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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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Suggest you read group 1s thread, we flipped more scum so we do have a better idea here. I named my susses, iso them and lemme know what you think.
I will use this game only to formulate my own reads regarding group 1. So if you can summarize your susses, isos then that would be much appreciated. Hopefully that's not too much to ask.
But how is that helping anyone?

Im fine staying tyvm.

Ive been voting for you occasionally (Twice) but have mentioned and pressed others. Dont flatter yourself.

You can try, I doubt it'll go anywhere.

I dont appreciate being brought up in a negative light regsardless, its not a town/scum thing. My inactivity? Ive been way above the execution line every day of this game. What are you on?
It helps me to see how Draekke's logic word to see his alignment.

Sure keep being inactive.

Voting me means nothing you have no case on me. Who did you push?

Yeah won't go anywhere since you are Draekke's scum buddy.

Of course I will bring up all active players who didn't vote the main wagon why are you salty?
is it tho? you doing a very poor job resolving my slot by the way, especially after the merger game. Only reason I didn't bother with you or ekko for that matter is because people are vouching for you guys. But you do need to stop at one point and think, why are they still alive? unlike you who relies on mechanics mostly in a role madness game of 70+ players, I am actually relying on reads, and if we wanna go by reads I liked you much better early on in the game. Now, not soo much. You and Ekko ain't priority at this point and will be looked at further toward closer end of the game if both of you guys are still alive by then. I find it funny this is the only part you wanted to comment about, and funny enough it's related about you. Fake really?

Keep in mind prof, if you are truly scum, then I am back in the game now and have no other game to worry about but this one, so if you think you can just jump my way and think you can get away with it. Then well, you in for a rude awakening my friend. I am back and committed in executing filthy scums and if you are scum then your time will come eventually. You can mark my words on that one.
It relating to me is why it stood out. It’s easier to see things when you’re the subject and know your alignment.

When you’re talking about someone else there’s always the doubt of “well maybe”

When its me and Ekko I know we’re town so it’s easy to spot a bad read. And its not bad for suspecting us, but you’re doing it in a way that isn’t taking a stance either way and your “but good lord” sounds fake.

You also said “if one of them is scum” which is a good way to keep the remainder as an option to turn on if one dies. You can’t have it that way. We’re both Scum or we’re both Town and I expected you to actually look at us and take a side soon instead of this wishy washy shit you left out there.
nah, me telling you now wont magically make the 13 votes go away.
nah u can fk off
telling us what u did can help us even after u die. u just dont care here, so why should we

also it's fucking stupid to ask me what actions I did instead of who I did

except ur claiming way more than just a roleblocker
i am asking who ur targets r and what did u do on all nights. u claimed an ability similar to mine earlier im curious what did u do with it.

full claim everything now
nah u can fk off
telling us what u did can help us even after u die. u just dont care here, so why should we

except ur claiming way more than just a roleblocker
i am asking who ur targets r and what did u do on all nights. u claimed an ability similar to mine earlier im curious what did u do with it.

full claim everything now
the fact you wait until im dead to ask is sus as fuck. not gonna lie. if you suspecting me all game why wait until i confirmed lynched to fucking ask?
It relating to me is why it stood out. It’s easier to see things when you’re the subject and know your alignment.

When you’re talking about someone else there’s always the doubt of “well maybe”

When its me and Ekko I know we’re town so it’s easy to spot a bad read. And its not bad for suspecting us, but you’re doing it in a way that isn’t taking a stance either way and your “but good lord” sounds fake.

You also said “if one of them is scum” which is a good way to keep the remainder as an option to turn on if one dies. You can’t have it that way. We’re both Scum or we’re both Town and I expected you to actually look at us and take a side soon instead of this wishy washy shit you left out there.
You come to me and talking about absolutes, it's either this or that and none of this 'wishy washy shit'. But is it really wishy washy shit? This is mafia mate, you expect me to know what you know? Look at it from my perspective, I am but a single player playing the game mostly from read perspective, and I find it hard to believe both of you are scum, because if you are then honest to god, you guys are fooling even me. That is some impressive teamwork, but I just don't think that's the case, it makes no sense from mafia to duo up like that all game. So from my perspective it would make more sense if one of you is scum, not sure why you want it to be either this or that in a mafia game, that is very linear thinking.

