the 3.
Yes they did. legend didn't vote Genome, Broker and didn't vote Soul yesterday. Nfcnorth didn't vote Genome and 2 main wagon I forgot. It was not only me you are hallucinating. There are some active players did this. Not only me. You can keep trying cry like a sore loser but it;s true. I voted Soul Legend didn't vote Soul. Nfcnorth didn't vote Soul. Legend didn't vote Genome and Broker like me . Go back licking windows.
I'm 99% sure that purple mafia investigated me and that they saw my town flip so they tried to off me.

That being said. You actually can't logically try and argue that I'm being anti town right now lol.

It's actually mind numbing if you think letting townies get nuked at night while tunneling red is the best play. That's literally the most scumfuck shit I've ever heard and the only person I've ever seen do that are scum.
You’re… suggesting that purple mafia first investigate you with and alignment scan… which first of all, why would mafia need an alignment scan? And then that they tried to kill you because “oh we found a townie, better kill him?” When in fact the real threat to purple mafia is the remaining red mafia? Sorry pal, but your theory just doesn’t hold water.
Yesterday we exclusively focused group 2. No one has quit hunting group 2. Owner is caught in a lie. You don’t go for maybe Purple when you have Red on hand.
Yet where is the talk about group 2 from the so called town leaders like yourself? Owner must go owner must go is all I hear from you. Oh and purple is no threat only has 3 left and not a threat :zaru
Yes they did. legend didn't vote Genome, Broker and didn't vote Soul yesterday. Nfcnorth didn't vote Genome and 2 main wagon I forgot. It was not only me you are hallucinating. There are some active players did this. Not only me. You can keep trying cry like a sore loser but it;s true. I voted Soul Legend didn't vote Soul. Nfcnorth didn't vote Soul. Legend didn't vote Genome and Broker like me . Go back licking windows.
I’m talking about when I came at you originally asshat. And you claimed the same thing when I originally brought this argument against you. On D4, you were the only one who didn’t vote with the main wagon all three days. That’s all my argument is. And you went ballistic that I was using your EOD activity as my reasoning, and now you’re doing it to others.
I don’t believe you’re this bad. I think you’re scum who got caught up in the moment and have drastically overextended and now you have no choice but to go in so hard that it’s too scummy to be scum.
You're retarded. I've been consistent since the beginning of the phase. I know purple is trying to kill me. What overextension is there? Why are you trying to ignore the fact that I've been extremely towny for the majority of my game and this one and suddenly the stronger team wants to kill me. Then as soon as my make my push, some garbage """""""""verified"""""""""" theory is being pushed.

Ekko himself believes that there is 1-2 red mafia left max. It's low IQ play to tunnel red while you have so many purple. Doesn't even think of didi. There is so much dissonant reasoning here between all the owner pushing I'm actually certain you guys peeked her and she is mafia and you are scared of her.

Naturally, it's in my best interest to make you guys less likely to kill me, so I don't mind keeping her alive for a tomorrow lynch or night kills (pref night, red maf is good at dodging) while using POE info on game 2 townies.

You're actually incredibly dense if you think 3 faction games don't come down to town alternating between targets.
Yet where is the talk about group 2 from the so called town leaders like yourself? Owner must go owner must go is all I hear from you. Oh and purple is no threat only has 3 left and not a threat :zaru
When have I ever said purple wasn’t a threat? Did you read a single post I made yesterday when I was solely looking at group 2 before we got a mechanical result?

You wanting to gamble on Purple and ignore mechanical evidence against someone is asinine.
I’m talking about when I came at you originally asshat. And you claimed the same thing when I originally brought this argument against you. On D4, you were the only one who didn’t vote with the main wagon all three days. That’s all my argument is. And you went ballistic that I was using your EOD activity as my reasoning, and now you’re doing it to others.
Legend and Nfcnorth also didn't vote 3 days asshat. I'm pushing Badalight for refusing to change his sleeping habit to appear near EOD idiot while my reason why I didn't appear near EOD was because I CANNOT. while he could but he didn't plan to. Comparing apple and orange.
You’re… suggesting that purple mafia first investigate you with and alignment scan… which first of all, why would mafia need an alignment scan? And then that they tried to kill you because “oh we found a townie, better kill him?” When in fact the real threat to purple mafia is the remaining red mafia? Sorry pal, but your theory just doesn’t hold water.
I cant be certain they investigated me, but I think I got peeked. IDK, bad vibe. Maybe nothing, better to ignore it.

But they definitely tried to kill me though. Now they're trying to claim red tunneling in a story that doesn't completely make sense.

