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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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It's not the play I would make if i was red because it's something EASILY cross-referenced by the actual team who shot me. If anything, just having information on what actually happened is enough to probably bury me for this claim.

Also you guys don't know me

but maybe didi can vouch for me

but if I learned that a player tried to kill me, superkill me - no less, then the most in character thing i would do is go after him
I agree that there are holes in it. I'm just saying, asking what the agenda could be is pretty pointless, because it's obvious.
it's true

Jojo would hound this friend until the end of days

if someone would so much as threaten me with a feather in a mafia game

i would take that personally

I agree that there are holes in it. I'm just saying, asking what the agenda could be is pretty pointless, because it's obvious.
i don't actually see how it's obvious because im not sure how it benefits me if im team red

you can just say "the agenda is that youre red" but you cant really stop there. i have to be actively doing something with that information. such as trying to mislynch didi or another player based off of it, etc.
but we already know Jojo is cleared from being purple

because he wasn't in game 2 :jerrykek

maybe I'm misunderstanding you
doesn't really matter anyway
Did you read the part where I specifically said he would be "Red" trying to go deep? What could that Red possibly refer to here, I wonder. Could it be... the Red scum team maybe? :o

Even if he could still be red, we'd be more inclined to leave him be if he helps catch scum of any colour, hence why if there were an agenda present, it would be Red scum trying to go deep off the back of Purple scum.
i don't actually see how it's obvious because im not sure how it benefits me if im team red

you can just say "the agenda is that youre red" but you cant really stop there. i have to be actively doing something with that information. such as trying to mislynch didi or another player based off of it, etc.
What you would be doing with it is appearing to be working towards the interests of pro town without actually being hard cleared. Even if you're in the PoE, as long as you're less scummy than the rest of the PoE you're okay.
Even if he could still be red, we'd be more inclined to leave him be if he helps catch scum of any colour, hence why if there were an agenda present, it would be Red scum trying to go deep off the back of Purple scum.

doesn't really explain your pseudo-clearing bullshit because only a tard would think taking out purple mafia somehow makes him less likely to be red, which is the point I was trying to make, but looks like we both mean the same thing
doesn't really explain your pseudo-clearing bullshit because only a tard would think taking out purple mafia somehow makes him less likely to be red, which is the point I was trying to make, but looks like we both mean the same thing
When it comes to hunting for red, which we are hunting one or two of maybe, the first players up will invariably be the ones who did nothing but hard coast at this point in the game while we were trying to whittle down purple. A move like this would preclude Jojo from falling into that pool.
It's not the play I would make if i was red because it's something EASILY cross-referenced by the actual team who shot me. If anything, just having information on what actually happened is enough to probably bury me for this claim.

Also you guys don't know me

but maybe didi can vouch for me

but if I learned that a player tried to kill me, superkill me - no less, then the most in character thing i would do is go after him
okay we heard u like 5 times. hes outed purple
hes not available for lynch today
move on
shes already admitted to hiding her result. i asked her a clear question who she targeted last night and she danced around the question at first then hid 2 targets with no justifiable reason.
not justifiable reason

man fuck off with this. i dont give a shit on how you play, but revealing all of your information and saying you """"""""'caught""""""""" someone out when you CLEARLY had an agenda against them is the most fuckbrained retarded shit i ever heard and if this how you play mafia then you should quit now

like you obviously were shooting for something lmfao. fuck off with this.

nd now didi claims a superkill was used on him (which is kinda sus on didi for surviving a superkill as a cop, but so did u
now use your fucking brain and connect the fact that didi was super killed while owner was targeting and look at the fact that nessos died. how do you know she wasn't framed and put on nessos? how do you know that owner is capable of killing two people at once? why is ANYONE inclined to believe thread writes up are absolutely true when the only other thread write up we saw was given a massive amount of flavor and the one you gave was the most vanilla shit ever

owner is just scum m8. stop defending her

didi is scum too most likely. i agree. but just because we r pushing owner does not mean we dont scum read didi or want him gone
doesnt really matter

all i know is that purple mafia is trying to kill me. i have my reads and whatnot. i have my reasons for suspecting people. lynching didi if he's scum LITERALLY opens up the thread to an entire new direction rather than just a one-of lynch for owner. baesd on your logic, you should be trying to kill her and still lynch didi

your play is absolutely bonkers room temp iq
If I ever play a game on NF again I am never sharing any information ever
None of you deserve it

