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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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oh wait i just thought of something

>didi gets super killed at night
>owner visited him
>owner also allegedly visited nessos who died

do u think owner can kill people twice in a night? it doesnt make sense that u would get super killed but also the other person she allegedly targeted died

this either means she's a double killing mafia (doubt it) or someone saw u lose lives tonight and theyre trying to frame nessos death on a possible vig or killer who might be owner

thinking about this and the fact that DrProf said there was no point in trying to refute my possible thoughts about fuckery with write ups and taking their words as law (or whatever) is hella scummy to me
It's not that I don't trust you shot him, i think you killed your mate for town credit
He was as good as dead and most probably his role actions came to you.


did you see that role?

does that look like the kind of role someone just kill for cred

Dear god there's no winning with you guys
I am done
goodbye (I'm not actually done this is just for dramatic effect)
oh wait i just thought of something

>didi gets super killed at night
>owner visited him
>owner also allegedly visited nessos who died

do u think owner can kill people twice in a night? it doesnt make sense that u would get super killed but also the other person she allegedly targeted died

this either means she's a double killing mafia (doubt it) or someone saw u lose lives tonight and theyre trying to frame nessos death on a possible vig or killer who might be owner
she could have her own kill and did the faction kill and used both
In group 1 dead executed mafia abilities can be transferred to their team. Same thing can happen in group 2. Mafia kills their inactive scum mates to get their abilities.
yeah i already said this was a possibility

in game 1, not a single person got cred for executing scum but for some reason in game 2, people are cred for executing scum

its even more strange to me cause in game 1 we didnt even give people credit for lynching lg since it was possible was a lost wolf

she could have her own kill and did the faction kill and used both
true this is possible

how likely is it that shizune makes the person that performs the faction kill also have their own regular kill?
oh wait i just thought of something

>didi gets super killed at night
>owner visited him
>owner also allegedly visited nessos who died

do u think owner can kill people twice in a night? it doesnt make sense that u would get super killed but also the other person she allegedly targeted died

this either means she's a double killing mafia (doubt it) or someone saw u lose lives tonight and theyre trying to frame nessos death on a possible vig or killer who might be owner
The night actions can be tampered with, i am not trusting game mechanics.
Also claims can be fake, WUs can be messages from scum, etc


did you see that role?

does that look like the kind of role someone just kill for cred

Dear god there's no winning with you guys
I am done
goodbye (I'm not actually done this is just for dramatic effect)
He said he don't want to play anymore so yes, if the role can be preserved in scum team it's better to kill the player and to give a story tell for the thread.
like what is this insane tunnel
it's like you've decided that I am scum and just flippantly disregard any signs that point otherwise
There is no sign of anything from you.
All words.

You said Tinker wanted you dead, I showed you his vote on you and you didn't react strong back then because if you would Tinky would be lynched. How weak do you want me to think you are?
There is no sign of anything from you.
All words.

You said Tinker wanted you dead, I showed you his vote on you and you didn't react strong back then because if you would Tinky would be lynched. How weak do you want me to think you are?

I immediately called him out for lazy-wagoning me
it's just no one's ever followed me on the tinky wagon (some idiots like ekkologix for instance even townread tinky based off of 1 flimsy post)

so I was forced to take matters into my own hand last night
My only problem with this push on owner going on right now is the whole ish thing from the end of g1. Legit the only explanation I can come up with (unless you want to assume ish actually just threw for no reason) is that he was forced to make those posts. And if that's the case idk why owner would ever want that to happen as it's basically a self dunk lmao.

Now you could say it was another member of red since like, they can't all talk to each other, or it was third party or something. But it's just weird either way
wait never mind the guy I called out immediately for lazywagoning me was Xadlin

but I do later call tinky among my scumreads and question Ekkologix for why the hell he's townreading him
Xadlin wasn't even in the first 4 voting you, check VC1, is treademarked.
So yes, maybe you had to push someone in your wagon, and you choose Xadlin.
Not LM, Tinky, Platinul or WPK, but exactly the LHF.
This is not towny behavior even if your Ate is top notch
Xadlin wasn't even in the first 4 voting you, check VC1, is treademarked.
So yes, maybe you had to push someone in your wagon, and you choose Xadlin.
Not LM, Tinky, Platinul or WPK, but exactly the LHF.
This is not towny behavior even if your Ate is top notch

because, if I remember correctly, Xadlin literally dropped a vote on me with zero reasoning
just dipped in, voted me, and left

also like I said in that game
I believed Platinum's vote on me was just a friendly meme vote among old friends

and he confirmed that was the case right before he got lynched
what message are we talking about again
Laix said yday that purple scum had 8 members alive.
Draekke said it's an invention, but Laix died overnight.
Idk if it's a real info but if purple scum killed Laix for it then maybe the coincidence is that it's close to the truth.
LM implied that my idea is not good so he asked for reads on me, and you quoted that post

not gonna change your mind, seems like you're retarded (many such cases!)