It's fine draekke. Vote with your gut. But I know I'm right.
You're retarded. I've been consistent since the beginning of the phase. I know purple is trying to kill me. What overextension is there? Why are you trying to ignore the fact that I've been extremely towny for the majority of my game and this one and suddenly the stronger team wants to kill me. Then as soon as my make my push, some garbage """""""""verified"""""""""" theory is being pushed.

Ekko himself believes that there is 1-2 red mafia left max. It's low IQ play to tunnel red while you have so many purple. Doesn't even think of didi. There is so much dissonant reasoning here between all the owner pushing I'm actually certain you guys peeked her and she is mafia and you are scared of her.

Naturally, it's in my best interest to make you guys less likely to kill me, so I don't mind keeping her alive for a tomorrow lynch or night kills (pref night, red maf is good at dodging) while using POE info on game 2 townies.

You're actually incredibly dense if you think 3 faction games don't come down to town alternating between targets.
Your overextension is having to rely on wilder and wilder tinfoils to justify a scum read on me.
I don’t see any reason why owner has to be the one who attacked Didi in your scenario here for them to be scum. Why can’t someone else have just attacked Didi if he lost a life?

It makes no sense to assume the only action scum Owner would be capable of performing on all their targets would all be kills lol. As if she can’t kill one person and do something different to another.

How is this even a real position for you?

Bc I know for a fact the ability is Town. I told you it wasn’t a Scum ability, you go on about why it is. There’s literally nothing else to go into at that point.

Fuji and Karma getting the Didi messages makes me think Didi *probably* isn’t Purple. Bc for him to be Purple at that point he really had to kill Tinky, or somehow know Tinky was going to be killed by someone else (which doesn’t seem feasible).

Since executions let mafia get the abilities recycled it makes more sense to just have Tinky executed than to actually kill him (if mafia can target each other with kills)

And if Didi isn’t Purple, then SK moves up my Purple POE. The best thing going for SK to me is that Didi could be purple and they *probably* aren’t aligned.

Starting to think maybe neither Didi nor Bada are Purple.

If Owner flips scum (which she will barring fuckery) then I actually think TS looks the worst here bc he went on Didi which is the already established alt wagon rather than bothering to get involved with the people trying to wagon me from scratch.

Not sure if JoJo is scum for his belligerence at this point or just terrible.

@JoJo tell me how things change for you here if I ever die and flip Town?

@Hero who did you target last night?
I was role crushed
You're retarded. I've been consistent since the beginning of the phase. I know purple is trying to kill me. What overextension is there? Why are you trying to ignore the fact that I've been extremely towny for the majority of my game and this one and suddenly the stronger team wants to kill me. Then as soon as my make my push, some garbage """""""""verified"""""""""" theory is being pushed.

Ekko himself believes that there is 1-2 red mafia left max. It's low IQ play to tunnel red while you have so many purple. Doesn't even think of didi. There is so much dissonant reasoning here between all the owner pushing I'm actually certain you guys peeked her and she is mafia and you are scared of her.

Naturally, it's in my best interest to make you guys less likely to kill me, so I don't mind keeping her alive for a tomorrow lynch or night kills (pref night, red maf is good at dodging) while using POE info on game 2 townies.

You're actually incredibly dense if you think 3 faction games don't come down to town alternating between targets.
What makes you such a threat to purple mafia? Why do you assume that there is this large, looming threat against you? Imo, it’s projecting because you also agree that the other mafia is a big target and threat.
Legend and Nfcnorth also didn't vote 3 days asshat. I'm pushing Badalight for refusing to change his sleeping habit to appear near EOD idiot while my reason why I didn't appear near EOD was because I CANNOT. while he could but he didn't plan to. Comparing apple and orange.

Hey forcing people to play at certain time isn't nice
You're retarded. I've been consistent since the beginning of the phase. I know purple is trying to kill me. What overextension is there? Why are you trying to ignore the fact that I've been extremely towny for the majority of my game and this one and suddenly the stronger team wants to kill me. Then as soon as my make my push, some garbage """""""""verified"""""""""" theory is being pushed.

Ekko himself believes that there is 1-2 red mafia left max. It's low IQ play to tunnel red while you have so many purple. Doesn't even think of didi. There is so much dissonant reasoning here between all the owner pushing I'm actually certain you guys peeked her and she is mafia and you are scared of her.

Naturally, it's in my best interest to make you guys less likely to kill me, so I don't mind keeping her alive for a tomorrow lynch or night kills (pref night, red maf is good at dodging) while using POE info on game 2 townies.

