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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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You are being beyond charitable if you think game 2 isn't overrun by scum
This has nothing to do with anything I've said.
so just a meta read

ok lol
More than meta. I know how to read players like him too.

Am I just talking to Scum here? Because if Prof gets lynched and flips Town I'm locking you both as it.
More than meta. I know how to read players like him too.

Am I just talking to Scum here? Because if Prof gets lynched and flips Town I'm locking you both as it.
do it

i dont mind taking the fall for it

not a SINGLE time has anyone refuted any point of dialogue or discussion. while we're at it, feel free to. im literally open to talk about anything. do your best to convince me otherwise

it's so painfully obvious that drprof is scum
do it

i dont mind taking the fall for it

not a SINGLE time has anyone refuted any point of dialogue or discussion. while we're at it, feel free to. im literally open to talk about anything. do your best to convince me otherwise

it's so painfully obvious that drprof is scum
I'm refuting it now. He has approached the game analytically and at many points we've shared the same thoughts.
This has nothing to do with anything I've said.

More than meta. I know how to read players like him too.

Am I just talking to Scum here? Because if Prof gets lynched and flips Town I'm locking you both as it.
Yes it does because you are being naive and lowballing . Meta reads can be exploited like no other
G2 isn't filled to the brim you idiots. 8 scum at the start of the game, 4 down plus one. 3 left.
This is beyond nonsense and is anti Town to even suggest.
owner and ts are from the same wtf
different game as ratchet

even if they flip red scum, it doesnt mean anything for him. likewise if drprof flips purple scum, it means nothing for me

ive just played enough 3 faction games (town, double maf and town, mafia, scum) to know that tunneling one team ALWAYS results in the loss for town

if peopel really believe there are fewer red scum, then we should just vig them at night. if the red scum are so obvious, then putting them as talking points for the thread is pretty worthless. we have a huge POE for g2

town loses if u follow g2 power wolfing scum imo
then we get half the voters and are once again in this situation

imo we need a huge wagon and on the team we think are least likely to avoid the lynch. half the thread isnt eligible here and half the people we see on the wagon were pretty decent town reads
tbh stacking the vote all in on one person feels just bad. Like sure we probably don't get punished, but if we do we get punished HARD. I'd rather take the consistent, little bit of being screwed of having half the options every day. Ultimately regardless the whole vote system punishes town no matter which route you take
tbh stacking the vote all in on one person feels just bad. Like sure we probably don't get punished, but if we do we get punished HARD. I'd rather take the consistent, little bit of being screwed of having half the options every day. Ultimately regardless the whole vote system punishes town no matter which route you take
We also have purple mafia abilities that let them vote secretly in their thread. I just don't like the lynch being used against us and I find it extremely frustrating. It's our best tool, and yet it seems like every day they can do something to fuck us on it. I think g1 had the most success by making everyone an option and it's the route I want to follow here today.

The claims here just don't make sense to me. We also have people in g2 voting owner, like ekko, when he believes there are 1-2 red scum left. If purple mafia is as strong as they seem, then we're just helping them if we go for owner. Stragglers are better off super killed IMO. They tried to kill me last night with other townies and now theyre trying to control our vote and claim credit if she flips scum or give us an "oh well, i guess there was manipulation with my public results"

I've seen enough games go sour because of tunneling the other team while town gets offed at night. Trust me brah. Give me the same confidence you had in shrike the day he lynched Broker. If owner is scum, she can be lynched tomorrow NP, but that's not guaranteed for DrProf who is 100% scum imo
Just tunnel game 2 while game 1 is multi nuking townies.

oh wait i just thought of something

>didi gets super killed at night
>owner visited him
>owner also allegedly visited nessos who died

do u think owner can kill people twice in a night? it doesnt make sense that u would get super killed but also the other person she allegedly targeted died

this either means she's a double killing mafia (doubt it) or someone saw u lose lives tonight and theyre trying to frame nessos death on a possible vig or killer who might be owner
I don’t see any reason why owner has to be the one who attacked Didi in your scenario here for them to be scum. Why can’t someone else have just attacked Didi if he lost a life?

It makes no sense to assume the only action scum Owner would be capable of performing on all their targets would all be kills lol. As if she can’t kill one person and do something different to another.