@Lord Melkor
clearly you're here since you're rating all my posts
mind jumping in and getting your damn vote off of me? I am not fucking scum :catslam

Why are you panicking already, i do not even think you are in the lead. Do we have a vote count?

What is your current read on Hero?
Since day 1 started in page 29 John Wayne was in the lead with 5 votes

Vote count up to page 29

Soul 1 Juan 2 Didi 2 John 5 Tinky 1 TS 2 Legend 1 Badalight 1 Professor 1

Soul had 1 vote while John led ahead with 5 votes.

Then Hero wagon started Melkor and up till page 32, hero had 5 votes tied with John. Melkor switched his vote to John confirmed scum so Melkor is town imo. Another Hero voters are Laix, Cooler, Saturday from group 1 so NAi since they don't know if Hero is purple or not since they are from group 1, Didi is another Hero voters who is suspected right now and he is from group 2. So Didi might be purple mafia among Hero wagon.

Vote count up till page 32
Soul 1 Juan 2 Didi 2 John 5 Tinky 0 TS 2 Legend 1 Badalight 1 Professor 1 Hero 5

Another interesting to note is Soul lynch is started by Professor and Didi in page 41. Followed by Jojo, Saturday, professor, Karma, Only Professor and Didi are group 2 among Soul voters (confirmed town).

Vote count up to page 42
Soul 5 Juan 1 Didi 3 John 5 Tinky 0 TS 2 Legend 0 Badalight 0 Professor 1 Hero 5
Since day 1 started in page 29 John Wayne was in the lead with 5 votes

Vote count up to page 29

Soul 1 Juan 2 Didi 2 John 5 Tinky 1 TS 2 Legend 1 Badalight 1 Professor 1

Soul had 1 vote while John led ahead with 5 votes.

Then Hero wagon started Melkor and up till page 32, hero had 5 votes tied with John. Melkor switched his vote to John confirmed scum so Melkor is town imo. Another Hero voters are Laix, Cooler, Saturday from group 1 so NAi since they don't know if Hero is purple or not since they are from group 1, Didi is another Hero voters who is suspected right now and he is from group 2. So Didi might be purple mafia among Hero wagon.

Vote count up till page 32
Soul 1 Juan 2 Didi 2 John 5 Tinky 0 TS 2 Legend 1 Badalight 1 Professor 1 Hero 5

Another interesting to note is Soul lynch is started by Professor and Didi in page 41. Followed by Jojo, Saturday, professor, Karma, Only Professor and Didi are group 2 among Soul voters (confirmed town).

Vote count up to page 42
Soul 5 Juan 1 Didi 3 John 5 Tinky 0 TS 2 Legend 0 Badalight 0 Professor 1 Hero 5
What's your conclusion of this analysis?
What's your conclusion of this analysis?
Didi and Professor are suspects for starting Soul wagon when John confirmed scum led with 5 votes tied with Hero.

If John is not confirmed scum, I won't suspect Didi and Professor I'll see that as wrong reads from both of them however John is confirmed scum so I'm wary to players who switched the wagon from John to Soul
Didi and Professor are suspects for starting Soul wagon when John confirmed scum led with 5 votes tied with Hero.

If John is not confirmed scum, I won't suspect Didi and Professor I'll see that as wrong reads from both of them however John is confirmed scum so I'm wary to players who switched the wagon from John to Soul

John is confirmed scum? Where is this coming from

I mean he's probably scum but confirmed?
Didi and Professor are suspects for starting Soul wagon when John confirmed scum led with 5 votes tied with Hero.

If John is not confirmed scum, I won't suspect Didi and Professor I'll see that as wrong reads from both of them however John is confirmed scum so I'm wary to players who switched the wagon from John to Soul

John missing from the lynch list today means scum protection, with a very important role, so who saved him should be scum.

You just added a proof to my own read on both of them with that
He avoided being eligible lynch today. Attacked Jojo with superkill. Those abilities are scummy.

Let me check the timings of the votes

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