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Game Favorites '22 - THE FINALS (purple mafia wins!)

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it doesn’t align with his 2 person claim either

steam picks up on didi (guy who was targeting him and vice versa with no real end point) and he goes out on a limb to owner
yea seems odd
if only i can vote silence 2 players. roleblock my visitors, see who visit me and have a full watcher/tracker ability which btw is weird asfk how u know rej not only targeted me, but also protected me. i need an answer for this actually. u not only track/watch but also learn type of ability used. who else did u use that on other than trying to establish a non existent scum tie between me and rej

and i did not forget, even tho it looked super dumb u were pushing for me and rej as scum when sin was getting lynched. fine with you being executed tbh
I answered it, I know people who target people I target it's that simple/
it doesn’t align with his 2 person claim either

steam picks up on didi (guy who was targeting him and vice versa with no real end point) and he goes out on a limb to owner
i scum read owner since day 1

didi/hero can go too yeah, after owner. just vig them tonight on sight

forget about me and tell me what u think about owner
uhh idk about that one girl. Did you see my post about him?

Also, can you give me your town reads and scum reads you have in group 1? and any from group 2 if you have? Much appreciated.
i will think at it

I will make a reads post and @ you with it when I have some time to put together my thoughts

if only i can vote silence 2 players. roleblock my visitors, see who visit me and have a full watcher/tracker ability which btw is weird asfk how u know rej not only targeted me, but also protected me. i need an answer for this actually. u not only track/watch but also learn type of ability used. who else did u use that on other than trying to establish a non existent scum tie between me and rej

and i did not forget, even tho it looked super dumb u were pushing for me and rej as scum when sin was getting lynched. fine with you being executed tbh
I don't follow, how is scum ability by default what I bolded?
i scum read owner since day 1

didi/hero can go too yeah, after owner. just vig them tonight on sight

forget about me and tell me what u think about owner
her posts never particularly felt scummy, it always felt like she was saying something. always participated in the main wagon. despite claiming she was busy for the day she would still attempt to check in the thread and or read, etc.

her interaction with her thinking you’re lying felt genuine. i think it’s possible to see when a player is or isn’t confident when the other person is right or wrong

for instance with me and laix, it never felt like he had confidence in himself in anything he said. all of the place and felt shook, etc. owner seemed pretty sure that you were either lying or incorrect
her posts never particularly felt scummy, it always felt like she was saying something. always participated in the main wagon. despite claiming she was busy for the day she would still attempt to check in the thread and or read, etc.

her interaction with her thinking you’re lying felt genuine. i think it’s possible to see when a player is or isn’t confident when the other person is right or wrong

for instance with me and laix, it never felt like he had confidence in himself in anything he said. all of the place and felt shook, etc. owner seemed pretty sure that you were either lying or incorrect
i didnt reveal anything to her. she cant be sure of anything cuz i did not reveal anything intentionally until she speaks first. she was just caught in a lie, plain and simple. thats how u play info role
i scum read owner since day 1

didi/hero can go too yeah, after owner. just vig them tonight on sight

forget about me and tell me what u think about owner
I town read you for that post you tagged all of us but now I think you wouldn't be alive if you are town.
It's simple logic but it works 99%
This comes off as super fake btw.
This comes off as super agenda-y with all the defense on Ekko and Rej you put each day.
i didnt reveal anything to her. she cant be sure of anything cuz i did not reveal anything intentionally until she speaks first. she was just caught in a lie, plain and simple. thats how u play info role
why are you assuming she has to tell you everything she does because you tracked her though

how do you know she knows you know everything? maybe you didn’t and you wanted her to admit it for confirmation, etc.

you’re tunneling too hard on someone hiding information to either protect themselves, avoid being framed (happened to melodie iirc), etc.

i claimed mechanical info on laix but it turned out to be that i countered him and got part of his role. i lied about it and then told the truth because this is a game of information and not everyone it entitled to it, lest they use it against you
I town read you for that post you tagged all of us but now I think you wouldn't be alive if you are town.
It's simple logic but it works 99%

This comes off as super agenda-y with all the defense on Ekko and Rej you put each day.
i was already targeted by a superkill mich
i have nothing to lose

i dont care about that town read. and me tagging everyone is NAI, so hopefully not ur only reason to town read me mich
1 scum received (correct me if i am wrong) the exes scum abilities back
2 Laix said purple team had 8 memebers alive

What would we do with these infos?
wait laix gave out that info?
so there r 3 more left assuming iwan was purple

JW basically just outed purple

2 more in hero/didi/sk/kira

badalight claims killing tinky. he is confirmed with kill power since he shot iwan and it went to firestormer and firestormer claimed losing a life
wait laix gave out that info?
so there r 3 more left assuming iwan was purple