Regarding the 'oh it's about me, ofc i will reply.' You see, you made alot of comments my way and I simply did not give two fucks about it because I know you are wrong, and I won't waste my breath on a person people vouching to be townie. But at one point you need to stop and think for yourself, if you are townie that's literally what you have to do. This is mafia, imagine losing because people refused to lynch scum because they vouched for him. Nonsense. You guys simply ain't priority at this point, and I made that clear, it will only ping me really bad if late game came around the corner. So, no need to get your jimmies rustled just yet. There are long list of people that need to be yeeted to the cosmos from both group 1 and group 2 before we resolve your slot or ekko's.
It helps me to see how Draekke's logic word to see his alignment.

Sure keep being inactive.

Voting me means nothing you have no case on me. Who did you push?

Yeah won't go anywhere since you are Draekke's scum buddy.

Of course I will bring up all active players who didn't vote the main wagon why are you salty?
My issue with you currently (beyond I think you are scum). Is that your argument is a flawed whataboutism. You talk a big game, speak with platitudes pointing out the activity levels of players, while you post a whole lot without saying anything except grating on peoples nerves.

What do you define as inactive?

Was I not one of the people in front of Flower's lynch from jumpstreet?

Please provide reasoning for that?

I literally just pointed out I was on the main wagon before I went afk and the wagon changed. Biggest Example was the Broki lynch.
You come to me and talking about absolutes, it's either this or that and none of this 'wishy washy shit'. But is it really wishy washy shit? This is mafia mate, you expect me to know what you know? Look at it from my perspective, I am but a single player playing the game mostly from read perspective, and I find it hard to believe both of you are scum, because if you are then honest to god, you guys are fooling even me. That is some impressive teamwork, but I just don't think that's the case, it makes no sense from mafia to duo up like that all game. So from my perspective it would make more sense if one of you is scum, not sure why you want it to be either this or that in a mafia game, that is very linear thinking.
I don’t expect you to work in absolutes but your a confident enough player I think you can pick a side to lean to.

How does it make sense for one of us to be scum with what we’ve claimed?
Regarding the 'oh it's about me, ofc i will reply.' You see, you made alot of comments my way and I simply did not give two fucks about it because I know you are wrong, and I won't waste my breath on a person people vouching to be townie. But at one point you need to stop and think for yourself, if you are townie that's literally what you have to do. This is mafia, imagine losing because people refused to lynch scum because they vouched for him. Nonsense. You guys simply ain't priority at this point, and I made that clear, it will only ping me really bad if late game came around the corner. So, no need to get your jimmies rustled just yet. There are long list of people that need to be yeeted to the cosmos from both group 1 and group 2 before we resolve your slot or ekko's.
The point of brining it into question is to solve your slot when you say something that pings me.
Yeah, whatever happened to that one mod who really loved banning people?

So from my perspective it would make more sense if one of you is scum, not sure why you want it to be either this or that in a mafia game, that is very linear thinking.
The problem with this is that their claims, as stated, mean they can confirm each other. Not a pseudo confirm, not a half confirm but a proper one. So for one of them to be scum here, they would have to have the non-scum lie for them. Seems unlikely, no? You can't just dismiss the claims, because it is information which we use to inform our read. Mafia is all about weighing up information in every form and seeing what makes sense.
@SoulKiller whats eye raising about us today?

