[Active - Magical - Let's Play a Game] - During the night, Cheth can challlenge another player to see who can get the most lynch votes the next day. Cheth wouldn't want to accidentally get lynched, so he will also protect himself against lynching for that day. If Cheth gets more votes, he will mark his opponent with [Sore Loser]. If Cheth's opponent gets the most votes, he will mark them with [To the Victor Go the Spoils] and [Terrestrial Temper Tantrum].
[Sore Loser] - Cheth is happily celebrating this player's defeat, redirecting kills used against him to them and weakening one of their abilities. This mark expires at the end of the night.
[To the Victor Go the Spoils] - Cheth is begrudgingly celebrating this player's victory, protecting them and himself against kills and improving one of this player's abilities. This mark expires at the end of the night.
[Terrestrial Temper Tantrum] - Cheth is furious that this player beat him in a game. This mark expires at the end of the next night.
[Two Shot Active - Tactical - Put My Tentacle on the Scales] - Cheth can rig the results of his own game to choose which mark is applied to his opponent, regardless of who gets the most votes that day. Cheth will also protect himself against roleblocks for that cycle. Cheth cannot use this ability 2 cycles in a row, and if Cheth is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain 2 more charges of this ability.
[Passive - Five thousand years ago, the god of death fell into the Candlelight Sea] - Cheth is the fallen god of death. If the player Cheth uses [Let's Play a Game] on dies that day then Cheth will be empowered, protecting him against roleblocks for the rest of the cycle. Cheth will also still mark the his dead opponent with [Sore Loser], redirecting kills used against Cheth to them for the rest of the cycle. Cheth will curse their corpse, poisoning anyone he successfully redirects to them.
[Active - Magical - When your friends wake up, they'll see the fate you've won for them] - During the night, Cheth can curse one player marked by [Terrestrial Temper Tantrum] to isolate them. If Cheth uses this ability on a player marked by [To the Victor Go the Spoils], he will stop protecting them.