Been 100% open about all my info and actions and all I get for it is suspicion

purple mafia must be fucking cackling that they can just leave me alive because town eats me up anyway even though I'm literally killing purple mafia
What purpose does this serve? We're not even talking about you being suspected. What are you doing.
That's fine. He absolutely 100% shot me. But I understand why you might have your doubts. However if you find my claim untrustworthy, then it means I have an agenda at hand. What do you think I'm trying to pull or leverage with it?
Id think you'd be trying to paint yourself as more townie using an obvious scum like JW

Have you had anything/anyone clearing you as town?
Did you read the part where I specifically said he would be "Red" trying to go deep? What could that Red possibly refer to here, I wonder. Could it be... the Red scum team maybe? :eek:

Even if he could still be red, we'd be more inclined to leave him be if he helps catch scum of any colour, hence why if there were an agenda present, it would be Red scum trying to go deep off the back of Purple scum.
Exactly this
It's not the play I would make if i was red because it's something EASILY cross-referenced by the actual team who shot me. If anything, just having information on what actually happened is enough to probably bury me for this claim.

Also you guys don't know me

but maybe didi can vouch for me

but if I learned that a player tried to kill me, superkill me - no less, then the most in character thing i would do is go after him
Yeah but he cant be lynched today so can be vigged at night, who do you want out between Owner and Didi?
@Kira Yagami I said ut right there

Mate, you claimed you had mechanical evidence of him being town. Spill it or no one is going to listen to you. I don't even think Kira is scum but like I'm so tired of reading about this.

If I ever play a game on NF again I am never sharing any information ever
None of you deserve it

Been 100% open about all my info and actions and all I get for it is suspicion

purple mafia must be fucking cackling that they can just leave me alive because town eats me up anyway even though I'm literally killing purple mafia

I feel the exact same way bro.
too bad you're lynching Didi while he's town and gaining no info from it other than the fact that the average IQ on NF is room temperature

I expected better play from you Jojo
explain how the fuck anything about me makes sense as scum

talk to draekke hes the one who think ur doing it for town cred cuz tinky said he wanted to quit and possible was going to be modkilled (maybe like ultra)

i'll do u one better, i dont think ur purple as much as i think ur an indie scum. defend urself from this one :dotell
too bad you're lynching Didi while he's town and gaining no info from it other than the fact that the average IQ on NF is room temperature

I expected better play from you Jojo
explain how the fuck anything about me makes sense as scum

The thing that explains you being scum is all the claims. Your actual role flip would give information. You seemingly survived a super kill, but also have this multi copping ability. I also hate the fact that you've been at the throats of everyone and vice versa and yet, honestly nothing has amount from it.

Also mild meta read from WJ - when she's scum, she always buses her teammates because she doesnt know how to play and I saw her voting you. She does this every time :skully

Also JW and your interactions seemed HELLA sus to me
talk to draekke hes the one who think ur doing it for town cred cuz tinky said he wanted to quit and possible was going to be modkilled (maybe like ultra)

i'll do u one better, i dont think ur purple as much as i think ur an indie scum. defend urself from this one :dotell

okay I will - I am not
my role makes no sense as an indie

what would a cop role with communication abilities gain from being indie
Is it not possible that Ekko is town and Prof. is scum and just used some weird message ability to get Owner killed? Like, they don't have to be teammates necessarily. Prof could very easily be using Ekko.

@ekko have you actually done anything ability wise in this game
No that wouldn't make sense because Ekko already was under some impression that I targeted nessos, which is not the case

Ekko and prof seem together with how they are posting around the same time or acting together. they would be scum together
are you actually dense

why are u saying im trying to push for his lynch lmao

im looking for the people associated with him because i have a vested interest in trying to lynch the people that are trying to kill me

this is why town 2 did so bad.
ur crying too much about JW shooting u
waaa he shot me waaaaaa

okay man we got it. me and prof arent his teammates. we want him gone as much as u do, maybe more
I mean, Didi has at least tried to play a pro town game. You've spent most of it trying to duck the lynch because you're worried about it. You are not the same.

1 phase is not most of the fucking game. Jesus christ. I was literally actively questioning Xadlin because I thought he was town and the more he revealed the more I felt that way. I'm not playing anti-town because I had a different read then everyone else who were all wrong. Then I voted with town on d4 and d5. D6 I also voted with town until wagon switched after I was asleep (but also, JW is def scum so I was right to stay anyway).
1 phase is not most of the fucking game. Jesus christ. I was literally actively questioning Xadlin because I thought he was town and the more he revealed the more I felt that way. I'm not playing anti-town because I had a different read then everyone else who were all wrong. Then I voted with town on d4 and d5. D6 I also voted with town until wagon switched after I was asleep (but also, JW is def scum so I was right to stay anyway).
Try three straight cycles, not one phase.
Is it not possible that Ekko is town and Prof. is scum and just used some weird message ability to get Owner killed? Like, they don't have to be teammates necessarily. Prof could very easily be using Ekko.