How is this even a real position for you?


thinking about this and the fact that DrProf said there was no point in trying to refute my possible thoughts about fuckery with write ups and taking their words as law (or whatever) is hella scummy to me
Bc I know for a fact the ability is Town. I told you it wasn’t a Scum ability, you go on about why it is. There’s literally nothing else to go into at that point.

Fuji and Karma getting the Didi messages makes me think Didi *probably* isn’t Purple. Bc for him to be Purple at that point he really had to kill Tinky, or somehow know Tinky was going to be killed by someone else (which doesn’t seem feasible).

Since executions let mafia get the abilities recycled it makes more sense to just have Tinky executed than to actually kill him (if mafia can target each other with kills)

And if Didi isn’t Purple, then SK moves up my Purple POE. The best thing going for SK to me is that Didi could be purple and they *probably* aren’t aligned.

Starting to think maybe neither Didi nor Bada are Purple.

If Owner flips scum (which she will barring fuckery) then I actually think TS looks the worst here bc he went on Didi which is the already established alt wagon rather than bothering to get involved with the people trying to wagon me from scratch.

Not sure if JoJo is scum for his belligerence at this point or just terrible.

@JoJo tell me how things change for you here if I ever die and flip Town?

@Hero who did you target last night?
There could be more. Bot that much though. 4 are dead. You think they started with 13? That's ridiculous.
13 is high but 7 and 8 are also too low. To the point I think are being straight up dishonest with themselves. 8 people vs the entire world gtfo out with that shit. POE needs counter measures and 14 to 16 mafia in the entire player list of 74 people is silly.
I don’t see any reason why owner has to be the one who attacked Didi in your scenario here for them to be scum. Why can’t someone else have just attacked Didi if he lost a life?

It makes no sense to assume the only action scum Owner would be capable of performing on all their targets would all be kills lol. As if she can’t kill one person and do something different to another.

How is this even a real position for you?

See that's the thing. No one actually knows for certain. You make your claims, didi says what happened to him, owner makes her claims. Why is the reverse untrue? Why am I led to believe that the in thread marks that got a scum executed and abilities and also cleared the scummiest person ever (hammer) is trustable at all?

Owner doesn't actually have to to attack didi, but if she's hostile like you claim she is, then what else would she do? Others have claimed owner is a good player, so why would she openly attack an IC?

There are so many holes and alternative possibilities that it doesn't really make sense. Additionally, if owner didn't attack didi, then who did? I'm just using the information you've been giving me here and the ones provided by others.

You're absolutely giga trolling if you think your "caught her in a lie" play is 100% foolproof because it has so many holes in it.

You try to say "how is this a real position for me" but how is it real for you? There are way too many inconsistent points here.
Bc I know for a fact the ability is Town. I told you it wasn’t a Scum ability, you go on about why it is. There’s literally nothing else to go into at that point.
Then why do you know for a fact? Or could this just be a lie? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

people in a game of deceit lying? You're either pocketed by ekko or his scummate. I'll find out by the EOD. I really hope you're his scummate because if you got pocketed by something that could so obviously be fraudulent, then I'm kinda disappointed.
@JoJo tell me how things change for you here if I ever die and flip Town?
If you flip town, I'll be genuinely surprised. But I'm still lynching owner tomorrow if she doesn't die tonight. Purple mafia has displayed a plethora of killing, I would know, I'm a part of it. I have a vested interest in surviving, so if purp wants to get something done, then do it at night. Me personally, I have nothing else to go on than a huge POE list from g2.

But if you're town, I might believe ekko more. Probably a lot more. Didi would be on the top of the list and maybe Bada. You could still be pocketed.

However, even if you flip scum I'm still going for owner tomorrow.
If JoJo turns out to be town I’m gonna be hell to deal with post game lol.
I'm 99% sure that purple mafia investigated me and that they saw my town flip so they tried to off me.

That being said. You actually can't logically try and argue that I'm being anti town right now lol.

It's actually mind numbing if you think letting townies get nuked at night while tunneling red is the best play. That's literally the most scumfuck shit I've ever heard and the only person I've ever seen do that are scum.
I'm 99% sure that purple mafia investigated me and that they saw my town flip so they tried to off me.