And what specifically do you like less about me now?
Wasn't a fan of you throwing scum reads on players because they are pushing ekko or you mostly. Felt very defensive for no reason. They can still be townie and are wrong. Your stance this game is what made me raise my eyebrows. I saw nothing wrong with Jojo push on ekko or you for that matter, looked to me he is trying to solve the game. Not sure why took such firm stance against him and Michelle and paint them as scum, you do realize they are players from group 1 and probably didn't read much of group 2 game? Plus, why do you expect people to just accept things at face value? when results can be tampered, things can be faked, shit ton of abilities popping up behind the scenes. I just don't get it. For what it's worth I don't see you as scum axing yourself as scum to defend another player, but that mindset of mine would only go so far. Because closer toward the end game, you gotta start thinking for yourself, is what they claim really is true?
i dont know if u r town or not. im leaning not town and i want all ur n1 to n6 actions and targets because u claimed smth similar to what i have. what part of this is hard to comprehend

im just gna assume scum and move on
because you've been calling me scum all game now that my death is confirmed you start asking for details on my ability? fuck that you could have asked me before.
i havent tunneled you this game
you did
you dont know what im like when i tunnel
you and prof have been fucking pushing me all game
im dead, you can figure it out when my role shows up. I don't respect you enough even if you're town to tell you someone else can ask me and I will gladly tell them.
Could you list out all of your actions from the start of the game to last night for me please. We need it after your flip to help put things together.
The problem with this is that their claims, as stated, mean they can confirm each other. Not a pseudo confirm, not a half confirm but a proper one. So for one of them to be scum here, they would have to have the non-scum lie for them. Seems unlikely, no? You can't just dismiss the claims, because it is information which we use to inform our read. Mafia is all about weighing up information in every form and seeing what makes sense.
I am not dismissing anything, hence why I said they are to be left until end of the game to resolve their slots. But if end game comes around and let's say 6 people left and ekko and prof are still alive at that point. Then a person needs to take a step back and think. Why are they still alive if they are apparently confirmed townies? see, it makes no sense. I do take information into consideration, but above all I trust my instincts and reads.
Could you list out all of your actions from the start of the game to last night for me please. We need it after your flip to help put things together.
sure, I can only roleblock on odd days one defensive and one offensive. I have a one shot that let's me target two people, on even days I can turn the roleblock into vote steal but sadly it doesn't work for execute. meaning today I have a 5 vote power. everyone who openly climed they got roleblocked was from me.
Wasn't a fan of you throwing scum reads on players because they are pushing ekko or you mostly. Felt very defensive for no reason. They can still be townie and are wrong. Your stance this game is what made me raise my eyebrows. I saw nothing wrong with Jojo push on ekko or you for that matter, looked to me he is trying to solve the game. Not sure why took such firm stance against him and Michelle and paint them as scum, you do realize they are players from group 1 and probably didn't read much of group 2 game? Plus, why do you expect people to just accept things at face value? when results can be tampered, things can be faked, shit ton of abilities popping up behind the scenes. I just don't get it. For what it's worth I don't see you as scum axing yourself as scum to defend another player, but that mindset of mine would only go so far. Because closer toward the end game, you gotta start thinking for yourself, is what they claim really is true?
It’s scummy bc the push on me and Ekko took attention away from Owner.

JoJo, NFC, and Mich all contributed to moving away from Owner by that stuff.

Going on the offensive there is a good way to save your teammate from a lynch without straight up defending them.

I think there is a good chance one of the 3 could be scum if Owner is scum.

JoJo is tinfoiling things that go against the hosts own words that this game isn’t bastard so he’s either stubborn to the point of being delusional or scum. He did not approach us or the situation at hand (by wanting to leave owner even tho he thought she could be red) with a pro town mindset.
sure, I can only roleblock on odd days one defensive and one offensive. I have a one shot that let's me target two people, on even days I can turn the roleblock into vote steal but sadly it doesn't work for execute. meaning today I have a 5 vote power. everyone who openly climed they got roleblocked was from me.
Thanks. For my own laziness, could you just post those people out here, I am very tired and have no inclination to go through the thread collating claims. If it's in one post it enables my laziness.
My issue with you currently (beyond I think you are scum). Is that your argument is a flawed whataboutism. You talk a big game, speak with platitudes pointing out the activity levels of players, while you post a whole lot without saying anything except grating on peoples nerves.

