Since day 1 started in page 29 John Wayne was in the lead with 5 votes
Vote count up to page 29
Soul 1 Juan 2 Didi 2 John 5 Tinky 1 TS 2 Legend 1 Badalight 1 Professor 1
Soul had 1 vote while John led ahead with 5 votes.
Then Hero wagon started Melkor and up till page 32, hero had 5 votes tied with John. Melkor switched his vote to John confirmed scum so Melkor is town imo. Another Hero voters are Laix, Cooler, Saturday from group 1 so NAi since they don't know if Hero is purple or not since they are from group 1, Didi is another Hero voters who is suspected right now and he is from group 2. So Didi might be purple mafia among Hero wagon.
Vote count up till page 32
Soul 1 Juan 2 Didi 2 John 5 Tinky 0 TS 2 Legend 1 Badalight 1 Professor 1 Hero 5
Another interesting to note is Soul lynch is started by Professor and Didi in page 41. Followed by Jojo, Saturday, professor, Karma, Only Professor and Didi are group 2 among Soul voters (confirmed town).
Vote count up to page 42
Soul 5 Juan 1 Didi 3 John 5 Tinky 0 TS 2 Legend 0 Badalight 0 Professor 1 Hero 5