That being said. You actually can't logically try and argue that I'm being anti town right now lol.

It's actually mind numbing if you think letting townies get nuked at night while tunneling red is the best play. That's literally the most scumfuck shit I've ever heard and the only person I've ever seen do that are scum.
No one is tunneling Red. I went for Purple yesterday. Wanted to take the best chance at them by going Purple Lynch + Exe, but we have mechanics on Owner. You don’t take a chance swing at Didi or go for me, town, over outted scum. That’s idiotic.

You take sure scum.

You are being extremely anti town bc me and Ekko are town. You’re derailing the whole game over two town players on a stupid tunnel.

If you’re town, I’m gonna be a real asshole after this game is over lol. Congratulations bc I try not to do it often.
13 is high but 7 and 8 are also too low. To the point I think are being straight up dishonest with themselves. 8 people vs the entire world gtfo out with that shit. POE needs counter measures and 14 to 16 mafia in the entire player list of 74 people is silly.
My number of 3 or 4 left is far closer than yours of 8. Stop being silly, this is why the NFC North is mid. Also why my Niners crush them all.
that's fair

@Traveling Swordsman @Rej @Santí @Juan @Alwaysmind @Hidden @Karma @Saturday @Mich @nfcnorth @Ratchet @SoulKiller

If you go through my posts today, I've made my point why the push on owner about her being a liar is sus. Even if she does flip a killer, it doesn't actually give credit to Ekko and his buddy DrProf as anything unless she specifically flips as a double super killer or something to that effect.

G1 has already been powerwolfed hard enough with at least 10ish of you guys being possible town reads and a plethora of claims or clears coming out.

DrProf is the lynch because it opens the gates to figuring out purple scum. We as a town don't actually win by allying with either faction. Weaken them both, make them vested in targeting each other, and keep scum hunting.

But I'm willing to bet my life on this game that DrProf flips scum.
[vote lynch Dr. prof]
After Owner, assuming that Red has at least one more:


There’s your starting Red POE lol. Don’t believe all of you are Town and at least one of you is trying to distract/derail from Owner I think.

JoJo is probably too open with his Owner detail but his belligerence is hard to reconcile with town.

Karma after them maybe.
Nah, I just know what's possible. Tell me who else you think killed or targeted didi. If you have info that a player she targeted suddenly died, why does owner HAVE to be one who killed nessos?

oh because she allegedly lied

im doing nothing here except for using your own claim that owner has killing power against you while being skeptical of the actual """""""""""""''set up"""""""""""""

i really fucking hope you aren't townie. it means youre getting btfo by purple scum and yet you still chose to tunnel an unrelated game based on the evidence of another that technically has no solid proof or mechanical backing. You don't even have an agenda like I do. You're trying to frame me as someone on owner's team when I KNOW for a fact purple fucking targeted me last night and they went through a role crush

keep going. i'll keep rolling you
See that's the thing. No one actually knows for certain. You make your claims, didi says what happened to him, owner makes her claims. Why is the reverse untrue? Why am I led to believe that the in thread marks that got a scum executed and abilities and also cleared the scummiest person ever (hammer) is trustable at all?

Owner doesn't actually have to to attack didi, but if she's hostile like you claim she is, then what else would she do? Others have claimed owner is a good player, so why would she openly attack an IC?

There are so many holes and alternative possibilities that it doesn't really make sense. Additionally, if owner didn't attack didi, then who did? I'm just using the information you've been giving me here and the ones provided by others.

You're absolutely giga trolling if you think your "caught her in a lie" play is 100% foolproof because it has so many holes in it.

You try to say "how is this a real position for me" but how is it real for you? There are way too many inconsistent points here.

Then why do you know for a fact? Or could this just be a lie? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

people in a game of deceit lying? You're either pocketed by ekko or his scummate. I'll find out by the EOD. I really hope you're his scummate because if you got pocketed by something that could so obviously be fraudulent, then I'm kinda disappointed.