What do you define as inactive?

Was I not one of the people in front of Flower's lynch from jumpstreet?

Please provide reasoning for that?

I literally just pointed out I was on the main wagon before I went afk and the wagon changed. Biggest Example was the Broki lynch.
I pointed out other players who were active but did not vote the main wagon to point out Draekke's hypocrisy. If you are town you should not feel pressured when I mentioned something which really happened. You did not vote the main wagon day 1, day 3, and yesterday.
Thanks. For my own laziness, could you just post those people out here, I am very tired and have no inclination to go through the thread collating claims. If it's in one post it enables my laziness.
d1:ekkoloix and wolfprincekiba

D3:ekkoloix and I saw rej protect him

D5: Santi and drakkee targeted me and got roleblocked and I roleblocked rej and lind
I am not dismissing anything, hence why I said they are to be left until end of the game to resolve their slots. But if end game comes around and let's say 6 people left and ekko and prof are still alive at that point. Then a person needs to take a step back and think. Why are they still alive if they are apparently confirmed townies? see, it makes no sense. I do take information into consideration, but above all I trust my instincts and reads.
this is not the time to be discussing this yeah?
I don’t expect you to work in absolutes but your a confident enough player I think you can pick a side to lean to.

How does it make sense for one of us to be scum with what we’ve claimed?

The point of brining it into question is to solve your slot when you say something that pings me.

You see, that reads are kinda legacy reads from me. I did pick a side, I even told jojo I won't entertain any lynch this DP that is not didi or owner. You are to be resolved later into the game. Why is such thinking making you on guard?

I don't believe you truly cared about resolving my slot professor, it feels you always keep me at close bay whenever you talk about me. Even after being more active. Didn't see you caring that much. Not like I care ofcourse. You do you.
I am kind of worried about vote shenanigans or some sort of shenanigans and want to make sure the second lynch is clear who it is [vote lynch didi]. I am down with getting info from this too.

Also for the record I do think SK is doing a better job of getting a across my point than I have done.
I have a 5 vote power right now
You see, that reads are kinda legacy reads from me. I did pick a side, I even told jojo I won't entertain any lynch this DP that is not didi or owner. You are to be resolved later into the game. Why is such thinking making you on guard?
It’s not on guard. It’s seeing something I didn’t like and thought was scummy and pointing it out. It’s about you not me.
I don't believe you truly cared about resolving my slot professor,
Then that would make it scum wouldn’t it Soul?
d1:ekkoloix and wolfprincekiba

D3:ekkoloix and I saw rej protect him

D5: Santi and drakkee targeted me and got roleblocked and I roleblocked rej and lind
so ur like an odd night JOAT or smth. u targeted me and wpk with vote silence, but i was also blocked from targeting u

the first night where game 1 could target us was n6 tho. how can u see draekke day 5 lmfaooo
I am kind of worried about vote shenanigans or some sort of shenanigans and want to make sure the second lynch is clear who it is [vote lynch didi]. I am down with getting info from this too.

Also for the record I do think SK is doing a better job of getting a across my point than I have done.

on one hand that is a valid reason

on the other hand that ensures you might not be on tomorrow's lynch pool after you just got a lot of shit from several posters
I pointed out other players who were active but did not vote the main wagon to point out Draekke's hypocrisy. If you are town you should not feel pressured when I mentioned something which really happened. You did not vote the main wagon day 1, day 3, and yesterday.
First of all and let me be absolutely clear, this is not pressuring? This is lightwork. We are discussing your flawed argument and overall playstyle. You are exasperating to go back and forth with, Its neither stimulating nor productive. Ive already explained to you repeatedly why my votes were not on the main wagon at EOD. I WAS NOT AROUND. I dont get what point you are trying to make talking in circles and repeating the same point. Please get some new material.
so ur like an odd night JOAT or smth. u targeted me and wpk with vote silence, but i was also blocked from targeting u

the first night where game 1 could target us was n6 tho. how can u see draekke day 5 lmfaooo
I mentioned this before. I have a defensive and offensive roleblock im basically bulletproof and a roleblocker.
It’s scummy bc the push on me and Ekko took attention away from Owner.

