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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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Yeah but how does he kill him if hes his mate? Unless you mean bussing him for a lynch or to be vigged. Either way Lanji seemed concerned about his inactivity being unfair to the rest of the players too. I say unafiliated.
If they are both mafia, then no he wouldn't have killed Tinky - he just modkilled himself by telling Nitty he wouldn't play anymore, a la Ultra. Literally happened in our game lol. Then he puts this message on the body, and boom, town cred.
This is y i was asking nitty if the msg was dramatic flair on his part, with didi essentially annoying Tinky into asking for a mod kill

We know the msg is from someones ability tho
And Didi has shown to be able to put a note on a player for others to read when they visit them. So if he puts a note on a body that dies instead, then maybe this is how it shows up.
Yes, and if they were both mafia, then they would have a mafia chat outside the thread.
Yea thats wut i was thinking

Tinky asks for a mod kill, didi tries to get town credit for it

Then theres Baba throwing a wrench in this by claiming the kill. Unless it it was a super kill or tinky was already on 1 health it shouldnt have killed tinky tho
then why did it take so long to lynch WJ? we were focusing on others and letting wj go
that has nothing to do with what you said

you said everyone we call scum was *literally* town

the fact that wj, sin and iwan all got scumread and flipped NOT town means you're talking out of your ass
is there any reason to believe they wouldn’t? were u a later submitter?
No I don't think so but idfk when the phases end anymore. But I guess possibility of a modkill yk.

All I'm saying, is that nobody should get any town cred for killing a player who was outwardly saying he didn't want to play and wanted a sub, lol. Don't know how likely my theory is, but all the same. No credit here.

If you knew how my role worked, this would give me super town cred!!!!!
Never seen that as a rule in any game I've played. Haven't played in a number of years tho, so I dunno. Just don't want to dismiss this as a possibility is all. Didi and Bada shouldn't get any town cred for this.
Asking Nitty rn.
Seems like something you’d bring to your team as scum and not the entire thread. There was definitely some level of theater I think. Question is if it involved Didi lol.
Yep. I highly doubt he was engaging in distancing with Didi only for him to die and have a message saying Didi killed him. From what i saw last day phase Soul/Hero and I forgot who were main candidates for a lynch. Did I was nowhere near in danger so Ido what the play would be to attempt something like this for some town cred when its much more likely to backfire on you if people put 2 and 2 together.
I am playing a good vig game but shit always goes weird with my kills

1) Kills iwan, but it gets redirected onto a town. Then players execute Iwan and try to deny me my rightful credit. Then his death is also delayed which temporarily hides the fact that he is scum.
2) Kills Tinky Winky and then for some reason there is a weird message saying Didi killed him.

This shit is driving me nuts!
Did I was nowhere near in danger so Ido what the play would be to attempt something like this for some town cred when its much more likely to backfire on you if people put 2 and 2 together.
Didi’s flip has just been a matter of time lol. He’s always in danger but making it by bc someone else always has priority lol.
and that's not even close to everything that I can do, tyvm ;(
Also Bada when people think that his role could be indie:
Also wuts up with iwan

It said hed be lynched at a later time

He didnt post last dp so hes not in the running to be lynched, but hes also not an option for execution

This is some bullshit :scoobysus
Bada has suggested two ideas:

1) Maybe Iwan survives for one cycle. Group 2 didn't get their last night phase, so maybe got extended?
2) Maybe Iwan needs to be roleblocked or crushed to remove a passive ability that is keeping him around?
Also wuts up with iwan

It said hed be lynched at a later time

He didnt post last dp so hes not in the running to be lynched, but hes also not an option for execution

This is some bullshit :scoobysus

Like I said, I'm pretty sure he dies either once this day phase ends or once next night phase ends - depending on how Nitty is counting the phases. I'm pretty sure his survival is for 1 cycle. However, thread merge likely gave him another activation of it so that makes him survive for 2 cycles.

If he lives beyond that then I have no fucking clue.

Also Bada when people think that his role could be indie:

yo did you even see oddjutsu's role

i made a deal w santi last night

in exchange for giving him an ability of mine when i die

he would investigate someone for me

he should be here promptly

if it's someone we already investigated I'm going to scream
Asking Nitty rn.

Yep. I highly doubt he was engaging in distancing with Didi only for him to die and have a message saying Didi killed him. From what i saw last day phase Soul/Hero and I forgot who were main candidates for a lynch. Did I was nowhere near in danger so Ido what the play would be to attempt something like this for some town cred when its much more likely to backfire on you if people put 2 and 2 together.
You're missing my point though. Even if he couldn't target his teammate with a kill, he could have still left the message on the body. If you've been reading game 2, you'd know that Didi has been suspected of being mafia from the get go basically. Not that strange for him to want to get town cred.
This makes Didi suspicious why post it in the write up if he kills a scum? Why not reveal it himself?

I am just saying if he was looking for cred it could’ve been done in a less obvious manner and as I said Tinky appeared genuine in his anger, the one directed at Didi too.
he claimed it's just part of his ability he also claimed to be a cop. but with how these roles are I don't find it too strange to be a cop/vig

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