JW basically just outed purple

2 more in hero/didi/sk/kira

badalight claims killing tinky. he is confirmed with kill power since he shot iwan and it went to firestormer and firestormer claimed losing a life
No, Laix was saying they had 8 alive. So 11-12 members depending if Iwan counts as alive lol.
1 scum received (correct me if i am wrong) the exes scum abilities back
2 Laix said purple team had 8 memebers alive

What would we do with these infos?

what the fuck how do he know this

and is this what got him killed

wait laix gave out that info?
so there r 3 more left assuming iwan was purple

JW basically just outed purple

2 more in hero/didi/sk/kira

badalight claims killing tinky. he is confirmed with kill power since he shot iwan and it went to firestormer and firestormer claimed losing a life

Ok stop the paranoia everyone. Laix said he got a message on the last night of being in Group 1, stating that Purple mafia had 8 members left. We were still in group 1, so there's no way this info could have been given to him from a player in our game. It was just a message from the person who kept messaging people about the Holy Roman Empire conversion thing to sow chaos. It's nothing.
wait laix gave out that info?
so there r 3 more left assuming iwan was purple

JW basically just outed purple

2 more in hero/didi/sk/kira

badalight claims killing tinky. he is confirmed with kill power since he shot iwan and it went to firestormer and firestormer claimed losing a life
No sir, 8 alive yday and we don't TMI Iwan scum before his flip, so we have 8 minus tinky, we have 7 purple scum.

Now that's a decent number to think at
Ok stop the paranoia everyone. Laix said he got a message on the last night of being in Group 1, stating that Purple mafia had 8 members left. We were still in group 1, so there's no way this info could have been given to him from a player in our game. It was just a message from the person who kept messaging people about the Holy Roman Empire conversion thing to sow chaos. It's nothing.
Then why he died?
laix role

[Active - Magical - Let's Play a Game] -
During the night, Cheth can challlenge another player to see who can get the most lynch votes the next day. Cheth wouldn't want to accidentally get lynched, so he will also protect himself against lynching for that day. If Cheth gets more votes, he will mark his opponent with [Sore Loser]. If Cheth's opponent gets the most votes, he will mark them with [To the Victor Go the Spoils] and [Terrestrial Temper Tantrum].

[Sore Loser] - Cheth is happily celebrating this player's defeat, redirecting kills used against him to them and weakening one of their abilities. This mark expires at the end of the night.

[To the Victor Go the Spoils] - Cheth is begrudgingly celebrating this player's victory, protecting them and himself against kills and improving one of this player's abilities. This mark expires at the end of the night.

[Terrestrial Temper Tantrum] - Cheth is furious that this player beat him in a game. This mark expires at the end of the next night.

[Two Shot Active - Tactical - Put My Tentacle on the Scales] - Cheth can rig the results of his own game to choose which mark is applied to his opponent, regardless of who gets the most votes that day. Cheth will also protect himself against roleblocks for that cycle. Cheth cannot use this ability 2 cycles in a row, and if Cheth is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain 2 more charges of this ability.

[Passive - Five thousand years ago, the god of death fell into the Candlelight Sea] - Cheth is the fallen god of death. If the player Cheth uses [Let's Play a Game] on dies that day then Cheth will be empowered, protecting him against roleblocks for the rest of the cycle. Cheth will also still mark the his dead opponent with [Sore Loser], redirecting kills used against Cheth to them for the rest of the cycle. Cheth will curse their corpse, poisoning anyone he successfully redirects to them.

[Active - Magical - When your friends wake up, they'll see the fate you've won for them] - During the night, Cheth can curse one player marked by [Terrestrial Temper Tantrum] to isolate them. If Cheth uses this ability on a player marked by [To the Victor Go the Spoils], he will stop protecting them.

dude has no census ability lol
if someone gifted one to him they shud claim it
laix role

dude has no census ability lol
if someone gifted one to him they shud claim it
read my posts man. Someone sent him a message through the host saying purple mafia had 8 members left. This was prior to the game merging, and it fits the MO of the messages being sent around earlier to sow chaos. It's nothing. Its non-information.
No sir, 8 alive yday and we don't TMI Iwan scum before his flip, so we have 8 minus tinky, we have 7 purple scum.

Now that's a decent number to think at
best i can do is 4. take it or leave it

nitty doesnt do lots of mafia in his games. few strong roles is where its at

we can discuss this after 4 flip and game doesnt end yeah
Ok stop the paranoia everyone. Laix said he got a message on the last night of being in Group 1, stating that Purple mafia had 8 members left. We were still in group 1, so there's no way this info could have been given to him from a player in our game. It was just a message from the person who kept messaging people about the Holy Roman Empire conversion thing to sow chaos. It's nothing.
was this person town aligned? have u guys found them yet

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