If you flip town, I'll be genuinely surprised. But I'm still lynching owner tomorrow if she doesn't die tonight. Purple mafia has displayed a plethora of killing, I would know, I'm a part of it. I have a vested interest in surviving, so if purp wants to get something done, then do it at night. Me personally, I have nothing else to go on than a huge POE list from g2.

But if you're town, I might believe ekko more. Probably a lot more. Didi would be on the top of the list and maybe Bada. You could still be pocketed.

However, even if you flip scum I'm still going for owner tomorrow.
Ekko is town. If I die and so much as look his way after you can go to hell lol.
He is not lynch or kill immune. He was also investigated guilty based on how many stacks he has. His kill is also conditional and it's 1 shot while your kill doesn't have limit since you claimed to attack players several times. That's too powerful to be town imo.

How many days did you [;ay this game? You should be able to manage your sleeping schedule to vote the leading wagon. If you're town you shouldn't be afraid to be in the lynch pool. For this game voting the leading wagon is recommended so we have more lynch pool to choose from. It's different from normal game where voting leading wagon is considered scummy.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa.
I’m behind, so maybe this has been addressed already - but @Traveling Swordsman - did you REALLY just use “you should be able to manage your sleeping schedule to vote the leading wagon” against someone else?? Are you fucking kidding me? After days upon days of you blindly, ridiculously, calling me out for using activity in thread, and the fact that I can’t know what’s going on on your personal life against you, you go and throw this shit at someone else?? Holy shit.
Tomorrow. Town always loses when they unintentionally ally with another scum team. If red has stragglers, both town and purple mafia can kill them. But the day lynch should go to our POE because town needs information to use at night.
Yes our PoE is Owner. Vote there let's go.
Tomorrow. Town always loses when they unintentionally ally with another scum team. If red has stragglers, both town and purple mafia can kill them. But the day lynch should go to our POE because town needs information to use at night.
Had no plans of joining either scum team. Red mafia is desperate.
The only way Owner isn’t scum is if Ekko was redirected lol. And what’s the chances the person redirected also targeted Didi and Fuji (bc Owner has as far as I know never refuted targeting Fuji once it was outted).
this is dumb as shit because it assumes in thread write ups are a town ability

and now imagine owner does flip town, what do you guys do? you guys continue the game 2 trend of being at everyone's throats and we lose another day phase
You could have woken up during EOD to vote the leading wagon then go back to sleep. Instead you chose to sleep until EOD was over. First, second/third time is acceptable but if it is repeated until this day phase it looks scummy.
Dude stfu right the fuck now. You are such a fucking hypocrite. Jumping down my throat for calling you out for the same fucking thing, and you use it against others?

can mafia please take TS out? Vigs? Anyone? FFS.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa.
I’m behind, so maybe this has been addressed already - but @Traveling Swordsman - did you REALLY just use “you should be able to manage your sleeping schedule to vote the leading wagon” against someone else?? Are you fucking kidding me? After days upon days of you blindly, ridiculously, calling me out for using activity in thread, and the fact that I can’t know what’s going on on your personal life against you, you go and throw this shit at someone else?? Holy shit.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa.
chill down chill down he didn't have any intention to change his sleeping habit while I wanted to voye on the main wagon now starting from day 4 until today. I also suspected him for his overpowered abilities. Are you fucking kidding me you didn't see that I started voting main wagon day 4 until today? Are you blind? Ridiculous calling me out for suspecting players who has no intention to change his sleeping habit to vote the main wagon.

And the fact you don't want to allow me a changed man to suspect a players who has no intention to appear near EOD to vote the main wagon holy shit.

but no actual refute, i understand u might tired of arguing (as i am as well) but still

ur not gonna flip town

give me your entire game reads
Next most likely to be Purple after JW is probably SK.

Didi and Bada stay in scum POE for their individual reasons but starting to think they might not be Purple.

Hero/LM (if JW doesn’t flip with a GF passive especially/Santi are POE.

Juan and Rej are very likely Town.

Ekko is 100% town.