JoJo, NFC, and Mich all contributed to moving away from Owner by that stuff.

Going on the offensive there is a good way to save your teammate from a lynch without straight up defending them.

I think there is a good chance one of the 3 could be scum if Owner is scum.

JoJo is tinfoiling things that go against the hosts own words that this game isn’t bastard so he’s either stubborn to the point of being delusional or scum. He did not approach us or the situation at hand (by wanting to leave owner even tho he thought she could be red) with a pro town mindset.
I can get behind NFC, will need to reread this slot though, especially after we see Owner flip. The other two to me atleast felt like they are trying to solve the game, I will admit that jojo seemed to me that he went too deep and his ego got the better of him. But I didn't think their push was necessarily scummy per say.
First of all and let me be absolutely clear, this is not pressuring? This is lightwork. We are discussing your flawed argument and overall playstyle. You are exasperating to go back and forth with, Its neither stimulating nor productive. Ive already explained to you repeatedly why my votes were not on the main wagon at EOD. I WAS NOT AROUND. I dont get what point you are trying to make talking in circles and repeating the same point. Please get some new material.
The fact that you said my argument is flawed shows how pressured you are right now. I don't need to repeat the same argument over and over again. I'm sure you can read. Draekke has been tunneling on me while he townread you and Nfcnorth who are both also did not vote for 3 days pinged me and I mentioned that to Draekke.
It’s not on guard. It’s seeing something I didn’t like and thought was scummy and pointing it out. It’s about you not me.

You think it's scummy right now? you painted it as fake when it was not, you took on guard on something that should only be resolved later into the game. You think you will survive that long professor?

Then that would make it scum wouldn’t it Soul?
Usually yes, but taking into consideration people vouching you as townie makes me stop for a second. You are null at best for me right now. Hence why I am not bothered with resolving you at the moment, simply because there are other players who need my attention over you or ekko at the moment.
rej, there's no way I can pressure you for who protected you. until i'm sure you are mafia. did I lie and say i knew he protected you every day? yes. did he call me out on me? no

so it's odd he could have easily called me out and said no he didn't
This is a valid point. And I feel like Rej is mostly living off of protecting Ekko here.
I can get behind NFC, will need to reread this slot though, especially after we see Owner flip. The other two to me atleast felt like they are trying to solve the game, I will admit that jojo seemed to me that he went too deep and his ego got the better of him. But I didn't think their push was necessarily scummy per say.
JoJo could be dumb town, I admit. But at a certain point stubbornness in the face of everything beyond a certain point comes off as fake. And fakeness is always going to ring scummy.

It becomes hard to tell if he’s town with a serious ego problem or scum trying to overcommit so hard that they become “too obvious” for suspicion.

I do think nfc is probably worse bc he was basically just piggy backing the situation that JoJo mainly created. But JoJo’s actions firmly put him in the Red POE for me.

Mich may be the best but I don’t like how she talked about tinfoiling JoJo if Owner flips Red. Could be a normal town post but could have been in there to pivot on JoJo if Owner is her teammate and she wants JoJo to take the fall for the derail.
You think you will survive that long professor?
Probably not no. But you sure might so I won’t hold my tongue about you.
Usually yes, but taking into consideration people vouching you as townie makes me stop for a second. You are null at best for me right now. Hence why I am not bothered with resolving you at the moment, simply because there are other players who need my attention over you or ekko at the moment.
Feels like you want to shade and discredit me but don’t have the guts to scum read me.

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