You're actually incredibly dense if you think 3 faction games don't come down to town alternating between targets.
Then vote owner, lol.
Your overextension is having to rely on wilder and wilder tinfoils to justify a scum read on me.
Nothing wild about them. I'm literally using the information that was presented in the thread.

It's actually preposterous you think your information is 100% correct. When I had my read on laix, I actually thought it was possible I was redirected against him because of the nature of the game.

Your lack of doubt and assuredness just makes me more certain you're scum.

What makes you such a threat to purple mafia? Why do you assume that there is this large, looming threat against you? Imo, it’s projecting because you also agree that the other mafia is a big target and threat.
I didn't say I'm a huge threat, but I'm quite difficult to kill by nature of my counter. Hence the super kill. Selling a lynch on me is pretty stupid as well. Purple just needs to get rid of voices.
Nothing wild about them. I'm literally using the information that was presented in the thread.

It's actually preposterous you think your information is 100% correct. When I had my read on laix, I actually thought it was possible I was redirected against him because of the nature of the game.

Your lack of doubt and assuredness just makes me more certain you're scum.

I didn't say I'm a huge threat, but I'm quite difficult to kill by nature of my counter. Hence the super kill. Selling a lynch on me is pretty stupid as well. Purple just needs to get rid of voices.
Iirc your counter is rather specific (didn’t you say you had to choose the player AND the ability in order to counter it?). That’s not scary to mafia lol
Nothing wild about them. I'm literally using the information that was presented in the thread.

It's actually preposterous you think your information is 100% correct. When I had my read on laix, I actually thought it was possible I was redirected against him because of the nature of the game.

Your lack of doubt and assuredness just makes me more certain you're scum.

I didn't say I'm a huge threat, but I'm quite difficult to kill by nature of my counter. Hence the super kill. Selling a lynch on me is pretty stupid as well. Purple just needs to get rid of voices.
You are tinfoiling that this game has fake masons abilities. In a game where the host has gone out of their way to say the game isn’t bastard. Doesn’t get much more wild lol.
Then vote owner, lol.
Have you ever played a multi ball?

Literally if they peek owner then we kill her at night (red is good at dodging lynches) or we lynch her tomorrow. But if they peeked her and are pushing a lie, and kill someone who can watch high risk targets, then it makes the nightly nuking for purple mafia that much harder.

Owner being alive literally necessitates that they target her. Keeping her alive literally makes the game easier for townies because she will probably be targeted instead of us. We also don't want to push the thread into a longer game 2 POE.

What about this are you not understanding?
I cant be certain they investigated me, but I think I got peeked. IDK, bad vibe. Maybe nothing, better to ignore it.

But they definitely tried to kill me though. Now they're trying to claim red tunneling in a story that doesn't completely make sense.

It's fine draekke. Vote with your gut. But I know I'm right.
Maybe purple did try and kill you. I’m not arguing that JW isn’t mafia.

but your tunneling on drprof and Ekko is beyond reaching, and at worst is going to harm town.
You are tinfoiling that this game has fake masons abilities. In a game where the host has gone out of their way to say the game isn’t bastard. Doesn’t get much more wild lol.
i just asked if you were masons and you said yes

i didnt say roles got shared in it, just that nessos gave you his role in it cuz he trusted you and was IC

but its sus that you guys masoned with both the ICs and they both died. gives you an alibi on why you targeted them while also helpig you kill them

its not even a crazy theory, in fact it's entirely possible
i just asked if you were masons and you said yes

i didnt say roles got shared in it, just that nessos gave you his role in it cuz he trusted you and was IC

but its sus that you guys masoned with both the ICs and they both died. gives you an alibi on why you targeted them while also helpig you kill them

its not even a crazy theory, in fact it's entirely possible
Mason means you know they are Town bc you get a reveal. Neighbor is the version without that.
Have you ever played a multi ball?

Literally if they peek owner then we kill her at night (red is good at dodging lynches) or we lynch her tomorrow. But if they peeked her and are pushing a lie, and kill someone who can watch high risk targets, then it makes the nightly nuking for purple mafia that much harder.

Owner being alive literally necessitates that they target her. Keeping her alive literally makes the game easier for townies because she will probably be targeted instead of us. We also don't want to push the thread into a longer game 2 POE.

What about this are you not understanding?
Lol, whatever dude. There’s no guarantee that owner would be killed by their kill. It’s in the towns best interest to lynch the most suspected mafia when available.
And yes I’ve played multi ball several times. If we lynch owner today, purple then moves on to their next red mafia read. Which is also good for town.

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