I already gave Red POE but Fuji, Draeke, and Hidden all stand out as town from your group.
Dude stfu right the fuck now. You are such a fucking hypocrite. Jumping down my throat for calling you out for the same fucking thing, and you use it against others?

can mafia please take TS out? Vigs? Anyone? FFS.
Dude stfu right now. you are such a fucking hypocrite. A changed man like me cannot suspect player who has no intention to change his sleeping habit to vote the main wagon. Jumping down my throat when what you did was disregarding why I cannot appear near EOD while Badalight player did not appear near EOD because he did not want to.

can mafia take Draekke out? vigs? FFS
Next most likely to be Purple after JW is probably SK.

Didi and Bada stay in scum POE for their individual reasons but starting to think they might not be Purple.

Hero/LM (if JW doesn’t flip with a GF passive especially/Santi are POE.

Juan and Rej are very likely Town.

Ekko is 100% town.

I already gave Red POE but Fuji, Draeke, and Hidden all stand out as town from your group.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa.
chill down chill down he didn't have any intention to change his sleeping habit while I wanted to voye on the main wagon now starting from day 4 until today. I also suspected him for his overpowered abilities. Are you fucking kidding me you didn't see that I started voting main wagon day 4 until today? Are you blind? Ridiculous calling me out for suspecting players who has no intention to change his sleeping habit to vote the main wagon.

And the fact you don't want to allow me a changed man to suspect a players who has no intention to appear near EOD to vote the main wagon holy shit.
So you’re saying that you’re suddenly a changed man? After 6 days of riding my ass hard, you’ve chosen to finally change now? Whatever man, your game is terrible if you’re mafia or Indy, even worse if you’re town.

vote DrProf and trust me

we lynch owner tomorrow
You better fucking hope this lynch doesn't go through.

Because if it does, and he flips town like I think.

I am going to be the worst tomorrow.

You thought Ekko was like a gnat?

Wait until you meet Gnatchet.

By the end of day tomorrow you will be begging Shizune to write up your lynch.


So let's avoid the unpleasantness.

And vote with me and yeet Owner.

I have Owner as scum on pure reads.

Last time I asked something this game to trust me was Didi on Sin being scum.

Guess what happened?

The raven flipped scum.

Owner will be scum too.

I "see" it.
ok lol

are u masons? did u invest him?
Yes we’re masons you dumb mfer lol. (Although how it came about is pretty unconventional.

We were also Masons with Nessos and Vanya. We’re all in their role PM.

On that note since it’s out of the bag, Kira has 1 vote power. Nessos checked him yesterday. Not very useful really but it’s better to say than not I guess lol.
You better fucking hope this lynch doesn't go through.

Because if it does, and he flips town like I think.

I am going to be the worst tomorrow.

You thought Ekko was like a gnat?

Wait until you meet Gnatchet.

By the end of day tomorrow you will be begging Shizune to write up your lynch.


So let's avoid the unpleasantness.

And vote with me and yeet Owner.

I have Owner as scum on pure reads.

Last time I asked something this game to trust me was Didi on Sin being scum.

Guess what happened?

The raven flipped scum.

Owner will be scum too.

I "see" it.
brah you have to trust me

owner can go tomorrow
So you’re saying that you’re suddenly a changed man? After 6 days of riding my ass hard, you’ve chosen to finally change now? Whatever man, your game is terrible if you’re mafia or Indy, even worse if you’re town
So you're saying that Legend and Nfcnorth are not changed man after they didn't vote the main wagon for 3 days straight similar with me. Whatever man, your game if you're mafia or indy even worse you're town.
Where did the sus on drprof even come from? Hes been a town read for me for a while now
Pretty much him and ekko came in the thread with an obvious agenda that they had "info" on owner and wanted to catch her out in a lie. I went through their claims and none of it made sense. It was full of possible holes and now I think they're scum buddies trying to leverage an anti g2/anti red sentiment so they, as purple, can coast and win the game.

It's classic diversion tacts in a 3 faction game (town vs mafia vs mafia)

if owner is scum, and she might be, she can be dealt with later. doesn't change the game. but drprof is absolutely scum and will give more info when he flips it
So you're saying that Legend and Nfcnorth are not changed man after they didn't vote the main wagon for 3 days straight similar with me. Whatever man, your game if you're mafia or indy even worse you're town.
Dude you’re such a moron. My point against you was that you avoided the lynch vote D1 AND D2 AND D3. Nobody else did that. Just you.

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