@ekko have you actually done anything ability wise in this game
yes quiet alot actually
Try three straight cycles, not one phase.

Which 3 cycles mate. Please enlighten me. Am I anti-town because I believed Xadlin was town and I happened to be right about it? Day 3 I will give you. D1 maaaaybe but like most of that day I was just catching up with the game thread anyway and was not comfortable with a last minute switch to plat. Didn't feel like I had nearly enough time or info to place a vote. Stop being hyperbolic.
Mate, you claimed you had mechanical evidence of him being town. Spill it or no one is going to listen to you. I don't even think Kira is scum but like I'm so tired of reading about this.

I feel the exact same way bro.
I have said what I said. I am not naive enough to think people are going to take my word as law. I don't really care if I am believed as much as I care about the motives that I see. Which is getting lost in this to much. People like ekko and drprofessor who argued with me yesterday are throwing Kira to the yeet category because he is at least until maybe today and somewhat yesterday a lazy no effort push from game 2 in the sense that they are using the same logic as in game 2 itself. And given how the lynches went yeah I am susing that alot of it was mafia lead he got sussed in the first place.
Which 3 cycles mate. Please enlighten me. Am I anti-town because I believed Xadlin was town and I happened to be right about it? Day 3 I will give you. D1 maaaaybe but like most of that day I was just catching up with the game thread anyway and was not comfortable with a last minute switch to plat. Didn't feel like I had nearly enough time or info to place a vote. Stop being hyperbolic.
Day 1, Day 2, Day 3. You wasn't on the lynch table for any of them. It's why you were heavily discussed Day 4 as a possible candidate, and you defended yourself Day 4 claiming that you always play selfish and that you're more concerned with not dying. Now you're trying to revise history by claiming you only ducked the wagon for one phase - baloney.
Day 1, Day 2, Day 3. You wasn't on the lynch table for any of them. It's why you were heavily discussed Day 4 as a possible candidate, and you defended yourself Day 4 claiming that you always play selfish and that you're more concerned with not dying. Now you're trying to revise history by claiming you only ducked the wagon for one phase - baloney.
He's a selfish player concerned with his own life. He likes to play in a manner that is self preserving. However he's claiming he can avoid death with a lynch. Why would be too scared to get on the lynch then? Literally dissonant reasoning that betrays the character he's attempting to portray

He's a selfish player concerned with his own life. He likes to play in a manner that is self preserving. However he's claiming he can avoid death with a lynch. Why would be too scared to get on the lynch then? Literally dissonant reasoning that betrays the character he's attempting to portray

I have said what I said. I am not naive enough to think people are going to take my word as law. I don't really care if I am believed as much as I care about the motives that I see. Which is getting lost in this to much. People like ekko and drprofessor who argued with me yesterday are throwing Kira to the yeet category because he is at least until maybe today and somewhat yesterday a lazy no effort push from game 2 in the sense that they are using the same logic as in game 2 itself. And given how the lynches went yeah I am susing that alot of it was mafia lead he got sussed in the first place.
why do u keep twisting stuff
prof never said to actually lynch kira. he was just an execute candidate last day. and all the other execute candidates flipped town, so this looks pretty bad for kira
even if we said to lynch him, hes never priority over JW/hero/didi/sk who we wanted to yeet/clear first

ur twisting this to make it seem like we wanted to lynch kira out of everyone immediately and thats not true. i did not even post much last day, and dont recall mentioning kira at all if any. and even if we did he was not priority. not yesterday, not today.
why do u keep twisting stuff
prof never said to actually lynch kira. he was just an execute candidate last day. and all the other execute candidates flipped town, so this looks pretty bad for kira
even if we said to lynch him, hes never priority over JW/hero/didi/sk who we wanted to yeet/clear first

ur twisting this to make it seem like we wanted to lynch kira out of everyone immediately and thats not true. i did not even post much last day, and dont recall mentioning kira at all if any. and even if we did he was not priority. not yesterday, not today.
Why would he say lynch him when he was an execution candidate? Lynching an exe canidate would be sus to the extreme.

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